Can you heal?

Can you heal?

Junsu stared at the scars forming on his roommate's arms.

Yoochun laughed at him, "Looks like you've seen a ghost."

Junsu excused himself, "Sorry but, I mean, it's a lot."

"I have more than only on my arms though," he shrugged, "I've done this since forever, so well, I guess that adds it up."

"Are you still doing it?"

Yoochun shook his head, "Can't. They've taken everything I used, or can use, away. I'm one of the reasons we haven’t got a mirror in here."

Junsu had already figured that out.

There was silence after that and Yoochun got up to get himself a cup of tea.

"Seen the schedule by the way?"

Junsu looked at him, "Schedule?"

"It's like school here really," Yoochun said and sat down on the couch again, "You can say we have classes to attend to, but instead of learning things like math and languages, we learn about how to take care of ourselves."

Junsu noticed the sarcasm in his voice and snorted, "Brainwashing, huh?"

Yoochun smirked, "Kind of. Not working for everyone though," he took a sip from his green lemon tea, "Not working for me."


"I don't know your reason to why you're here, but I get the feeling you don't want any help. Just like me,"

Junsu looked at the him, "Why don't you want any help?"

Yoochun sighed, "I don't see me cutting myself as a problem. If it goes too far and I end up dead, I wouldn't really mind."

Junsu raised his eyebrows, "Then, why are you here?"

"Forced. Once you fail an attempted suicide, you end up here whether you like it or not."

"You wanted to die?"

Yoochun looked at him, "Of course I wanted to die if I tried to commit suicide? I’m not a poser like some kids nowadays, I’m not proud of my scars. I just have nothing here left to do."

"What about your family?" Junsu asked.

Yoochun gave him a pained smile, before he stood up, "One of my classes are starting now, see you later."


Junsu sighed as his roommate closed the door behind him.


"Is this my schedule?" Junsu asked as he looked down at the colorful piece of paper his nurse gave him.

The nurse smiled, "You can call it that if you want to," she pointed at the different colored boxes and started to explain what the different "classes" were about.

Meetings with counselors, psychologists & psychotherapists… Getting treatments and also attending group exercises. Just thinking about it made him nauseous.

"Your roommate, Park Yoochun, will be attending the same group exercises as you every Monday and Saturday," the nurse said and Junsu nodded.

"Now I'll show you around the hospital, so you'll know where to go when your meetings start tomorrow," she smiled and opened the door for Junsu to follow.

He still hated the colorful walls and the "fake" feeling he felt from everyone who worked there. He also hated seeing all these patients; all seemed lost in their own minds, some having this creepy smile stuck on their face like they were planning murder, old people walking around with toys and braids and then there was those who looked like living deads, like the soul had been taken out from them.

They all sent shivers down Junsu's spine, he wasn't like these people so why was he here?

He started to think about Yoochun - he didn't want to be here either, he was kind of normal if you compared to these people. If he only wore long-sleeved shirts all the time, no one would ever notice he had cuts all over himself.

"Junsu," the nurse cut him out of his thoughts, "Do you want a cup of coffee or tea?"

Junsu hesitated but agreed anyway.


He hurried through the corridors back to his room. He had this feeling that if he walked slow enough, one of these psychos roaming around would attack him.

Just as he was about to open the door he heard tunes coming from a piano. Pressing an ear against the door he also heard a faint sound of someone singing. Slowly he opened the door and saw Yoochun sitting by the piano, fingers moving gracefully, playing a beautiful melody. His voice was deep and husky, and something about it sounded very sad and lonely.

Junsu closed the door behind him and stepped inside silently. Yoochun looked up and met his gaze, not stopping he looked back at the piano and continued playing. Junsu listened to the song and sat down on his bed, still looking at his roommate.

It was beautiful.

He closed his eyes as he let the music pierce through him. The sad melody formed pictures that started to flash through his mind, beautiful memories with his brother. He saw them playing at the playground in their neighborhood, running around, laughing loudly. He saw them running on the soccerfield with their friends, chasing the ball, big smiles on their faces. His heart gave a pained pound.

"Hey," Junsu felt Yoochun's hand on his shoulder, "Are you ok? You're crying,"

Junsu blinked in confusion and felt a tear roll down his cheek - he hadn't heard the music stop. Another tear escaped and landed on his hand, and he felt that painful feeling build up in his chest.

"The music," he whispered, "It reminded me of the past."

Yoochun watched the crying boy in front of him, "I'm sorry if I made you think about painful things."

Junsu shook his head.

Yoochun was unsure of what to do, "Has the past got something to do with-"

"It's my brother," Junsu cut him off.

Yoochun looked at him carefully, "Did something happen?"

Junsu let out a pained sound as he started to cry even more. Yoochun panicked and quickly pulled him into a tight hug. One of the things Yoochun hated the most in the world was seeing people cry.

It took a few minutes before Junsu calmed down and Yoochun let him go.

Junsu coughed, clearing his throat before he gave a weak smile to his roommate, "He died."

He explained everything that had happened to Yoochun; the accident, his suicide attempts and how he was put on the ward. Yoochun listened to the story with a serious expression. Yoochun asked him about how he had tried to kill himself, if he'd cut himself too, and Junsu told him about the pills, attempts to hanging, starving and everything else.

"I never dared to cut myself," he finished.

"That's good," Yoochun said with a sigh, "Once you start, you can't quit."

They looked at each other in understandment.

"I appreciate you telling me this," Yoochun said.

Junsu smiled weakly, it actually felt good to share his story and the burden that always pained him.

"I can still feel him you know," he said, "I can feel that he miss me. That's why I want to go to him as soon as possible."

"Guess that's what they call twin-telepathy," Yoochun smiled.

Junsu looked out at the blue sky , "I loved him so much."

"I know you did," Yoochun said.

There was silence for a bit, before Junsu turned around and met his roommate’s eyes, "Can you play that piece again?"

Yoochun raised his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"

Junsu nodded.

Yoochun smirked at him, "Was it that good?"

Junsu rolled his eyes, "Have you written it yourself?"

Yoochun nodded, "It's a hobby." he said and stood up, walking to the piano.

Junsu smiled, maybe having a roommate wasn't that bad after all.

A/N: I've been busy thinking about Luhan (ノ_ _)ノ

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sunshine1996 #1
update sooner :( fighting
Chapter 6: OMG, this is so interesting *^* I really hope you update soon! Waaah~ This is really good! >o< I'm so glad I came to this ;u;
anylia #3
Chapter 6: Fighting!! it's okay.I'll be waiting :)
Chapter 6: fighting^^

i understand :D, i'll wait so HWAITING ^^9
joody18 #6
Chapter 5: when will you continue the story?? i cant waite anymore
Chapter 5: awe its so sweet~~ junsu is start to open up~
happydays4ever #8
Chapter 5: I guess Junsu is opening now , but i still want to know yoochuns story
Thanks for the update author :)
Chapter 5: junsu seems better
ducknesseyes #10
okej, nu tänker ja skriva på svenska för att ja pallar inte på engelska lol....
jag ÄLSKAR den fortfarande lika mkt & du skriver så att man verkligen vill fortsätta läsa den.
detta kapitlet fick mig att gråta & nejfan... x'D the angst ♥♥♥
känner mig cp som tkr om att se junsu såhär lol
chun ta hand om hnm ;__; !!
keep it up bebis, HWAITING