four | oppa?

Falling for Mr.No Mercy

Eunji sighed as she stood on the bus stop. She gripped on the strap of her bag tightly, waiting for her bus to come. It sure was already pretty dark. *Gosh, did I slept too long?* She pouted, slightly embarrassed that Kai, a popular guy from their school had to watch over her until she wakes up. The boy must've been too guilty for accidentally hitting her with the ball. Ouch.

"How embarassing." She muttered, talking to herself. It's quite a good thing that no one else was around, or they would've mistaken her for someone crazy. She heaved another sigh. How come the next bus is taking so long? Is it really that late that no bus is arriving? Impossible. She glanced at her wrist watch. It was already 6PM. "OMONA!" She gasped. "Umma is going to kill me!" She bit her lower lip as she dug on her bag, looking for her phone. To her surprise, her phone was nowhere to be found.

"What the?" She frowned. She checked her pocket. Her phone wasn't there as well. Her eyes widened. She couldn't lose it right now, at this very moment. Her parents would probably be scolding her worst, having the fact that she even went home late, and lost her phone this time. "How can I be so unlucky?" She pouted even more. 

Suddenly, a car stopped by in front of her. She shot up in surprise. This couldn't be a kidnapper, right? She gulped. This was the first time she will ever go home late. Well, she was too much of a baby to her parents that they were very strict towards her. , but they were just being protective. 

The door of the car opened, revealing no other than Kim Jongin. Eunji blinked in surprise. Kai was also this rich? Whoa. This boy sure has it all. 

"Finally, I found you. I knew you would be here." Kai grinned.

"Found me...? Wae?" Eunji pointed at herself, befuddled. Kai smiled and took her hand, giving her something. The moment she realized what it was, she gasped.

"Omo- MY PHONE!" She squealed.

"I think it accidentally slipped off your pocket without you knowing back at the clinic. Good thing I noticed it before I could take my leave." Kai shrugged.

"Thank you so much! You don't know how much thankful I am!" Eunji almost teared up. Finally, the scolding she would be receiving would at least lessen... a bit.

"Well..." Kai looked around. "Since it's getting pretty dark... Shall I give you a ride? It'll quite be dangerous for a girl like you to go home alone at this time..." Kai said, hesitating on whether he would be insisting. But he did anyway.

"Really?" Eunji beamed. Kai nodded. "Won't I be a bother?"

"Bother? What bother? Of course not." Kai chuckled. "Let's go?" Just like a real gentleman, Kai opened the door of the car for her, letting her in. Eunji shyly smiled and hopped in. The lad couldn't help but smile widely, not even knowing why. Well, he sure admit that this girl is quite a cutie. But of course, he wouldn't be such a player anyway. He's not a person like that, no.


"Thanks for the ride... uhm..." Eunji bit her lower lip, not knowing how to address Kai. Kai noticed this, and immediately spoke.

"Just call me Kai. Or Jongin." Kai nodded at her.

"Well... I think I'd go for Kai." Eunji giggled.

"Hmp. You should be honored I'm letting you call by my real name. I only allow my close friends to call me that." Kai playfully feigned an angry expression, but laughed afterwards.

"Really? Then I shall call you Jongin, then." Eunji tapped her lower lip. "Well thanks, Jongin." She saluted.

"Maybe you should add 'oppa', since that'll sound even more cuter." Kai wiggled his brows. 

"I think that's getting too much already." Eunji raised a brow at him.

"What? Calling me oppa won't hurt! Besides, I'm your senior." Kai stuck out his tongue. He was slightly feeling quite giddy now, since they were actually talking like they had known each other for a while now. You woulnd't know how comfortable he's feeling towards Eunji.

"Hah, senior? Since when was I?" Eunji gawked at him. "I'm already a junior, for pete's sake!" She pouted. Kai almost burst out in laughter at her cuteness, fighting the urge to pinch her cheeks. 

"Junior? I'm a junior too." Kai made a face. "But I'm taller, so call me oppa." He smirked, towering over Eunji. Eunji pouted even more.

"Does that even make sense?" Eunji crossed her arms. But even before Kai could ever reply, the door of the house flew wide open, and there was Eunji's fuming mother.

"Lee Eunji-" She was about to scold Eunji big time when her eyes shifted on Kai. She was surprised at how the young man looked very handsome, and glancing at his back, she saw a car, which was obviously Kai's. Kai noticed Eunji's mother's eyes on him and immediately bowed.

"Good evening, Mrs. Lee." He greeted.

"Oh." Eunji's mom was taken aback. Not just he was extremely handsome, but a very polite young man as well. "Are you my daughter's boyfriend?" She suddenly asked, a little too straightforwardly, to be exact. Eunji choked in her own saliva, while Kai froze in his spot. Was her mom usually this blunt? How surprising. 

"Umma!" Eunji shrieked.

"What?! Why not?!" Her mom raised her brows.

"Aish, seriously." Eunji frowned. She then glanced at Kai, who was still left flabbergasted. "Kai-ssi- I mean, Jongin oppa, you can go now. Thank you so much again! See you tomorrow on school!" Eunji uneasily waved as she pushed her mom inside the house, slamming the door shut. Kai snapped out of his thoughts, realizing that she really did call her oppa.

"Sheesh." He couldn't help but chuckle. There's so many things that happened this day.



{ --eurynome ; so i updated a new chappy todayyyy.
i just felt like doing so, instead of doing my home-
works. hohoho. hope you guys like it. sorry for 
any typos. I didn't used ms word for typing a 
chapter for this. anw, comment and give us
feedbacks, kay? no silent readers! (:
oh, and sorry if there's no daedae here ):
i just wanted to introduce kai's new 
character more, so yeah (:
will be updating again tomorrow, i guess.
kthanksbai <3


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double update!


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skimdaniel #1
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE UPDATE!!!! IIM BEGGING UU!!!! I love this story!!!!
this story is daebak!! *~*
update soon pleasseeee~~
Chapter 5: this is awesome
please update soon! i really can't wait ;_;
Chapter 5: holeeuu sheeeeteeu! this is amazing! authornim updaaaaate~
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 5: Update soon! =))))))
Chapter 5: Daehyuuuuun :) yay she's starting to fall for him, hope that dahyun too ;)
Chapter 5: shes falling for him<3 kai comeeee (:
Chapter 5: Daehun <333
Both my top 2 bias is here ><