The Gaps Between Your Fingers Were Meant For Mine


Kibum's last senior year, and he decides to spend it chasing teachers (or just teacher, one Kim Jonghyun coming up.)


Tbh I've lost interest in Adolescence, maybe I'll get back to writing it but probably not anytime soon. I had the plot written out and everything but I lost the manuscript, and that's just... ing sad.


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Chapter 1: -tears- Jinki has a sad life! He is always caring for Kibum yet Kibum only wants Jonghyun. I kinda hate Jonghyun for breaking up with Kibum but hate the pink daisy more! Why does it has that petal left. Thou i love that paragraph the most. Thanks for writing this heartbreaking story!
Chapter 1: I'm just S-P-E-E-C-H-L-E-S-S
PrincessRia #3
:) like you're story
phiiee #4
Chapter 1: Eiiissshh
So depressing :S
eunhaeshipper15 #5
Chapter 1: I'm at a lost of words.... Simply put that A.MA.ZING. Period.
Chapter 1: It's depressing for me to imagine Key and Onew in that kind of condition XD NICE STORY!
Chapter 1: i don't know what 2 say! T~T
Chapter 1: Hey u mother f-ing jonghyun how dare u break up with key( >^<)