I'm Gonna Miss You (Ginny's POV)

A Sweet Black Day
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Four and a half years has gone, here I am, with a cup of tea on my desk, munching my sweet short cake, waiting for him.

I still remember the times, when there's only me and him everywhere. Well, at least, in my whole life, before I’ve turned seventeen, he is the only one for me. Oh, did I mention the word 'friend'? I mean, he is the best friend I ever had!

The first time I met him, it was when I’m a freshman in middle school. He was so cold and always been so harsh towards our classmates and seniors. He was scary and I was scared.

Nobody knows the exact reason why he was being like that, but if you know him well, he’s so nice and funny.

"Excuse me, the guy over there asked me to give this to you," one of the waitresses pulled me back to reality and handed me a small note with a meaningful smile on her face.

"Oh, thanks." I opened the note and read it, then laugh.


-Lee Ginny, I'm so damn hungry that I could just eat you up alive.

Can I order some more pizza? And the cream soup? And sorbet?-


I looked at Changmin's direction, he give me his best puppy eyes look. I smiled and nod. He smiled wider and happily called the waitress to order his food. He is sitting not too far from me. He is one of my best friends, we met in Harvard, we were studying Arts and Sciences together and became so close because of our appetites, scratch that, I mean our big appetites. And I should tell you, that that pig doesn't only love his foods, he loves his money too! He will never pay for you but will nagging you to death only to get paid for his food.

I also have Junsu, Taeyeon and Tiffany as my best friends. But Tiffany is in California right now, and Junsu is dating Taeyeon, I can't just ask them out like this. Especially when the occasion is to guard me meeting my very first best friend who is also my first crush, Kim Jaejoong.

Now, do you know what day is it? No, I know this is Saturday. But, do you know that this is a Black Day too? The day when the singles going out eating some Black Bean Noodles to 'celebrate' their singleness? You know it, do you?

Today is a Black Day, and I’m single. Waiting in this little caféfor Jaejoong, hoping he is a single too. To eat our Black Bean Noodles together like what we used to do when we’re still high school.

I used to be single since I was born, I never had a boyfriend or even a crush. All that I was interesting at was books, reading, studying and writing fanfictions. I used to get bullied since I was the ugly duck in the school of the beautiful swans. I was standing alone in the crowd, and wasn’t welcomed in any of the groups just because I’m fat, my hair’s black, straight and clever. Well, is that even a reason to refuse someone to be your friend? I mean, I was just being me!

It was okay for me anyway, I don’t really care, because I don’t believe them. I used to be alone and those fakers are the pain in the neck. Really, I don’t like it when they being good to me just because they know my parents are rich.

But then, I was lucky that Jaejoong came into my life and be my guardian angel. He looked for me for who I am, not for the look.  And he’s not after my parent’s money or name.

Spring term was almost ended when he became my friend. How?

I was being pushed by a ‘very pretty’girls group in the hall way because I was on her way. I still remember how pain was it when my met the marbles floor. I can still remember how embarrassed I was when I fall in fro

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good short story!
me likey :D
oh my god, this is damn good!!! DAEBAK! O.O
Just finish reading, you're really a great writer. And i will never get tired of telling you that, And you MR. KIM I LOVED YOU EVEN MORE ^^ <br />
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please don't stop writing. From now on I will be one of your avid reader. *HUGS U*
waaaa...<br />
great story...<br />
it's nice, u r such a good writer!!<br />
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It ended so fast, but I really enjoy it!!<br />
it ended so fast? D: I didn't expect it to end this fast D: but omfg i truly loved it! It was so sweet... Must have hurt for both sides to be apart for that long, the pain and frustration she had over airport security lol
Aww... ended already?! D:<br />
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YEY~! THEY are together...<br />
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I LOVE this part~!:<br />
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“Ginny??” Jaejoong stared at me with wide eyes. What? I thought you would be happy to see me. “But..but.. you..you..”<br />
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Okay, it’s not even five years yet, and he’s become more idiot than before. “I’m what?”<br />
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“..hot..” he whispered under his breath but I still heard it. Well, you guess! Of course I am blushing like a poached shrimp now, a small smile came across my face. “You changed.”<br />
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I wanna know what happens next 8D omfg I love this chapter, so much intenseness I'm all worked up :D
Yes... Jaejoong... where the hell are you?<br />
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Omfg if what happened to her at the airport happened to me I'll so cry for the rest of my life. That's why I hate airport security lol XD<br />
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They are such lazy bums~
because they called me hyung and I ordered them around the campus.<br />
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LOL typical Jaejoong, and the eye of Yoochun's English paper XD nice!<br />
I've officially learned a new word 8D
I love the first chapter by far 8D Moving to the second, you are a really good writer!