The disappearing act

A kiss that could kill


Chapter 6


Kyungsoo and Chanyeol made their way out of the college in silence. Both of their minds were occupied by Kris and Baekhyun.

The two stood by the silent road at the dead bus stop waiting, when Kyungsoo decided he would be the one to break the awkward silence.


"So Chanyeol, why don't you ever hang out with anyone at college?" He asked

Chanyeol raised his brow and turned to face Kyungsoo "Erm, because no one really wants to hang around with me."

"Who said no one wants to hang around with you?" Kyungsoo asked in shock

"No one, but I just figured since no one really talks to me, they probably don't like me."

Kyungsoo' eyes widened and looked asif his eyeballs were going to fall out any second "You do relise that you're quite popular, but people just find you quite intimidating since you're so smart. I'm guessing since you're so shy people began to think you're stuck up like Kris" he blurted

He realised what he had said and immediately covered his mouth with his hands, Chanyeol looked down to his feet.

"Oh, so people think I'm stuck up?"

Kyungsoo sent Chanyeol an apologetic look, just as Kyungsoo was about to speak the bus came. Chanyeol sat himself beside a window seat so that he could gaze at the beautiful sceanary as he trailed off into his thoughts. Kyungsoo sat beside him. Once again the awkward silence had taken over, as Chanyeol couldn't help but sulk at the fact that people thought so badly of him, on the other hand Kyungsoo couldn't help but feel sorry the kid. 

Once they finally got to their stop Kyungsoo walked down the street until they aproched Chanyeol's house, Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol and suddenly grasped his arms and pulled him into a hug and said "Don't worry, tomorrow I'll introduce you to my friends. I'm sure they'll love you"

Chanyeol looked down to Kyungsoo and whispered "Thank you"

Suddenly Kyungsoo leaped up and grabbed Chanyeol's head into a headlock and ruffeled his soft chestnut hair "Cheer up kiddo"  

Once Kyungsoo finally relaesed Chanyeol they both hugged and went their own ways


The moon and stars dominated the misty midnight sky whilst the gentle hooting of the owls lulled the sun to sleep.

Chanyeol lay in his bed, fast a sleep drifting away in his dreams. Kris crept through his window and looked down at the innocent boy as his smooth milky skin glistened under the soft moon light. Kris sat beside him and admired the peace before it was disturbed by a loud rustling tree branch bangging against the window. Chanyeol yelped and his eyes immediately shot awake and found Kris sitting at the foot of his bed.  Chanyeol garbbed his blanket as if he was a girl and gazed in shock, as he waited for Kris' reaction.  There was a short silence as Kris walked to the side of the bed and sat down beside Chanyeol, he crossed his arm and finally spoke.

"You never came back with the coffee. Where did you go?"

Chanyeol raised a brow "I think the bigger question is, What are you doing in my room in the middle of the night?"

A devilish smirked appeared on Kris' face "Why, would you preffer if I left?"

Chanyeol thought about it for a second before nodding

Kris' smirk widened "Well what if I said no?"

Chanyeol's eyes widened "I- I'll call the police!" He stuttered

Kris pinned Chanyeol on his bed and leant closer to his ear, he could feel Kris' warm breath brush aginst the top of his ear,

"I'd like to see you try" he whispered

Now Kris was hovering over Chanyeol's face his eyes trailed from Chanyeols hazel eyes down to his perfectly sculptured nose and stopped at his pink lips.


As Kris leant closer towards him, Chanyeol's eyes closed automatically, he braced himself for what was about to happen. Swiftly he felt all the weight from him being released, he opened his eyes only to realize that Kris was no longer there.


-Author's note-

Sorry I haven't been updationg for a long long time, I've been applying for university so I've been really busy lately, sorry guys. But Christmas holidays are coming up so I'll be updating :)  Here's some Krisyeol XD

Look at Channie's hip lol dawemkghsftehkntg

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celineanhtran #1
Hey when is the next update or is this fanfic abandon?
I really love this fanfic plz update soon O.O
I want to finish this fanfic, i'm dying with curiosity. PLZ UPDATE
Chapter 6: Yay new chapter! I wonder where kris went. I bet baekhyun knows.
Chapter 6: Poor Channie baby and poor Kyungie baby :(
I want Krisyeol!! omo.. kris so hot.. XD
poor chanyeol.. he misunderstanding it T__T
waiting patiently for next update!!! ^ ^
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE OMG I'M DYING WHY I'M CRYING SO HARD. you're making me laugh like a retarded hyena omg i can't control myself REALLY!? REALLLYYYYYY!?!? you had to go on and quote twilight omg this fic really sets me off ABSOLUTELYYY LOVE IT!!!!!
i laughed so so so hard at “I mum stay home book reed, drink ’ WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I CAN'T. I ALMOST PEED MYSELF. my precioussssssss chanyurrr oh bbz... and kris omfg.. and omg BAEKSOO <3 <3 kyungsoo is the cutest little ____ ever in this!!!
baeksoo << imma their stan here
oh wow ____ i totally mean baekhyun
sorry i just read a xiuhan fic and lulu was on my mind
nooooooooo i want krisyeol ;A;
i want a very dominant kris dominating chanyeol with lots of y
ugh my ovaries need it
they require it
please ;A;
and then
topping d.o