When You Grow Distant While He's On Tour

Optional Bias Scenarios

If you want to read this with EXO's Luhan, feel free to read it here instead~ n_n

“I’ll call you as much as I can,” he promised, giving you one last hug.

“Have a safe flight,” you said, kissing him goodbye. He waved to you sadly from the car, the rest of his group shouting their goodbyes as they left for the world tour.

The memory was fading. He had kept his promise for a while, filling you in on the details of his day, the amazing performances and everyone’s antics backstage.

Eventually, the calls became less frequent. About a month ago you left a voicemail to which he never replied. That’s when you stopped trying. You had long since turned around the pictures of yourself and him together that had once sat proudly on a bookshelf. They were a painful reminder of both the literal and emotional distance in your relationship, and you had begun to think it better to forget.

The sweatshirt he had left behind no longer smelled of his cologne. You decided to wash it, leaving the scent completely foreign. His favorite foods had stopped stocking your shelves, and when you woke up in the morning your hands met only cold sheets.

You had just arrived at a store when the phone in your pocket rang loudly. His name blinked on your screen, drawing both disbelief and irritation to your voice when you said his name. He sounded cheerful on the other end.

“Hey! Sorry I haven’t talked to you lately. I’ve been so busy…How are you?”

“I’m fine,” you replied, in a steely voice laced with annoyance.

“Are you feeling okay? You sound tired.”

“No. I’m just busy. I have to go, I’ll talk to you later.” You hung up. Your hand was still tight around the phone, and you were tempted to call him back. Shaking your head, you returned it to your pocket and let the hurt sink to the back of your thoughts.

They didn’t return until he did.

He was confused when you didn’t come visit the day he came back. He too had felt the distance’s strain on your relationship, but expected everything to shift back to the way it was six months ago when he left for the tour.

Eventually, you ran into each other outside of his building. You were trying to force yourself to go in, he was doing the opposite.

“Hey.” He sounded uncomfortable. You stood across from one another, your arms hanging awkwardly at your sides. His hand reached for your shoulder when you turned to go, warranting a sad smile from you in his direction.

“Wait…” he said, fumbling for something to say. “You changed your hair. It looks nice.”

“Thanks,” you said quietly, not looking back again.

The next day, you got a phone call at your workplace.

“Please come outside,” he begged with desperation. It was with slight reluctance that you walked to the door, meeting him in the parking lot. He held out his arms, holding you tight enough to strain your breathing.

“I’m so sorry. I should have called you more often, texted or something. It’s not that I didn’t care about you, I honestly had no time. I thought about you every day. I missed you like you wouldn’t believe. I know things are awkward now, but please, can’t you try to let me back in?” His voice cracked.

Standing on your toes, you kissed his parted lips, your fingers holding gently to the crooked collar of his shirt. You smoothed it straight, running your hands over his shoulders to flatten the wrinkles.

“Do you want to come over for dinner tonight?” you asked. He laughed sweetly.

“Are you kidding? Just dinner? I plan to stay all night.” He kissed you goodbye, letting you return to work with a cheerful smile, and the promise of a comfortable evening, a fresh start.

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Hugetrash #1
Chapter 49: I laughed so hard at the title cuz I currently AM watching Olympics on my TV.
HeromiChan #2
Chapter 5: someone copied u on this chapter :O
Chapter 126: can i req???
When you are diagnosed having a brain tumor a month before your wedding.
Chapter 126: my feel badump badump~<3
Chapter 124: You're back! 8O *so happy right now*
I was reading some of these just the other day!
Chapter 124: Long time no see haha, i joined aff because i am looking for your stories
first i meet you at your tumblr
your stories also the one who make me love scenarios
i am happy you're back, and your writing still have it feeling like before x)
mcha331 #7
Hi there! your writing style is so cute and I LOVE ALL the scenarios!! Keep up the good writing!!
Ava101 #8
Chapter 5: I was wondering about the terrible argument part II also. Will you be doing that one soon?! And love your stories btw!!