Chapter Fifteen : Timeless Love *Part 1*



>>OST :

The waiter came with their orders, as they were sitting silently staring at each other.

Once the waiter was out of their view, Yunho spoke: did you remember anything?

Lina simply nodded, she wasn't ready to ask nor to hear the answer, she hoped she could remember some insignificant moments, some happy moments, not memories that confuses her more.


She then got up, then started looking around her, looking at every corner of this little piece of paradise that she owned

"You remember how you are related to this place?" Yunho cautiously asked.

Lina slowly turned around to face him, unwillingly smiled and said "It's ours"

"Actually its yours, every little piece in here holds something important for you"

While he was talking, she got closer to a tableau that was hidden under a sheet.

Yunho watching here getting closer to that precise thing made his heart flutter, indeed a lot of things were  visible to her, that could tickle her curiosity, but she instinctively went to the tableau.

She slowly uncovered it, to find a collage of thousands of pictures of both of them, altogether making a bigger picture of a beautifully smiling Yunho.

She was intently looking at every picture she could see, of both of them when she saw a little sentence in the very bottom, the left side, she kneeled to be able to read it:

"Always yours Jung Yunho!


October 2012"


"It was my birthday's gift 3 years ago" spoke Yunho who knelt next to her

Lina was still staring at the tableau, a certain picture caught her attention, she slowly put a finger on it, she wasn't able to speak, it was like a picture of her taken just minutes ago, of her and Yunho, she was sitting in the same bench of the south park of the Han river sweetly smiling, and a disguised Yunho with a hat and a scarf awkwardly sitting next to her. She was the same as now that she cut her bangs and changed the color of her hair, and what startled her even more that she subconsciously went to the same spot.

"It was our first date." he said with a voice mixed of joy, pain and nostalgia.

She slowly turned her gaze to his way, and absentmindedly kept staring at him, they were just few inches away from the other, and surprisingly she felt that same odd feeling, her heart was like making a rewind every time, her thumbing was louder enough for her to understand.

Was she a kind of emotionally unstable person , losing control of her feelings every time she was close to one of them.

Yunho was reading her puzzled face : she was starting to feel what she forgot, but what came next startled him even more.

Lina was getting closer but with the same puzzled expression, like she hadn't any control of what her body was intending to do. But she had to do that to understand, even if it isn’t the smartest way, but she couldn't think of any other way. She followed her feelings, see, no understand where she was heading.

Instinctively she closed her eyes, her heart went louder and wilder, the exact same melodious rhythm she heard with her husband....her HUSBAND.

At that exact moment, she felt Yunho's hand on her face.

At this skin ship, her eyes flung open, to see him bitterly smiling while being a little farther from where he was before she closed her eyes

" A kiss so shamefully earned, in your state would have the bitterest taste for both of us...A perfect kiss  would be with both your heart mind and memories.... The whole of you"

She kept staring at him, but the thumbing was getting louder, and clearer. She hasn't gotten after Jung Yunho yet, neither he.



The three next days, Yoochun was nowhere to be seen, leaving the house early in the morning and going back late at night. He told her that he was preparing for another drama.

What saddened Lina more, was the fact that during three whole days she hasn't even talked with him once, when she called him or texted him, there wasn't any feedback.

She was feeling horribly lonely, but was busying herself with work, while Sara was in Japan getting some work done.

While she was preparing the presentation for her upcoming meeting with the shareholders she heard her phone ringing at the sound of an upcoming text message.

My leading guy:

Napun yeoja...annyeong!

 want something from Beijing? Coming back tonight! Want to meet up?"


He was the only available person for her these days, even with his busy schedule he was checking up on her.

Unlike what she would have done normally, avoiding him after the awkward situation in the key, she didn't.

She gave every person she just discovered a bit of her time to get to know her, unfairly avoiding him.

Something wasn’t going right in her life, may be her memory loss was for a purpose to rethink something, her priorities, the choices she have made.

May be the divorce was due to Yoochun’s busy life, and now she has another chance to save their marriage….Or to simply notice something else….That thing that was in the form of Yunho.

>> OST2

At that thought, she shook her head, sighed then grabbed her phone, and when she was about to answer Yunho, she was startled by another text message arriving.

Her face lighten up with a Huge smile once she saw the name of the sender

My & Mine

“ Want to have a moment with my wife tonight…9pm@ Soon restaurant! I miss you ^^”


Once she read the message, she forgot all the things that tormented her awhile ago.

After checking with Se Na, who informed that the restaurant was the “chic” type, and she would’ve need to dress up.

Lina stormed  to her house, where she choose what she would wear after hours of searching, then went to the hairdresser.

She wanted this night to be perfect, she wanted him to look at her in another light, she wanted to revive what was missed.

When she looked at her reflection , she was content about what she saw, it was the result she was looking for.

She was wearing a creamy strapless dress, a black blazer and black classic Louboutin shoes,  her hair was loosen and slightly wavy.


After checking with the butler, she was escorted to the booked table, she was surprised to find herself the first one arriving.

After waiting for 20 minutes, and feeling the staring of other people at her awkward situation, and the third time the waiter asking for her order. She took her phone from her purse, and dialed Yoochun’s number, but no answer was heard.

She kept staring at her phone, when she saw missed calls from a person that she forgot :Yunho. To ease her uncomfortable wait, she called him back, to find it switched off.

“Maybe he’s on his way back to Korea” she thought


“Miss, We are about to close” the waiter said to the lifeless Lina who was still waiting, sipping the 14th cup of champagne.

She nodded, then slowly got up, gathered her stuff, paid for the alcohol that eased her painful waiting and made her way to the exit.

Once inside her car, she got a text


My & Mine

Sorry, held back…Good Night”


She kept blankly staring at this Plain text, feeling anger, pain and bitterness overwhelming her.


*Flash Back*

Lina was slowly making her way through the hordes of reporters that were filling the press conference Yoochun was making.

She was putting big shades so she wouldn’t be noticed by any reporter.

Her heart was thumbing out of fear and expectation.


This Scandal broke because of her, but she believed in him.

She stood next to a reporter watching him.

“Yoochun ssi, are you dating the director of your last Music Video?”

“Are the words that were recorded of her true? Are you really dating her?”


Lina was nervously playing with her fingers, as the embarrassing question were coming from all sides.

Sure she was stupid enough to talk about their relationship  with Jaelyn in a nail shop, and be recorded by an employee, but she believed in him.

She believed in him enough, to let go of so many things for him.


Yoochun who was nervously looking at the crowd, spotted Lina through the crowd anxiously waiting for his answer.

“Answer Yoochun-aa” whispered his manager


Yoochun looked at Lina, then turned his gaze to the crowd and coldly answered

 “I’m not in any kind of relationship with Miss Lina, our working relationship ended with the end of the MV’s shooting. I am not responsible of any statement said about me.”

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nzeghret ana oula chnu ndir??
Jaelyn-Choi #2
Chapter 19: wili wili wiliiiiii!!!
Jaelyn-Choi #3
Chapter 19: wili wili wiliiiiii!!!
Chapter 19: i thought she remembered EVERYTHING but she only remembered that part. I'm happy that she remembered her past but at the same time sad because it was THAT part.[sigh] I guess i'll just have to wait for your update..=)
Chapter 19: Update soon
Chapter 18: what the what the AHHHH!! what happened? why did they divorce ahhrgg, update soon!!! The chapter was so sweet then you dropped the bomb.. uhhh..
Chapter 18: Omo.. The papers were signed.. Yunhoooooo
Chapter 17: YUNHO FTW~~~~~~~~~~~~~