Non existing girls and Fatherly words

Sweet lips n' salty tears


Uh i.. Uh Sure I said once i was able to breathe again, and smiled politely.

Jinjja? Tell me about her? His umma beamed a bit and couldn’t help but chuckle. Baekhyun gave me a puzzled look, not knowing what had just hit him.

Ah nae uhm… She’s_ Not very tall, she’s a very good cook, she’s… my princess and I love her a lot! I wish I was better at describing him… but due to my lack of words, that was all I could come up with.

Aaahh she sounds nice! If only you had someone like that Baekhyunnie~ah She said and pinched Baekhyun’s cheek, causing him to pout and frown a bit.

Who said I don’t?


Sure, she’s tall and kinda goofy, she trips very often but always laughs it off with a big cute smile, and she takes very good care of! He told his mother who just stared wide-eyed at him. You could practically sense the thought of grandchildren miles away.

For a short second we had eye-contact and I couldn’t help but giggle a bit. Then Baekhyun’s face turned to look more uncomfortable, and he stared awkwardly at his plate. This had all been very cute, but it was time to face reality.

But mom… *cough* Uhm there’s this thing about her…

What is it sweetheart? Tell your Umma, have you got girl-problems?

Well… not really... More like boy-problems. He looked at me shortly and blushed a bit. I had no clue how he would put this out in real words. I just patiently waited for him to drop the bomb.

This girl… She’s… He took her hand and looked down. Wow this looked hard on him, but then again he often talked about how his mom talked about grandchildren.

She’s not really a girl

What do you mean Hyunnie? His umma looked kind of worried at him, then she looked to me.

Chanyeol what is my baby babbling about?

I stood up from me seat and walked to stand behind Baekhyun. I placed my hands on his shoulders. Baekhyun was obviously very uncomfortable having to tell this to his parents. I felt his fingers brush across mine, while his umma just stared at me, causing me to be awfully stiff.

Well actually Baekhyunnie here is lying… I pinched his cheek lightly and eyed him smiling a bit.

But so am i. Neither of us have girlfriends! That being said, neither of us are alone either.

His umma looked SOOOOOO confused. She just looked from Baekhyun’s face to mine and then over again.

We’re dating Umma.


I said… Chanyeol is my boyfriend!

Baekhyun’s dad coughed a little awkwardly, while his umma’s entire world shattered. She looked devastated. It made me angry! Why would she react like that? WOMEN HAVE YOU GOT NO SHAME?

Baekhyun’s face fell as well as his shoulders. I took a hold of his arm and pulled him up and along into the living room.

His eyes were tearing up, and his face looked utterly miserable.

Hey hey hey… Shh, don’t cry. I wrapped my arms around him, and held him as close a possible without breaking him. I felt my shirt soak around the collar, as I his hair.

Did you see her face… she was so disappointed He whined onto my neck. She truly did! The thought of it made me tense. She had no clue how much pain she caused this boy of hers.

We stood there for a good 5 minutes before the silence was broken by a knock on the open door.

Uhrum Chanyeol… Could I talk to Baekhyun for a moment? His appa was standing in the door, a bit awkward. I let go of Baekhyun and left the two. I didn’t went to the dining room though, I’d probably end up yelling and screaming at his umma, that very unpleasant lady!

I waited just outside the door. And after about 10 minutes his appa came out. He smiled warmly at me and signed for me to go back in there.

Baekhyun was sitting on the couch fumbling his own fingers. In the hook of his mouth something that could be the beginning of a smile was showing.

When he realized I was there he jumped up and ran to me. His arms wrapped around me and clenched my waist tightly. I have no clue what his dad had told him, but it must’ve been just the right thing, because he seemed healed.

Suddenly we heard his umma yelling from the dining room. Something about acceptance and marriage, but Baekhyun didn’t seem to bother, he just snuggled closer to me and smiled a bit.

You okay?

Mmmm He mumbled against my chest. I couldn’t help but smile at how cute and small he looked right now. I cupped his face and tilted it backwards to make eye contact. His eyes were shining brightly and he smiled cutely.

I love you too prince Channie. He stepped on his toes to reach my lips. His lips felt warmer than usually, but in a good way. 



AN (): AHEM.. this is uhm.... well it's.... i don't like it!

But here it is!

So here are cute gifs to make up for it! 

Can we all just appreciate how utterly cute this Prince Chanyeol looks when he's laughing at his princess!

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Chapter 41: It's okey, at least u updated ^^
And i rly love the fluffy dog ^^
and i like the :3
Please update soon author-nim :D
Chapter 41: Awwww Belle is just so cute :) I can't even be mad at her for trying to interrupt some y times between those two.
Chapter 40: Ahhh finally! I'm super excited for the update, and excited for the 3rd person view!
Oh yay, butt xD
Chapter 39: Oooooo lala ;D
I'm super glad there is finally an update!
Chapter 39: I thought that you wont apdate anymore TTㅅTT
Well i'm Really happy that you finally updated ^^
Fighting Authors~~
Plz update quickly ^^
Chapter 38: Ahhh, I was missing this! So freaking adorable! <3
Chapter 37: OH MY GOODNESS. A PUPPY. THAT'S SO AMAZING. :D That makes me happy.
Chapter 36: Ahahahahaha, I can seriously see Baek dressed like that for some reason. xD
Chapter 35: Oh goodness, I was waiting for this for quite awhile. :)
Chapter 34: Baek remembers! :D
And that was fluffy and y at the same time I guess. But I couldn't fully concentrate since I'm in the kirchen and yeah. xD