A Little Help.

The Perfect Song


(A/N Hello~ I know bare with me I'm not funny nor do I have the ability to make this fic amazing XD)


*Lay’s POV*

I just laid on my bed thinking. Trying to remember where I heard that song, but as time went by I couldn’t remember anything.. maybe the melody she was playing just sounded like another song. I mean there are a lot of songs that sound the same sometimes. I just shrugged it off and got my stuff ready for school tomorrow and took a shower. 


*______’s POV*

I couldn’t get that scene out of my head. This is the first time anyone other then Xiumin, my parents, or my music teachers heard my song. I can’t help but wonder what they really think of my song. I didn’t want to hear lies I wanted to hear the cold truth. I hate it when people lie. It hurts more when you hear the truth by accident. 


~beep beep~

From Xiumin Oppa:

 Don’t forget you’re going to sit with us during lunch tomorrow! &Don’t forget the BaoZi’s! 


I couldn’t help but chuckle I guess that’s what we have in common, we love to eat!~ 

I got my stuff ready for the next day, and went to sleep I wouldn’t want to be awaken by Xiumin’s loud voice again.. 


The next day I got up early just to make some food and get the baozi I made last night, and I guess even I surprised Xiumin because when he walked to the kitchen he didn’t expect me to be there.

“Wow you’re up early, I didn’t have to make myself breakfast this time hahahaha”

“I don’t get it why do you always eat breakfast here? You have maids at home to help you!” 

“It’s so we can eat together! It’s so lonely eating in a big house by yourself!”

“Ahh true! You are the best friend ever!” 

We finished eating and walked to school, and like always Xiumin gets surrounded by girls, I’m surprised they haven’t followed him when he walks to school.

“I’ll see you later ____!” Xiumin yelled making a heart with his hands.

With that girls started to glare at me. Oh the perks of being friends with someone like Xiumin. He really wants girls to hate me huh. 

I got to class, but it was still noisy.


How do half of these fangirls even get into this school?


Ugh, will fangirls ever learn how to act appropriately, we are in class. Well, it hasn’t started yet but can’t they tell when they are being annoying? 

“Good morning.” Lay said putting his stuff down


“That was a good song you were playing yesterday”

I shrugged good, just tell me the truth. I know it .

“There is just one thing you’re lacking while you play.”

Finally something I wanted to hear.

“What is it?”

“When you plays it’s beautiful the song is really good but when you play it has no feeling in it, nothing. And the other thing is-”

“Okay class quite down, and open your books to page 10.” 

Ugh really the teacher had to come in now, I’ve never heard something like that. I mean I always thought it was my songs that I wrote but I guess it has to do with my performance. 

He suddenly passed a piece of paper to me.


That’s all it said, I turned my heard to him and he looked at me and smiled and pointed to the front of the class.. I’m going to guess he is telling me to pay attention, maybe he should too! But how could I. I couldn’t stop thinking of that, the whole time. Confidence.. was that really it?

Before I knew it, it was lunch time. I grabbed my stuff and before I got out Lay called me.

“Yah _____, you’re going to have lunch with us right? Might as well walk together!” 


With these one word replied he probably thinks I’m cold hearted. 

“I’M NOT I PROMISE!~” I yelled out.. Crap.

“Hahaha you’re not what?” Lay said looking confused.

“I-I-I’m not a mean person”

Lay suddenly started bursting out laughing. I felt my cheeks heat up.

“I never thought you were.”

He patted me on my head and we headed to the cafeteria.

“Whaa~ I didn’t think you were going to show up!” Chen said 

“If I break a promise with Xiumin I will never hear the end of it.”

Chen laughed at my comment. He really does have a pretty smile.

“Hey now if you break a promise that you made it isn’t fair for me! Also I never see you during lunch. Do you want me to start crying?” Xiumin said pretending to hold his tears.

“Hahahaha I wouldn’t mind seeing you cry oppa~ Don’t you guys get bothered with the noise?”

With that being said girls were giving me death stares ops, I think I said that a little too loud.

“Where is my lunch??” Xiumin said trying to change the subject. I don’t think he wants me to die yet. I took out his lunch and gave it to him.

“____’s home cooking~ and her amazing baozi!” Xiumin said quickly stuffing himself.

“Yeah! Hyung if you eat like that you really will turn into a BaoZi!” a guy with light brown hair said. Sigh. I really can’t remember their names. 

“Yah Sehun don’t be jealous you don’t get yummy home cooking like me!~”

“SEHUN YOU CAN HAVE MY LUNCH I MADE IT” a girl said showing a boxed lunch, he  gave her a smile declined and quickly grabbed Xiumin’s lunch and took a bite. 

“Whaa~ this is really good! Can I have the rest? I’ll give you my lunch hyung!”

Sehun said eating more of it. 


Lay and Chen also took some.

“Wha, so good!” they said at the same time.

“MY LUNCH” Xiumin yelled starting to tear up. Oh oppa I can’t say anything because I would probably do the same. 

“S-s-sehun. If you want you can have some of mine, I brought too much, even for myself.”

Sehun quickly gave the lunch back to Xiumin and took mine. I didn’t want to see Oppa ruin his image over food. 

“Ahhh kamsamida _____!”

“You’re a life save ____” Xiumin said putting his hand on my shoulder.

Again more glares from girls, oh joy. 

“Here, I know you probably love food as much as Xiumin.” Chen said handing me a sandwich. I couldn’t help but smile at his comment. 


It was a very noisy lunch, girls screaming and the guys messing around.

“Oh ____ you still need to learn the guys names!” Xiumin said finishing his lunch.

They all introduced themselves, an introduction different to the next, even the girls helped introducing them. I couldn’t help laugh, some of there stage names like D.O. ahahaha (LOL sorry D.O.!) Still a lot of names to remember, I’ll just make a song about it! The dark skins Tao and Kai~ HunHan twins! They looks the same, but one is Korean and the other is Chinese~ and what not. I learned I’ve had classes with some of them for a while and some of them are in my classes now! 

“Ahh, then I should introduce myself! I’m Wu _____” 

They all looked at each other and laughed.

“By now we know who you are!” Luan said.

Ahh, he is so cute! Like a deer! 

“I always see you carry a guitar around, how come I haven’t heard you play. I mean now that I think about it, I’ve never heard you play anything.” Baekhyun said.

I cleared my throat.

“I can’t write songs”

“Xiumin always says you’re busy writing songs! That’s why he never hangs out with you during lunch!” Chanyeol said  

It got awkward and I think Chen and Lay realized.

“Guys did you hear, Super Junior hyungs are not going to participate in the talent show!” Chen said.

I mouthed thank you and he just smiled.

“Hey ____ are you busy after school?” Lay said.

“No, wae?”

“Oh lets hang out!” Xiumin just looked at Lay in shock.

“Oh okay.” 

Xiumin started to yell at Lay saying how could he take me away from him and what not, just making more noise, but it was really entertaining. I couldn’t help but laugh. 

The bell finally rang and I started to head to class. The problem was the whole time I couldn’t stop thinking of what Lay had planed after school, hell he probably didn’t plan anything at all and just did that to annoy Xiumin! The last few hours of school ended up being a blur, at least school ended faster then usual. 

“Are you ready to go?” Lay said coming up to me. 

Oh yeah we have final period together, I never noticed. 

“Oh, I thought you were just kidding” Lay chuckled 

“No, let’s go before Xiumin finds us!” He grabbed my hand and by that girls who were still in class looked at me, no not friendly let’s be friends look, deadly I hate you because you’re touching my oppa look! Ugh, EXO’s fangirls are sometimes too much sometimes. He dragged me out of school running, and we finally stopped running when we were a block away from school.

“Phew I don’t think Xiumin saw us!” 

I looked down to see him still holding on to my hand, and I think he noticed because he suddenly let go and cleared his throat. 

“Heh, I’m sorry. Let’s go get some ice cream!” 

“Oh I love ice cream!” 

We walked to the ice cream shop. It was a little awkward at first, since it was dead silence then he started singing. 

         Zao jiu wang le ying gai

        Yao geng nu li ai zhe ta

        Zao jiu wang le xin qu bao rong ta

        Zi gu zi de sheng huo shi

        Fou jia zhuang ji xu mang

        Yin xing zai ni de mian ju bei

        Hou chong man xu duo de biao qing

        Dao zui hou que shi zhong ru yi

        Zhen de geng hao ma

“Wow you have a really nice voice!” 

“Ehh really? Hahaha thanks, you do too.” 

“MAMA” I suddenly said. Lay looked at me surprised.

“You know our song? I didn’t think you listened groups songs!”

“Oh of course I always listen to every groups song, I can’t just listen to myself all the time can I? Also sometimes it help me!” 

We finally got to the Ice Cream place and we both ordered a double scoop of chocolate ice cream. 

“Thanks for bringing me out for ice cream, but why so suddenly?” I asked.

“Oh I just wanted to spend some time with you! Also we never got to finish our conversation from this morning!”

“I thought you finished it with that little note. Confidence? What did you mean by that?” 

Lay looked at me and giggled 

“Xiumin told me you could never play your songs because you didn’t think they were good enough. No, he said because you didn’t think they were perfect. No matter what anyone told you, you wouldn’t believe them. I thought about it for a while, I thought you song was beautiful, really good, but when I remember hearing you play it was a little dull, your facial expression it had nothing to it, also you lack confidence, honestly speaking some of the songs people make in school really are not as good as yours but they still play it, and people love it. Well, the reason behind that is, it’s because they performed the song with all there heart and they didn’t lack confidence.”

For some reason hearing all this made sense, never once has anyone ever said this to me.

“Just have more confidence and you will do just fine, it might not be your perfect song but at least you started with something. One day you will write this perfect song, but for that to happen you have to gain experience and you wont l gain anything with being alone all the time, just practicing, and never releasing a song to the public! You have to have fun! Live life, that perfect song will just come to you one day. You can’t just debut yourself with a perfect song, because then it’s going to be harder to keep everyone’s attention.” 

“I-I’ll try, but YiXing thank you..” Lay gave me a smile.

“I like it when you say my real name, I always hear Lay so it’s nice to hear my real name once in a while” I couldn’t help but turn a little red. 

“Also please stop spending time all alone! Being alone all the time can really mess with someone's head. I mean look at Tao he spends hours walking on the beach alone, by now I think he has gone a little crazy! He even always calls himself a Kung Fu Panda! Hahahaha” 

I couldn’t help but laugh really? Tao, I could have never guessed.

“First I have to make friends..” 

Lay hit me on the head, like really he even made a sound while doing so.

“PABO! YOU HAVE EXO!” he said hitting me on my head again. 

“Oh yeah I guess I do”

“Then you better sit with us again tomorrow!”

I couldn’t help but laugh he was very silly. He ended up walking me home and all we did was talk about music, turns out he plays piano and guitar too! When we got to my place Xiumin was sitting on my front yard.


“I’m okay APPA! Didn’t Lay say he wanted to hang out with me!” Lay stuck his tongue out at him. 

“YiXing, thanks for today!”

“No problem _____, and don’t forget your sitting with us at lunch tomorrow right?”

“Maybe!” I said grabbing Xiumin’s hand and running inside the house. I could hear Lay laughing.

“YOU BETTER OR ELSE!” I looked out the window and saw he was leaving, he is an interesting person. 


A/N Thanks for reading! I'm going to update everyday, or well I'll try! Heh, I get distracted to much!

Also happy 100 days with EXO! EXO FIGHTING! OT12! <3

exo 100 day Pictures, Images and Photos

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omgg pls udpate soon!!!!
Lay!!!XIUMIN!! Chen:)
aahh i really want she end up with chen..
update soon :)
aahh i really want she end up with chen..
update soon :)
hey hey ! i'm first ! ^O^ hahahaha! :p
anyways, this story seems interesting ! update soon please :3