Of Chicken

「Three-Shot」Banana Milk and Chicken



When Lee Jinki had first set his eyes upon that boy in the fake cafe he knew it was love. Just the way his pudgy fingers curled around that plastic tray of fake chicken made his little heart beat faster, the way he smiled with his cheeky smile at his customers of teddy bears and dolls. It was the way he just handled the chicken so gently. Besides anyone who sold chicken was alright in his books.

 No seriously, Jinki was smart in the fact that he would never enter a car with strange people in it if they offered him candy, but if they offered him chicken he would not have a second thought about getting in that car. As long as they gave him the chicken first of course. Jinki had always had a bit of an obsession with chicken but recently he had a slight obsession over the cafe boy who sold the plastic chicken.

Today he was going to brave though and approach the boy and he was going to buy some of that plastic chicken with some of the fake coins he had found abandoned on the floor. But just like all the days before hand he got to the 'door' (it was two coat racks) and then grew too shy and ran away to hide behind someone and watch him.

He tried again the next day and it was different as the boy spotted him as he lurked in the door pondering whether to go in or not. The boy smiled at Jinki and he suddenly felt even more shy and went bright red.

"Hi, my name is Lee Taemin! Do you want to play?" He asked brightly, Jinki hid his face behind his ever faithful chicken plushie who's name was Dubu and nodded shyly. Taemin smiled at him and led him to a table with a bunch of friendly teddy bears who could keep Jinki and Dubu company. Taemin was soon back with a tray filled with plastic food.

"You can have what ever you want from the tray." Taemin said smiling, Jinki just nodded going bright red clutching onto Dubu as if he was a lifeline. Taemin was even nicer than he thought he would be. Over time Jinki became less shy and could actually speak to Taemin, one day however he got chicken pox. He got really scared as he thought he had got it from eating too much chicken.

He refused to eat chicken after that during the entire period he was ill, he did not want to get even more itchy red spots, it took his parents weeks to convince him that chicken pox was not caused by eating chicken and he had never been happier to find that out, to celebrate they ate lodes of chicken. That had been the best moment in his short life.

When he returned Taemin was not at the cafe, it was like the world ended, all stability was gone from his life. He felt betrayed when he saw Taemin playing with someone else but he was happy that that boy had not taken his place at the cafe, that was his spot  to play with Taemin. He was also happy to see that Taemin instantly leapt up and hugged him the moment he returned and that this Key person had not replaced him.

The Key person allowed him to play too and Jinki found that Key was quite nice but he still did not quite trust him as he still might take Taemin away from him. Jinki did not like that idea as Taemin was his special friend not Key's. So he kept trying to take Taemin away.

 Taemin and Key invited Jinki to paint with them but he did not want to, he had more pressing concerns, even though he really did not want to leave Taemin with Key he had a problem.

Taemin's new mushroom haircut had managed to subconsicously make Jinki eat a lot more mushrooms, he had chicken and mushroom soup, chicken and mushroom pasta, chicken and mushroom pie, even chicken and mushrooms on his pizza. Jinki was concerened when he realised this and he worried that he secretly wanted to eat Taemin. He did not want to eat Taemin, Taemin was his first and favourite friend.

He did not want to eat him! That would make him sad as then he can no longer play with him. Jinki watched Taemin from afar as he painted happily with Key, he wanted to paint too but he was doing this for Taemin's own safety.

He watched two other boys sit down and one flicked some paint and it landed on Key's, Jinki felt evil as it made him laugh and think that it served him right for trying to steal his Taemin away. Yeah that's right, his.

Jinki, recently dubbed Onew by his bestest friend Taemin (Key can pretend that Taemin's his best friend but Jinki Onew and Taemin knew better), watched in annoyance as Key stole Taemin's attention off of him by showing off his new Hello Kitty watch. He pouted in a corner. The puppy boy, he had never learnt his name. had decided to steal it and Onew felt happy as he could take Taemin back now as Key had no magical device to steal him away.

He was going to have fun and do what he was going to do before Key's watch arrived and he smiled happily as he skipped up to Taemin and gave him the once in a lifetime oppunity to learn to draw chickens with the amazing Onew. Onew was happy as Taemin forgot about Key and went with him, arm in arm to draw chickens.

Onew showed off a little when drawing in order to impress Taemin with his amazing chicken drawing skills, and Taemin showered him with praise which made him blush and hide his face which in turn made Taemin laugh and hug him. He was happy.

Onew had first became friends with Jonghyun and Minho when he had joined the football team so that he could become manilier so the thin little Taemin, who should really eat more chicken, could have a big strong bodyguard to protect him. Jonghyun and Minho had excepted him into their group of friends and that made Onew happy but all he really needed was Taemin to be really happy.

It was around then that he realised that he loved Taemin, he was slightly confused and embarrassed but even at the young age of ten he knew that this was the real thing, he even looked it up and his symptoms where the same. He felt shy about it and Minho and pressed at him to confess once he heard about it.

Jonghyun however was less pleased due to his ever growing 'hate' of Key, Onew could tell Jonghyun secretly liked Key though, just as he could tell that Key secretly liked Jonghyun whenether he hanged out with Taemin and Key. He figured he should do something about that later as then he could get Key away from Taemin if he shoved Key on Jonghyun. It was a win-win as then Jonghyun and Key would stop with the annoying fights and ranting about one another and then Key would be far away from Taemin.

Years later he had finally set his plan into action, Taemin had joined in as he too saw that they liked one another, but Onew had told him how great they looked together together and Taemin agreed. Today was the time that he and Taemin had decided it to happen. Onew spotted his victim no doubt plotting his latest revenge on Key. He decided to hug him as a greeting after all they were friends.

"Yah! Hyung, what is that for! Besides you're not allowed any hugs because you're hanging out with my arch nemisis, you traitor!" Jonghyun said pushing Onew away who pouted and asked Minho for a hug who gladly complied. They would of told Minho about the plan but Onew could not do what he wanted to do if Minho knew, besides Minho expressed like towards Taemin so he was dead to him.

"Technically I'm betraying Key as I was their friends first." Onew said, thinking over what Jonghyun said, but he was sort of lying as he was friends with Jonghyun before he considered Key as his friend because he had always considered Key a threat. Jonghyun smiled.

"Well that's okay then." He said cheerfully, Minho and Onew groaned.

"Don't you think you two should grow up and try to make friends, you go together nicely." Minho said, Onew smiled and nodded but Jonghyun just stared at them.

Onew lead Jonghyun to the classroom where him and Taemin had agreed to lead them to. Their plan invovled the fact that their shared art class had decided to draw outside, but Jonghyun and Key did not know that. Because Onew and Taemin had removed all things that informed it of that from them. Jonghyun looked suspisously at the empty classroom.

"Where is everyone?" Jonghyun asked confused, Onew smiled.

"We're probably early, you know how our teacher is." Onew said innocently, Jonghyun looked at him then shrugged leaning back in order to play on his phone. Onew looked at his watch before looking up as Taemin and Key walked in. Just in time. Taemin was amazing. Onew winked at Taemin, who winked back with a slight blush. Onew stopped his thoughts before they got carried away at the sight of that blush.

They both tried to avoid the glares between the cat like Key and dog like Jonghyun who both seemed to fight like their respective animals when it came to one another.

"Have you seen the teacher or anyone else yet?" Onew asked, he knew where they were though, you could see them through the window. Taemin shook his head finding it hard not to smile.

"Should I go check?" He asked, Onew nodded and stood up.

"I'll go with you." and so they left leaving Key and Jonghyun alone in the art room. Onew quickly turned and locked the door with the keys he had borrowed from the art teacher who was all for their plan as she had enough for Jonghyun and Key's fights. The click of the lock alerted Jonghyun and Key and they ran to the door.

Onew and Taemin hid so they could not see them before eavesdropping and spying through the glass in the door. They were pleased to see their plan worked when they saw the newly formed JongKey making out and leaving trails of purple paint where they kissed.

"See I told you they were just ually frustrated with each other." Onew said wisely, Taemin nodded and continued to watch JongKey through the glass. Was Taemin a vougeur?

"But this was my idea though." Taemin said, Onew smirked. Time to put his other and less thought out plan into action.

"Do you want to know who else is ually frustrated?" Onew asked, Taemin turned to him curiously.

"Who, hyung?" Taemin asked, Onew replied by slamming him into the door and kissing him, hard.

"Me." Onew whispered into his ear making Taemin shiver slightly and stare at Onew shocked for a moment before pulling Onew's head forward and forcing their lips back together. They did not see the shocked JongKey had stopped and started to stare at them nor did they see Minho who had been going to his next lesson stare at them as well and walk into a locker from not looking where he was going.


A/N: *Stares at the JongTae images* I made it into my new desktop and phone background, I used to have just shirtless Jonghyun but now I have both shirtless Jonghyun and a bonus Taemin. I used to have this undying urge to add JongTae into every story and to write a JongTae story... I lost it.  I no longer have that urge. I don't understand why though... I mean shouldn't that increase the urge. Well anyway do you want twoshot? threeshot? I dunno. Also ? I'm planning on writing a Taemin-ish POV one and one for Minho...

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Chapter 1: Goshgoshgosh I just freaking grinned the wholle timeeeee adorableness overload with little onewww TTwTT
Oh and ually frustrated onew. XD

Okay I'm done
Ohmygosh onew with chicken plushie capturing barbie and Minho crying, losing his frog plushie and jjong giving him his dino plushie is the cutest thing ever seriously. Chibied SHINee all over my head TwT
Chapter 4: The Ontae POVs are so cute!
Glad Ontae got to kiss, lol!
Chapter 4: Omo, that, that was adorable!! Soo unbelievably cute!! I'm melting here ^^
OMO WHAT NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOO, I WANTED MORE, *SOBS* please, *oh cruel world* keke, I know I'm being dramatic but I really love this and I wanted more, I wanted to know what happened and where it went and everything, *starts whining* I really really love the OnTae part though so if it has to end now I'm glad that it ended like that, but still; *pouts cutely* I'll keep my fingers crossed for a sequel maybe yeah? keke; ;-P love it. <3 <3
phiiee #7
Omonaaaa wae you no make an official proposal? (wtf proposal xD)
But anyways, it's a good story~
Thank you for sharing! :D
What!? End already? UGH! I really want to know what's next. But, if that would be it~Then It's fine~ X) I love the ontae anyway~ <3
SadisticSinner #9
Oh well xD
Cute story anyway!
OMO, THEIR JUST TOO ADORABLE, I'M GONNA DIE; keke, yes yes yes please, the more chapters the better, and Taemin's pov, and Minho's pov; and then back to JongKey's and then to Onew's, keke, and just keep going, ;-P and Jinki's so cute, he's loved Taemin for so long, can't wait for more, update really really soon, with a HUGE chapter, keke, pleeeeeeeease. ;-D <3 <3