Simple Origins

An Airport Meeting

The group of twelve boys headed towards the booked hotel, star-struck eyes widening as they approached. The exterior of the hotel was stunning, beautiful and sophisticated. The interior lobby had marble floors and wood paneled walls, with a huge curved ceiling peppered with sky lights. The result resembled a modernized urban version of the domed Pantheon.

Many people stared at the group as they walked in. The women flushed and whispered amongst themselves, admiring the boys from a distance. The boys ignored them in favor of securing a hotel room, allowing Mr. Yakuza a.k.a Kris to do the talking.

As Kris led the pack towards and into the room, the boys scampered off in different directions to explore their suite. Yixing and Junmyeon found themselves in the living room, the beige, dark brown, and cream colors emitting sophistication.

Luhan and Minseok kept going and found themselves in a large bedroom with a two queen sized beds. The maroon walls and bright paintings on the wall created a jazzy feeling while the spacious white-and-gold themed bathroom next door radiated royalty.

Sehun and Kai arrived at the other bedroom with two queen beds. This room had a variety of colors splatter painted on the walls, turquoise and cherry to lime green and tangerine, leading to a rather cheerful effect.

Baekhyun and Tao wandered into the third and final bedroom. This was the largest, with a floor length glass window overlooking the city of San Francisco. When the two finally tore their gaze from the breathtaking view, their mouths parted at the simple elegance of the room. The walls were painted a pale blue with a light wood floor. Swirling designs on the wall made an entrancing pattern that twirled through the walls, wispy tendrils curling into the corners.

The adjacent bathroom was painted a deep blue color. Cobalt and turquoise rippled across the walls to create an illusion of the ocean while the pearly lights emitted a luminescent glow.

Chanyeol and Kris walked into the kitchen which contained several modern appliances and cooking necessities. Meanwhile, Kyungsoo and Jongdae found themselves together in an office with a large urbane desk occupying most of the room. Kyungsoo swore there was a distinctly 'office and printer' smell in the room.

Finally, the boys regrouped in the main room. Several words were exchanged within the groups.

“How are we supposed to pay for this?”

"What should we do now?"

"Holy this is fancy."

And an unimpressed, "I'm hungry."

At this time, Kris started speaking. “So, how about we introduce ourselves and give a short intro? We might as well get to know each other if we’re going to be staying together.”

“Sure, I’m Luhan. I'm 19 and live in Seoul.”

“I’m Sehun, and I’m 18. I love to dance and I model on the side!”

“Uh...I’m Yixing and I’m living in Seoul to study psychology.” Yixing said shyly.

“I’m Junmyeon and I live in Seoul. I'm pre-med.” Junmyeon introduced while beaming.

“I’m Kai and I’m 18. I'm a dance major.”

“I’m Baekhyun and I also live in Seoul. I love singing; that’s how I met Luhan.”

“I’m Tao and I live with Luhan, Baekhyun, and my group of friends in Seoul.”

“I’m Chanyeol and I'm an early education major.”

“I’m Kyungsoo and I live with Luhan and the guys. I'm working towards becoming a chef.”

“I’m Jongdae. I sing.”

“I’m Minseok and sadly I have to deal with these idiots all the time.”

“And finally, I’m Kris and I'm studying international business. I’m Canadian, Chinese, and Korean and can speak all three/four languages.”

“So we’re all from Seoul?” Luhan asked.

Several people nodded and said yes in affirmation.

“So, what should we do? Does anyone have any idea about tourist attractions in San Francisco?” Tao asked.

Kris nodded while holding up several brochures that he had gotten from the lobby.

Suddenly, Sehun piped, " Hey I have an idea. How about we pair up with someone in the other group and then go with them rather than travel in one large group? That way we can also get to know the other people.”

Baekhyun dryly thought that the only reason why Sehun suggested this was so that he could be paired with Luhan. It was all playing out like a stereotypical drama.

“Sure, that sounds like a pretty good idea.” Luhan said. Sehun’s heart swelled, happy that Luhan would want to pair up with someone from the other team--namely himself.

 “How are we going to do it though?” Junmyeon asked.

“Well, we can write the numbers 1-6 on sheets of paper. Then repeat it so that there are two 1’s, two 2’s and so on. Then whoever draws number 1 will be paired with the other number 1.” Yixing suggested.

Several nods came from across the room.

“Okay, so who has paper and a pen?” Kris asked.

“I do!” Tao replied, quickly scampering to his bags.

“Okay then,” Kris said while rubbing his hands together, “Let’s start this thing.”

Kris quickly wrote down the numbers on the small sheets of paper, then folded them up and tossed them in a hat. “Choose your number guys.”

The members all chose their slips of paper and sat back down. Some of them shivered in anticipation (Sehun) while others looked completely and utterly bored. Tao subtly tried to look at other's slip of paper, which earned him several whacks on the head.

“Who got number 1?”

Junmyeon and Yixing tentatively raised their hands, nervously smiling at each other.

“Number 2?”

Baekhyun and Chanyeol raised their hands. Both of them grinned like crazy lunatics. They tried to hide their obvious smiles but both completely failed; meaning that everyone else in the room could see their expressions. The others suppressed grins as they mentally laughed at the duo, wondering if it was love at first sight, or if they simple knew each other before.

“What about Number 3?”

Minseok and Jongdae raised their hands. They looked at each other, waved, then settled back into the couch.

“Number 4?”

Luhan raised his hand while Sehun feverishly prayed, Please let me be the other number 4. Please.  He started unfolding his slip of paper. In his distracted state of mind, he didn’t realize he had whispered the statement out loud, and also didn't see Kai's dangerous smirk on his face.

Kai thought, Sehun likes Luhan? That was the guy that I wanted to be paired with too.

“No, no. I’m number 5. Why? W h y ? ?” Sehun quietly moaned before thrashing on the couch (Mentally of course. It would've been so awkward had he physically done that.)

“Who is the other number 4?” Suho repeated.

Kai looked down at his slip of paper. The number 4 was written on it.

“I am.” Kai replied.

Luhan gently smiled at Kai. Kai grinned back. I guess luck is on my side after all.

Sehun whispered to him. “You want to trade numbers with me?”


“Well, who got number 5?”

Sehun and Kyungsoo raised their hands. Sehun pouted while Kyungsoo stared. Kai looked at Kyungsoo with interest. Kyungsoo felt a sensation of being watched before meeting Kai's gaze. He flushed before looking down. He looked back up to find that Kai had already turned away.

Why was he staring at me? He seems like a arrogant prick. I mean, look at him. Look at those jeans, they practically do nothing to cover his legs they're that ripped for God's sake. Who wears ripped jeans onto airplanes? Douchebags, that's who. Kyungsoo, don't be swayed by that lean body and tousled hair and full lips--wait, lips? What the hell am I thinking?

“So I guess that Tao and I are number 6?” Kris asked.


“Cool. Okay, so we can go and choose the places where we want to go now. I’ll explain the different places that they recommend. You guys can go choose the ones that you want to visit. Decide with your partners, okay? I don’t want you guys to act like kindergartners.”

“Psshh...How old do you think we are? 2?” Baekhyun asked indignantly.

“Baekhyun, I'm pretty sure kindergartners are older than two." Kyungsoo whispered.

"I know that. I was just exaggerating, okay?"

"Wait, but--" Chanyeol started, before making incoherent noises and moving his hands around as if he he actually believed kindergartners were two. Kris just face-palmed before whacking Chanyeol on the head with a magazine. The rest cracked up at Chanyeol's antics.

"I seriously wonder about your sanity sometimes," Kris muttered while shaking his head. 

"Wow, rude what did I ever do to you," Chanyeol huffed while the others quietly laugh.

Kris grinned. “Anyways, as I was saying, I’ll read some of these brochures and tell you what sounds interesting."

“Okay, so there’s Fisherman’s Wharf, a pier type thing that sells seafood; Union Square, a huge shopping center; Ghirardelli Square, they sell their famouschocolate and there's a small shopping center near a bay with a trolley nearby; Golden Gate Park, a park-beach-nature reserve hybrid; Alcatraz, an old time prison in the sea; Sausalito, a scenic town surrounded by the ocean; and Chinatown. Finally, there’s the Golden Gate Bridge."

"How about we all get back around 6:00 and go to the Golden Gate Bridge together?” Yixing suggested.

"Sure. Each pair should go to the place that they chose and then meet here at 6:30, okay?” Junmyeon said.

“Cool! So should we choose now?” Tao asked.

“Yeah sure, talk with your partners.”


“Kris, let’s go to Union Square. I want to go shopping at the stores there. Do you know how many chances there are in a lifetime to go to these shops firsthand? One. Just one. o. n. e. And, oh my god, what if I meet someone hot and we totally hit it off? Okay, I've decided let's do it. Yes?” Tao said in one rush. He had talked so fast that Kris was reminded of an ice cream truck careening downhill. Or perhaps a little boy hyped up on sugar.

Kris laughed and replied, “Sure, let’s go there.”

“You are the best. Bros?” Tao exclaimed as he held out his fist for a fist bump. Kris started laughing at his mental image of Tao being a fangirl screaming for her favorite idol.  This boy is pretty interesting. When I first met him I thought he would be cold and stoic, but he acts like a little child--and a hyper one at that.

"You know, you're actually not that scary! Luhan-ge told me that you were the son of a yakyza, so I got really scared when I was paired with you." Tao piped.

"Wh-what?" Kris spluttered. "Where'd he get that idea from?"

Tao shrugged. "Luhan-ge has a really big imagination. If you know what I mean," Tao added with a suggestive eyebrow raise. Kris shuddered and turned to look at Luhan. They met gazes for a moment before Luhan squeaked and quickly whipped his head back around before Kris could attempt to murder him.

Kris chuckled before looking at Tao.

"Tell him I'm not only a son of a really famous yakuza, I also have connections to really dangerous people who could murder him just like that." Kris said while snapping his fingers.

Tao laughed and gave a thumbs up. "You've got it."

Kris smiled. "You know, you're not that scary either."

Tao smiled. "I know. A lot of people think I am, but I'm really not. Luhan sometimes calls me a 'squishy panda' or ' baby' and I guess I sort of am one." 

Kris chuckled again. "I think you're more like a six year old hyped up on sugar."

Tao squawked indignantly before whacking Kris on the shoulder.


Meanwhile, Junmyeon and Yixing were deciding where to go.

“Hey Junmyeon, we should go to Sausalito. I always wondered what life on a little town would be like.” Yixing suggested.

“Sure, I also wanted to go there.” Junmyeon replied with a happy smile on his face. Well, that was easy.


“Kai, let's go to Ghirardelli Square. I want—no, need to go eat all the chocolates and deserts there. It seems like a really nice place. Can we please go there?” Luhan asked with puppy dog eyes.

Kai felt his heart stutter but managed a smile, “Sure.”

Luhan whooped before practically squealing. “You’re the best Kai!”

Kai secretly giggled (emphasis on the secretly part. God forbid Luhan actually see him giggle) before turning back, “No problem. And Jesus, calm down.”

Luhan pouted but quickly grinned again to show he was kidding. Sehun pouted and sulked in his corner as he watched the scene, wishing he were paired up with Luhan.


“Um, where do you want to go Sehun?” Kyungsoo asked.

“I don’t really know.” He replied.

“Well, in that case, can we go to Fisherman’s Wharf? The food sounds amazing there, and I really like cooking, and know...” Kyungsoo trailed.

Sehun smiled at Kyungsoo’s embarrassment. “Yeah, sure.”

Kyungsoo beamed at him, “Thanks!”

Sehun laughed. I might just enjoy my time with Kyungsoo.


“So…where do you want to go?” Jongdae asked Minseok.

“I don’t really care. Let’s go to the Golden Gate Park. It seems fun.” Minseok said.

“Sure… That seems nice.” Jongdae replied in a bored voice.

“Okay.” Minseok drawled. Jongdae inwardly smiled but kept his face blank.


“Baekhyun, let’s go to Alcatraz!” Chanyeol said ecstatically, “It seems creepy and cold and so much fun!”

 Baekhyun complained, “But why? Why can’t we go to some place normal?”

“You know I'm not normal Baekhyun. Come on, it’ll be fun.” Chanyeol pleaded.

Baekhyun sighed, “Fine.”

Chanyeol yelled in an extremely loud voice while jumping on Baekhyun, scaring the out of him. "Thank you so much!”


“So, are we all done?” Kris asked. The groups nodded.

“Okay, so since we all know where we're going and seem so excited about it, let's get going. Make sure you bring money and your phones. Oh wait! Let’s trade phone numbers so we can all contact each other.” Junmyeon said.

After doing so, Junmyeon continued, “Okay then! Make sure you bring enough money in case you need extra! Bring a jacket in case it gets cold or rainy! Make sure you don’t lose anything, including your partner! And make sure you get back here by 6:30!”

“Yes umma.” They replied.

Junmyeon spluttered at his new nickname. “I am not your mom.”

“Well you sound like it.” Tao replied with a grin on his face while Luhan snickered quietly in the background.

“Alright alright. Anyways, since we’re all ready, let’s go!” Kris said.

The boys cheered before running out of the room.


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Yomewo #1
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
Chapter 9: author-nim please update soon.. Fighting!!
exodeerlu #3
MaknaeJongie #4
Chapter 9: Omg you had me scared for a minute there lol I was wondering why everyone had such crappy luck and got beat up. At least it was only Jongin XD My poor bb tsk he's so careless. I hope they all get reunited soon though!
Thanks for updating~ ^^
Ahhhhhh the poll options omg how to pickkkk
But thanks for putting my option up on the poll!! Unfortunately ChanLu is so rare I don't think many people will vote for it :-/ I hope you can write it sometime in the future though :3
MaknaeJongie #5
Chapter 8: ChanLu fluff (Chanyeol thought EXO was a co-ed group when he first met Luhan.) ^^
Chapter 8: OWH MY HUNHAN!! FINALLY!!! they are always so sweet and fluffy~ they do not even need to try to be cute~ HAHAHA!! so cute here~
-intothenewworld- #8
Chapter 8: for linking you have two choices. you can use html in Source mode. you can google "html linking". however if you are in Rich Text mode, you have to use the link button. you highlight the text you want "Christina Perri... etc" then you press the button with the globe and chainlink on it in the editing bar. it should be next to the color text options. then you paste the link url where it says link url. i hope this helped :D
nksabrina2112 #9
anyway new reader here~
your fanfic is just toooooon cute you know!!! <3