First Impressions

An Airport Meeting

The beginning of the ride was awkward to say the least. Luhan was afraid of talking to Kai, thinking him 'a cool-kid-who's-too-cool-to-talk-to-anyone-else' while Kai was nervous because of his frightening urges to squeal about Luhan's button nose, thick fluttery eyelashes, flushed cheeks, and, wait. What was he even thinking?

He quickly shook his head to clear his mind of his slightly disturbing thoughts.


Calm down Kai, try to act normal. Okay?

But I want to pinch his cheeks!

No you don’t. That’s really weird. You don’t want to seem like a creeper do you?

No… But I can’t resist it! He’s too cute.

No stop. Get your mind out of the gutter.

NO! LA-di-Doo-Di-Mi-La-Li-Lo-Ah!

What the hell are you doing now?

I'm.. Singing! S-I-N-G-I-N-G

Wow, congratulations you can spell.

Stop it. Shut up brain.


Kai was thankfully broken out from his reverie by a careful prod.

"Um, Hi! I'm Luhan and you're Kai right? Let's meet each other properly."

Kai smiled before sticking out a hand, "Nice to meet you! I'm glad I was paired with you rather than Kyungsoo. He looked really scared of me for some reason."

Luhan blinked in surprise. That was more words than he expected Kai to speak for the entire trip.

"Um, is there something wrong? Why aren't you speaking to me? Do you not like me? Did I make a bad first impression?" Kai asked, staring at Luhan and expecting an answer.

Luhan blinked again before tilting his head. "Well...I'm a naturally judging person, so based on your appearances, I categorized all of you and gave you guys nicknames. So, I thought you were going to be really...well, to put it nicely, quiet and uptight."

Kai grinned. "How would you say it rudely?"

"Arrogant prick or a cool-kid-who-thinks-he's-too-cool-to-talk-to-anyone-else."

Wow, based on your appearance, I definitely didn't expect that from you.

Kai burst out laughing. "I like you. You're honest. Most people would be too embarrassed and scared to say that."

Luhan flushed. "I guess sometimes I don't think. I can be very blunt at times."

Kai chuckled again before nodding. "What were the other nicknames you gave us?"

Luhan grinned at the opportunity to show off his creativity. "Chanyeol was 'Spazz-yeol' (at this Kai burst out laughing again), Kris was 'Potential Mafia Boss's Son', and Junmyeon was 'Normal Person Number 1' but became 'Uma' after his lecture. Jongdae was 'Normal Person Number 2' and Sehun was 'Stone-face' or 'Puppy-guy.' That's pretty much it. Now, stop laughing at me."

Kai just continued to guffaw loudly, slapping the seat with one hand and holding his stomach with the other. The other passengers on the bus turned around to stare at them. Luhan smiled sweetly before waving them off, turning back to Kai.

"Can you please stop Kai, they're all staring at us." Luhan pleaded, shaking his shoulders.

Kai continued to spazz and laugh, saying "I can't--I just can't--" before dissolving into yet another fit of giggles and sniggers.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Kai managed to stop, eyes b with tears and joy.

"Holy , you are amazing Luhan. Do you do this to everyone you meet?"

Luhan replied with a straight face, "Yes. And should I name you 'Spazz-Kai' instead now?"

Kai grinned before shaking his head. "Nope, 'Hot-stuff' is better."

Luhan blushed. "No, I'm not calling you that, you weirdo. I'll probably just keep the nickname of 'Arrogant Prick.' "

Kai stopped smiling before assuming an insulted face. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he tackled Luhan.

"You want to die? Huh, Luhan? You want to? No one calls me 'Arrogant Prick' or 'Douchebag' and survives to tell the tale." He yelled before tickling Luhan and jabbing him in the stomach until Luhan couldn't even make any sound, he was laughing so hard.

"Okay okay, I'll call you whatever you want, just--ahaha--stop tickling me." Luhan surrendered.

"Okay," Kai said before getting up and smiling brightly."Call me babe."

Luhan's jaw dropped before flushing a shade of strawberry red. "No, that's even weirder than hot stuff. I'm not going to."

"Are you saying you want me to tickle you again?" Kai said, menacingly holding up his hands. 

Luhan quickly shook his head. "I'm good. I'll call you babe."

Kai grinned a gleaming smile before giving two thumbs up. Luhan just sighed and pouted at the window.

Finally, they arrived at Ghirardelli Square.

“Come on babe, let’s go! Hurry!” Luhan yelled as he slipped his hand into Kai’s and dragged him along.

Kai felt a faint flush creeping onto his cheeks as he grabbed onto Luhan’s hand. Luhan was calling him babe, and they were holding hands; it was as if they were a couple.

When they finally arrived at Ghirardelli Square, they were overwhelmed by the beautiful sight.  A winding path led from the busy roads to Ghirardelli square. On one side was a grassy meadow which led to a small beach along the gently lapping waters of San Francisco Bay. On the other side, a cobble stone path led to the various shops surrounding Ghirardelli. A few tables and benches surrounded the area to form a pleasant sitting area. As Luhan and Kai entered the square, it seemed as if the entire area had been taken out of an old-time fairytale.

“This place is so beautiful! ing gorgeous it is. I wish I had my camera.” Luhan said.

Kai looked around and couldn’t help but agree with Luhan. “Yeah. It really is beautiful."

“Come on! Let’s go and buy some drinks and chocolate from the shop! It looks so good!” Luhan said in a childish voice.

"Not calling me babe anymore?" Kai asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up," Luhan said while slapping his head. "I thought you were being serious for once."

Kai grinned before winking. "I'm never serious."


As they walked into the small shop, a small enchanted smile stole across their faces, brightening their eyes and flushing their cheeks.

“It smells so good! And it’s so warm and cozy in here!” Kai said in pure happiness.

“I know. It's so nice and sweet. I chose a good spot, didn't I? Now, what do you say to me?” Luhan asked with a teasing smile on his face.

Kai blankly stared at him. “Thanks? But do you think I’m a kid or something? ‘What do you say to me now?’ That’s what little kids say.”

“Humph. Well if you’re going to be a party pooper, then I won’t talk to you.”

“Seriously?” Kai shook his head with an amused smile on his face. “I’m sorry, okay? Be a little kid, you’re cuter that way.”

Luhan blushed before looking away. “Do you really think I’m cute?” Luhan bashfully asked.

Kai smiled at the endearing scene. You look even cuter now with that blush on your face. “Nope! I was kidding.”

Luhan pouted, “Hey! That was mean!” He stuck out his tongue. “Meanie. I'm going to add that to your nickname. You are now 'Mean Arrogant Prick'--I mean, babe.” Luhan quickly corrected when he saw Kai hold up his hands again.

Kai laughed and patted his head. “I was kidding, you really are cute.”

When Luhan heard this, he flushed again, tingeing his cheeks with a faint pink.

“No one’s told me that before.” He mumbled in a quiet voice.

“Seriously? I thought you were cute the second I saw you!” Kai said incredulously.

"Really? So, what was my nickname?" Luhan asked excitedly.

Kai pursed his lips in thought, "Well, I didn't really think of a nickname, but I guess you'd be 'Dolly' or 'Prince-who-shows-up-in-shoujo-mangas' or 'Baby Deer.' How about you call me Babe and I'll call you Baby Deer."

Luhan wrinkled his nose. "Ew. No thank you. How about just deer?"

Kai grinned before cooing, "Aww, you want me to call you dear? That's sweet."

Luhan flushed a violent red before widening his eyes and shaking his hands. "No, how about Baby instead?"

Kai grinned again. "Alright baby."

Luhan face palmed. "I really don't have choice, do I?"

Kai flashed a blinding smile before shaking his head. "Nope, you don't."

Luhan pouted before suddenly grinned again. "But Kai, you read shoujo mangas? That's so cute!" Luhan squealed.

Kai slightly blushed--yes, blushed---before saying, "Well, yeah. They're interesting. And I'm still calling you Baby."

Luhan crossed his arms and harumphed before sniffing and turning his head away.

Kai smiled before pulling on Luhan's arm. “Let’s go pick out our chocolates, okay baby? Then we can go in line and go buy the drinks. I can’t read English very well, so I guess we’ll just have to randomly choose one.”

“I can read English pretty well. I’ll help you choose!” Luhan cheerily replied, choosing to ignore the fact that Kai had called him baby, again (the impudence of that guy was astounding.)

The two went to go choose a package of chocolates. Since neither of them could choose, they decided to buy two different samplers packs that they could share with their friends.

After the two were satisfied with their choices, they waited in line to purchase the chocolate and buy drinks. As they stood in line, the two occupied themselves with talking and of course, teasing each other. Luhan found that Kai loved to dance anything, whether it was Ballet, Hip Hop, Modern, or Jazz. He wanted to become a professional dancer and attended Seoul University.

Kai found that Luhan also went to Seoul University. He loved singing and dancing, but was going to major in photography. Luhan even eventually got used to Kai calling him baby and Kai finally convinced Luhan to casually (not really) call him babe.

Soon, they reached the beginning of the line.

“What would you guys like to order today?” The barista asked while leaning over the counter and batting her eyelashes. Luhan and Kai awkwardly glanced at each other before deciding to ignore her flirts.

“I would like a hot fudge sundae.” Luhan said.

“Hot chocolate.” Kai said.

“Your orders are coming right up. Please wait over there.” The waitress said as she gestured towards the counter. She sighed when they walked away without sparing her a single glance.

Soon, Luhan and Kai got their drinks and headed towards the nearby beach. They sat down on a stone ledge near the water, a light breeze ruffling their hair. Sighing contentedly, they watched the foaming crescent waves in the ocean and the gathering storm clouds. Suddenly Luhan shivered, feeling cold. Being the smooth guy he was, Kai quickly shrugged his jacket off and put it on Luhan’s shoulders.

“Thanks babe," Luhan easily replied, "By the way, it looks as if a storm is coming. You know, I heard it rains a lot in San Francisco.” Kai completely disregarded the last comment and internally screamed, realizing that Luhan had called him babe again.

Coming out of his reverie, he looked up to see dark storm clouds amassing in the overcast sky. He checked his watch and was surprised to realize it was already 4:50. The time spent in Ghirardelli Square had passed by really fast.

Reluctantly he got up, “Luhan we should probably go since it seems like it’s going to rain soon. We forgot to bring umbrellas, so it’d be really bad to be caught in this weather.”

Luhan nodded, and smiled towards the endless sea and back drop of the Golden Gate Bridge wreathed in fog. Kai noticed Luhan's gentle smile, and automatically smiled too. Together, they enjoyed the simple moment before slowly, and almost reluctantly turning back into the direction they came from.




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Yomewo #1
Chapter 9: Please update!!!
Chapter 9: author-nim please update soon.. Fighting!!
exodeerlu #3
MaknaeJongie #4
Chapter 9: Omg you had me scared for a minute there lol I was wondering why everyone had such crappy luck and got beat up. At least it was only Jongin XD My poor bb tsk he's so careless. I hope they all get reunited soon though!
Thanks for updating~ ^^
Ahhhhhh the poll options omg how to pickkkk
But thanks for putting my option up on the poll!! Unfortunately ChanLu is so rare I don't think many people will vote for it :-/ I hope you can write it sometime in the future though :3
MaknaeJongie #5
Chapter 8: ChanLu fluff (Chanyeol thought EXO was a co-ed group when he first met Luhan.) ^^
Chapter 8: OWH MY HUNHAN!! FINALLY!!! they are always so sweet and fluffy~ they do not even need to try to be cute~ HAHAHA!! so cute here~
-intothenewworld- #8
Chapter 8: for linking you have two choices. you can use html in Source mode. you can google "html linking". however if you are in Rich Text mode, you have to use the link button. you highlight the text you want "Christina Perri... etc" then you press the button with the globe and chainlink on it in the editing bar. it should be next to the color text options. then you paste the link url where it says link url. i hope this helped :D
nksabrina2112 #9
anyway new reader here~
your fanfic is just toooooon cute you know!!! <3