Chapter Thirteen: “Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.”




Her body was aching as hell, she couldn't even open her eyes properly, when suddenly she remembered what happened.

Her eyes flung widely open, she could see that she wasn't in her room, she was afraid to turn around or to move. It felt incredibly cold, and her body was numb.

She gathered her courage then slowly moved her weak trembling hand from her side to her chest ,then slowly to her tummy ,to find it completely flat.


She started checking every corner of her tummy, hoping that she could feel something...but there was nothing.

Being as clueless as she was, she tightly shut her eyes hoping that it was all a bad dream, and that she'll soon wake up.

How could it be?

She lost her baby...?

She killed Hana...?

She then opened her eyes again ,to find herself in the same cold spot, alone and empty.


Gathering the little strength she had, slowly got up, to be in a sitting position...trying to figure out something...maybe Hana is still alive, maybe they brought her somewhere to save her...may be she's safe.

Lina then removes the sheets that were covering her ,and turned her body so she can stand up, removed the needles that were keeping her from getting up.

Her barefoot touched the incredibly cold floor, it was incredibly hard for her to stand straight without holding onto something, her steps were as slow as a baby...she made a first step then a second, and because her body wasn't fully recovered she lost her balance and fell on the ground in the same time as the door being opened.


The person that opened the door hurriedly went by her side.

Lina was trying to get up again ,when that person held her back.

“Lina aaa...” Yoochun pleaded in a cracked voice

She shook her weak body from his embrace trying again to stand up "I have to go see Hana" she weakly said

Yoochun couldn't held back his tears ,he back hugged her while both being on the ground, he strongly held her and was bitterly crying.

Lina was weakly fighting back to get up ,but couldn't

"Let me go...I need to see my baby" She yelled

"Lina please....Hana is gone" He yelled back as Lina was struggling to get out of his embrace.

She stopped short ,and didn't move an inch...

"It's a miracle that you're still alive...but hana couldn't make it...the fall was fatal..." He sighed


Lina was motionless for some minutes, then she started crying silently...then it became louder enough for all the hospital to hear her.

Then she started crying out “Give me  my baby baaack....Yoochun  please...Give me back my girl" Yoochun was helplessly holding her and crying seeing her in that state. She was hilarious and started bitterly screaming out her unborn baby's name.

The doctor and the nurses stormed in with Sara who called them, and got her out from Yoochun helpless embrace, while she was fighting back and screaming, put her on her bed ,and gave her a sedative through a syringe...she was dozing off tears silently coming from her eyes, watching Sara crying while being held by G Dragon who was comforting her and her pitiful husband  who was silently crying his hand on his mouth watching the person he loves the most being that miserable.


 Slowly opening her eyes, she was met with complete darkness. She was laying on her bed, tightly holding onto something that was moving, in a constant rhythm, that thing was incredibly warm and was reassuring.

That thing, was breathing, she slowly moved her head up to see to what she was holding onto, to see Yoochun’s angelic face sleeping, while holding her, and she was tightly holding onto his black shirt.

While staring onto his face, she remembered the last thing she saw before waking up, Yoochun’s tears and sad face while seeing her, she remembered how bad she felt, how miserable she was, her heart was aching like the time when she lost her baby.

She kept staring at this man she was holding onto, that man that cried for her, that man that completed her life, that man that was her home, that man that lost his baby because of her, because she wasn’t able to protect it.

As she was thinking about that, a tear came from her eye and slowly landed on Yoochun’s arm on which she was resting her head.

At the encounter of her tear with his arm’s bare skin, Yoochun’s eyes flung open to be met with Lina’s watery eyes.

They kept silent, looking into each others eyes, when a tear slipped again from Lina’s eyes, and before it could go any farther, Yoochun’s blocked its path with his free hand’s thumb.

“I’m…..Sorry….” said Lina in a cracked voice

He knew what she was sorry for, they’ve already had this conversation before, and this time it was more heartbreaking for him.

He put a kiss on her forehead, and held her tighter, afraid of losing her.

Feeling his warmth, she cried even harder, but he didn’t object, it had to be out of her system again. He wished he was the one going through this pain, it was too cruel for her to experience every shock and sadness again and again. He wished it could be him, because he deserved it.


Fortunately, it was the weekend, and after waking up and not finding Yoochun by her side, she took a refreshing bath, changed into more comfortable clothes.


Then slowly went down, to be surprised to find a gathering : Yoochun, Jaejoong and Junsu were sitting on the couch speaking,


When suddenly she heard a girl’s voice “Lina, are you ok?”

Making the other three turn her way, It was Sara coming out from the kitchen and noticing Lina coming down.

Yoochun hurriedly went to her side, intently looking at her “Are you ok?”


Lina bitterly smiled, then nodded. When suddenly she felt someone strongly hugging her

“I disappear just 3 days, and look how bad you look!” sighed Jaejoong

Lina smiled then said “Ajummaaaaaa”

“Hyung” helplessly called out Junsu

Jaejoong slowly let go of his embrace, and Lina was startled by his sad expression, it pierced her heart he whispered “It’s unfair….”


Sara then took her hand, and reassuringly squeezed it, then accompanied her to sit on the couch.

Sara sat next to her, and the guy gathering around “ Are you feeling better?” asked Sara

Lina simply nodded, then asked “What happened yesterday, I only remember going down the stairs, about to fall, and then I’m sleeping next to Yoochun…”

Sara looked up at Yoochun, then sighed and said



When she was about to fall, Yoochun prevented her from doing so, and while he was holding her, she started heavily breathing, he let go of his embrace, to see her eyes tightly closed.

He shook her, then she opened her eyes, glared at him, then collapsed on the stair and started crying out “Give her back to me….Hana!! Please Yoochun!! I want her back!”

Yoochun was held back by Lina’s reaction, he knew she just remembered the loss of their unborn baby

The doorbell was now even louder, Yoochun gathered his senses back, then quickly went to open the door, to find a terrified Sara “What happened??” she asked

“HANAAA, Sara please give me back my baby! I’ll give you everything” Cried out Lina while heading to Sara who quickly found out what was going wrong.

Yoochun went by his wife’s side, and was holding her.

Sara then hurried to the house’s pharmacy, to find the sedative she was taking when she was in the same state.



“So I gave you the pills, and Yoochun brought you to your room where you both rested”

Junsu then took the pill’s box, then looked through it “It’s pretty strong!”

When Lina looked at the sedative brand and box, it gave her shivers all over her body


*Flash Back*

Lina was on the taxi, heading to Jaelyn’s house…

She was going to end this…for good

She’ve had enough of the calls she was bothering her with everyday

But the message she had this afternoon, bothered her even more.

So she was now heading to her house, empty headed and cold hearted


After knocking on the loft’s door, Lina was about to let go, when she turned around the knob of the door to surprisingly find it open.

She slowly went into the loft, and started calling out jaelyn’s name “Jaelyn, I’m here…Come out”

Lina looked through the living room, then went up to her bedroom..But nothing

She then went to the bedroom’s bathroom , slowly opened the door…


To find an awful scene, Jaelyn was laying on the ground lifeless, and three box of pills around her.

Lina hurried by her side to find a note “I’m sorry Eonnie

She was frightened, she started shaking Jaelyn’s numb body

“Jaelyn-aaa wake up” she cried out

After freaking out for some seconds, she took her phone, and dialed the 911, when the introlucutor asked her what did jaelyn took, she took one of the boxes and said “ 3 boxes of sedatives “

The same brand she was taking after the loss of Hana.




For those who didn't understand the first scene is the rest of the flashback she had

Then when she's laying with yoochun is the present time....

I hope it won't confuse you guys

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nzeghret ana oula chnu ndir??
Jaelyn-Choi #2
Chapter 19: wili wili wiliiiiii!!!
Jaelyn-Choi #3
Chapter 19: wili wili wiliiiiii!!!
Chapter 19: i thought she remembered EVERYTHING but she only remembered that part. I'm happy that she remembered her past but at the same time sad because it was THAT part.[sigh] I guess i'll just have to wait for your update..=)
Chapter 19: Update soon
Chapter 18: what the what the AHHHH!! what happened? why did they divorce ahhrgg, update soon!!! The chapter was so sweet then you dropped the bomb.. uhhh..
Chapter 18: Omo.. The papers were signed.. Yunhoooooo
Chapter 17: YUNHO FTW~~~~~~~~~~~~~