
A kiss that could kill


Chapter 5

Baekhyun soared through the endless sky in fury, his blood boiling, he wanted nothing more but Chanyeol’s safety and both Kyungsoo and Kris were now in his way.  Baekhyun knew absolutely everything about Chanyeol, even the crush Chanyeol has on Kris, after all Baekhyun has been watching over him ever since he was born. He knew everything, how Chanyeol first saw Kris and fell in love at first sight.  How Chanyeol hoped that one day Kris would notice him, how Kris meant the world to him and how Kris could possibly be the death of Chanyeol. All Baekhyun could hope is that maybe just maybe Chanyeol could love him instead thus save Chanyeol from an unimaginably painful heartbreak. As he tore through the sky a million thoughts went through his head, about both Kris and Chanyeol.

*What was Kris thinking? Why is he playing around with Chanyeol? What the does he want? I can’t risk them two being alone; god knows what that bastard will do to Chanyeol. What if Chanyeol is in danger right now? There’s no time to waste I better find him before it’s too late*

 Baekhyun immediately turned around and headed back towards the college, he beamed down to the immense college gardens to find Kyungsoo still standing there. Of course Kyungsoo saw everything, since Baekhyun was too rash and didn’t think much beforehand, obviously Kyungsoo (or anyone else) wasn’t supposed to know that Baekhyun was in fact an angel.  

Kyungsoo gawked at Baekhyun as he landed, Baekhyun’s wings began to gradually sink into his back, Kyungsoo’s lips began to quiver as many questions lingered in his mind. They intensely gazed at one another.

“I know what you are.” Kyungsoo whispered

“Say it, say it out loud.” Baekhyun replied

Kyungsoo clenched his eyes and finally yelled, “A FAIRY!”

“Yes, Kyungsoo, I am a fai- WAIT! WHAT?”

It took a moment before Kyungsoo’s words sank into Baekhyun’s mind, once he realised what he had actually said; he face palmed himself and began to rub his temples in sheer annoyance and disbelief. How possibly could one be so stupid?

He let out a deep sigh and ignored Kyungsoo’s dumb comment and continued his search as Chanyeol was way more important than his little secret.  Baekhyun eyed Kyungsoo “I’ll deal with you later.”  He snapped before scurrying away to find Chanyeol.

*Since he’s “tutoring” him they should be somewhere quiet like the library*

Baekhyun was correct; there they were, in the lifeless library.

Baekhyun sneaked behind the library counter from where he could get a better view of the two and listen in on their conversation.




Kris and Chanyeol secretly glanced at one another from across the small wooden desk, Chanyeol caught Kris’ eyes, his cheeks flustered pink, he felt incredibly uncomfortable and let out a cough.

“I’m kind of thirsty, I’ll go get something to drink, you want anything?” asked Chanyeol

Kris smirked at Chanyeol knowing exactly what kind of effect he was having on Chanyeol, Kris gave a slight nod “Coffee, please”

Chanyeol his heel and made his way out of the Library, as soon as Chanyeol was out of sight, Kris shifted his gaze towards the counter, and as expected Baekhyun’s head shot right up and he stormed towards Kris.

“What the are you trying to do with Chanyeol?” Baekhyun bellowed

“What does it look like I’m trying to do?” Kris smirked and raised his eyebrow

“You know very well that Chanyeol lik-”Beakhyun growled before being cut off by Kris

“So it’s true? The petty human has a crush on me. I was just going to tutor him English since it’s so painfully difficult to read, but I guess I can have some fun now”


Meanwhile in the corridor Chanyeol was on his way back from getting the coffee his mind was clouded with thoughts of Kris.

*I can’t believe this is really happening, is he really spending his free time on me? But what I can’t understand is why? He has never in these all these years even looked at me and all of a sudden he wants to spend time with me? Come to think of it he never really spends time with anyone, it’s like as soon as it’s break or lunch he disappears. Something’s not right here. I just can’t bring myself to believe that someone like him would want to be with someone like me. Maybe he dose like me? I’m not completely unlikeable right? I hope he likes me.”*

Chanyeol was completely baffled by the situation, at this point he didn’t know what to think.

 He turned towards the library door, and reached towards the rusted golden handle of the Library door when he saw Baekhyun and Kris, Kris looked completely calm whereas Baekhyun didn’t look very happy at all, and his fists were clenched.  Kris walked closer towards Baekhyun and tugged Baekhyun’s collar towards him and leaned down. Their lips got closer and closer. Chanyeol dropped the two cups of coffee as a tear ran down his face as he knew what was about to happen next.

“I can’t watch this any longer.” A voice whimpered

Chanyeol turned his head to his right and saw Kyungsoo standing right beside him watching the show. He too was in tears.  The two of them turned their backs and slumped down against the wooden door. The two let out a deep sigh as each of them wiped their tears.

“I guess this is why Kris spoke to me…..He just wanted to make Baekhyun jealous”

“How do they even know each other?” asked Kyungsoo

“I don’t really know to be honest” replied Chanyeol, now Chanyeol was also wondering how they knew one another, surely they have a history or else Baekhyun wouldn’t have been so tense.

Kyungsoo disturbed Chanyeol’s thoughts “I wish I could’ve had a fair fight, but I guess Kris won before I even started”

Chanyeol blinked as Kyungsoo’s words sank in “Wait you like Baekhyun?” he questioned

“Yes, from the day I first saw him”

“Today IS the first time you saw him” Chanyeol chuckled

“You like Kris don’t you?”

Chanyeol scratched the back of his head and replied “Yes, but I guess I’m too late, not that I had a chance to begin with.”

Kyungsoo stood up and reached his hand down to Chanyeol. Chanyeol looked up at Kyungsoo in confusion.

“Come on, I’ll walk you home, we do live on the same street after all”

 He gave Chanyeol a gentle smile, Chanyeol felt at ease and reached out for Kyungsoo’s hand and stood up.









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celineanhtran #1
Hey when is the next update or is this fanfic abandon?
I really love this fanfic plz update soon O.O
I want to finish this fanfic, i'm dying with curiosity. PLZ UPDATE
Chapter 6: Yay new chapter! I wonder where kris went. I bet baekhyun knows.
Chapter 6: Poor Channie baby and poor Kyungie baby :(
I want Krisyeol!! omo.. kris so hot.. XD
poor chanyeol.. he misunderstanding it T__T
waiting patiently for next update!!! ^ ^
WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE OMG I'M DYING WHY I'M CRYING SO HARD. you're making me laugh like a retarded hyena omg i can't control myself REALLY!? REALLLYYYYYY!?!? you had to go on and quote twilight omg this fic really sets me off ABSOLUTELYYY LOVE IT!!!!!
i laughed so so so hard at “I mum stay home book reed, drink ’ WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT I CAN'T. I ALMOST PEED MYSELF. my precioussssssss chanyurrr oh bbz... and kris omfg.. and omg BAEKSOO <3 <3 kyungsoo is the cutest little ____ ever in this!!!
baeksoo << imma their stan here
oh wow ____ i totally mean baekhyun
sorry i just read a xiuhan fic and lulu was on my mind
nooooooooo i want krisyeol ;A;
i want a very dominant kris dominating chanyeol with lots of y
ugh my ovaries need it
they require it
please ;A;
and then
topping d.o