five | detention with him

Falling for Mr.No Mercy


The following morning, Eunji huffed and puffed when she arrived at school. Unfortunately, the school gates were closed already.

“Omo, I'm late..” Eunji let out a deep sigh and bit her lower lip as she looked up at the huge closed gate. I need to get into the school.. she thought.

Slowly, Eunji walked to the back of the school building, trying her best not to make any sound that will make the security guard to caught her. She was searching if there's another gate of the school that will possibly help her to get into the school. please.. please.. please.. please.. please..” she kept repeating those words as she was about to make her last step to find out.

A huge green gate made Eunji to let out a relief sigh as she curved a smile on her lips. But as Eunji was about to push the gate, a metal chain was locking it. “Ahh jinjja?!” Eunji growled as she let out an irritation sigh. How can she explain this to her mom? That she was late and she can't get into the school? She is in a big  trouble.

Suddenly, a flash of a familiar brunette haired boy caught her attention. “Omo omo! It's Daehyun-sshi!” 

“Chingu ya!~” Eunji smiled and waved at him, signing him to stop. It was a great oportunity for Eunji, maybe Daehyun could help her to get into the school.

Daehyun turned his head, only to see Eunji was waving at her. Daehyun was surprised to see her here. “What the..?” he thought showing his emotionless expression. It was the ordinary day for Daehyun. After another gangs fight, he's always late to go to school and he always climb the back gate of the school to go in. 

Eunji inhaled deeply as she tried to yelled another time. She thinks maybe Daehyun didn't hear her. “Chingu ya!!~” Eunji waved for the second time but it didn't make Daehyun to give another look. He was preparing to climb up the huge gate.

Eunji sighed in irritation as she pressed her lips into a thin line and encourage her self to approach him. “Yah!!” she called out. 

“Wae?!” Daehyun growled in irritation. He was about to jump but Eunji's voice behind her made him to stop on his tracks; hanging on the huge gate. 

“Help me to climb that out will ya,” Eunji stretched her hand out. “Why should I do that?!” Daehyun's voice rang Eunji's ears. 

“Yah! Why can't you do that?!” Eunji yelled back in irritaion and started to pull Daehyun's feet, trying to make him fall down. “Y-yah! Stop it you annoying ahjumma!” Daehyun spat, tightening his grip on the gate trying to hang on it not to fall down.

Eunji widened her eyes “ARROGANT AHJUSSI!!” she growled as finally Daehyun loose his grip and landed  down to the ground. He opened his eyes only to see Eunji's face was in front of him. He was actually on top of her.

They widened their eyes in shock as they pushed each other away. Eunji could felt her cheeks burned. “What do you think you're doing?!” Daehyun yelled. “Wae?! I am trying to--”

“Well well, let's see what we got here..” A shadow of a man made them to froze on their spot and stopped their argue. Slowly, they looked up only to see the school security guard crossing his arms while tapping his left foot; starring at them with a smirk on his lips. Eunji abruptly starightened herself up and forced to show her grin. 

“A-ah security ahjussi! I didnt' see you were there. Ha-ha-ha” Eunji awkwardly spoke, punching the security guard's arm playfully only to have him starring at her like she were crazy. Eunji looked away in embarassment.

“You two, follow me. Now!” his sound rang Daehyun and Eunji's ears. They sighed as they followed the security guard to his office. 




It's been 2 hours on the detention room. The awkward atmosphere was filled in that room. Eunji spoke nothing as well as Daehyun.

“M-mian,” Eunji finally spoke slowly. Daehyun turned his head to look at her but he replied nothing, as usual. 


The school bell rang, signaling the day was over. Eunji walked out from the detention room without Daehyun. He just disappeared out of nowhere. It felt horrible being in that room for a few hours. Eunji's stomach growls as she walked, she hasn't eat her lunch yet. 

Ah jinjja.. Eunji whined, rubbing her stomach. *I won't get into detention next time..* she thought. She walked trying to find her locker. Suddenly, she accidentally bumped into a random girl.

“S-sorry!” Eunji bowed and looked up only to see a girl with her frown. She looked really pretty and she must be popular based on her look. 

She hissed “Watch it new-- wait a second.. You're that girl who made Daehyun got into detention aren't you??” she spoke, definitely with her ain't-happy-tone.

Eunji stared blankly as she slowly nodded. “I-I guess so..?”

“Tsk.. don't you ever dare to make him got into trouble again, you newbie.” She hissed and bumped into her shoulder.

“Wow, what a day.” Eunji rolled her eyes as she held her shoulder.

It was a horrible day for Eunji. She had to go to the detention room and bumped into a queenka. Plus, she hasn't seen Jimin at that day.

Eunji wasn't happy being in the detention room, and her mother will be mad at her or even worst. But she had that strange feelings of happiness being in that room. Could it be because Daehyun was there with her?



{ honeytree ; so hell-o. Fresh update today yay?
sorry for the -ish update T_T
Anyways, I'm sorry if there's no Kai's appearance here ;_;
I promise you will find Kai on the next chappy c:
Soo yeah, no silent reader okay! comment, subscribe and upvote!
we need feedbacks ^^ okay then. See ya'll next time :3


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double update!


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skimdaniel #1
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE UPDATE!!!! IIM BEGGING UU!!!! I love this story!!!!
this story is daebak!! *~*
update soon pleasseeee~~
Chapter 5: this is awesome
please update soon! i really can't wait ;_;
Chapter 5: holeeuu sheeeeteeu! this is amazing! authornim updaaaaate~
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 5: Update soon! =))))))
Chapter 5: Daehyuuuuun :) yay she's starting to fall for him, hope that dahyun too ;)
Chapter 5: shes falling for him<3 kai comeeee (:
Chapter 5: Daehun <333
Both my top 2 bias is here ><