What is Possible

2min Oneshot Requests

This is a little short, but it's both my first try at 2min and something a little sad, so, here we go!


Taemin sat down in the living room area of their dorm. He had his legs pulled up to his chest while as he rested on the couch cushions. Even though the maknae had grown since the group's debut, he still retained a small size. But as he was now, hugged together as if trying to squeeze himself, he looked even smaller.

On the screen he was watching program that featured a little segment that shortly chronicled Shinee from their first song to their latest comeback. Taemin sighed. It had been so long since he had met the others and began to live and interact with them. One would think that each member would be able to read another like a book. But that was not always the case. And this frustrated Taemin to no end.

For some time now, he'd had feelings for Minho, romantic ones. And the maknae had thought that his desires were fairly obvious. He and Minho shared many embraces, more than any with the others. Taemin had even admitted that he believed Minho to be a unique boyfriend, and would be a loyal husband in the future, not that he thought that he himself would get that far, but still.....

Taemin didn't know how to confess. He wasn't even completely sure that it was a good idea. The world still had the controversy of homoual relationships and even worse, they were both idols. Being in a relationship would be a huge changing factor for the both of them. The young man shook his head of such thoughts. 'Why am I thinking like this? I'll never confess, and hyung doesn't even feel the same way. All of this is just pointless.' He sighed when suddenly the remaining four members entered the dorm, carrying bags of food. 

"Taemin-ah! We've got dinner!", Minho called. Taemin always did adore the way his name sounded from that deep, rumbling voice.

"Coming", he answered as he stood up. His hyungs took the food from the bag. Key grabbed plates and utensils for everyone. Taemin stared at Minho for a few seconds as if contemplating something. Minho noticed the stare and laughed softly. "Something on my face?", he asked.

Taemin shook his head and smiled. "It's nothing."

One wonders what might have been, or what could be, if the young man ever gathered the courage to say the truth.

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boondoks1 #1
Chapter 4: omg,,that was so cute,,,,kekeke and yep, taemin is illegally cute,,,kekeek although i do think that minho should let tae drink again to have that kiss,,kekeke
asdfghjkl!! Thank you! You just made my fantasy come true ^^;; it's so good! seriously thank you so much! <333
ax1000111 #3
can i request one where Taemin accidentally gets drunk? ahh! im kinda embarassed to ask! >.< kekeke thanks!
JoonSGirl #4
Kyaaaa nice!
that's so cute! Taemin sulking is adorable ^^
AW! is this the one-shot that i requested?!
Bec i love it.... i super duper love it.....
tnx for posting..
Can I request a jealous Minho? where Taemin has to dance Troublemaker with Kai at some show and Minho gets all possessive ... I hope is not too silly but I've had this idea in my head for a while xD thank you!