Chapter 1

The Key Assistant of Love


Chapter 1 | Kim Kibum|

Niki stared at the time on her phone. Time seemed to pass so slowly that every second felt like a whole century had passed and she wondered if it was worth the wait. Still, she sat patiently on her bed and continued staring at her silent mobile phone.

He told me he would confirm it by 1.30pm. Why aren’t I getting any news? Niki thought to herself. She sighed and rested her head on the pillow.

“Cause I can’t sto-”

Niki answered the call in a heartbeat. “Yobuseyo? Oppa, how was it? Am I in?”

“Niki ah… I did my best. I…” Taeho, her cousin, wanted to keep her in suspense.

“What? You mean, I…”

“Yes, you…”

“It’s okay, oppa. I understand. Thanks for your efforts anyway.” Niki tried not to sound too disappointed but her heart was crying.

“Niki ah, I meant to say, yes, you are in. WE DID IT!” Taeho shouted into the phone.

“OMO OPPA! YOU MEAN I GET TO BE KIBUM’S ASSISTANT? OMO KIM KIBUM?!” Niki screamed into the phone, ecstatic.

“YES, NIKI! AND EVEN ALL S. And there’s something better, his manager requested you to start work as soon as possible. The boys do need help now.”

The boys of Super Junior? Her Prince Charmings? Niki noted down the address and thanked her cousin for creating such a miracle. Life couldn’t get better.

This is it. The legendary Super Junior’s dormitory. I always thought it was somewhere else, but I guess the fans were wrong. I’m the only one who knows about their real address. The only ELF. Oh my god. Niki stared at the door for the thousandth time. She could not believe that she was going to be Super Junior’s assistant in just a few seconds. She took a deep breath and pressed the door bell.

“Who is it?” The screen next to the door burst into life.

Niki flinched a bit but tried to hide her nervousness. “Annyeong haseyo, I’m Niki, Kibum’s new assistant. Song Niki.”

“Ah, you’re here already? Great, I’ll let you in.” The male voice continued saying. Then, the door opened. “Annyeong haseyo, I’m Manager Kim. I heard from your cousin Taeho that you would like to get a job as an assistant? Well from today onwards, we’ll be working together.”

“Oh, annyeong haseyo. I will do my best.” Niki immediately did a 90-degree bow, probably even lower.

“Okay, come on in first. I’ll go get the boys up and introduce you to them. They just went to work out at the gym downstairs.” Manager Kim carried on saying.

Niki walked into the dorm and politely bade farewell to him. She was now all alone in the dormitory – Super Junior’s dormitory! She checked that Manager Kim had really left before screaming like any fangirl would. What could she do? She was one herself. This place is so clean and tidy. The other time on Clean House, they had clothes lying everywhere. Who cares? They made my job easier already.Niki could no longer contain her happiness and skipped around the whole place before fixing her eyes on a sign on one of the doors - “Almighty Kim Kibum”.

Niki could not believe her eyes. She turned the doorknob slowly, expecting to see a heap of clothes strewn all over the place in the room. However, the floor was really clean and the whole room was completely tidy. Kibum is the best!

She inched towards the dressing table which caught her attention the most. It was filled with keys of all shapes and sizes – some were real keys while others were key chains. Wow, I never knew our Kibummie had such a love for keys. I shall unlock your heart, oppa!

Before Niki could even touch one of the keys, she was pinned down on the table. Getting the shock of her life, she screamed for her life before getting gagged by the person who pinned her to the table.

“Yah, shut up!” It was a male’s voice.

Oh my god, I’m going to dieeeee! Niki tried to struggle but the man overpowered her.

“Stop screaming and I will let go.” The man slowly released his grip on her when she quietened down.

Immediately, Niki turned around and kicked his leg before twisting his arm and ending up sitting on him.Luckily I went for self-defence classes!

“Yah, what are you doing?! I’m Kibum, Kim Kibum!” The man cried out.

WHAT?! Niki stood on her own feet and stared at the mysterious man. Right at that moment, he looked up at her and their eyes met. “Key? SHINee’s Key?!” Niki was alarmed. What was Key doing in Kibum’s room?

“Hell yeah, who else would it be? Damn, my arm’s broken.” Key was furious at her.

“Omo… I’m so sorry! I…”

“Hey, look like you guys have met each other!” Manager Kim suddenly walked into the room.

“Hyung, are you sure it’s her?” Key was flabbergasted. He could not imagine living everyday like this with his life at stake.

“Manger Kim… I’m going to be his assistant? I thought it was Kibum?” Niki asked, totally confused.

“Yeah, you are now looking at the Kim Kibum you are assigned to, dear.”

Kim Kibum? It can’t be…

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