School part 1

Never Thought I'd Love Him



Mina’s POV




I woke up at 05:00 am, I woke up too early, I think it’s because I’m too excited about my first day of school, which is today.

I rub my eyes “ hoam, I need to shower first” I stand up, put on my favorite bunny slippers, take my clothes and towel, and go to the bathroom.





------------------ After shower ---------------------



“Ahh, it feels so good” I said to myself

I look at the clock. It’s still 05:30 am, I’m way too early for school.
I should clean up my apartment then go to school.







------------------- After cleaning up the apartment -----------------



I look at the clock, it’s 06:30 maybe I should get change to my uniform, then I go get my uniform and get change. After that I went to the make up table and put on some powder, lipgloss and finally brush my hair while humming  my favorite song Romantic by SHINee, god I love that song.

I’m so excited to go to school, I wish I can make some new good friends, I miss my friends in America. What are they doing right now? do they miss me?
Suddenly Key’s face popped out in my mind.
Argh I wish I don’t meet people like Key in my school. If by any chance he’s going to the same school as mine I think I’ll die, he’s gonna be the death of me.


“ I better get going now” I look at my watch.
I stepped out of my apartment and look at Jonghyun’s

“Are they still sleeping by now?” I scoffed “Unbelievable”

I stepped in the elevator and pressed the G button
Then I stepped out of the elevator I can’t wait till I see my new school.










Minho’s POV



I woke up and stretch my arms. When I glance at the clock I realize.......

“, guys wake up it’s 07:30 am!!!!!!”

“Huh, uh 5 more minutes” Jonghyun mumbled in his sleep.

“NO NO NO wake up NOW!!” I shake Taemin’s and all my hyung’s shoulders.

and then our omma Key wake up.


“ OH MY ING GOD” He screamed.

After that Key and I are trying our best to wake up Onew, Jonghyun and Taemin.




5 minutes later




“Minho, I think this isn’t working” Key sighed.
Then he look at me with an evil smile “ go get the ‘thing’ Minho”

I nodded.

Then I hand him the ‘thing’

“Minho this is not cold enough! Go get the Ice cubes” He said.

“Why don’t you get it?” I shot him a glare my famous flaming charisma glare.

He sighed with defeat “Fine, I’ll go get it”


1 minute later Key already splash water all over Onew, Jonghyun and Taeminnie’s face, oh yes the ‘thing’ is cold water + ice cubes. Key always use cold water and Ice cubes whenever he wakes us up.

“ WHAT THE HELL?” Onew, Jonghyun and Taemin scream at the same time.

“We’re gonna talk about this later, right now we’re late go get a shower and change right NOW” I said.

“Okay okay fine geez, but  you guys don’t have to splash us with cold water ya know” Jonghyun said still sleepy.

“But if we didn’t splashed you guys with cold water we’re gonna be soooo laaatee” Key said.

“Key hyung’s got a point” Taemin agreed.


“Enough with the chit chat we’re LATE LATE LATE” Key nags.

“Okay okay geez stop with nagging will ya and oh yeah while I’m in a shower please prepare some fried chicken for mee” Onew hyung said while standing up.

“NO NO NO” Key said.

“WHAT? waeyo?” Onew furrowed his eyebrows.

“Because is sooooo hard to wake you up, so this is your punishment” Key put his hands on his hips.

“Fine who needs your fried chicken I can buy some bread at the.....” Before Jonghyun could finish his sentence Onew cut him.


“Fine take a shower and get change in 10 minutes than you can have your freaking fried chicken”

then Onew take his uniform and ran straight to the bathroom, what a chicken maniac he is of course I’m not like him but I gotta admit Key’s fried chicken is really good. OH WAIT I’m late than I ran to the bathroom.

And after all the screaming, yelling, and everything we all finally go to school with Key’s car but of course Jonghyun hyung is the one who’s driving.




Mina’s POV



I’m really nervous because this is my first day of school. I even have dinosaur roaring in my stomach because I’m so nervous.

I open the door to my first class, it’s english class. Then I took a step forward.


“Oh come in come in! You must be Mina our new student right? The teacher asked.

“Oh yes my name is Mina”

“Annyeonghaseyo Mina, you can call me Mrs. Lee”

“Annyeonghaseyo Lee seonsaengnim”


“Class we have a new student here, Mina you can Introduce yourself” Mrs Lee said.

“Annyeong haseyo my name is Mina and I’m.....” 



‘KREEEEEEK‘   The door burst open.


“Hey all! Sorry we’re late”

Oof that voice sounds familiar, then I look at the person standing at the door.

“ a aren’t you that guy from last night?” I asked pointing at him.

“Ah Mina” Taemin come out from behind that guy’s back.

“Annyeong Taemin” I waved.

“Annyeong MIna” He waved back


Suddenly that guy grab my hands with both of his hands the girls started to squealed.




I can feel death glares come from those fan girls, who is he anyway?


“Mina, I’m so sorry about last night. Taemin told me the whole story, I was drunk and oh yeah my name is Lee Jinki but you can call me Onew”

“Ehm” Mrs. Lee fake cough.

“Sorry Mrs. Lee” I apologized.

“It’s fine MIna” she smiled at me than glared at Onew and Taemin “You too! Go stand there.” She pointed at the corner of the class.

“Yes Mrs” They both say and go to the corner of the class.

Before they left, Onew winked at me. Okay it was kinda weird but continue with the introduction.

“Sorry about that let me continue the introduction. Ok so my name is Mina and I’m a transferred student from America”

“ wow fancy” I heard someone said.

“I’m 16 years old and I’m not really that good at korean so please take care of me” I bowed.



“Mina you can sit down next to Hae Yeon. Hae Yeon please raise your hand”

When I walk to her table I can still feel death glares from all those fan girls oow scarrry.

Then I sit down, And Mrs. Lee asked Onew and Taemin to come to the front of the class well I don’t have time to care about them I have got to ask Haeyeon about the "SOMETHING".

“Annyeonghaseyo” I greet her

“Annyeonghaseyo MIna, I’m Haeyeon” She smiled

“I’m MIna” I smiled back.


Should I ask her? Or should I not ? this is making me crazy. I’m gonna ask her just to make sure. 

I poke Haeyeon’s arm.

Can I ask you something? I asked.

Haeyeon nodded. “Sure, what’s wrong?”

“Ehm is there a guy name Key in this school?” Please god just this time please say no.

“Yes, there is why? Do you know him?” Haeyeon said.

I ram my head to the table “BANG” it made a really loud noise.


“Are you ok Mina? Is there something wrong? Do you feel anxious or something? If you are you can go to the nurse room” Mrs. Lee said.

“No no Mrs. Lee I’m perfectly fine” I fake a smile.

“Alright then, let’s continue our lesson students”

Ohmygod Mina don’t make a fool out of yourself. I notice Onew and Taemin are staring at me so I just look away.






Onew’s POV


“Mina you can sit down next to Hae Yeon. Hae Yeon please raise your hand” Mrs. Lee said.

“Now you two” Mrs.Lee pointed at Taemin and I “Come here!” She said.

“Yes Miss” we both said and walk to the front.

I notice Mina is talking to that Haeyeon girl. Wow she make friend really fast.


“For your punishment you have to make and article about England” Mrs.Lee said.

“Pfft that is so damn easy” I chuckled.

“oooh so you think is easy, fine then make it an article about England minimum 15 pages and don’t forget make it with ENGLISH” Mrs.Lee said emphasizing the ENGLISH word.

My jaw dropped. O ow 

“Miss have I told you that you look so beautiful today?" I wink at her.

“Onew stop persuading me” She crossed her arms.

“B-but can with talk about this? Please?” I begged her.


“NO! this is final!” 

“But we’re just a little late, Miss this is so unfair!” Taemin pout.

“I know Taemin but the rules are the rules” She sighed.


“Sssst Taemin!” I whispered

“What hyung?”

“Plan B plan B!”

“Oh okay” Taemin take out the roses from his bag. “Here hyung”

I grab the roses

“Ehm Mrs. Lee would you mind excepting these roses?” I said seductively.

“Onew, you know that this isn’t going to work right?” She glared at me.

“Uh uhm no, but at least I gotta try right?” 

She sighed “Fine just go to your seat” She said

“YAYYYY THANK YOU MISS”  We both said and went to our seats.



huh what was that? I realize the sound came from Mina’s table.

“Are you ok Mina? Is there something wrong? Do you feel anxious or something? If you are you can go to the nurse office” Mrs. Lee asked.

“No no Mrs. Lee I’m perfectly fine” she smiled.

“Alright then, let’s continue our lesson students” 

She’s such a cutie, why does Key hate her so much?

Taemin poked me. “Hyung do you see that?

“See what? Mina?” I asked

“Yes! She’s really pretty huh? Why does Key hyung hate her so much?” 

“I don’t know Taeminie, I don’t know” I said.






Mina’s POV



Oh go, now Taemin and Onew will think that I’m weirdo.

“Mina why did you ram your head to the table? Did I say something wrong?” Haeyeon worriedly asked.

“No, you’re not, just forget it okay?” I smiled.

“oh okay”

WOW Haeyeon is like the nicest person I have ever met in Korea, well beside Jonghyun that is.

OMG I totally forgot because Onew, Taemin and Key are here it means that......

AAAAAAAA Jonghyun is here too I screamed in my head.

Thank you so much god it doesn’t matter if Key goes here too what matter is that JONGHYUN is here.





The bell rang, time for my 2nd lesson.

I put all the books in my backpack suddenly Haeyeon asked.

“Mina, what’s your next class?”

“Ehm it’s math, what’s yours?”

“Mine too! Let’s go together!” She dragged me to math class.

“Do you want to sit together with me again? I don’t have any friends yet” I said shyly.

“Ah sure!!” Haeyeon said.

When we arrived at the math class I saw HIM.


















Author's note :


helloo! sorry for the late update I hope you guys enjoy this!

and don't forget to



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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim. I'm admin Suho!
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
awww~ I wanna see what happen next to mina, is she will be honest too that she kinda like jonghyun ??<br />
<br />
update soon please~ ^^
@tatiana97_maki yes the girl is IU
what?! Haeyoen like Jonghyun??!!<br />
Since when? 0__0<br />
Update soon...^^<br />
I love it....=)
vikKiBeoMin #5
woot! Key! you like her really!tsk tsk!<br />
<br />
update soon! ;p
hoshichii #6
LOL they found kira~ xD 'black, black, white, gray...' FAIL xD<br />
update sooon~ ^^ cant wait for more
i know right? keke yes thank you so much <3 we will