The Troubled Prince

The Troubled Prince


It was quite noticeable that Kyuhyun stayed away from his room as much as possible, only getting necessary things for the day. The apparent reason was because the room reminds him of the fight that they had. All the members understood this and thought that Kyuhyun just needed time to move on and then he would return to his room soon.

However, some of the members find it as a test of patience as Kyuhyun not only hangs out in their rooms unannounced but also chats with them for hours talking about anything he could possibly talk about – save his current state. Sometimes he would be challenging them to a play a computer game in the middle of the night. One time, Kyuhyun spent the whole day playing with his school friends and the leader didn’t know about it. He came home late and snuck in the twelfth floor dorm.

“Why are you here Kyuhyun?” Leeteuk asked as their dorm’s door opened in the middle of the night. The members living in the twelfth floor were already asleep. “Your dorm’s downstairs.”

“I know..” Kyuhyun groaned. “I’m sleeping in Donghae hyung’s room tonight.” He said goodnight to the leader and walked towards Donghae’s room.

“Kyuhyun.. we need to talk.” Leeteuk said but the maknae only waved a hand to him. “You can’t keep acting like this. I know you’re keeping yourself busy since your breakup but I can’t have you bothering the other members for your own sake.”

Kyuhyun turned around and laughed mockingly at the leader. “Fine! It’s my fault then! It always had been my fault right? It’s my fault Siwon hyung is miserable. It’s my fault the members are annoyed. Everything is my fault! Mine. Mine. Mine! Happy?”

“Oi Kyuhyun! I’m not telling you it’s entirely your fault. I was just going to ask you to talk to me because I know that you should be hurting now.”

Kyuhyun felt miserable at what he just heard. It was the thing that he has been trying to deny the past week. He doesn’t want anyone to show that he was hurting and now he found himself being embraced by the leader. The hug was a bit different from Siwon’s, he thought, but it was warm and comforting all the same.

“Hyung is here for you, Kyuhyun. I’m not like Siwon but you can depend on me when he’s not around.”

Leeteuk then tried to show him his arms. “See? I’ve been exercising too. My arms are getting bigger! I bet mine are bigger than Siwon by now!”

Kyuhyun laughed. It wasn’t an empty laugh just like before. “Hyung I’m sorry, but your body doesn’t suit you.” He continued to laugh as the leader tried different poses.

“Ah! That’s it! That’s how you should laugh Kyuhyun.” The leader patted his back. “If you don’t want to talk then I won’t force you. Just keep the ‘bothering the other members’ thing at a minimum, alright?”

He smiled at him before going towards his own room. “And please let the EunHae couple have their own time? If you need someone to talk to, I’ll be there.”

Kyuhyun nodded and then watched as the leader went inside his room. Again, he was left alone standing before Donghae’s room. Inside he could hear Donghae’s soft snores. He hesitated for a while before realizing that he was in need of someone to talk to. He turned around for the leader’s room and knocked.

The swelling of his face subsided as the days passed. The summer sun shined brightly as birds fluttered from branch to branch. And Siwon’s grandfather would, every single day, ask him to dry tea leaves while he found it as a waste of time. Upon learning of what Siwon did at the dorm, his father gave him a timeout from everything. Siwon’s father has driven him back at the countryside where their ancestral house is and left him there under his grandfather’s care.

He felt that he was supposed to be in the city, making amends with the team and especially Kyuhyun. Although he wasn’t exactly sure of what to say since the question of him continuing to be part of Super Junior still lingered and he also didn’t know what to choose, yet. Maybe it was a good thing he was stranded in the countryside, after all.

“So how is your work? You can’t possibly just go here because you wanted to. I know that you are busier than your father.” Grandfather Choi remarked and laughed. “I’ve seen how busy your father was but when he told me that you travel between countries in one day.. Ha! I know you’re even busier than your father.”

The elder continued to laugh. Siwon poured him more tea and smiled. He thought for a while on how to answer the question. Telling his grandfather that he was out of work these days wouldn’t come too good.

“My work is great, grandpa.” Siwon said. “I.. Dad wanted me to take a time out so he sent me here.”

Siwon’s grandfather nodded approvingly and sipped his tea. Birds would come swooping down whenever one of them throws bread crumbs at the yard. Some would stay and happily chirp while they wait for more food. The sun shone brightly but the wind was cool. It was a perfectly quiet time for an afternoon tea.

“Once in a while, it is right to take time off work. If you’re just going to work and work you will lose sight of the things that are more important than work. Things that are important to you. You understand?”

The words have stung him like the bitterness of the tea did. He mentally asked his self why these kinds of advice always come late.

“Speaking of things important, your father has mentioned that you are seeing someone for over a year now. Is that true? If it is, you should bring her here once in a while. I would love to meet that unlucky person who had to fall in love with someone like you.” The elder chuckled.

The news of Siwon’s relationship with Kyuhyun has been known only to their families in the city since they’re all at the same place. No one has ever told his grandfather yet and he thought of talking about it right then.

“Grandpa..” Siwon cleared his throat. He already knew what to expect as for the elder’s reactions since he already had experienced it when he told his father about it. “The person I’m seeing is a man.”

His grandfather looked at him and then laughed.

“I’m serious. I am with the youngest member of our group for over five years now and I love him.”

“Shut up. Don’t you remember who you are? You’re of the Choi family – a son of the Choi family. A man is supposed to choose a woman!”

“But grandpa, I love him!” Siwon said. His grandfather shook his head. “I think it would be better if you meet him first before you think wrongly of our relationship. His name is Kyuhyun. It’s something that I wasn’t sure of at first but after everything we’ve been through-“

“Tch! You are mistaken! I know how your work is very stressful and there are times that you will get lonely..”

Siwon sighed as the elder continued. The elder’s expression turned dark.

“Your loneliness has blinded you and you can’t understand anything at all! You’re just using him as a way to escape the pressure of your career and it can also go vice versa. That’s not love you’re feeling, it’s just the need to belong. You two will only end up hurting each other when you realize this. Stop this so called relationship of yours and live normally!”

He could have yelled at his grandfather for disproving his relationship if it weren’t for his respect to the elder. But since he wanted to explain his side, he calmed his self and spoke again. “I am living normally, grandpa. As I’ve told you a while ago, we have been together for more than five years and what we feel for each other is true. There’s not one moment that I never thought of him. I would do anything to prove to you that I love Kyuhyun! If it means bringing him here for you to meet, then I will.”

The elder sipped his tea and shook his head in disappointment once again. Siwon raised his voice a little to get the elder’s attention. “I am serious, grandpa.”

“If you are, then why haven’t I seen you call him while you’re here? You’ve been here for almost a week now and I haven’t seen you even once act like a lovesick fool. Don’t tell me, you two have broken up?” His grandfather sniggered. “Ah, this is too funny indeed. You tell me how your relationship is all about love and here you are, stuck in the countryside, alone.”

How his grandfather figured him out he didn’t know. But the elder was right at some point. He remembered the fight he and Kyuhyun had before coming here. There was no Kyuhyun calling him after that, only the managers and the leader who were worried about him. Have they really broken up?

“I-I’m sorry, grandpa.” He quietly said. “But I will – I am going to prove you wrong. I’m going back to the city and prove our relationship to you.”

Siwon stood up and excused his self. He quickly made his way to his room to contact his father. In his haste, he didn’t notice his grandfather’s face lighten. “You really wouldn’t know how important someone is until you lose them..”

He lightly chuckled.

“..right grandma?” The elder smiled as he stared at a patch of white flowers in the garden – the flowers which his beloved wife cherished when she was still alive.

“Hello? Kyu I know you’re ignoring my calls but please just give me a chance to talk to you. I want to talk to you. I’ll tell you everything I didn’t tell you before. I.. I want to apologize. Well, I know what I did was wrong – very wrong, you may not forgive me but.. I’d still want to apologize. Also, I’m coming back..”

The sound of the voicemail echoed in his room. It has been a week since he last heard Siwon’s voice. He would be excited and his stomach would be doing somersaults everytime he hears the man’s voice. But it was different that time. He was afraid that they might end up speaking hurtful words as they did the last time. But he was more afraid of the pain that would come after.

Everyone in the room was surprised to see Siwon enter the rehearsal room. They were in the middle of practicing the choreography for their new song and nobody expected Siwon to be present. Members who were unaware of the fight that occurred between Siwon and Kyuhyun or Siwon’s suspension were glad to see him back at rehearsals. Siwon has missed almost half of their promotions and they were glad to have him back again. However, Hyukjae and Donghae were quite nonchalant of Siwon’s comeback.

“I’m sorry, hyung. What I did before was wrong. I’ve already apologized to the boss but I think they’re not letting me off easily..” Siwon quietly said when he reached Leeteuk.

Leeteuk patted the man’s shoulder. “I know about it and I understand. But next time, talk to me about it alright? If you’re thinking of changing careers, tell me about it first! Talk to me! I am your hyung more than your leader. And also, there are certain people who you should go and apologize.” The leader pointed out the couple who started playing by themselves in one corner of the room. “Whatever you choose, Siwon, you’re still part of Super Junior and also you’re our friend. Oh, and also since you made me worry a lot – see the dark circles in my eyes? You will have to treat everyone to dinner four times a week and you have to spend more time with us.”

If it weren’t for the people in the room, the leader would have showed his tears. But instead, he decided to go out saying he needed fresh air. The other members laughed and joked at how old their leader is. Siwon walked slowly towards Hyukjae and Donghae.

“Hyukkie he’s here.”

“I know Hae. Just keep quiet and ignore him.”

Donghae reached for a bottle of tonic and started drinking it while Hyukjae started fiddling with his phone.

“Hey..” Siwon shyly started. “Thank you for driving me last time and I’m sorry. Sorry for not being a good friend.” He turned to Donghae who was staring at him blankly. “Sorry for making you two worry and sorry for leaving suddenly. I’ll do anything to make it up with you guys.”

Donghae nudged Hyukjae with his elbow and whispered. “He says he’s sorry. What do we do now?”

Hyukjae signalled the other that he has the situation under control. He looked at Siwon from head to toe and then spoke. “We will forgive you under one condition..”

“What would that be?” Siwon asked.

“You will acknowledge that I am more handsome than you. Also you will treat me as someone older than you.” Hyukjae stared at Donghae who was struggling to keep his laughter in. “Do what I said for.. one mon- no! Forever! Then I’ll forgive you.”

“Hyukkie that’s ridiculous! He can’t give up his position in the-“

“Alright I’ll do it.”

“What? No Siwon! Hyukkie is crazy!”

Hyukjae threw a towel at Siwon and angrily told him off. “Hae he’s the one who is crazy! You!” He pointed at Siwon. “That’s why you are stupid Siwon. You can’t give up your position as the visual member of the team that easily. See if you really want to be still part of Super Junior, you don’t just give up your position easily!”

“But you said that if I do it then you’ll forgive me. My role as the visual member is nothing compared to my friendship with you guys.” Siwon explained leaving Hyukjae and Donghae dumbfounded. “Besides, I am still part of Super Junior. I’ve already talked to the boss and I told them I’m not leaving. I can just be, hmm.. the tallest member of the group. That’s good enough for me.”

“I was just kidding.” Hyukjae stood up and offered Siwon a hug which the latter received. “We’ve all missed you. Don’t make us worry like that again.” Donghae quickly joined the group hug and told them how happy he was to see that they’re all friends again.

“Don’t forget to treat me like your hyung and you have to acknowledge that I’m more handsome than you.” Hyukjae reminded Siwon.

“Ah! If Hyukkie’s doing it, then I will too! Siwon, you should also treat me as your hyung and acknowledge me as a better actor than you, okay?” Donghae laughed at how Siwon playfully grasped his head and acted like he has amnesia. “Hyukkie, should we ignore him again?”

“Alright I will do whatever you tell me to!” Siwon quickly said. “Just go easy on me. I’m not used to being bossed around by you guys.”

“Well you’ll get used to it. It didn’t take you long before giving in to Kyuhyun.” Hyukjae replied but at the mention of the maknae’s name, Siwon’s expression turned grim.

“S-sorry about what happened to you two. I tried to help but I don’t know where to find you..” Hyukjae quickly added.

“Aren’t you going to go see Kyu? He’s not here right now but he should be at the dorms later at night.”

Siwon appreciated how the two tried to cheer him up but he has to do things quickly since in a few days, he was scheduled to fly overseas as the management had arranged for him. He agreed to once again resume normal activity schedules in exchange for his unprofessional attitude before. However, he asked for the company to lessen his acting projects and give him more time to perform as a member of Super Junior.

“I’ve tried calling him but he wouldn’t answer.” Siwon sighed. “But if you see him, tell him that I’ll come back for him and I’ll... I’ll take care of things.” That was all that he could say since he, himself, wasn’t sure of how Kyuhyun would react when he sees him. He was clueless if the maknae would still want him or even forgive him for what he did.

The dorm’s atmosphere was considerably better than the previous nights especially since everyone has gathered to eat home cooked dinner together at the 11th floor dorm. They decided to have a get together before their promotions start again and also to celebrate having a complete number of active members. Siwon had to help Ryeowook to cook their dinner while everyone played and lounged. It was all fun and laughter except when Siwon and Kyuhyun are left together. They turn awkward, quiet, and uneasy every time they are left at their own but nobody noticed. Hyukjae and Donghae were into a very festive mood and have forgotten about the two.

It was Siwon who made the first move. When Kyuhyun lost their game of who will wash the dishes, Siwon took the chance while the maknae was left alone in the kitchen to clean up.

“I’ll help you with-“

“No thanks.” Kyuhyun quickly cut him off and continued washing their plates. The maknae, by the way he washed and scrubbed, was definitely mad. Siwon stood there and watched the maknae, all the while thinking of what to say or do.

“I’m sorry, Kyu. I really am. But I’ve managed to talk to the bosses and now they’re letting me back in the group. I also asked them to give me more schedules with the group and lessen my acting roles. My dad has stopped badgering me with the family business and now I’m back – I could spend more time with the team, more time with you!”

“Good for you, I guess.” Kyuhyun said without turning around to look at Siwon.

“Kyu I’m really sorry for what I did back then. That was my fault, it was all me. You didn’t do anything. I know that what you did at the show was just an act and I know you wouldn’t like people suddenly grabbing you.”


“I guess I was just too stressed out and torn between choosing what I should do. I’m sorry if I took it out on you.”


“Kyu, can you stop for a second and look at me?” Siwon kept his voice down as Ryeowook just walked in to get something from their fridge. He continued as soon as Ryeowook was gone. “I love you Kyu and I don’t think I can do without you. Can you just talk to me normally?”

The maknae was silent. Other members at the living room laughed loudly as they played games.


“Stop calling me that! I’m not deaf and I heard everything you just said.”

“I just wanted to apologize..”

Kyuhyun sighed and looked at the man straight in the eyes. Both of them looked tired and gloomy. “Look, hyung, I tried to understand what you did but I can’t. If I should be able to understand you, then you should also for me. All of us are stressed and are on the edge so there was no reason for you to vent out your anger at me. I tried to make you talk about what’s happening with you before but you didn’t want to.”

Once again they kept silent and acted like nothing was wrong when, this time, Sungmin went in the kitchen to get water. It took him a while to drink but when he was finished, he stared at the two. Unaware of what had happened between the two, he smirked. “I see what’s going in here. You can’t do it in our room Kyu, alright? I’m sleeping here tonight so just go stay at Siwon’s place. I’ll cover up for you.” He teased Siwon before going out again to the join the others.

Kyuhyun stared at Siwon for a while, waiting for him to respond.

“Kyu.. I won’t do it again..”

“Hyung, you already did it.” Kyuhyun softly said as he held back his tears as he promised his self not to cry again. “I don’t know if I can take it again the next time you breakdown. I’m sorry.. but I don’t want to go all over that again. I’m not sure if you’re still the same man that I loved.”

Siwon felt Kyuhyun lightly touch his face. He stood there frozen as the maknae left him alone. The members teased Kyuhyun as he crossed the living room, saying it was too early for them to go to bed.

It was the first time after a while that he felt Kyuhyun’s touch and he longed for it more than ever. What had just transpired was too surreal for him. For a moment he thought that everything between him and Kyuhyun would be fixed and then they would forget about what happened in the past and happily move on as a couple once again. He clenched his fists as realization dawned at him. Fairy tales and movies are the only things with happy ever afters – and they weren’t in one.

It has been three days since he came back and now Siwon was scheduled for a short commercial filming overseas. He was supposed to rest the day before but wasn’t able to since he spent the day hanging out with Hyukjae and Donghae – who by now have already known about their breakup. Siwon asked for them to take care of Kyuhyun while he was gone. The two agreed in exchange for lunch, dinner, midnight snacks, and lots of souvenirs from where Siwon was going.

“Why do we have to take care of him when you’ve already broken up? I mean, we already take care of each other as members so why ask us?” Hyukjae asked over the phone before giggling like a little child. “If you’re still in love with him why don’t you just go here and tell him that? He’s here at the dorms, I think. Yep, Hae says Kyuhyun’s here.”

Siwon politely refused saying that he has a plane to catch later in the evening. Their phone call ended and he continued to pack the things he’s going to need for tomorrow. Once he was done, he took a bath and then lounged at his bed, waiting for his manager to pick him up. The weather was already hot and he wished that it wouldn’t be scorching hot to where he was going.

He checked the message on his phone, thinking it was the manager. His heart skipped a beat when he saw it was from Kyuhyun. He quickly grabbed his keys and then drove his way to a pharmacy. It felt strange at first, receiving a text from Kyuhyun, knowing that they just officially broke up days before. But when Kyuhyun texted him that he was sick and that he needed him, Siwon was worried.

The 11th floor dorm was quiet and much stuffier than before maybe since it was a hot summer day. There was no one inside except for the person lying on the living room floor, looking pale with beads of sweat on his forehead. Siwon hurriedly dashed towards Kyuhyun and checked if he was alright.

“Kyu! Are you alright? What happened to you? Kyu wake up!” He cried out as he lifted Kyuhyun to the sofa. Kyuhyun felt warm but not too feverish.

Kyuhyun stirred and pushed Siwon away from him. Annoyed, he blinked his eyes and went back to lie on the cold wooden floor.

“A-aren’t you sick? I saw your text so I quickly got over here and got you  medicines. What happened?

“What? I didn’t text you! It’s hot and the airconditioner’s broken and my head is aching so please shut up.”

“T-that wasn’t you?” Siwon asked in confusion and sat on the floor beside Kyuhyun.

The maknae sat up and wiped the sweat off his forehead while searching his pockets. “Donghae hyung!” He angrily yelled. “Hyung give me back my phone!! Don’t go texting anyone or I’ll seriously throw you into the sea!”

Laughter came to the room nearest to them and when the door opened, Donghae peeked outside to see the maknae’s expression. “I’ll give it back to you if you get back with Siwon!” He giggled. Hyukjae’s laughter echoed from inside. “I know you’re still in love with him!”

Red hues were visible at the maknae’s face but Siwon wasn’t sure if Kyuhyun was blushing or if he was just red in anger.

“Give it back you fish!” Kyuhyun yelled again but the door was already slammed and the laughter continued. The summer heat was too much for him and the broken airconditioner did him no good. He again stretched out on the floor and fanned himself in resignation. “Ugh.. Why is the world conniving against me today?” He whispered.

“So you’re not sick? No fever?” Siwon asked in embarrassment.

“No, apparently I’m not sick.” Kyuhyun closed his eyes. “But those people are.” He pointed towards Hyukjae’s room.

Siwon thought of leaving the dorm since he still has a plane to catch later on but his eyes were fixed at the maknae. He wanted to stare at him more before going.

The maknae then opened his eyes and was surprised to see Siwon still there. “Why are you still here?”

Siwon shrugged in reply.

“As you can see, I’m fine so you should really go now or you’ll be late for your flight.” Kyuhyun calmly said. The red tints on his cheeks have already faded. He noticed Siwon pick up a small pack as the man was about to leave. “Wait, what is that?”

Siwon showed him two boxes. “They’re cooling patches. You said –I mean, the message said that you’re fever was very high so I bought these to cool you off. I’ve also got medicines but you don’t need them.” He can see how the maknae was disappointed. Kyuhyun probably thought it was food that he brought.

Seeing Kyuhyun suffering from the heat, Siwon opened one box and peeled off a cooling patch. Kyuhyun hesitated before letting Siwon put it in his forehead. “It also works even when you don’t have fever. It’s too hot today so just use it.”

Kyuhyun felt more comfortable with the cooling patch on him. He can breathe more easily now and the headache seemed to be relieved.

“Kyu – I mean, Kyuhyun..” Calling the maknae by his whole name sounded a bit off to Siwon. He was used to calling him by the pet names he’d given the maknae. “C-can I stay here? I won’t take long I promise. It’s too hot outside so can I?”

Kyuhyun glanced at him before rolling on the floor, making an arm’s length distance between him and Siwon. “S-sure. Just don’t disturb me.”

He turned his back to Siwon and started poking the gel patch on his head. Then, he thought of sleeping but with Siwon near him, he can’t. Minutes passed and both of them stayed in an awkward silence. Kyuhyun would just occasionally turn to his side to cool off while Siwon checked his watch every now and then.

“May I ask you something?”

“Hmn?” The maknae murmured.

Siwon glance at Kyuhyun to see if he was listening. “How did you know I’ve got a flight tonight?”

Kyuhyun’s eyes shot wide open and he felt hot again. There was a reason he knows Siwon has a flight and the man’s schedules for the week. A reason he kept to his self. “E-everybody knows you have a flight tonight. I heard it from Leeteuk hyung.”

Inside Siwon felt like laughing in joy but all he did was smile the happiest smile he could. Except for Hyukjae , Donghae, and the managers, no one was quite aware of his schedules. He has yet to tell it to the leader since Leeteuk was busy with his own schedules. There were only two ways Kyuhyun could’ve known – it’s either Donghae told him or he asked somebody for it. Siwon wanted to think it was more of the latter.

Still in a cheerful mood, Siwon grabbed one of the turtle shaped pillows on the sofa and thought of a way to talk to Kyuhyun.

“Once, in a faraway small village, there was a boy who loved to sing. Whenever he sings, people will be mesmerized by his beautiful voice. But it wasn’t just his voice that is beautiful. He was prettier than most of the girls in to-“

“What are you blabbering about? I’m not a child and I don’t need a story!”

Siwon pointed at the pillow in his lap. “I’m telling a story to..” He looks at the turtle. “..this is probably Yesung hyung’s – I’m telling a story to his turtle. There isn’t much to do and you said not to disturb you so-“

“You’re crazy! Just keep it to yourself and that stupid turtle.” Kyuhyun turned his back at Siwon and tried to nap. Except that he got curious with the story Siwon was telling since the character was similar to him.

“So as I said Mr. Turtle, a prince – a handsome prince – came into town and fell in love with the boy. He took him in his castle and they got married. But one day, the prince was cursed by an evil witch and he fought with his boy-wife. The boy cried and cried because the prince fought with him and then left him alone..”

Kyuhyun’s ears twitched when he realized that the story was also similar to what happened between them. Siwon also was surprised to hear himself speak of their own story.

“.. and so the boy returned to his home in the village and tried to live peacefully. But one day, the prince came back and asked for his forgiveness. The boy got mad and threw stones at him. ‘You were a selfish man and I hate you!’ The boy yelled. ‘But I love you and I am sorry!’

The boy threw more rocks at him. ‘You hurt me and you yelled at me. Then you left without saying anything-“

“You left and didn’t bother to contact me..” Kyuhyun accidentally blurted out. “Ah, I mean – the prince left the boy and didn’t contact him. Sorry..”

Siwon continued on with a softer voice. Kyuhyun has now turned to his side facing Siwon and watched as the man tells a story to a pillow. The afternoon sun was getting cooler as time went on.

“Alright.. the boy said, ‘you left me without even bothering to contact me!’ He lifted a large stone and hurled it towards the prince. The prince was hit. He was hurt and then he cried. ‘I really am sorry!”

Siwon turned his gaze at the maknae who lied inches away from him. “I promise not to hurt you again. What I did before, they were all wrong. I left because I needed a breather. I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Everyone were telling me to do this, do that.. I was sick of it. And when I chose to be with you, they took everything away from me. I wasn’t supposed to blame you because it was my decision to be with you. The only thing that I blame you for is that you.. .you are you. And I love you.”

He paused when he saw that Kyuhyun wasn’t looking at him. But then the maknae opened his mouth and spoke softly. “Go on..”

“I realized that I couldn’t just leave my work, my job as part of the team. That job was the reason that I met you. I love you and you know that. I really am sorry that I took it all out on you. I’m saying this because I wanted to. I’m saying this because I think.. you deserve someone better than me.”

The words hit him hard especially since he was the one who said it. But it was the right thing to do, Siwon thought. He loved Kyuhyun more than he loved anything else in the world, but when he hurt him last time, he realized that he wasn’t the right man to make Kyuhyun happy.

“You deserve to be happy. Not like this.” He murmured as Kyuhyun turned his back again on him. “I’m really sorry.”

Few minutes passed with no one saying a word. There was only the sound of the cicadas, outside. Realizing that he wasn’t needed, Siwon then stood up, leaving the cooling patches beside the curled up maknae before heading for the door. He saw Hyukjae’s door was ajar and said goodbye to the two people who sat inside quietly eavesdropping. He motioned for Donghae and asked him to give Kyuhyun’s phone back. Then he went out without having seen Kyuhyun’s tears.

Carefully, Donghae went out of the room and was to comfort the maknae when Kyuhyun stood up. He quickly wiped the tears off his eyes and tidied his self. “Hyung give me my phone!”

Frightened of the maknae, Donghae handed over the phone. “S-sorry Kyu I was going-“

“Shut up! I’ve heard too much of that word and we’re not even singing!” Kyuhyun angrily pressed numbers on his phone.

“YOU! WHERE ARE YOU? WAIT FOR ME AT THE LOBBY YOU IDIOT AND DON’T GO ANYWHERE!” He yelled and then stormed out of the dorm.

Siwon was surprised when Kyuhyun called him. He waited at the lobby of their dorm building as he was told. The minutes that he waited made him feel more anxious and nervous. He wondered what the maknae wanted with him.

The elevator doors opened and the maknae came out.

“What’s wrong? Did I left anythi-“ Siwon wasn’t able to finish his sentences. The maknae ran towards him and let out a flying kick. The maknae continued kicking his legs. “Ow! What are you doing? Stop! Ow!”

Siwon tried defending his self but Kyuhyun was quick.

“What do you mean by I deserve someone better? Are you trying to look cool huh? You deserve an award because you’re such a drama king!” Kyuhyun yelled.

There were a few fellow tenants who passed by but ignored the two since they thought that they were filming.

“What now? You’re going to leave and then go on with your ing life like nothing ever happened between us? Do you think that I would be happier if I find somebody else? Then should I find somebody else now huh? So that’s how easy it is for you to break up! You’re an idiot!! An insensitive selfish idiot who cares only about himself! I hate you so much!”

Siwon crouched down to save his legs from Kyuhyun’s attack but when he went too low, one of Kyuhyun’s kicks struck him at the head. He fell down and became dizzy.

“Hyung! Are you alright?” Kyuhyun quickly helped Siwon sit and checked if the man for damages. “Hyung can you see me? A-are you in pain? I’m sorry I didn’t mean to. T-that was your fault!”

Siwon winced in pain and blinked his eyes a few times before regaining his senses. “I-I’m fine. Don’t worry.. Wait- what’s wrong now?”

His head still hurt when Kyuhyun suddenly hit him. He looked up and then realized that the maknae was crying. He got up and tried to comfort Kyuhyun.

“W-why are you crying? I was the one who got kicked. I should be crying!”

Kyuhyun swatted Siwon’s hands away from him and wiped his own tears. “You didn’t finish your stupid story. I.. I want to continue it.”

“What sto- oh.. but it was just something-“

“How did you know that the boy would be happier with somebody else? Did you even bother to ask him if he would be happier with some other man? Will you be okay if some other man would be touching and kissing that boy?”

An old lady who passed by was surprised to hear what Kyuhyun just said. Siwon apologized to the old lady and then pulled Kyuhyun towards one corner. He wiped off the tears and sweat on Kyuhyun’s face and fanned the fuming maknae.

“No, I’m not okay with that. But you said that you didn’t want to be hurt again by me. I apologized and told you that I wanted to get back together with you but you refused. So I figured that I should talk to you to settle things and then I realized that it would be better that you find someone that would make you happier.”

“So you don’t love me anymore?”

“I still am in love with you!”

“Then why don’t you get back together with me?”

Either the world was spinning or Siwon felt too confused by what was happening with them, he wasn’t exactly sure.

“Leeteuk hyung said if I told you things like ‘I don’t want to be hurt again by you’ then you would change and treat me better. Then we’ll be together again.. Why is it not working?”

Kyuhyun cried once more. He felt the cooling patch on still on his forehead and pulled it away. A large red rectangle was now visible from where the cooling patch once was. Tears continued to fall and the more he tried to fight them back, the more they fell. He was already out of breath from sobbing too hard. He wanted to run away but his legs won’t move.

Suddenly, Siwon’s arms found their way towards Kyuhyun, hugging the maknae tightly. The sight of a crying maknae is something he couldn’t get used to. He tightened the hug and caressed Kyuhyun’s back to calm him down, not minding the fight that they had or the breakup that was. It seemed both parties didn’t mind it at all, since Kyuhyun allowed the man to embrace him.

“I am really the stupidest person on earth..” Siwon chuckled but his eyes were already moist. “Sorry but I’m taking everything that I said earlier. I am, right now, begging you to please give me another chance. I may not be the perfect man but I will try everyday to make you happy. If one day I yell at you again, just punch me or kick me in the face, I don’t care.”

“I will kill you..” Kyuhyun, in between sobs, managed to mutter. Siwon laughed and hugged him even tighter. There was something in the hug they shared that made them feel they’re somewhere they were supposed to be. It felt like a dream and neither one of them is letting go of the other.

Siwon’s phone rang and, although he was still anxious to let go of the hug, he had to answer the call. The maknae used the time to wipe his face off the tears. His face went red when Siwon caught him putting back the cooling patch and smiled.

“That’s the manager looking for me; he’s picking me up later. And that is not going to cool you off now.” Siwon said as he peeled off the patch again.

Kyuhyun pouted. “But I like it on my head.”

“So are you giving me another chance?”

“Only if you give me back the patch.”

Both of them laughed. The gel patch was already warm and Kyuhyun knows it’s not going to absorb his body heat in a while, but without it he felt bare in front of Siwon. Being together with Siwon again made him nervous and shy at the same time. Then his heart began beating a hundred times faster than before when Siwon gently put the patch on his forehead and then kissed it.

Siwon’s hands were on his face, and he can feel the warmth coming from him. Siwon was too close to him and in any moment, he thought his heart was going to explode. And then, gently, Siwon’s lips came into contact with his. It was painfully gentle and too cautious of a kiss that it didn’t do justice to how much they have missed each other.

“Am I going too fast?” Siwon asked. His hands were still holding the maknae’s face. Although he wanted to do more, it was the first kiss they have shared in a while and he was worried that he might offend the other.

The gaze Siwon was giving him was too strong and he knows his face was already red with embarrassment. “You were going too slow that I almost fell asleep! The long break made you a bad-“

Kyuhyun was silenced by Siwon’s kiss once more. This time the kiss was different. It was deeper and more passionate than earlier. The sensual tension between the two became more evident as Kyuhyun softly moaned in Siwon’s mouth.

“HEY YOU TWO! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?” A familiar angry voice came from behind them. The leader quickly ran towards them and pried them apart. Both of their faces were red and both seemed to be out of breath. “Kyuhyun are you alright? Did he force himself on you again? What’s that on your forehead, a bandage? What exactly happened here?!” Leeteuk glared at Siwon and then yelled at him.

“Get out of here now! I’m not going to allow you to harass Kyuhyun again! I shouldn’t have consented with your relationship from the start!”

“Hyung! You’re wrong!”  Leeteuk was about to lunge himself to Siwon when Kyuhyun pulled him away. “Stop! Siwon wasn’t attacking me!”

“Don’t lie and try to defend this man, Kyuhyun! It was obvious that you were fighting and Siwon was forcing his self again to you.”

“Hyung, let me explain.” Siwon interrupted but only to be yelled at again by the leader. Kyuhyun moved in front of Siwon trying to defend the man.

“Teukie hyung! I’m not lying! We weren’t fighting!”

“Then what were you doing? And why do you have a bandage on your head huh?” Leeteuk’s face was already red in anger. It was a good thing he goes to the gym regularly recently, and his body would be a match for Siwon’s.

“Hyung, Siwon and I were… W-we were kissing. And you interrupted us!” The words that came out were too embarrassing for him but it felt good so he repeated them once again, louder. “We were making out! And this is not a bandage. It’s a cooling patch Siwon hyung gave me.”

The leader’s protective instincts went up once again as he pulled Kyuhyun close to him. “You!” He pointed at a dumbfounded Siwon. “You’re such a devious wolf! Tricking the maknae into forgiving you with a piece of cooling patch! How could you!”

“Hyung stop.” Kyuhyun laughed and hugged the leader. “I wasn’t tricked. It was my decision to be with him. Also, thank you..  for being the best hyung that there is.”

The maknae’s words seemed to have calmed Leeteuk down. He smiled back as the maknae smiled at him. Then he glared at Siwon. “But I’m not letting you off the hook, Siwon. Making out in the dorm lobby with the possibility of people passing by?”

Siwon chuckled and then apologized to the leader, promising never to make out in the lobby again. Leeteuk waved it off and told the two to go inside their dorm.

“I’m sorry hyung, but I have to borrow Kyuhyun for a while.” Siwon said, making Kyuhyun and Leeteuk wonder why. Leeteuk, although hesitant, consented but the maknae refused, saying that he wasn’t dressed properly. “You’re just going to drop me off the airport and you can stay in the car. But if you’re tired then it’s fin-”

“No! I’m not tired! I’m coming with you!” The maknae happily dashed at Siwon’s side and held grabbed onto the hand that was stretched out for him.

The leader reminded Kyuhyun to go home early and then watched as the reunited couple walk out the building. He also bid goodbye to Siwon and reminded him to not take things too seriously. Leeteuk smiled, feeling satisfied with how the maknae looked so happy with Siwon. He smiled because he knew that there was going to be someone who would be looking out for the maknae when he’s in the military.

“Hyung are you in Thailand already?”

‘Hmn. And you? Are you studying?’

Kyuhyun flipped the pages of the book he was supposed to be studying and scribbled lines on his notebook. “Yep. I’m almost done.”

‘Almost done playing? I can hear your computer from here.’ Siwon laughed as Kyuhyun whined. ‘If you’re not going to study, your homework will pile up and you have to wait until our overseas activities are over.’

“That’s fine! I could just do them when we get back home.” The maknae haughtily said.

‘So the next time we see each other again, you would be studying while I just sleep? After months of not being together you’ll just study while I sleep? No at all? Are you sure?’

Kyuhyun’s face turned red as Siwon’s rough voice continued. ‘That would be boring, Kyu. I want to have with you as soon as possible! I miss how your body would react when I touch you. And your moans! I want to hear them again. Your soft body squirming when I kiss you-‘

“A-alright! I’ll do my homework now! Stop thinking about it and focus on your work! ert.”

Siwon’s laughter echoed from his phone and from the background, he could hear the manager relaying his schedules for the next morning. While letting Siwon and the manager talk first, Kyuhyun scribbled notes on his book. It was like listening to a rich businessman and his secretary talk about business. He smiled as he admitted that Siwon has that certain prince feel on him.

‘Sorry ‘bout that. Where were we? Oh right, we’ll definitely have the next time we meet.’

“Idiot.” Kyuhyun chuckled. “Hyung, finish off your story before hanging up.”

‘What story?’

“What happened to the boy and the prince?”

Why the maknae wanted him to finish the story, Siwon wasn’t sure. But for him, it still is not yet finished since they were the ones pertained in the story. And they are still making their way towards their own happy ever after.

‘Hmm the boy cried and begged for the prince to-‘

Kyuhyun coughed loudly.

‘I mean, the prince begged and cried for the boy to live again with him and then the boy agreed to.’

“Because the boy was feeling sorry for the stupid prince.”

‘Why are you changing it? Anyway, fine. He felt sorry for the stupid prince. And because of the beautiful boy the stupid prince changed his ways for better. They were married again and had lots and lots of children and then they lived happily ever after. Done!’

It was a happy ending that they both managed to end up with and Siwon felt satisfied. But he had a question that’s been on his mind recently. Kyuhyun laughed with satisfaction as the story ended the way he wanted it to.

‘Kyu.. tell me the truth..’ Siwon started. ‘A-are you happy.. with me? I mean, I’m not there with you right now but are you happy – really happy – that you’re with me? Again?’

“Why do you want to know?” The maknae sighed.

‘Uh, no.. nevermind. I’m glad you gave me another chance. Thank you.’

Siwon continued to talk about his schedules for tomorrow, assuring Kyuhyun that he wouldn’t be missing work again. He promised the maknae that he’ll work hard from now on and that he’ll treat Kyuhyun much better than before.

‘..and then we’ll go from here to Japan. So I guess I’ll see you in Japan then!’

“Shut up hyung. You talk too much, I already get it.” Kyuhyun nagged. “But, hyung, for what’s it worth I am happy that you’re with me. So don’t you tell me to go find another man alright? Or else I’ll really break up with you and then I’ll tell you to Leeteuk hyung.”

‘You mean it?’

“Yes I’ll really tell you to Leeteuk hyung!”

‘No, not that. You’re really happy being with me?’

“Ah hyung you’re annoying! YES! YES I AM! Alright?” He yelled the same words over and over again until Siwon laughed.

‘Alright, I just needed to be sure. KYU!’

“What now?”



‘I love you!!’

“You’re an idiot and I hate you!! Why are you like this at this hour of the night?” Kyuhyun wondered if the older man has gone crazy at the other end of the line and why does he shout those words that always make his heart jump happily. But it didn’t matter actually. In fact he was enjoying everything that’s happening. The two of them were having their usual nonsensical phone conversation and it was understood that it was just an excuse to hear each other’s voices.

‘Because of Kyu! That’s why.’

“Then I’m no longer Kyu! My name’s Kyuhyun! Cho Kyuhyun!”

‘No it’s not. It’s Choi Kyuhyun because you’re my wife.’  Siwon chuckled.

“Whatever Mr. Choi Siwon. It’s late. Don’t you want me to study tonight? I won’t be able to study if we talk more..”

The need to talk more and hear Kyuhyun’s voice was getting stronger the longer he spends his time away from him. He wanted to see him soon and make up with the time that they weren’t together.

‘Okay. Finish all your homework and then we’ll see each other in Japan soon, Choi Kyuhyun. Remember to be ready.’

“For what?”

‘, of course. An extensively time consuming, hot, steamy, rough . I’ll go gentle at some points don’t worry-‘


Kyuhyun threw his phone in his bed and opened the book he was to read. Siwon has already gone crazy beyond anything else, he thought. But as he tried to read the first pages, his mind kept on flashing images of him and Siwon making love in inappropriate places. He went to the bathroom and splashed his face with cold water but his face was still red and hot. Cursing Siwon under his breath, he went back to his room. He was just in time to hear his phone sound of a new text message.

‘Kyu don’t think about it too much. I was just joking. But yeah, be ready just in case. Can’t wait to see you in Japan! I’ll buy you lots of seaweed snacks that you endorse so well.’

His phone beeped again.

‘Seriously, don’t think too much about it. Study comfortably and when you can’t do anymore, take a rest. I don’t mind if you do your homework when we see each other next time. I’ll help you with your homework even. Call me if you need something. Good luck~’

Siwon was already in bed, tired from everything that happened that day. The next day would be filled with schedules so he decided to sleep in early. Just as he finished his evening prayer, his phone vibrated. It was a message from Kyuhyun.

‘You talk a lot recently and I wonder why. And who said I was worried? I don’t mind it at all. Hyung go to sleep and do well in your CF! I’ll be waiting in Japan~  By the way, I’m done with my homework so… ^^’

When Siwon realized what Kyuhyun meant, he excitedly called Kyuhyun again. But this time it was Donghae who answered.


‘Hae? What are you doing with Kyu’s phone - don’t tell me. Did you just send me a message just now?’

“Oh Siwon. Hi. Uh.. yeah. Why?”

‘N-nothing. Goodnight, see you guys soon.’

Siwon hung up, leaving a half-awake Donghae confused.

“That’s all?” Donghae sleepily asked Kyuhyun who was all smiles. Kyuhyun nodded and Donghae went back to his sleep. There was no easy way to let Siwon know that he really was the one who sent him that message, Kyuhyun thought. Carefully, he tiptoed back to his own room, pleased with the prank he just pulled on his lover.




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Troubled Prince [update] edit: Chapters are now the same with the chapters on my LJ :)


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Chapter 4: Aww roller coaster of emotion in just 4 chapters. Omgg you are a golddd
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 4: please make a sequel
Merettevan #3
Chapter 4: OMG this story is so great, I loved it so much, the characterization, their relationship, the other members appearing especially Leeteuk and Eunhae (lol Leeteuk trying to comfort Kyu while showing off his muscles and Eunhae deciding if they could forgive or not Siwon). The dialogues between Siwon and Kyu were awesome, even if at times I was sniffing (like when they had the big fight). The last chapter was so sweet, with their reconciliation and the story with the boy and the prince, the cooling patch, Kyu kicking at Siwon and calling him drama king and their sweetest kiss when they made up.
Thanks so much, it's nice when I find a story I enjoyed as much as I enjoyed this! ((sobs happily))
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 4: Glad to find Wonkyu stories like this. Final melt hearts. Tks.
Ow.... Cute story line... And evil Kyu as always~ Love the prank~
Aw, cutest story ever <3 Good job <3
lonelyfairy88 #7
Yayyyy! Finally happy ending!
Thank you for making this wonderful wonkyu story, i'll wait for another fic from you ^^
My WonKyu are happy again! aaaaaw this so sweet!I love the ending!
& That story is my favourite so far :D
Great job author-ssi <3
oh you dorks :')
I'm glad everything went well between these two :)
freakadellic #10
a taekwondo black belt holder being kicked down by a baby kitten. me likey.... lol...