The fun has just begun

A kiss that could kill


Chapter 2

Author POV:


Chanyeol’s legs collapsed as Kris began to engulf his soul.


“Kris, let him go.”


Kris let out a devilish smirk and turned to face a rather short figure.


“I was expecting you, but I didn’t expect you to come so soon” hissed Kris.


“What do you want with Chanyeol?” he questioned.


“The real question is why is he so precious to you? So precious, that you would disregard your duties to save his worthless little life.”


“I’m his guardian angel. Protecting him IS my duty.”


“Oh, is that so? The last time I checked your kind wasn’t supposed to set foot on this earth” he grinned.


“You can call this an exception.”


“Very well, I shall spare him for now, but mark my words I will own his soul.”


With that Kris stretched his arms out wide, revealing his graceful ghastly black wings, he walked out of the changing room and disappeared in the darkness of the night.

The angel carried Chanyeol back home and gently laid him on his bed. He watched as the gentle glow of the moon lit Chanyeol’s face. He enjoyed simply just watching over Chanyeol as he slept, his swift and silent breaths, and everything else that made him a human. Chanyeol was still unconsciousness as Kris had drained quite a lot of his soul.


“I hate having to see you like this, although I’m not supposed to, you can have some of me.”

The angel knelt down to Chanyeol, to give him a kiss.


“So, this is how special he is to you?” hissed a sinister voice. “So special, you are willing to give him some of your life?”


“It’s not like I’m short on time.”


“Well how about this, I’ll give back what I took.”


“What’s the catch?”


“No catch, I just want to see how far you’ll go to protect him.”


Kris knelt down to Chanyeol and leant towards his rosy lips.


“WAIT! How do I know you’re not going to just the life out of him?”


“Just trust me.”


“Why would I do that?”


“You have no other options.”



Kris sat at the edge of Chanyeol’s bed. The moon shone brightly as their lips met creating a beautiful silhouette. Kris released Chanyeol from his kiss and smiled as he watched Chanyeol’s chestnut hair glisten in the moonlight. As Kris attempted to stand up something tugged his arm; Chanyeol had unconsciously took hold of his hand whilst he was sleeping. Kris freed his hand from Chanyeol’s, stretched his glorious wings out and disappeared into the moon lit sky. The angel followed.


Old rusted swings screeched; the abandoned merry go round squeaked and the limp monkey bars clashed as the eerie wind gently weaved through the deserted playground. The howling of stray dogs echoed whilst the hounds gathered for the battle.


Angel. Demon. One carries heaven’s grace, the other carries the fires of hell. Who will win? They both clenched their fists as they prepared for what was about to come. The winds grew stronger and the screaming of the playground became louder.

Three winged creatures circled the playground skies and then swooped down to the ground.


“Kai, Tao, Lay, what are you doing here?” questioned Kris.


“Stop playing around” hissed Kai.


“So you saw?” grinned Kris.


Kris turned to the angel, “leave.”


“Very well. This is by no means the end.”


The angel spread his heavenly wings vanishing into the mystical sky.


“What are you playing at? You were supposed to finish him off” snickered Kai.


“Calm down! The fun has only just begun.”


“What is your plan?” asked Tao.


“You don’t need to worry about that.”





Chanyeol’s POV



I looked out of the classroom window as I wondered what had happened last night. Why did Kris kiss me?  How did I get home? Does he actually like me?


Suddenly there was a knock on the door, the Principal entered, accompanied by a new student. He was rather short but had nice thick brunette hair, milky skin and heavenly hazel eyes. He looked as if his face had been carved by angels.


He bowed down to the class.


“Annyonghasseyo. My name is Baekhyun.”



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celineanhtran #1
Hey when is the next update or is this fanfic abandon?
I really love this fanfic plz update soon O.O
I want to finish this fanfic, i'm dying with curiosity. PLZ UPDATE
Chapter 6: Yay new chapter! I wonder where kris went. I bet baekhyun knows.
Chapter 6: Poor Channie baby and poor Kyungie baby :(
I want Krisyeol!! omo.. kris so hot.. XD
poor chanyeol.. he misunderstanding it T__T
waiting patiently for next update!!! ^ ^
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE OMG I'M DYING WHY I'M CRYING SO HARD. you're making me laugh like a retarded hyena omg i can't control myself REALLY!? REALLLYYYYYY!?!? you had to go on and quote twilight omg this fic really sets me off ABSOLUTELYYY LOVE IT!!!!!
i laughed so so so hard at “I mum stay home book reed, drink ’ WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I CAN'T. I ALMOST PEED MYSELF. my precioussssssss chanyurrr oh bbz... and kris omfg.. and omg BAEKSOO <3 <3 kyungsoo is the cutest little ____ ever in this!!!
baeksoo << imma their stan here
oh wow ____ i totally mean baekhyun
sorry i just read a xiuhan fic and lulu was on my mind
nooooooooo i want krisyeol ;A;
i want a very dominant kris dominating chanyeol with lots of y
ugh my ovaries need it
they require it
please ;A;
and then
topping d.o