Chapter 2

The Key Assistant of Love


Chapter 2 | Heartquake |

“WHAT?! YOU MEAN… YOU THOUGHT IT WAS HIM? OH MY GOD TAEHO OPPA! YOU’RE KIDDING ME RIGHT?!” Niki shrieked into her phone though she was pretending to use the toilet after that incident.

“Wasn’t it Kim Kibum? That’s Key, right?” Taeho replied, still not sure of what was happening.

“Oppa, I meant Super Junior’s Kim Kibum! Not this Kim Kibum! I don’t want to be anybody else’s assistant! Oppa, do something!” Niki pleaded, desperate.

“Niki ah, I thought all along that you liked Key! Now you’re telling me it’s Kibum from Super Junior? To think I went through all that to help you! Gosh, I don’t know what I can do now.” Taeho said, shocked.

“Oppa… I… I’m so sorry oppa! But, isn’t there anything you can do?”

“Niki, I’ll really have to disappoint you this time.”

Niki ended the call. She could not believe the sudden change in events for her. SHINee? Not Super Junior, but SHINee? Still, she knew that there was nothing that could be done at this moment. She could not disappoint her cousin. Niki pretended to flush the toilet bowl and walked out, fearful of what was going to happen.

“There you are, Niki. The boys are all waiting for you.” Manager Kim brought Niki to the living room.

She looked at the five faces staring at her. It was really them, SHINee. Not Super Junior.  

“All right boys, this is Song Niki and she’s going to be assisting us in our future endeavours and I hope we can work happily together. Okay?” Manager Kim introduced her to SHINee.

“Sure, unless she breaks my other arm.” Key rolled his eyes. He winced as he thought of the painful memory.

“Hey there, I’m Onew. It’ll be nice to have you assisting us.” Onew smiled and shook hands with Niki.Boy, her hands are so cold.

Holding back her tears, Niki smiled. “I’ll do my best, Onew-ssi.”

“Hey you don’t have to call me that. How old are you?”

“19 in a few more months.” Niki’s voice trembled. She dreaded the thought of spending her birthday with the boys, especially the one named after an inanimate object.

“Hey, that’s the same age as Kibum and Minho. So, you’re my dongsaeng? Cool! Go on, call me Jonghyun oppa. Jonghyun oppaaaa~” Jonghyun cooed, pleased that Niki was younger than him. Niki nodded awkwardly but refused to open . She had had enough of surprises for the day and was at a loss of what to do.

“Hello, I’m Minho.” Minho grinned and patted Niki on her shoulder. She smiled at him, glad that there was someone normal.

“Annyeong Niki noona! It’ll be fun having you around!” Taemin blinked enthusiastically. Niki smiled and sighed. I really hope so.

“So, I guess that’s almost everyone. I’ll hand the boys over to you now. I have an important phone call to make.” Manager Kim broke the awkwardness in the atmosphere and excused himself. Niki froze at her spot, unsure of what to do. She clutched her phone tightly, hoping that it would ring any time now and that her cousin had created yet another miracle, but to no avail.

Onew was curious to what Niki was thinking when she stood there, staring into space. It must be the unfamiliarity. He wanted to make her feel as welcomed as possible and said, “Niki-ah, how about we tell you about our schedule so you’ll know more about us?”

“Su-ure.” Niki tried to get to open. I’m sorry but I’m totally not interested.

“Come here.” Jonghyun held her hand and led her to the couch. Niki flinched at the sudden skinship but did not let go. His hand was warm and soft. It felt nice. “My dear girl, you don’t have to feel so stressed though it’s our first meeting. Look, your hands are icy cold!” He grabbed both of her hands and rubbed them together. Niki pulled her hands away, embarrassed. But deep inside, she quite enjoyed it.

“Hyung, stop it with your flirting, she’s turning red!” Minho smirked. “Here Niki, this is our schedule and oh! These are our new concept photos.” He handed her the schedule and photos.

“Thank you.” Niki took the papers half a beat too slow.

“You don’t have to use formal speech with me, since we’re the same age.” Minho tried to make her feel more at ease.

“Hey, though we’re the same age, I expect you to not treat me as a friend. Because we are just colleagues, not friends, get it?” Key barked at Niki, still furious about what happened earlier.

“I’m sorry about just now, Key-ssi.” Niki apologized, knowing that she got into his bad books.

“Whatever.” Key brushed her off curtly.

“Hey Niki noona, our new song’s Ring Ding Dong. Have you heard of it?” Taemin asked and immediately started dancing to his own singing.

“Stop your aegyo, Taemin-ah. I tell you, she likes me best.” Jonghyun winked at Niki, causing her face to turn red immediately. She pretended to look at their photos but dropped all of them instead. “Omo!” Niki bent down to pick them up.

“Pabo.” Key murmured under his breath.

“Here, I’ll help you.” Jonghyun offered and picked up some of the photos. He handed them to Niki and gave her a mega-watt smile. Niki’s heart started to beat very fast and she gulped. She continued pretending to stare at the photos, swearing that she would avoid eye contact with Jonghyun forever.

“See, I told you she likes me best.” Jonghyun grinned and pointed at the photo Niki was staring at.

Little did Niki realize that the person in the photo was none other than Kim Jonghyun. What’s happening to me?!

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