Of Banana Milk

「Three-Shot」Banana Milk and Chicken

 The first time Lee Taemin knew that he felt something about Lee 'Onew' Jinki was when he had been sleeping over at his house, and Taemin like the creeper he was decided to watch him sleep and it was then where he realised how beautiful Onew was as he could just admire him for once and take in every single detail.


And when he had time to appreciate how cute, funny and sweet Onew was. He never had enough time normally as his umma always made him busy, he smiled at the sleeping Onew and how he still slept with his chicken plushie from Kindergarten (Dubu).


It was then that he also realised that the reason why his heart rate sped up and his face flushed bright red whether Onew was around was not because he was ill or catching a fever but... L. O. V. E.


It was also then that he knew he had to get his Umma's permission. His umma being Kim 'Key' Kibum, the diva of the school and perhaps city, sometimes it was a battle between him and Heechul.


And Taemin knew that was going to be hard. Key was determined that his baby would never date, at least not before him. So he would have to get Key with somebody... but who?




He could still remember when he first met Onew and how it had taken him weeks to learn his name, he remembered when Onew just shyly watched him and he remembered how he secretly watched Onew back earning for him to gain confidence.


One day, when Onew was lurking in the doorway he decided that he would take the initiative and not allow the boy to escape again. So he asked the boy to join and was over the moon when he agreed.


They played with one another everyday until that one day that Onew did not come in. Taemin could still remember how he had cried so hard that he frightened most of the other kids away from him, and the boy with the frog plushie burst into tears himself, and the teacher had had to comfort him and tell him that Onew would return.


He had needed a lot of consouling and the frog boy had always looked at him warily afterwards. Eventually after a couple of days he ran out of tears and found himself incredibly lonely now that Onew was not here.


He had been used to playing all on his own but since he had met Onew he did not like the lonliness as he knew he did not have to suffer from it. He still missed Onew though, like a lot.


It was then that he decided to play with the Barbie boy, that's what Key was known as then as he the only one who ever played with them and he was also as pretty as a Barbie. Also the Barbie boy was the only one playing alone so he would be more likely to agree to letting him play.


Thus his first meeting of Key and becoming friends with him. Key had quickly became some what of a role model for him and a good friend. But he still missed Onew. So when Onew returned he had quickly leapt up to greet him again and make sure he did not find another friend as Taemin had labelled him as his and he was not about to share.


So when the day came where they were about to paint and Onew said no... Taemin was all ready to start crying and to throw the paint over whoever or what ever was stopping Onew with painting with them.


Taemin was glaring at the his new haircut in the mirror blaming it for Onew's sudden dislike of him when Key finally dragged him off to paint. Taemin was glad to see that there was no one else playing with Onew as Onew was HIS.


Seeing as Onew was not playing with him and he probably did something to upset Onew he decided to paint Onew a picture so he would become his friend again. He could not think what to paint him so decided to paint him a picture of banana milk, his second most favourite thing in the world. His first favourite thing being Onew.


When two boys went over to the paint table, Taemin decided to ignore them as:

1. They were not Onew thus not deserving his attention.

2. Greeting them would make him lose focus on Onew's picture which needed to be perfect.

3. He did not know their names so he could not greet them probably, well he knew the frog boy as he remembered making him cry


The only reason he stopped ignoring them was that the dinosaur look alike decided to flick paint, Taemin glared at him relieved to see none touched Onew's painting. However Key had not been as lucky as his painting was splattered.


Key gave an outraged cry and too began glaring at the dino. As revenge he painted a pink line down his face.


"Now we're even." and it was all over with. Well until Taemin offered Onew the painting and Taemin had never been happier when Onew accepted it and kissed him on the cheek. He had also never blushed redder, Onew being a shy boy back then went red too.


Onew had gotten the name of Onew when they began proper lessons of simple maths and spelling. It was around that time that Key and Jonghyun (the dino boy) became enemies as well.


Key, Taemin's self declared best friend (Taemin still considered Onew his best friend though), showed off his new Hello Kitty watch and it was nice and all but Taemin found himself more interested in the fact that Onew had been holding his hand.


He felt more than sad when Onew let go and Key took it instead to drag him so he could show off his watch to more classmates. He pouted slightly and wished that Onew did not have to let go.


When Jonghyun stole the watch, Key went dangerously quiet and Taemin was worried as Key was bound to do something stupid or bad. But when Onew appeared all thoughts to do with Key went out the window.


When Onew taught him how to draw chickens, Taemin found himself becoming amazed with how well Onew could draw them, if it had been anyone else with those skills he would have been jealous but seeing as it was Onew he was just proud.


He could not help himself and he praised Onew until Onew, ever the cute and shy one hid his face in his hands. Taemin laughed at his adorableness and hug him tightly, he was so happy that Onew was his friend and no one else's.


When Taemin was about nine going on ten he found reason to join Key in his hate Jonghyun parade when Onew joined the football team and Jonghyun (and his side-kick Minho, who just so happened to be the frog boy who Taemin had accidentally made cry) stole Onew from him. He knew it was silly to think that way but Onew was his! Yeah, he was jealous but Onew was still his. He had never really got rid of his possessiveness over Onew.


He also found himself sad that the football team was taking up the time that he would spend with Onew. Taemin found himself drinking a lot more banana milk almost as if he was comfort drinking during that period, he really missed Onew.


Key was happy though as he got to spend more time with Taemin and especially as Taemin was finally sharing the hate. Around that time Key decided to adopt Taemin as his son as he felt the need to look after the pining boy.




Taemin took a deep breath and decided that he had enough of reminiscing as he needed to go to sleep, after all it was a sleepover and just watching Onew sleep all night might be a little creepy.


The next day he decided to start gathering up enough courage to tell his umma, he had even thought of someone to pair his umma up with so he could date Onew if he had to.


Jonghyun would make a nice appa, wouldn't he? Taemin was proud of his choice after all it was clear that Key secretly liked him, Onew even said so. Also it would get Jonghyun away from his Onew!


Onew was so sweet and made him breakfast of chicken (of course) and a bottle of banana milk, well it was Onew's mother but Onew instructed her what to make it.


Onew walked with him to school and Taemin had never felt happier and when they had to part ways it was good, even though he did not want to leave Onew as he had the next class with Key and then he could tell his umma.


It was Maths and he decided to tell Key there as they sat next to one another and he would probably not have any time to do it later as they always spent time with Onew.


“Umma...” Taemin began nervously, Key looked up from the table (he had been attempting to sleep as Maths bored him so) to look at Taemin curiously.


“There's some one that I like and I want to know if...” Taemin began, stuttering slightly.


“You're not dating until I am and seeing as that's never going to happen as some stupid dino takes up all my dating time you will never date.” Key said warningly, Taemin had to stop from giving a slight smile as it was clear that Key was in denial over his feelings for Jonghyun. Well he knew that he would have to get Jonghyun and Key together soon then.


“Also tell Onew if he tries to date you before then that umma will hit him with a spatula.” Key added, Taemin went red. How did Key figure out it was Onew? Key smirked at his look.


“Seriously, Minnie, it's obvious that you like him. Besides you can't hide anything from the almighty umma. But still no dating.”




Taemin was sad to say that it had taken several years to think of a plan to get them together but finally he had one, well he and Onew had one (but it was mostly his) and if it did not work he would throw his banana milk away and never drink it again. That's how confident he was about it.


Now he was currently leading Key to the art room where everything would take place, but first he lead Key to the board where the new art seating plan was posted so that Key did not see their art class leave the building to go outside.


"You're kidding me right? Pupposaur is sitting next to me in art!" Key yelled gaining the attention of everyone around him, Taemin sighed. This plan better work or else he'll have to drug Key or something to get him with someone as he did not have to wait much longer.


"I'm sure he's nice once you get to know him, he can't be that bad." Taemin said trying to reason with Key so that Key could at least attempt to be civil at once so JongKey could happen thus resulting in his freedom to ask Onew on a date, Key merely frowned back not agreeing with Taemin's statement.


"You're just happy you get to sit next to Onew." Key said, Taemin's face lit up and he grinned at the seating plan. Yes, he loved that part, he thanked the art teacher for sitting the students by surname and then he thanked his parents for having the same surname as Onew.


"Maybe." Taemin said grinning. Key ruffled Taemin's hair and entered the art classroom to see only Jonghyun and Onew in there. Onew winked at Taemin, who blushed madly. Onew always affected him so. He winked back.


Key and Jonghyun were attempting to shoot lightening at one another from their eyes and the tension was already becoming choking. They had to do it quick then.


"Have you seen the teacher or anyone else yet?" Onew asked, he knew where they were though, you could see them through the window. Taemin shook his head finding it hard not to smile.


"Should I go check?" He asked, Onew nodded and stood up.


"I'll go with you." and so they left leaving Key and Jonghyun alone in the art room. Onew quickly turned and locked the door with the keys he had borrowed from the art teacher who was all for their plan as she had enough for Jonghyun and Key's fights. The click of the lock alerted Jonghyun and Key and they ran to the door.


Onew and Taemin hid so they could not see them before eavesdropping and spying through the glass in the door. They were pleased to see their plan worked when they saw the newly formed JongKey making out and leaving trails of purple paint where they kissed.


"See I told you they were just ually frustrated with each other." Onew said wisely, Taemin nodded and continued to watch JongKey through the glass.


"But this was my idea though." Taemin said, Onew smirked.


"Do you want to know who else is ually frustrated?" Onew asked, Taemin turned to him curiously.


"Who, hyung?" Taemin asked, Onew replied by slamming him into the door and kissing him, hard.


"Me." Onew whispered into his ear making Taemin shiver slightly and stare at Onew shocked. Was this Onew's idea for a confession, either way he'll take what's he given and he pulled Onew's head forward and forcing their lips back together. He was also glad that he was not disobeying his umma as this was after Key got with Jonghyun after all.


They did not see the shocked JongKey had stopped and started to stare at them nor did they see Minho who had been going to his next lesson stare at them as well and walk into a locker from not looking where he was going.


They did hear Key shout at them though, screaming at Onew for corrupting his son, Onew just smirked and kissed Taemin deeper and introducing his secret weapon. Tongue. Taemin moaned into the kiss before going bright red at the fact that his umma and potential new appa had caught them.

 A/N: My four year old sister has chicken pox, she's my cute little spotty chicken <3 

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Chapter 1: Goshgoshgosh I just freaking grinned the wholle timeeeee adorableness overload with little onewww TTwTT
Oh and ually frustrated onew. XD

Okay I'm done
Ohmygosh onew with chicken plushie capturing barbie and Minho crying, losing his frog plushie and jjong giving him his dino plushie is the cutest thing ever seriously. Chibied SHINee all over my head TwT
Chapter 4: The Ontae POVs are so cute!
Glad Ontae got to kiss, lol!
Chapter 4: Omo, that, that was adorable!! Soo unbelievably cute!! I'm melting here ^^
OMO WHAT NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOO, I WANTED MORE, *SOBS* please, *oh cruel world* keke, I know I'm being dramatic but I really love this and I wanted more, I wanted to know what happened and where it went and everything, *starts whining* I really really love the OnTae part though so if it has to end now I'm glad that it ended like that, but still; *pouts cutely* I'll keep my fingers crossed for a sequel maybe yeah? keke; ;-P love it. <3 <3
phiiee #7
Omonaaaa wae you no make an official proposal? (wtf proposal xD)
But anyways, it's a good story~
Thank you for sharing! :D
What!? End already? UGH! I really want to know what's next. But, if that would be it~Then It's fine~ X) I love the ontae anyway~ <3
SadisticSinner #9
Oh well xD
Cute story anyway!
OMO, THEIR JUST TOO ADORABLE, I'M GONNA DIE; keke, yes yes yes please, the more chapters the better, and Taemin's pov, and Minho's pov; and then back to JongKey's and then to Onew's, keke, and just keep going, ;-P and Jinki's so cute, he's loved Taemin for so long, can't wait for more, update really really soon, with a HUGE chapter, keke, pleeeeeeeease. ;-D <3 <3