Problem & Birthday.

The Perfect Song



*_____’s POV*


Ever since I started to hang out with EXO more school days have been going by faster and faster, class is more interesting but at the same time I couldn’t avoid all the hate I got.

I opened my locker to see more paper falling out.

         “GO DIE” 


The usual stuff, I didn’t want to worry anyone so it was like a little secret of mine, but something good did come out of it! I wrote a new song about it. Now I get what Lay told me about. 

“Hey ____” With hearing that voice you would know who it was right away, the guy with the beautiful smile Chen!

“Oh hey” I tried to hide the notes but with my luck some fell out of my hands. Oh great.

“Love notes?” Chen said helping me pick it up. Unfortunately the notes weren't folded up so you saw what it said clearly. Aiyaa. 

“Why didn’t you tell me about this?!” Chen looked a little furious ripping up the notes. 

“I didn’t think it was a big deal, it’s not like anything happe-” 


“I’m sorry” He looked guilty when I said that.

“No, I should be the one to say sorry, I didn’t mean to blow up at your face it’s just, please just at least tell me when something bad like this happens.”

He patted me on my head and gave me a smile.

“Let’s go to class” 

We headed to class, and it was dead silence in the class room when we got in. That was weird usually you would hear fan girls. I walked to my table and saw why everyone was so quite.. My desk was ruined rude messages, foul language, but I’m not know as being a weak person so I just shrugged it off, but Chen couldn’t let it go.

“WHICH ONE OF YOU GUYS DID THIS?” he was really pissed this time.

“Chen just leave it alone, what is done is done.” 

“NO, ____ YOU DIDN’T DO ANYTHING WHY DO YOU DESERVE BEING TREATED LIKE THIS?!” Chen was even angrier then earlier..   

“Please, just leave this alone, not right now.” 

Chen grabbed a scrub and helped me wash away the writing. 

“Good morning everyone!” Lay finally got to class, he was somewhat happier then usual. I think he noticed the mood because his smile suddenly turned into a serious face.

“Chen, what happened?” 

I mouthed please don’t say anything. I think he realized what I said because with that he mouthed okay.

“Oh ____ just wanted to clean her desk” He gave Lay one of his handsome smiles and went to his seat. Chen you’re a life saver, I don’t need Xiumin to also know what is happening, who knows what he would do..

This day could not end any faster! I swear I felt like I was never going to end. Chen kept bugging me all day about what was happening, but in the end I got him to stay quite about it.

“Hey ____ can we hang out today? Let’s go to the mall!” Chen said 

“Oh I’m kind of lazy today”

“No! You have to come please~.”

“Nope!” I stuck my tongue out at him. With that he stopped smiling then suddenly got all happy.

“Yay _____ is going to the mall with me!”

With that he picked me up and carried me to the bus stop. Damn you Chen, you’re so strong, and stubborn. Might as well go not like I’m going to get out of this.

“You know we are going to have a party next week, you should go” Chen suddenly brought up.

“Ahh, I’ve heard about it, everyone at school is talking about it. Why the sudden party?”

“Oh we just wanted to have a party, for friends and what not! Also it’s kind of going to be my birthday.” He mumbled the last few parts but I could clearly hear him. Crap! I forgot his birthday!

“Your birthday.. Oh yeah, What do you want?” I couldn't help but feel bad.

“Sing me a song, a song you wrote.” 

Chen out of all the things you could ask for, a song?


“No buts! It’s my birthday, and that’s what I want! Please? Perform it at the party! It would mean a lot to me.” Chen gave me a puppy dog look. Aiyaa doing aegyo to get his way! Chen you’re so stubborn! 

“Okay, okay, fine I feel bad enough for forgetting your birthday.”

Chen did a victory dance, hahaha what a dork.

We looked around for a while and in the end I was the one who did the most shopping. 

We headed home since it was getting late.

“Thanks for putting up with me and shopping with me~ Even though you were the one who invited me!” 

“Hahahaha, anything also don’t forget that song~ I’ll be looking forward to it!” 

We waved our goodbyes to only come home to Xiumin sleeping on the couch.

“Yah oppa! How long have you been here?” 

Xiumin woke up and quickly ran to me to give me a hug.

“Oh my ____ I thought you were kidnaped!”

Hehehe I guess I kind of was.. 

Xiumin said he was going to sleep here for the night because one he thinks I might get kidnaped again, and two he was to lazy to walk back to his place. Oh oppa you’re lucky tomorrow’s Saturday. 

“Don’t forget about Chen’s birthday party next week! It’s going to be at his place, so do you want to head there together?”

“Oh yeah, Chen asked to play him an original song at his party..”

“Do you think you can handle it? I mean you never played in front of a crowd before. I don’t even know if you have stage fright or not!” 

“Yah oppa I don’t have stage fright! I’m not sure if I can do this, but I have to start somewhere right?”

Xiumin gave me a smile. 

“I’m so proud of you ____”

As the days passed I couldn’t find a song good enough for a birthday party, so I decided to make a new one. I ended up not hanging out with EXO during lunch trying to work on my song. In the end it payed off, since I think the song was actually good. I really liked it for once, still the feeling I don’t think such a song would be appropriate for a party, since it was a slow song.. Well, there really isn’t time to write a new song so I’ll just have to go with it.


*Lay’s POV*


“Is ____ okay? I haven’t heard from her this whole week!” Baekhyun said.

“Ahhh, she is working on a song, Chen asked her to write her a song for his birthday.” Xiumin answered.

I knew she was writing a song, but for Chen? I didn’t know why it bothered me so much but I couldn’t help it. 

“Aish! Why can’t it be my birthday?~ Then I could be asking ___ to write me a song~” Chanyeol said.

“Yah, pabo she would probably write me a song first before she would bother writing you one!” Kris said. 

Aiyaa, these idiots are really something! Hahaha. I still can’t wait to hear the song she wrote. 


-Day of the party-


*____’s POV*


I woke up to Xiumin blasting music, aish doesn’t he ever go home? I took a shower and got changed in some house clothes, today is the day.

“Morning oppa, why are you up so early?” I said coming down to him dancing to MAMA

“Oh it’s just you know, I got excited, it’s Chen’s birthday and your finally going to debut!” 

Oh yeah, I guess you can call it a debut. We spent most of the morning goofing around, then we had to head to Chen’s place early to help set up, so I changed and gabbed my guitar. 

(A/N pretend the hair is brown long and staright)


“Really? That’s what you’re going to wear? It’s cute, but this is your debut song and you’re not going to go all out with your clothes also this is a formal party!” Xiumin said. 

“I mean were only setting up right now.” 

“Ahh okay, just don’t forget to bring clothes!”

We headed to Chen’s place, in the end out of everyone who was helping set up we were the last ones there. His place was also huge! His ball room was amazing! It looked like a hotel’s ball room!

“I’ve never seen _____ in street clothes before! You look like you came right out of a fashion magazine from Japan!” Suho said, that just made everyone laugh.

“Yeah I’ve always only seen her in uniform, so it’s nice to see ____ outside school! We should hang out more out of school ____!” D.O. said.

“Well, it’s not like anyone invites me!”

“Hahaha, by now you should know you don’t have to be invited! Just come with us!” Sehun said. 

These guys were just to fun to be with. We finished setting up around 5, just in time too! Since the party started at 7. 

“So ____ when do we get to hear that song?” Kris said.

“Hmm.. when the timing is right I guess?” 

“The party is going to start soon, are you going to change?” Xiumin said.

Oh crap I forgot clothes. 

“Why can’t I just go in this?”

“It’s going to be formal! Everyone is going to be all dressed up!”

I also forgot about that part, looking around everyone was in black skinny jeans and polo shirt with a tie or in a suit. Crap.

“Pabo, I must be the best oppa ever, here” He tossed me a bag, I’m going to guess filled with stuff to get me ready. 

“Oppa, you really are the best!” I gave Xiumin a hug and quickly got ready. 


(A/N pretend this dress stops above the knees)


“Wow _____” Kai said staring.

“Yah don’t stare at her like that Kai!” Xiumin said hitting him.

"Are you even weraing a bra?" Chanyeol said that made Xiumin hit him hard.

“You look really beautiful” Chen said giving me a smile. 

“Wow” was all Lay could say.

“Oh Lay you have a way with words huh?~” With that comment everyone laughed.

Before I knew it the party began guest were coming, wow a lot of people from school, even fan girls.. When I meant a lot of people I mean MOST of the people from our school. I got nervous, so many people and they were all entertainers too, they all have experience in performing. Can I really do this?


A/N Hello guys! Thanks for the new people subscribing! <3 I get distracted easily otl so I keep forgetting whatever I was going to write about so it makes me write a little slower lol but still I did it! Here is chapter three, too bad I couldn't really leave you guys with a clifthanger! hahahaha.

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omgg pls udpate soon!!!!
Lay!!!XIUMIN!! Chen:)
aahh i really want she end up with chen..
update soon :)
aahh i really want she end up with chen..
update soon :)
hey hey ! i'm first ! ^O^ hahahaha! :p
anyways, this story seems interesting ! update soon please :3