one | that jung daehyun

Falling for Mr.No Mercy


“Get back here, you punk!” An drunkard chased a brunette boy. The boy just smirked and ran faster. “I said, get back here, dammit!” The drunkard roared and fastened his pace. The boy kept running as fast as he could, until he came into a dead end. The old man smirked and whipped a thumb into his lower lip.

“Ooooh. You have nowhere to run now, little boy.” He cooed, mocking the brunette boy. The brunette boy, to his dismay, just crossed his arms coolly and flipped his bangs.

“That’s what you thought, old hag.” He scoffed.

“What did you just call me, you brat?!” The man hissed.

“Old hag. That. I called you that.” He replied nonchalantly. “Why, you little brat!” The old man aimed for a punch, but even before his fist could hit the boy’s face, he was able to dodge him and so it ended up him punching the cold, hard wall. “ACKK!” The man cried in pain.

“Psh. Look at you. Such a teeny-weeny weakling. Tch, serves you right for messing with Jung Daehyun.” The boy scoffed once again and glared one last time at the poor man crouching on the floor before slipping his hands inside his pocket and walking away.


“PFFFT—“ Youngjae held in his laughter. “Seriously?! Man, you’re damn good. If only we were there, we could’ve laughed our asses off.” He chortled loudly along with Himchan, hi-fiving with him. Yongguk let out a deep chuckle, while Jongup happily beamed. Well, as usual, Daehyun had his smug face on.

“As expected from our Daehyun.” Yongguk let out a low chuckle and patted the younger man’s back.

“Ehh. I want to be like hyung, too.” Zelo pouted a little too childishly and crossed his arms. Himchan chuckled and head-locked the maknae.

They were currently in front of the school gates. Since Yongguk and Himchan were already adults, only Youngjae, Daehyun, Jongup and Zelo were going to school. They were gangsters, yet they don’t even know what’s the use of still going to school. But on the second thought, not all gangsters doesn’t go to school.

“Wipe that blood off your lips, Jung Daehyun. You might get into detention again.” Himchan nodded at Daehyun. He coolly wiped the blood off his lower lip with the back of his hands. “We’ll be going now. Study well, you four.” Himchan goofily waved and walked away with Yongguk.

“There goes school again.” Zelo rolled his eyes and lazily walked towards the gates of the school. Daehyun chuckled and slung an arm over the glum maknae’s shoulder.

“Don’t be so glum. Just think of those girls over there.” Youngjae walked beside them and pointed at the few girls chatting and looking over their direction, obviously talking about them. “Hey baby.” Youngjae winked at them as the four of them passed by. The girls squealed, making Zelo roll his eyes once again.

“Ugh, hyung. I hate girls who squeal and shout for your attention. Ew. Just ew.” Zelo groaned and made a face.

“What a picky brat.” Youngjae wrinkled his nose and went over Jongup. Daehyun laughed at the two and removed his arms from Zelo’s shoulders.

“Don’t tell me you like girls like that too, hyung?” Zelo narrowed his eyes at Daehyun.

“I like nothing. Girls are just toys to play with, Zelo. And since I’m a man now, I don’t play toys.” He patted the younger’s head before heading off.




“Oh, Eunji-ah!” Jimin beamed and waved at her best friend. Eunji saw her and immediately ran into her. “What took you so long?” Jimin pouted

“I woke up late.” Eunji sheepishly grinned.

“Aish. I should’ve known.” Jimin made a face and playfully elbowed Eunji’s side. Eunji just laughed. “Let’s go. We’ll be late all because of you.” Jimin linked arms with Eunji and dragged her inside the campus. As they walk inside the campus, they happen to pass by girls squealing. Jimin wrinkled her nose and ignored them, while it obviously caught Eunji’s attention.

“Ignore them, Eunji-ah. They’re always like that.” Jimin told her. Being on the school since middle school, Jimin knew all about B.A.P, the famous bad boys of the school. Eunji recently transferred on the school, and so she knew nothing about it. Eunji nodded and hummed. She looked around and spotted four boys. She then looked back at the girls who were squealing.

“They’re spazzing over those boys?” She thought aloud and pointed at the four. Jimin stopped walking and looked over the direction she was pointing at. “What’s so special about them?” She blinked.

“That’s the same question I always ask, dear.” Jimin pressed her lips into a thin line. “But a piece of advice. Don’t ever get in their way. If you happen to bump into them, just scamper away and pretend that you didn’t encountered them. Or it’ll be your last day of stay here.”

Eunji shuddered a bit and glanced back at the boys. Among the four of them, one boy caught most of her attention. It was the brunette boy wearing a varsity jacket with his name.

‘Jung Daehyun…?’ She curiously stared at his back as they walk.



Hiya, everyone! le co-author, -EurynomE- hurr. c: Lame update, I know.

xC But I hope you like it. lol. Give us feedbacks, kays? Thankyouverymuch. x

Please don't unsub if you find my update rlly ugleh /bricked. Author-nim might kill me. XD

kidding, kidding. have a great day readers, bai! /runs away.


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double update!


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skimdaniel #1
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE UPDATE!!!! IIM BEGGING UU!!!! I love this story!!!!
this story is daebak!! *~*
update soon pleasseeee~~
Chapter 5: this is awesome
please update soon! i really can't wait ;_;
Chapter 5: holeeuu sheeeeteeu! this is amazing! authornim updaaaaate~
TakoyakiPrincess #6
Chapter 5: Update soon! =))))))
Chapter 5: Daehyuuuuun :) yay she's starting to fall for him, hope that dahyun too ;)
Chapter 5: shes falling for him<3 kai comeeee (:
Chapter 5: Daehun <333
Both my top 2 bias is here ><