Chapter 6

Le Prince de la Glace *Hiatus*

Taemin peered through the window as the rain pelted against the glass in earnest. He bit his lip before turning back to look at Key who was browsing through a magazine, his books along with Taemin’s strewn across the coffee table.

“It looks like the rain won’t let up anytime soon.”

Key shrugged eyes still occupied, “It’s fine. What? Did you have plans today?”

Taemin shut his mouth before turning back at the window, eyes guilty, “No. Not really.”

Key looked up from his magazine, eyes narrowing. He sighed before closing the magazine and fishing through his designer book bag. He clucked his tongue when he pulled out a small tattered book, faded brown colors, and dog ears. Well-used.

“Amber, wanted me to give this to you. Here.”

Taemin walked back to Key taking the book. His pale hands glided across the cover, blue eyes watching how delicate it looked. He looked at Key confused.

Key shrugged, “Amber had said that you were interested in that fairy tale nonsense. So she wanted to lend you this book.”

“It must have been important.” Taemin mumbled looking back at the book.

“Probably. She said she had that since she was little. So take care of it will you? I don’t want her to beat me up. She loves you too much to yell at you if something were to happen to it.”

Taemin laughed, “Waah, Key-hyung is afraid of Tomboy Amber!”

Key was flustered before replying hotly, “Wha-! I’m not afraid! I just know that when she hits something, things break!”

Taemin chuckled before sitting the book down on the coffee table. He sat on the opposite couch, reaching for one of his textbooks and dragging it onto his lap.

He his phone that was outline through the pockets of his jeans. He should text Minho about not being able to leave lest Key be angry with him. After all, he had technically told him that he wasn’t going to hang out with Minho anymore a few days back.


Taemin pursed his lips into a thin line clearly put out. He was looking forward to hanging out with Minho today. They weren’t going anywhere exciting, at least to Taemin’s knowledge. But Taemin had come to terms with the fact that being with Minho made him feel good. It was the same feeling that he would get when he was with Onew, Key, and Jonghyun. But with Minho it was a bit different. His head always felt light and fuzzy. His insides always felt warm in a pleasant way. And, despite his pride, he blushed way too often when around him. He just wanted to curl himself into Minho and stay there. Minho was always so very warm.

Warmth that never seemed to betray him, he thought.

Taemin frowned. Betray? Why would Minho ever need to? Minho had said himself that he was special.

But he also said that there were things that would make him run away.

Taemin shook his head before mumbling, “No. Stop it.”

“Stop what?”

Taemin looked up to see Key watching him. Taemin shook his head, “Ah! No, not you. I was just talking to myself. Sorry, hyung.”

Key frowned. Taemin panicked, “Ah, I- I’ll just study in my room.”

He gathered all his books, included the rental from Amber, and made his way upstairs. When he closed his door behind him, he took a deep breath, listening to the light taps that the raindrops made against his bedroom window.

He sank onto the floor, lying on his side, red hair covering half his face as he tried and failed to read the title of Amber’s book.

He closed his eyes and sighed, “I want to see Minho.”


Minho yawned, eyes half-lidded, as he stared at the ceiling. The rain was beating harshly, but Minho had closed his blinds and stuffed his headphones on his head, music blaring. His phone in his pocket vibrated. A small smile eased on his face.

A text message. From Taemin.

He ran his finger over his smartphone, the light reflecting against his eyes.

“It’s raining! And it’s cold! Does Minho-hyung like the rain? Hm, I don’t think so. Will I be able to see you tomorrow? I want to show you something. Don’t tell Key-hyung!”

A chuckle before he sent his usual one sentence answer.

“Yes, I’ll be there.”

He placed the phone to his side closing his eyes. In his one bedroom apartment Minho had a lot of nothings. His bed sheets were stark white along with his walls. A few dishes were in the lonely cupboard of his small nonexistent kitchen. His clothes, in trend, hung in the small and dark closet in his bedroom. In his living room sat a small television barely used.

 The necessities, the basics, the essentials it was enough.

Minho sat up, darks bangs falling in his face headphones sliding down and settling on his neck. The basics were enough. He was going through this life, before, with a purpose that his mother had blessed upon him. He was happy, a bit giddy and juvenile even. But then the dreams came and it tormented him. His original purpose diminished along with bits of his sanity. He had never felt such longing for someone that he would never see again. Such yearning for a world that no longer existed now that time had eroded it away.

And yet, there he sat red hair blossoming atop a pale beautiful head. Blue eyes that shimmered despite the dim lighting in the trendy club. Minho saw nothing else. And when their eyes met, the whole world spun and now revolved on this petite male who knew nothing save for the knowledge that society had fed him.

Such naivety.

His mannerism was alluring. Boyish in his charms, when he felt comfortable around the people who adored him. And what a beautiful laugh: his teeth and lips and eyes and face just the epitome of happiness.

Minho looked back at his phone. He looked through the pictures saved there before pausing at one he took of Taemin when they were at the beach. He was smiling at him, hands out stretched towards him as if to hold him, the ocean and the horizon in the background.


It was early afternoon when Minho had exited from his class. Jonghyun beside him eyes downcast.

 “Hyung, you seem different.” Minho was looking straight ahead.

Jonghyun looked up from his hands eyes distant, “Just thinking. I mean it’s nothing important. Just bad dreams.”

Minho nodded, before his eyes widen, alert, “Dreams?”

Jonghyun laughed nervously, “It’s nothing really. Just dreams.”

Minho looked at Jonghyun who was wringing his fingers together. Minho had now noticed the dark circles under his eyes, the rather ragged appearance from the lack of sleep.


Minho’s head whipped to the side, to see Taemin bounding towards him, eyes bright and a smile. Jonghyun looked up from his hands.

Then, it happened.

 The world around Jonghyun suddenly blared white, everyone and everything disappeared.

Jonghyun’s eyes widen, head reeling when the white world flushed to a blue endless sky, and solid ice that he was now standing on. Before him was a floating capsule and in it was a youth clad in nothing put his pale skin curled in a fetal position.

Jonghyun took a step forward, arms outstretched, his face filled with shock and awe.

His hands touched cool skin, and like a sling shot reality slammed back into his brain.

He was sweating. Taemin was staring at him with those wide blue eyes. Jonghyun’s hands cradled Taemin’s face and Taemin’s hands held his forearms as if to stable himself. The university’s campus existed still, the ground was made of concrete, and there were thick dark clouds in the sky.

“Jonghyun-hyung? Are you okay?” Taemin’s voice was miles away.

Minho’s eyes were dark, his voice low, something Jonghyun could hear. Threatening. “What are you doing?”

Jonghyun blinked before turning his head slowly, his hands returning back to his sides with no haste. Gears were turning in Jonghyun’s head as he stared at Minho. Things that were abstract and nonsense that haunted him at night, events that were bizarre, and feelings that surface clicked and melded.

There was a silence. One where no birds chirped, no conversations carried, no wind blew, or movement of anything and everything. Just deafening silence.

That was when Jonghyun smirked. His eyes very different, very cynical, and nothing else.

Then, the world began to move again.

Taemin smiled a bit worried, “Hyung are you alright?”

Jonghyun nodded, his usual chipper mood in full bloom, but this time with clever intent, “Ah, yes, sorry about that Taemin-ah. I startled you didn’t I? But when I saw you I just had to touch you. You’re adorable, after all.”

Taemin pouted, “Don’t call me that! I hate it when you call me that. But if you’re alright then-”

Jonghyun ruffled his hair, “I’m a bit tired, so I’m going to head home. Play nice with Minho would you?”

Taemin nodded, and Jonghyun walked away, hands in pocket humming contently.

Everything in Minho’s head was silent as he stared at the disappearing figure of Jonghyun.

Jonghyun knew.


A/N: Sorry to keep you guys waiting! Here's another update! Minho was perhaps a bit difficult to write. I didn't want him to appear creepy...but i think i did. ^^;;

Please please don't be shy. Your comments are greatly appreciated! I feel a bit be honest.


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Chapter 9: I LOVE THE STORY! Now I'm feeling sad that it's in hiatus !
Chapter 9: I supposed the goddess is Amber...?
Chapter 9: This is getting even more interesting.... Taeminnie.... So cute. And jongkey, come on. Omo, can't wait for more 2min!!!
sujing #4
Chapter 8: This is really interesting especially because i like magically/mythically stuff and with 2min it's even better but i'm actually kinda confused sometimes...
Chapter 8: owh minhooo, what's on your mind?
Chapter 8: I seriously am hooked to this! I really like this story simply because it's brand new for me. I mean. The pace is alright, the building of mysteries and slowly giving hints of what belonged to the past simply made me craving for more. I had this idea that Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, and Minho are those elementals. But I wonder what happened. And oh, Amber was kind of suspicious from the start. I'm not really sure what she is but she's just... A part of this group or however you call it. All I could hope for now is that Minho's a really safe person for Taemin. Anyway, I can't wait for more and btw, sorry for the lame comment. I just can't simply voice out how amazing this story is <3 :D
Chapter 8: Wow ~ I could only say, wow! This is amazing!! Can't wait to find out more!! The icicle thing was really captivating... Oh, I really love this story! And also, the electric connections with jjong is interesting, too! ^^
larmes #8
Chapter 7: Amazing story! Can't wait for it to be updated! Kinda new here, already subbed! :D
Chapter 7: So...this book is like...really intriguing! As I'm reading I'm getting more and more impressed with your writing. I also found the plot of this story very interesting and super creative! I thought it would be some boring story that isn't very imaginative but it's quite the opposite. When I read the description I thought you would have Taemin like use his powers constantly and have everything be rather cliche but wow was I wrong..xD I really do enjoy everyones character~ One thing that caught me was the last chapter where Minho got really scary and it said Jonghyun knew I cant wait to understand what you're talking about~ I got nervous when Key was talking of how Minho used to be because it sounds almost...cynical in a way, I just hope that Minho has the best intentions regarding Taemin..And It feels as If Minho is like...aware of all the powers and stuff, Im also really interested in these dreams and the paintings..I'm really curious as to how they will relate to the overall story! Also I really hope that Taemin is the ice prince and that Minho is fire and Jonghyun is water If not then I am really curious as to who the elementals are(I hope I'm not completely off track here..xD) Anyways I am like..extremely excited about this book and can't wait till your next chapter! ^~^
Chapter 7: Hi! New subbie here! And I'm really enjoying your story here! ;-) Can't wait for more! Hope you update soon! Because I'm dying to know more about this story!! <3