Bora Smiled.

My Cabbage Girl

"I'm home!" Donghae bursted through the door and saw Sohee and Bora both in masks. "Muhya?"

"Oppa! You're back!" Bora said briefly.

"Donghae you're back!" Sohee rushed forward and gave him a hug.

"Aish. Having fun you two?" Donghae laughed as he saw Bora cutely adjusting the mask.

"Deh! Sohee Unnie is so cool!" Bora gleamed.

"It's nothing much." Sohee smiled, "okay. time to wash it off!"

"Araso!" Bora and Sohee and went to the toilet.

'They are so cute together. I wish we could be really close.' Donghae thought as he settled down on the table that was set up by the both of them.

On the dining table where they three are eating happily.

"Ohyes Bora! I've a good news for you!" Donghae said.

"Wae wae wae?!" Bora asked excitedly.

"I've got a job for you!" Donghae raised his voice.


"That's good! I was just telling Bora that she could find a job and move out. Get an apartment near ours." Sohee joined in.

"Er.. I thought she could just stay here." Donghae answered.

"Wae? It would be so inconvenient for both of you!" Sohee answered. "Right Bora?"

"Deh Unnie." Bora answered dejectedly.

"Oh. If that's what you think. I'll help you find an apartment too." Donghae answered, with a tinge of sacarsm.

"Anways! What job did you get for Bora?" Sohee asked, lifting the mood up a little.

"Ohyes! It's an assistant for Jung Yong Hwa Ssi." Donghae answered.

"Wae?!?! Andwae!" Bora said defiantly.

"Wae?! I promised secretary Kim that you will do it. The pay is very good." Donghae explained.

Bora just pouted and folded her arms. "If you don't want. It's okay. I'm sorry, Oppa should check with you before I make any promise." Donghae continued.

"Aniyo.. I'll do it." Bora mumbled.

"Bora, if you don't like, please dont force it." Sohee answered.

"Ani. It's just that.. I'm not exactly in Jung Yonghwa's good book you see..." Bora bit her lips.

"What happened?" Sohee asked. "You know Jung Yonghwa?!"

"Haish. It's a long story. Anyway, I'll go to work tmr Oppa. I'm okay. I'm tired already, goodnight!" Bora then quickly ran to her room.

"What was that?" Sohee commented and Donghae shrugged, smelling something fishy going on.

At the wine field.....

"Deh Bora?" Eunhyuk talked into the phone.

"Oppa. I miss you." Bora whined.

"Silly girl. How's ommonie doing?" Eunhyuk asked concernly.

"Omma... Omma needs surgery immediately. And we would have to stay in Seoul these few months.. Omma needs to visit the hospital very often for post surgery checks."

"Bora ah. You need Oppa to go there to accompany you?" Eunhyuk sounded so concerned.

"Ani... I'm fine. Omma's fine." Bora replied, biting her lips.

"How is Donghae treating you?" Eunhyuk asked, while lying in bed.

"Oppa is good to me. He just got me a job!" Bora forced her tone to go up, trying to sound happy.

"That's good. What job is that?" Eunhyuk asked.

"It's an assistant." Bora replied.

"For whom? Where is it?" Eunhyuk probed.

"For a famous photographer." Bora purposely left out the name, Jung Yonghwa. Because she knew Eunhyuk wouldn't approve it.

"Is he reliable? Will he bully you?"

"He won't.. Donghae Oppa will help me."

"Bora ah. If you need money, just tell me okay? Don't work too hard. Spend more time with your omma. She needs you." Eunhyuk sounded to genuine and concerned that it stang Bora's eyes.

"Oppa. Can I ask you a question?"


"Why are you so good to me?"


"Oppa, I can't imagine life without you by my side."

"I can't imagine you aren't with me either." Eunhyuk said. 'should i confess? maybe next time.' he thought.

"Araso! I'll be with you, always! I promise Oppa I'll be your best dongseng!" Bora giggled.

"You better!" Eunhyuk joked back, Dongseng? That word hurts. "So my best dongseng, what can oppa do for you?"

"AH! OPPA!" Bora jumped.

"Wae?!" it startled Eunhyuk.

"Help me water my cabbages alright? I'll go back this weekend to sow them!" Bora pouted. "Forgot about my darlings! How could I!"

"ARASO ARASO!" Eunhyuk laughed.

Both of them chatted till late night and they went on and on... Thats what you called soulmates? But what does Soulmate leads to...? That's the question Eunhyuk has been asking.

The next day, in CN building.

"Young Master. Your assistant will be reporting soon." Secretary Kim bowed to Yonghwa when he entered the office.

"Before he reports to me, make sure he can keep up with my pace. I'm very busy today." Yonghwa said as he looked through his laptop on the latest collection.

"Deh Young master. It's a she by the way." Secretary Kim replied.

"Ah... " Yonghwa grinned, thinking that it is some hot girl.

After around 30 minutes, a girl donned in sweater, bermudas and knee high socks with two pig tails marched into CN building.

"Annyeong! I'm reporting for work!" Bora beamed at the reception while Donghae smiled at that cute sight.

"She's the new assistant for Jung Yonghwa Ssi." Donghae replied.

In Yonghwa's office.

"Young Master. She's here." Secretary Kim headed into the office, followed by Bora.

"Annyeong!" Bora smiled brightly. "I'm Yoon Bora, please guide me along." Bora bowed 90 degrees.

"WAE?!" Yonghwa choked on his tea.

Bora just smiled at him brightly, "I will do my very best Yonghwa Ssi." Bora chirped.

Yonghwa cleared his throat and adjusted his tie, "Secretary Kim, I'm okay now. You may step out now."

"Deh. Thank you." Secretary Kim bowed at him and Bora and took his leave.

"YA! YOU!" Yonghwa pointed at Bora.

Bora smiled.

"Why didn't you take the money?" Yonghwa demanded.

Bora smiled.

"You don't actually run a homestay resort, do you?" Yonghwa continued.

Bora smiled.

"Are you seriously gonna work for me after lying to me?" Yonghwa added.

Bora smiled.

"Jung Yonghwa Ssi. Here's your schedule for the month. You have a photoshoot to attend to in about... 5 minutes time." and Bora smiled in a silly manner.

"You. Haish!" Yonghwa rolled his eyes and stood up for the door, Bora followed behind him and he stopped suddenly, causing Bora to knock into him.

"HAISH!" Yonghwa fumed.

"Mianhe!" Bora smiled.

"Anyway, stop wearing this hideous things. People will be thinking why am I with a lunatic." Yonghwa said.

Bora smiled.


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Chapter 10: I reread this and I'm still hoping for an update;;
dkhiangte38 #2
plizzzzz~~ update soon.........I really really love this story
;A please update soon ^^ i want eunra and yongra moment~
yoonbora_sistar #4
Chapter 10: Where's the new update!! I LOVE TO SEE MY NAME!! <3
bbkittykwonnie #5
I'd love to read Enhyuk and Bora ^^

eh, nevermind. i'd just love to read Bora's name :P haha
Chapter 10: OHMYGOD!!!!!
*squealing around in my seat*
Oh, so that's why he's such a player... and BORA CAPTURED HIS HEART *snap fingers* JUST LIKE THAT!!!!
please please please Bora tell me that you heard what Yonghwa said, but you just pretended to fall asleep so you won't get caught!!!
tommy26 #7
Chapter 10: Finally, new chapter coming. It's so cool. Twist Twist Twist, make me more excited. :)
Waiting update!!!!!
Chapter 10: Woah ! I want BoHae and HyukRa couple ! Yonghwa meanie !
Borabias #9
Chapter 10: Hi all! Thanks so much for commenting. And yeah, I accidentally clicked "M"! So sorry! LOL! Hope you like the latest chapter! :D
tommy26 #10
Update Update Update please :)