Chapter 2

Le Prince de la Glace *Hiatus*

Taemin left his room dressed in what he thought was appropriate for the party. Key stiffened, entered his bedroom and grabbed clothes of his own before throwing them back at Taemin and kicking him into his bedroom to change. Sometimes, Key thought, that boy would be mistaken for a bum if he keeps up with that sort of wardrobe.

When Taemin emerged again, the black long sleeve shirt reached a bit past his , covered a bit of his petite slim hands and fell off his left shoulder revealing a white strap of Taemin’s undershirt. His dark jeans fit snug showing off his slim legs. The colors contrasted greatly against Taemin’s rather pale complexion and vibrantly wavy red hair.

Key resisted the urge to hug him.

Key took a glance at himself satisfied with his own image of a black skinny jeans, a pink shirt and a leather jacket. He placed on his large rimmed glasses and fixed his hair before turning back to Taemin who was waiting by the front door. He had fitted into a pair of old sneakers, and Key ripped them off of him before fitting him with a pair of fashionable boots that looked a bit big on him.

Key stated, “Tomorrow we're doing something with those rags you call clothes.”

Taemin nodded looking down at the boots before asking, as they headed out the door, “Hyung, where exactly is this party going to take place?”

Key unlocked the door of his black Mini Cooper while sighing, “It’s a lounge bar called the Shack. Not more than twelve people are attending I think. This would give you a chance not to be so ing anti-social about everything.”

They were already driving out onto the street, and Taemin had wished they had taken the train instead of his car. Only because they arrived far too quickly for Taemin’s liking.

The city was alight with cars lights and everything sensual. The people walking past looked young and cunning, and Taemin realized that this was what they meant when the young seeked the night. Key had led him into an alley way, away from the city glare, where it led to stairs, a door and a bouncer. Deep based music vibrated dimly from behind the door, along with blue lights and people chattering.

Key smirked at him before whispering something into the bouncers ear, who nodded and then looked at Taemin who stared back at him with wonderment.

“This guy is with me.” Key stated gaining the approval from the bouncer who let them in.

Taemin squinted when he was greeted with ambient blue lights that glowed surreally on the people that stood in the passageway to close for comfort. His ears were filled with deep based R&B music, setting the mood of sensual talk and lazy atmosphere. But the dress attire was almost formal, for girls wore high heels and tight black dresses.

When they pushed past the narrow passageway and physically walked into an open area of scattered white cushioned seats, and small tables with a large glass bar in the far right, Taemin eyes were drowning his face and he knew this place was something he could never go willingly.

People looked at him and his clothes as if they knew fresh bait when they saw one and Taemin’s eyes darted down to the floor. He gripped the back of Key’s jacket lest he get lost.


Taemin flinched when he saw a youthful looking man walked towards them, a big grin on his face, hair shaggy and brown, glasses similar to Key’s on his face.

“Key, I didn’t think that you would come when you suddenly took off yesterday.”

Key waved him away, “Something came up. But I wouldn’t miss a party at the Shack even if I tried to, Onew. You should now that.”

Onew smile was wide as he looked at Key, but than his eyes moved to Taemin the smile was wiped off his face as he stared, “And who’s this?”

“Oh, this pabo?” He placed a hand behind on Taemin’s back forcing Taemin to take a step forward and bow, “This is my cousin, Lee Taemin. He attends the same University as us.”

Onew gawked than as he pointed, “Seriously? I’ve never seen him before.”

Key rolled his eyes, the annoyance there, “Yes well, this outsider doesn’t like the company of people so he usually goes straight home after class.”

Onew nodded, a smile easing back onto his face before he locked eyes with Taemin, “Well, nice meeting you Lee Taemin. I’m Onew. I can assure you that after this night you’ll make a lot of friends here.”

Taemin couldn’t help but nod. For some unknown reason, he had felt trust there and a sudden sense of familiarity with this guy who he had never seen before. It was ignored, however, when Key asked, “Where’s everyone else?”

Onew instantly swiveled his head over to the far corner and pointed, “The usual spot. Heechul-hyung is there along with others. I have yet to see Jonghyun and Minho though.”

Key nodded before Onew led them to the far corner of the lounge and its dimmed blue lights and beating music. There was a white corner sofa that could fit about fifteen people with a curved glass table littered with colorful drinks that seemed to glow against the ambience.

There were already an assortment of males and females sitting engaged into idle chatter, and grinning  faces. Taemin grip upon Key’s jacket tightened and Key glanced back at him only to see a bowed mass of red hair. He sighed.

Onew greeted the people, who greeted him back and he turned bowing mockingly, “Key’s here! He brought along his cousin. His name is Taemin. Everyone say hello.”

Taemin face flushed when he suddenly felt those eyes on him and he bowed still gripping onto Key’s jacket. One of them in the middle’s eyes were huge as if he had found something delightful and he laughed, “Omo, Key-ah. You never told me you had such a cute cousin.”

Key frowned at him, “Only to protect him from people with weird ’s such as yourself.”

Heechul gawked at him already fighting back, and somehow through it all, Key had sat down next to Onew and Taemin followed suit. Beside him was a female who was staring at him intently and when Taemin glanced at her she smiled at him.

“My name is Amber,” bowing a bit. Her voice was low, hair blonde and short, with a face filled with beautiful androgyny. Taemin bowed a bit, “My name is Taemin. It’s nice meeting you.”

She took a sip from her blue drink, her pale fingers adonrned with silver rings and bracelets, eyes a smoky color, “So I heard you actually attend the same school as us.”

Taemin nodded.

“What are you majoring in?”

Taemin looked at her than, his eyes taking notice of her light colored eyes, “It’s Art and Writing. But mostly art especially painting.”

Amber eyes lit up, “Oh? A painter? Well than I'd loved to come by and watch you paint.”

Taemin was suddenly embarrassed, and looked down, “Uh, yeah sure.”

Key turned to them, and eyed Amber, “Yah, Amber , don’t try to seduce him into your bed or something.”

Amber chuckled, already placing a friendly arm around Taemin’s thin shoulders and answered over his head, “It’s nothing like that. Next week I’m going to watch him bedazzle me with his art.”

Key eyebrows shot up before squinting, “And afterwards?”

Amber suddenly leaned into Taemin’s ear and murmured, “Well, Taemin can decide that.”

Taemin’s whole face flushed before he looked at Key with wide eyes. Key grabbed Taemin out of Amber’s grasped and yelled, “I will see you on the news one day, if you keep that up!”

Then there was a big commotion, because Heechul suddenly stood up welcoming another group of people that approached their area. Taemin hadn’t noticed too comfortable with picking at Key’s pants before he heard his name over the now slow tempo music.

“…Key’s cousin, Lee Taemin. Isn’t he ing adorable?”

Taemin looked up than, and his eyes locked with big brown ones and sunkissed skin. His heart suddenly flew out of his chest when an electric shock zapped his face and spread a unbearable heat all over his body.

Heechul, oblivious to it all, introduced the two others before finally to the owner of those smoldering eyes, “And this is flaming charisma Choi Minho. He’s our actor in the making.”

Choi Minho, was perhaps something similar to a perfectly carved human being. With long athletic legs, and short brown hair that was growing out. He had worn a white v-neck and black long sleeved sweater over it. His jeans and boots accentuated his lean body and Taemin could feel those eyes appraising him as much as he did.

Taemin looked away when he could feel the blush radiating off his cheeks and he bowed than, “Nice to meet you all.”

The one that was also introduced named Jonghyun, a bit shorter than Minho pointed at him and yelled at Key, just like Heechul, “What the hell, Key-ah! You never told any of us that you had such a cute cousin like Taemin!”

Key was glaring, “Of course not. You think I want to throw him out to a pack of wolves willingly.”

“Wolves?” the voice was low, and sensual and Choi Minho, “Key-hyung, you’re making us look bad to the newcomer.”

Taemin was gripping onto the bottom of his black long sleeved. Amber stood up her hand holding her cellphone, “Hey guys, I gotta go. You wanna take my seat?”

Taemin head snapped to Amber, with huge scared eyes, before she ruffled his head, “You cutie. I’ll see later this week okay?”

Before he could say anything, she was off with a wave and Key saying something to her in English. The empty seat beside Taemin was a gaping hole, before a warm tall body sat down as smoothly as his voice occupying it. Taemin bite the inside of his mouth.

Why he was so conscious of this stranger named Choi Minho was as confusing as it was making him. He felt like he was drowning in an atmosphere of familiarity even though he had never seen these people before. And now with this male, this walking physical manifestation of something that was making Taemin a frazzled, hot mess, gave off vibes as if he knew him and everything about him.

Taemin was going crazy.

“So you’re Taemin.” His voice was beautiful, and velvet deep and Taemin was biting his soft lips, to stop himself from looking at this deity beside him.

He nodded, “I am.”

There was a chuckle, “I’m surprised, really.” There was a pause, and Taemin could feel those eyes taking in his physical appearance like a hot breath against his skin, “I feel like I know you.”

Taemin looked at him than eyes wide. He had his dry lips, unknowingly earning the attention from the other, and answered, “That’s what I was thinking.”

A smile, slow and warm like a heat from a bonfire spread across Choi Minho’s face and that was all it took to harbor an immediate connection.

When Key made movements to leave, Taemin had gone through two drinks that glowed blue like the lights and he was feeling warm and fuzzy in all the right places. His thigh was pressed close to Minho’s and their way of speaking was informal as they blazed through topics.

Minho noticed Key standing up already trying to settle a be Heechul and his desire to be with Key longer, and offered to Taemin who was grinning at him, “How about we exchange numbers? We could talk sometime, or meet up, if you want.”

Taemin  agreed his eyes half-lidded from the alcohol. They did and Key extracted himself from Heechul clearly put off and looked at Taemin, “Come on Taemin. We gotta go.”

Taemin nodded before standing up and making his way to Key. He turned back around and bowed, all eyes on him because he looked much more pliable and ethereal with that dreamy look on his face, “It was nice meeting you all.”

Heechul was near to tears now before he pressed his head against Siwoon shirt about how such beautiful people always want to leave him behind, and that he didn’t raise Key to be such a horrible friend.

Key linked his hand around Taemin’s slim arm before setting off for the exit. Taemin chanced a glance back only to see the tantalizingly handsome Minho watching him with intent smoldered eyes.

A/N: Sorry for the really late update. AFF was not letting me upload chapters, so I gave them a week. Anyway, here it is. Hopefully you guys like it? Please review! Thanks!

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Chapter 9: I LOVE THE STORY! Now I'm feeling sad that it's in hiatus !
Chapter 9: I supposed the goddess is Amber...?
Chapter 9: This is getting even more interesting.... Taeminnie.... So cute. And jongkey, come on. Omo, can't wait for more 2min!!!
sujing #4
Chapter 8: This is really interesting especially because i like magically/mythically stuff and with 2min it's even better but i'm actually kinda confused sometimes...
Chapter 8: owh minhooo, what's on your mind?
Chapter 8: I seriously am hooked to this! I really like this story simply because it's brand new for me. I mean. The pace is alright, the building of mysteries and slowly giving hints of what belonged to the past simply made me craving for more. I had this idea that Onew, Jonghyun, Taemin, and Minho are those elementals. But I wonder what happened. And oh, Amber was kind of suspicious from the start. I'm not really sure what she is but she's just... A part of this group or however you call it. All I could hope for now is that Minho's a really safe person for Taemin. Anyway, I can't wait for more and btw, sorry for the lame comment. I just can't simply voice out how amazing this story is <3 :D
Chapter 8: Wow ~ I could only say, wow! This is amazing!! Can't wait to find out more!! The icicle thing was really captivating... Oh, I really love this story! And also, the electric connections with jjong is interesting, too! ^^
larmes #8
Chapter 7: Amazing story! Can't wait for it to be updated! Kinda new here, already subbed! :D
Chapter 7: So...this book is like...really intriguing! As I'm reading I'm getting more and more impressed with your writing. I also found the plot of this story very interesting and super creative! I thought it would be some boring story that isn't very imaginative but it's quite the opposite. When I read the description I thought you would have Taemin like use his powers constantly and have everything be rather cliche but wow was I wrong..xD I really do enjoy everyones character~ One thing that caught me was the last chapter where Minho got really scary and it said Jonghyun knew I cant wait to understand what you're talking about~ I got nervous when Key was talking of how Minho used to be because it sounds almost...cynical in a way, I just hope that Minho has the best intentions regarding Taemin..And It feels as If Minho is like...aware of all the powers and stuff, Im also really interested in these dreams and the paintings..I'm really curious as to how they will relate to the overall story! Also I really hope that Taemin is the ice prince and that Minho is fire and Jonghyun is water If not then I am really curious as to who the elementals are(I hope I'm not completely off track here..xD) Anyways I am like..extremely excited about this book and can't wait till your next chapter! ^~^
Chapter 7: Hi! New subbie here! And I'm really enjoying your story here! ;-) Can't wait for more! Hope you update soon! Because I'm dying to know more about this story!! <3