The Beginning

The Perfect Song
(A/N This might be boring otl I'm sooo sorry T __ T)


*_____’s POV*

I felt the heat of the stage lights hitting me, the crowd chanting my name. As I started to play the first couple parts of the song it was everything I always dreamed of, as I opened my mouth to sing nothing came out. The music stopped and I was standing in darkness alone. I blew it, I blew my shot. I’m alone. I couldn’t write the perfect song..


“Xiumin you’re lucky you’re cute” I mumbled to myself as I got ready. 

~your uniform~

“Let’s go oppa” 

When we finally got to school group of girls already have him surrounded, and that is my cue to leave. Since at school he is always with a group called EXO there are 12 of them.. yes 12, but they are just one of the few groups who are popular in school.. Unfortunately there are more. This school specializes on music so usually people who are in groups just work together a lot. As for me, I usually go solo, but never once have I ever gone up on stage to perform. Not because of stage fright, but it’s because I’ve never been capable of writing a song perfect enough for me to perform with. I feel like I’m lacking experience, feeling, and love in my songs. No matter what compliments or encouraging words I heard I could never find anything good about my songs, and I could never bring up the courage to perform them.

-Ring Ding Dong- 

Oh great time to go to class, hope I’m not stuck with whiney people again this year.

I got the lucky seat the last row in the back next to the window. SWEET!

“____ right?” I looked up to see one of the EXO members, what was his name again.. 

“De, uhh I’m sorry to ask but what is your name?”

“I’m Zhang YiXing, but call me Lay” 

I never really bothered to learn much about EXO I only knew their faces because Xiumin always showed me pictures of them and what not. 

“I guess I’m going to sit next to you now ____”

“Pleasure to finally meet an EXO member, Xiumin oppa always talks about you guys” 

“Wae? That little BaoZi really talks about us? Hahahaha well he talks about you a lot too. Oh hahaha I don’t think I should have said that, Xiumin might kill me now~” 

“Okay class welcome back! I hope everyone had a productive summer. The fall talent show will be soon! So I hope everyone is working hard!” 

Yosh! This year for sure I’m going to finally write the perfect song! I did a little fist pump hoping no one would see heh.


*Lay’s POV*

_____ is really interesting I always had a class with her ever since I moved to Korea, but never once has she noticed me, or anyone really, but for some reason my attention always goes to her every year. Never once has she ever shown any interest in EXO, SHINee, TRAX, any of the popular guy groups to. Xiumin always talked about ____ like she was something special, To be honest I’m really curious about her, I’ve never seen her perform, but I’ve always seen her carry her guitar around, also she is always alone. Maybe she isn’t talented? Whenever Xiumin tries to look for her, he always comes back telling us that she is busy writing songs and what not. She is a performer, maybe with stage fright? I should ask Xiumin more about her.. 

I turned my head to glance at ____, I couldn’t help but chuckle at her little fist pump. She really is cute.


-Skip to lunch time- 


*_____ POV* 

I forgot to bring lunch so that meant either I go hungry and die at school or go to the magical cafeteria where most of the students sit and fangirl because of the popular guy groups. Well, it’s not like I will die if I go to the cafeteria, and it’s not like I made any progress with my songs. I may have the melody down but the lyrics are impossible. 

“I’m sorry my lovely guitar, but I’m going to have to pack you up again” 

I headed to the cafeteria to hear nothing but screaming 



Aish, how pathetic these girls are, why can’t they just let their “oppas” eat in peace. 

I put on my head phones and got in line for food~ I just love food, I wonder what they have today! I couldn’t stop thinking about food and bumped into a person. My poor headphones fell down. 

“Ahhh, I’m very sorry!” I bowed I mean it was my fault for only thinking about food, but my headphones.

“It’s fine, Oh you play the guitar!”

“Ahhh Yes I do also bass, drums, and of course piano! Wait aren’t you from EXO?”


*Chen’s POV*

I panicked what if she was a fangirl and started screaming, omo or worse a saesang! I had to sneak over here just so fangirls didn’t follow me and what not. I’ll just try to answer cooly and hope for the best, I mean our fans are our everything, but her name sounded familiar.

“Ahh I also play guitar and piano, and yes I am.” I gave her a smile, might as well give some fan service. 

“Ahh I knew it! You were the one Xiumin oppa told me about! He showed me a video of you playing the piano and singing! You are really good, well not as good as me, hahaha just kidding~ but I was kind of hoping you would tell me the name of that song! It’s really beautiful! I would really like to learn it! Oh by the way what is your name?”

“I’m Kim Jong Dae, but call me Chen.”

“Oh I’m Wu ____, nice to meet you!”

I was kind of shocked I really thought she was a fangirl.. But I should have figured because she had to ask if I was in EXO first.. I guess she is just a normal girl. Oh wait ____.. Now I remember her! Xiumin’s best friend. 

“Oh which song is it? I bet you Xiumin has shown you a lot of my videos because I am pretty good, if I may say so myself” okay I just sounded really cocky there.. heh but it’s true I’m good~ 

“No, he only showed me one video, so you might not be as amazing as you think hahaha” she really is adorable, I can’t help but smile. 


*Lay’s POV*

The fangirls were okay in the beginning, but now they are just too annoying. I can’t go anywhere without screaming, or do anything without one of them saying anything or taking pictures. I looked around to see non other then ____ talking to Chen.  

“Hey Xiumin, didn’t you say that ____ doesn’t usually spend lunch with people, nether less in the cafeteria?”

“De~ She prefers spending lunch alone in the quite rooftop writing music, why?”

“It’s just because, look to your right where you buy food” 

The next thing I knew Xiumin got up and ran over there. The guys were to busy talking to notice his little scene.        


*_____’s POV*

It was nice to have a conversation about music with someone, but suddenly I heard yelling... Uh oh.


“Mianhae oppa~ How about this I’ll sit with you tomorrow! I promise!” I gave him a cute smile, heh he always accepts my sorry~ 

“Fine, but you also have to make me lunch tomorrow or I’ll never forgive you!” 

Ugh Xiumin oppa sometimes I wonder who is older.. 

“De~ I’ll make your favorite! BaoZi!” 

“Omo, okay! But ____ Chen is a ert!”  

I couldn’t help but laugh 

“Yah! Hyung you would say that about your own member?” 

“Hehehe mianhae Chen Chen! I’m just kidding” 

“Well, as much fun as this was I’m going to go back to my peace and quite, I’ll see you guys later” I waved my good bye and brought my food somewhere peaceful in the fields, finally food~~ before I could get my second bite the bell rang. AISH. I quickly stuffed the rest of the food in my mouth, I’m going to finish my food no matter what! 


*Chen’s POV*

“Yah, hyung so ____ really doesn't know who we are?” I couldn’t help but wonder she knew our faces but she didn’t know our names. 

“Probably not, I just show her pictures of you guys or videos. I tried to tell her your names but she just doesn’t keep it in her head, she says to many stage names!” 

Oh the video! I need to know what song she wanted

“By the way hyung what was that video of me you showed her? She said I was playing the piano..” 

“Oh that song you wrote, Wuxing(invisible)! She really liked it. Maybe it was because she felt it too, she really is into music and listens the songs as if someone was telling her a detailed story of that person’s life. When she finished watching that video she told me that the person who wrote the song must be very lonely, she was right I guess, because before you became part of EXO you were always alone huh?”

That’s right, no one noticed me, I was alone. Until Kris and Suho noticed me and my talent. They helped me shine, everyone in EXO showed me what it was like to have friends, how to trust others. 

“Yah Chen lets get to class!” 


-Let’s skip to the end of the day- 


*Lay’s POV*

“Hyung I was wondering what ____ is like, she seems really interesting.” 

I’ve been waiting all day to finally ask this question 

“Hmm, honestly you should get to know her yourself. She is hard to understand sometimes and she always means the best for everything. She can be very simple minded and an air head but she is responsible, aish Lay why don’t you just come to my place, ____ lives right next door. You might be able to see her practice”

I couldn’t help but smile, I don’t know but she just makes me so curious. Mostly because I’ve never heard her play. 

“Yah hyung can I go too? Please! I want to meet her too~” Tao said 

“Same!” Chen said

I wonder what’s in there mind, they never really cared about girls. 

We finally got to Xiumin’s place and his house is still as big as ever. 

“____ just lives to the right of my house, let me just change and we can head to her place.”  

We headed to her place, it felt like such a long walk even though it was just next door. 

“Ahh I guess her parents aren’t home today.” Xiumin took out a key and unlocked the door. It was like he knew what we were thinking, “Don’t worry her parents gave me these keys, they figured it was convenient, I’m not a ert!” 

We entered the house and it was very elegant filled with beautiful music being played. The whole house was carrying the beautiful melody. You could hear the singing that sounded like an angel.

“I guess she is already practicing, beautiful huh? Her parents had it designed where you can hear the music being played though out the house when she plays.” 

I felt like I knew the song, I felt like I’ve heard this beautiful melody, and that voice. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.

“This song I know it, I’ve heard it somewhere before.” 

“Oh yeah ____ wrote this song back in middle school! I’m surprised you even heard it, she couldn’t bring herself to play this at the talent show, she didn’t think the lyrics were good, and she thought the melody was too weak. No one really understood why, no matter who told her it was good enough, she wouldn’t believe anyone. She always said the same thing for all the songs she composes. It lacks experience, feeling, and love." 

Even that saying I’ve heard it before..

“But she could never bring herself to throw away her songs so she uses it to practice.” We walked through the house and finally found the center of where the beautiful song was being played, I saw a black grand piano, and a beautiful girl playing and singing. 

Her appearance left me breathless. At this point, I might not be the only one in awe. One thing I knew for sure ____ was very talented. 




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omgg pls udpate soon!!!!
Lay!!!XIUMIN!! Chen:)
aahh i really want she end up with chen..
update soon :)
aahh i really want she end up with chen..
update soon :)
hey hey ! i'm first ! ^O^ hahahaha! :p
anyways, this story seems interesting ! update soon please :3