Just notice

I'm in love with you

Mianhae (i'm sorry)....maybe I can't uptade this week because i'll go on vacation.

I'm having a hard time and i couldn't finish the last chapter "One year later" but when I return I will update.

I'll try update tomorrow but i'm a little late :'(

Please forgive me and don't forget my story, please.

I hope that you are enjoying the story =D

One more time, mianhae.



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BlueApple96 #1
Chapter 7: Wahh so good XD
MinjiLee #2
Chapter 9: Waaaahhhh...finally she's with daehyun...i love this story especially at the ending ^^
I'm working in a new story, soon I will update.
One more time, Thanks!
taemin2y #4
DAEBAK!!! so cute :)) please write another story but with youngjae or zelo please xD :D ^^ good job!!
Well ... I thought the same, so I'll write another chapter: D
I'm working on it, I 'll try update soon.
Thank you: D
Thanks for your support! I'll try update other chapter tonight