When You Like Him But He Treats You Like a Sister

Optional Bias Scenarios

A/N: This is really poorly put together but I was having a terribly day so I just kind of wrote whatever ;_; If you want to read this as a scenario with G-Dragon, click here~!

Your Monday was sweetly pleasant. You squinted in the dazzling sun as you waited patiently for your friend outside of his workplace. The inch of snow packed tightly on the sidewalk rendered the street brighter still. Sighing, you cast a glance at the time on your phone. He was usually a little late, his recordings and practices almost always running over.

It wasn’t unusual or unexpected. When he started training seriously when the two of you were kids, the time you were able to spend with your closest friend had been cut in half. Regardless, he always found the time to see you once in a while, and that was good enough for both of you.

“Hey!” He shouted, waving to you from the building’s steps. “Sorry I took forever! We had to re-record a couple of things.” Smiling, you stood up to follow him down the line of buildings. There was a small coffee shop in the middle of an old bookstore, where the two of you had studied together when he needed to review after his practices when you were in high school.

The owner of the store began preparing your drinks, familiar with both after years of you ordering.

“How have you been?” he asked, folding his hands on the table.

“Pretty good, I guess. There’s never much to report,” you admitted with a laugh. He smiled sweetly.

“What about your family?”

“They’re good.” You laughed softly, sharing a story about something funny that had happened the last time you were with your parents. For the rest of his break, he talked about the new developments with his group, the exciting things happening with his company. You loved watching him wave his hands enthusiastically as he explained his stories, his eyes lighting up with delight. Though you had known him for years, he never seemed to pick up on the way you stared at him. Your crush was anything but subtle.

You watched him walk back to his building when you parted ways. He had a bounce in his step, leaving footprints all the way.


Your next Monday, unfortunately, was bitterly disagreeable. Every table seemed turned against you, nothing going the way you wanted. You had agreed to meet with him after his recording again.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” he ruffled your hair gently, sitting down with you at the bookshop again. You shook your head.

“I don’t really want to get into it.”

“Come on, you can tell me. You’re like a sister to me, you can tell me anything.” Sister. You stared blankly at his hands resting in his lap across from you.

“I’m not your sister.” Your voice was cold, the shakiness hidden in your cold stare. Standing to leave, you pushed your chair back beneath the table.

“Wait,” he called after you, standing as well. “I don’t understand…” The combination of your stressful day and his slip of tongue were enough to bring tears to your eyes. You wandered back down the street, kicking slush away with every step.

You didn’t mean to avoid your friend, but didn’t make an effort to answer your phone when he called either. It was only when he showed up at your workplace that you realized the distance you’d placed between the two of you.

He stood before you, sunglasses hiding his face and a nervous pout in his lips. If you hadn’t known him for years, you wouldn’t have recognized him.

“Look,” he began, “can we talk somewhere?”

“I…guess,” you agreed, standing to follow him out the door. “What do you want?” you asked when finally outdoors.

“Why are you avoiding me?”

“I…don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play dumb.”

“I’m sorry.” You looked at the ground, not sure how to respond. Fingers finding a sudden interest in the hem of your sweater, you tugged at a stray string. It tore free from the fabric, drifting slowly to the ground beneath your feet. Unexpectedly, he reached a hand to the side of your face. You gave him a curious look, staring at the gorgeous set of brown eyes looking back at you.

“I’m sorry for saying you’re like a sister to me. I didn’t mean it as an insult.” He scuffed his toe against the sidewalk. “I just mean… I feel like I can talk to you about anything. You’re really important to me.” A nervous sigh shook in your throat.

“I feel really bad for acting so…stupid,” you admitted with a shy laugh. He leaned over you, carefully kissing the top of your head.

“Don’t worry about it.” He laced his fingers in yours, squeezing tightly. “Don’t worry at all.”

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Hugetrash #1
Chapter 49: I laughed so hard at the title cuz I currently AM watching Olympics on my TV.
HeromiChan #2
Chapter 5: someone copied u on this chapter :O
Chapter 126: can i req???
When you are diagnosed having a brain tumor a month before your wedding.
Chapter 126: my feel badump badump~<3
Chapter 124: You're back! 8O *so happy right now*
I was reading some of these just the other day!
Chapter 124: Long time no see haha, i joined aff because i am looking for your stories
first i meet you at your tumblr
your stories also the one who make me love scenarios
i am happy you're back, and your writing still have it feeling like before x)
mcha331 #7
Hi there! your writing style is so cute and I LOVE ALL the scenarios!! Keep up the good writing!!
Ava101 #8
Chapter 5: I was wondering about the terrible argument part II also. Will you be doing that one soon?! And love your stories btw!!