Two Steps Back

Contrary to popular belief, Minho is not a saint.
He does not only say the nicest things, nor does he have perfect manners, and he wasn't the fresh face boy-next-door that all the noonas have wet dreams about.
Sometimes when practice gets tiring and it takes its toll on the members, Minho is the one who it up and dances a tad more harder. He is also the only one who tells Kibum to kindly "shut the up" when the whining gets on everyone's nerves but nobody has the guts to say anything to him. Kibum will squawk for a minute or two, then go silent again as Minho simply turns around and give him the look.
Minho also swears alot. It's not uncommon for boys his age, he is a teenager afterall. But his cussing is not unneccessary, only once in a while when they are out of instant noodles and Jinki breaks another plate. 
He is simply Minho, nothing more and nothing less.
They are officially living together in a dorm, and it turns out not to be as terrible as he thought it would be. Other than the occasional pink feather boa that he finds thrown across the couch from Kibum's room and the bursts of Jonghyun belting out Beyonce at 2 in the morning in the shower ( what the is he doing showering at 2 am, anyway? ), the dorm is generally peaceful and Minho gets to play soccer on the wii.
Another bonus is that he gets to room with Taemin, too. Who also happens to like the occasional soccer wii when they have some time off.
Because they're roommates, Minho tends to notice alot of things about Taemin that other people would overlook. He has never seen Taemin's arms, and Taemin isn't very fond of showing alot of skin. Taemin's wardrobe consisted of long sleeved striped shirts or grandma sweaters, skinny jeans that didn't look like skinny jeans on him, and an assorted collection of sneakers. Many, many, sneakers.
But Taemin doesn't do the group baths they do, either. He knows that sometimes Jonghyun and Jinki bathe together so that they could do shower duets, and when that happens the entire dorm knows, because that was just how powerful their voices were. Also because Jinki needs someone to scrub his back.
Suprisingly, Minho takes a soak in the bathtub with Jonghyun at times too. They talk about all things manly and how to train for better abs. He always leaves feeling alot more masculine about himself then he did before.
But then again, Kibum refuses to shower with any of them either, saying that they were all "too much of peasants to understand his bathing needs" and it's true. Kibum takes forever in the bath, two hours minimum. Nobody touches his row of beauty products sparkling at the side either in fear of the diva.
Minho cringes just by looking at them. So he concludes that Taemin is not that unusual afterall. 
Minho is a boy, and he is a boy who happens to go to sleep in boxers. That's why on the first night they slept in the dorm, when Taemin crawled into bed with his skinny jeans and grandma sweaters, Minho gave a little choke of suprise. 
"You don't want to sleep in something... less? I don't mind, you know, we're all guys here," he says, arching his eyebrow slightly.
"Nah, I'm good. G'night, hyung," mumbles a voice beneath the blankets, then the sound of quiet breaths float around the room.
And so Minho in his half- glory didn't know what to do, but awkwardly pulled his covers over and went to sleep.
Minho is definitely not a dense person. He could be somewhat classified as a wallflower type, a really good looking wallflower type, the kind of person who sees and knows things but doesn't say anything about them.
So the moment Taemin stepped into the studio that day, Minho knew that he would fall in like with him.
But at the very same moment when Taemin layed his eyes on Jonghyun, Minho knew that he would fall in like with Jonghyun, too.
It was unmistakable, the way his eyes lighted up whenever Jonghyun commented on how well he could dance, or whenever Jonghyun hears him sing and remarks that it sounded alot better than the last time.
Of course it sounded better. Taemin practiced hard. Minho would know.
He doesn't use the word 'love' because despite the throbbing ache he feels in his chest everytime he looks at Taemin and finds him looking at Jonghyun, this was not love. He simply liked Taemin, maybe a little more than he should but this was nothing close to love. It was merely a crush, and it will be something that will go away soon.
So he brushes his unrequited feelings off like he always does, because they were only that of like.
Nothing less, nothing more.
Unlike Kibum's reaction, he doesn't scream when they find Taemin lying on the bathroom floor with blood all over his wrists and a razor in his hands.
Kibum gives a high pitched scream for a good minute before flailing and babbling "oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god-- ambulance! Call the ambulance! Call the police!"
Minho takes it all into his stride and gives Kibum a harsh shove to stop the shrieking, before grabbing his shoulders and looking straight into his eyes. "Hyung," he says, "Shut up and use your brains for a while. We can't afford bad publicity. Call Jonghyun and Jinki hyung and find the first aid kit. Now."
Kibum gives a terrified nod before running off to do as instructed. Minho rakes his fingers through his hair and gives a frustrated grunt, before grabbing one of the damp towels off the rack and pressing it against Taemin's wrist. He cleans off the fresh blood dripping over Taemin's hands carefully, and when Kibum returns with the first aid kit, he rummages for the bandages with the other hand and gently treats the wounds.
"You're good at this," Kibum remarks quietly, his complexion still pale from the shock.
"He's not the only suicidal person I know," Minho replies dryly, before carrying Taemin up. "Remember the slump Jinki hyung went through?" 
"Threatening to cut himself with a butter knife because he wasn't allowed to eat chicken isn't suicidal," Kibum snipes back and gives a huff, but his facial expression visibly loosens up.
Minho gives a soft chuckle, but honestly the only reason why he was able to keep his cool was because Kibum was here. He feels his stomach churn violently, and swallows hard to keep the afternoon lunch down.



When Taemin wakes up to find that he's not dead yet, the disappointment clouded over his eyes was so evident that it makes Minho feel like crying.









[ Please ignore the following content ]

I went for SM Town SG, and... it was beyond amazing. They were all beautiful, and there was simply no words to describe how perfect it was. 

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Chapter 5: It caught me so off guard I felt my heart harden and sink deeper into my chest. I'm in denial really. I want to know more and hope for a happy ending, but the darkness of this makes this story beautiful, in a haunting way.
Your writing style for this was different than others. It worked really well. Good work here~
Chapter 5: This is amazingly well written! I really liked it, it's a mess but that's exacly how life is! They way you described their characters is awesome, and the end is so sad :/ but it's amazing. Really, good job ^^
Chapter 5: I knew you're going to end like that, but still it's so sad. What a mess (i meant by the whole things that happened in the story), but the beauty in it, life is hard huh?
I agree to that..
vanillulattae #4
Jaiye_Love #5
Chapter 5: is it really over?? Waeee??
Chapter 5: wait wait wait wait
Chapter 3: This is really good! :D update sooonnn? :D
Chapter 2: I feel that Minho really would be the type to keep his head because someone else was there who couldn't keep their head on. Interesting chapter, poor Taemin! DX and omg I'm so jealous you saw SHINee live!!! Oh my goodness! Your sooo lucky! :D
Chapter 1: Wow this is so interesting!
I really loved this it's just so well written~
hehe Key will always be Taemin's umma~ He's just his cute baby <3
Well, please update soon! :D
Love you <3