Chapter 3

The Key Assistant of Love


Chapter 3 | Dream Team |

After a very awkward dinner, it was almost time for bed. However, it was impossible for Niki to fall asleep in such a catastrophe so she went into the balcony to seek for some peace and quiet.

“Are you okay?” Minho walked into the balcony and asked, deeply concerned.

Niki turned around, surprised. She stared at him for a while before regaining her composure. “I’m fine. There’s nothing, really.”

“Hey, your tears betrayed you.” Minho smiled and wiped away the tears on Niki’s face, causing her to flinch slightly. “You didn’t eat nor talk much just now. What’s wrong?”

Niki sniffed and cleared . “No, I’m fine. Just kind of freaked out by Jonghyun.”

“Oh really? Then why are you crying?”

“It’s really nothing. Besides, it’s late. What are you doing here?”

“Then what are you doing here?”

“I can’t sleep.”

“Mmm, me too. Come on, I’m all ears.”

Niki got irritated. “Will you quit bothering me and just go back to sleep? Leave me alone!” She barked at him.

“I’m sorry…” Minho frowned and slowly made his way to his bedroom. He turned back once to take a last look at Niki.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to… Come on back. I want to talk… to you.” Niki felt bad towards Minho and apologized.

Minho smiled and retraced his footsteps. He sat on one of the pillows and grinned at Niki. She smiled, looking at his huge eyes. “So, what is it?”

“I figured that I’d better tell you guys before all of you start accusing me of mistreating you all. Actually, I opted to be the assistant of Super Junior’s Kim Kibum, but not your Kim Kibum. But it turned out that my cousin made a mistake and made me Key’s assistant instead. You know what? I have been waiting for nobody knows how many years to live and breathe with Super Junior but now I will have to live and breathe with you guys for nobody knows how many years. I know it is silly to cry over this but I’m really miserable. I’m really a failure.

“You know, I once queued up overnight just to get a ticket to Super Junior’s first concert. But unfortunately, all the tickets sold out though I was first in queue. Then, they announced that there will be an encore performance, so I queued up for that too. I got my ticket, but when I went for the concert, they told me that the ticket I bought was for the first concert and that I could not enter. Ha, how bad can my luck get? I must be the most unlucky person in the world.” Another tear slid down Niki’s face.

“Hey, you aren’t that bad. Why not ask your cousin to let you switch over to Super Junior?” Minho asked. Inside, he felt sad as he never knew that Niki was so miserable working with them.

“I asked. He can’t.”

“Then… why don’t you just quit?” Minho let out those words which he never thought of saying.

“I don’t know. I’ve been such a failure, why not fail all the way?” Niki chuckled bitterly.

“I won’t let you.” Minho whispered, staring into Niki’s eyes intently.

To Niki’s surprise, she stared back at his. I trust you.

“Come on, why are you still dragging your feet? Come on!” Minho went back and dragged Niki along. He promised to make her happy that day but Niki doubted him.

“Like, where are we? I’ve only been your assistant for a day and you are trying to kidnap me? Thank you very much.” Niki groaned.

“Come on, you’ll be thrilled.”

“Will you at least tell me where we ar-” Niki was at a loss for words. She looked at the lean figure in front of her.

“Annyeong, you’re Niki, right?” The guy smiled at her. Niki continued staring. “Hahaha, she must be thinking that I look better on TV, right?”

“Yah, what are you doing? Hyung’s talking to you.” Minho chuckled. He nudged Niki, entertained by her dazed look.

“Eunhyuk oppa? Lee Hyuk Jae? KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” Niki could not stop herself from jumping into Eunhyuk’s arms. He was one of her biases in that awesome group and she literally worshipped him.

“Yah, she’s so cute. Hey, you’re crushing me. Kekeke.” Eunhyuk chuckled. Niki then released her grip and realized that she was tearing up. She continued staring at her beloved idol and cried even more.

Eunhyuk laughed and started wiping off the tears on Niki’s face. She started laughing and crying at the same time, which wasn’t exactly a nice thing to look at. Still, she was so happy that she went over to hug Minho. “Minho ah, thank you so much! I LOVE YOU!”

“Please, please, please…” Niki closed her eyes. Everybody held their breath. She heard the crowd cheer and she opened her eyes. He did it. Minho did it!

Niki was ecstatic and started jumping out of her seat. She jumped all over the place, doing her special celebratory dance.

“Yah, I think you’re even happier than me!” Minho laughed at her, delighted to see her looking so happy.

“CHOI MINHOOOOOOOOO! You were awesome, you know that? I’ve been watching Dream Team for a long time but I’ve only been staring at Eunhyuk oppa. Now then I realize that you really are the true ace of Dream Team! Move over, Eunhyukkie!” Niki screamed into Minho’s ears and hugged him.

“Yah, what did you say? Are you an ELF or Shawol now?” Eunhyuk tried to sound mad.

“Both!” Niki shouted and linked arms with both Minho and Eunhyuk. They made their way to their exit before halting suddenly.

“Wait, if you guys are the Dream Team, does that mean… WAIT, THIS ISN’T A DREAM, RIGHT?” Niki froze.

Both Minho and Eunhyuk started laughing. “Pabo!” 

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