Can you heal?

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for making you all wait for this long...
I had to give up on this story for a while, to fight with my own personal life.
And I'm happy you're all still here, wanting to read the continuation! ;_; Thank you so much!

But here's the news:
I have started to write on this again and will update when I have some chapters ready so you don't have to wait inbetween them!
A new chapter will be up in a few weeks!

Once again I'm sooooo sorry T^T Hugs to everyone♥


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sunshine1996 #1
update sooner :( fighting
Chapter 6: OMG, this is so interesting *^* I really hope you update soon! Waaah~ This is really good! >o< I'm so glad I came to this ;u;
anylia #3
Chapter 6: Fighting!! it's okay.I'll be waiting :)
Chapter 6: fighting^^

i understand :D, i'll wait so HWAITING ^^9
joody18 #6
Chapter 5: when will you continue the story?? i cant waite anymore
Chapter 5: awe its so sweet~~ junsu is start to open up~
happydays4ever #8
Chapter 5: I guess Junsu is opening now , but i still want to know yoochuns story
Thanks for the update author :)
Chapter 5: junsu seems better
ducknesseyes #10
okej, nu tänker ja skriva på svenska för att ja pallar inte på engelska lol....
jag ÄLSKAR den fortfarande lika mkt & du skriver så att man verkligen vill fortsätta läsa den.
detta kapitlet fick mig att gråta & nejfan... x'D the angst ♥♥♥
känner mig cp som tkr om att se junsu såhär lol
chun ta hand om hnm ;__; !!
keep it up bebis, HWAITING