The Troubled Prince

The Troubled Prince



THE DAY of the press conference was scheduled together with the release of their new music video and it meant a very busy day for the boys of Super Junior, the company, as well as the media. Fortunately, both the conference and the video release went without major disruptions. The media were quite pleased with how the members diligently answered each and every question thrown at them and the new music video was not of a let down as other people have presumed.

On the other side of the long table, while everyone has directed their attention to the new music video, Siwon kept on glancing at the phone which he kept covered by the tablecloth. The messages were piling up and the calls kept on coming every now and then. The man sure is persistent, he thought. But Siwon’s persistence can match up to that man’s. After all, it runs in the family.


AFTER THE conference, the members congratulated each other for a successful start for their new album’s promotions. Before their next schedule that day, everybody decided to eat together outside. It was Kangin’s treat because the younger ones insisted and the leader said so.

“Hey, Jungsoo. I need to talk to you for a while.” One of the managers whispered to the leader. Leeteuk then followed the manager while the others were busy of deciding where to eat. No one minded the leader getting called by the manager, except for Siwon. It wasn’t noticeable at first but soon enough Leeteuk was frowning directly at him. Few more seconds and Leeteuk was motioning for him to join the private conversation.

“Is that true?” The leader began. “Why? You just came back overseas and now you’re suspended?” Leeteuk became emotional as the last word came out of his mouth. A suspension does not bode well for the group.

Siwon kept silent and kept his head down after confirming that it was true, the company has suspended him. Leeteuk shook his head and calmly asked again. “But why did they suspend you?”

“Hyung.. I’m sorry. I can’t tell you right now.” Siwon softly said. Not a bit of regret or sadness on his voice, but rather a tone that has already made a resolve. There was nothing the leader can do but pat the man’s shoulder and sigh.

“Just tell me what the problem was when you’re ready, alright? I’ll try to talk to the boss and see what I can do about this.”

Siwon nodded.

“Your indefinite suspension will start today and you will not be performing on stage unless the company says so. Also, all your other schedules will be put on hold.” The manager said as Leeteuk embraced Siwon into a hug, whispering words of encouragement.  Siwon then turned for the exit door.

As he walked through the lit halls of the hotel, looking for the safest exit through the parking lot, he thought of going home early that day wasn’t such a bad idea.

“Where are you going?”

Siwon turned around to find the owner of that voice. It was Kyuhyun. “We’re about to go out now. Let’s go! We’re going to make Kangin hyung pay for two years worth of food! Two years hyung! Two years worth of food!!”

The excitement in Kyuhyun’s voice made Siwon crack a smile. “I’ve got a personal schedule today, Kyu. I can’t join you guys.”

“Is it overseas? You can’t go overseas! You just came back-“

“No it’s not overseas.”

“Oh.. okay. Will you be home tonight?”

“Of course I will.” Siwon’s smile faded as the thought of lying to Kyuhyun, the person he swore not to tell lies to, made him feel worse.

Cheerfully, Kyuhyun bowed deeply before Siwon and lowered his voice. “I will be awaiting your return home, Master Choi.”

Instead of bowing in return, Siwon lifted the maknae’s head and kissed him before saying goodbye. Until Siwon was gone form his sight, Kyuhyun never left his place. He sighed in disappointment and then turned around to join the other members and as he did, he noticed his shoelace was torn.


A BROKEN shoelace meant bad luck if one is superstitious. Kyuhyun didn’t mind it but he knew bad luck when it came. And it came in the form of a forgotten exam date the next day.

“Everybody! Listen up! I’m going to study all night for an exam tomorrow morning! So please do not disturb me!” The maknae yelled out as soon as he got into the dorm. Hyukjae who was alone watching tv, stared at him and said, “I am everyone. I promise not to go near your room.”

Kyuhyun suddenly kneeled down on the floor, sobbing. Hyukjae hurriedly got up and consoled the maknae.

“Oh, Kyuhyun.. you know you’re smart. You can-“

“Why?! Why is there only an anchovy in the dorm? Why are there no people? WHY?!”

“My mom just sent me seafood stew for dinner. I guess I’ll eat all of it.”

“That is why I am very thankful to the one who made anchovies! Thank you, hyung, for your understanding! Can I, I mean we, eat now?”

Kyuhyun embraced Hyukjae, got up and then went straight to the kitchen, rummaging the fridge of the said food. Hyukjae grinned to his self. With home cooked food as leverage, anyone is sure to win against the maknae.

For the next four hours Kyuhyun spent his time alone in the room he shares with Sungmin studying. No one has dared to knock on his door or noisily hang out in the living room which was a good thing. He’s almost done studying and all he needed to do was to reread his notes. He scowled at his phone when it suddenly rang, interrupting his precious study time.

“I’ve been trying to call you earlier but you’re not picking up. I tried your apartment, the managers.. no one knows where you are! Where are you Choi Siwon?!”

“I’m outside the dorm.”

Kyuhyun was infuriated. All afternoon he was looking for Siwon, to no avail, and now that he’s busy studying the man calls him and says he’s just outside.

“What are you a stalker? Just come up. You know the door’s passcode.”

“No. I was just checking if you’re alright. Hyukjae told me you’ve got an exam tomorrow, are you studying well?”

“Oh..uh.. yeah. I’m almost done studying. You’re not going up? There’s no one here with me and I’m done studying.”

He heard Siwon’s soft breathing. “I still have to go and sort things out. Sorry Kyu. But I’ll be there at tomorrow’s performance stage so wait for me until then?”

“O-okay. But..”

“Alright. Study well! I’ll see you tomorrow!”

As soon as Siwon ended the call, Kyuhyun threw his phone on his bed in frustration. He placed his head on his desk and murmured curses at Siwon. He really is not a patient person and, as of now, he just has reached his limit. He’s been counting hours and days to when he was going to see his lover again but now that Siwon has returned, it seemed like the distance between them was still great. In addition to that, Siwon has been acting strange and none of it he won’t tell to Kyuhyun.

“..stupid.. horse brain.. not even a goodnight hug… kiss.. stupid stupid..”

He closed his eyes and continued to murmur out words he wasn’t able to tell Siwon. He turned his head sideways and caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. His eyes were a bit puffed and the dark circles seemed to be larger than before. The sudden late night cramming would also have contributed to how miserable he looked but he blamed Siwon for everything.

“I hate you Siwon. I hate you.. you’re stupid..” The words stung him as they were lies. No matter how he said those words he was sure there was one man who will reply with a smile and tell him, or the world, of how much he loves him. But tonight, only the sound of the clock ticking was all he heard.


THE COMPANY, thru Leeteuk’s persistent negotiations with regards to Siwon’s suspension, has agreed for Siwon to attend one performance stage every week. It was done so as to not arouse suspicion from fans and the members as well, as Leeteuk had pointed out. And so, Siwon was allowed to go on stage for a day.

Everyone was excited to see their group complete, at least with the ten members that were currently active. Even Siwon and Leeteuk were excited as they have forgotten for a while about the suspension. Kyuhyun also was in a jolly mood since he knew he did well in his morning exam and because Siwon was laughing with them again.

They delivered well and the fans as well as the other audience members were amused by the group’s performance. It was not until they were about to leave that Leeteuk called out Siwon alone for a talk.

“Siwon I’ve spoke with the boss and we were just lucky they agreed for one stage at least for a week. By the looks of it they are quite furious with what you did.” Leeteuk started off as Siwon listened earnestly. “As the team’s leader, I am asking you to please don’t make matters worse. I don’t think I can talk it out next time.”

Siwon agreed and expressed his appreciation with a warm hug. “But hyung… in return please don’t tell any of this to the other members especially Kyu.”

“Alright I won’t. But tell it to him soon. He’s bound to go crazy if you keep on being secretive.” Leeteuk said with a wry smile and patted Siwon’s shoulder.


FOR THE following days, Siwon was rarely seen with the group. May it be a performance stages or a filming for a show, he would be missing. The managers covered it up by saying that Siwon has other schedules and he won’t be able to participate actively with their promotions. Other members believed it as they knew Siwon can get a lot of casting offers and for some, it meant an opportunity to play mindgames with the maknae.

“Aren’t you worried that Siwon has been absent for days now? Even the fans are asking us where he is.” Hyukjae asked with a worried tone. Kyuhyun merely shrugged his shoulders as he continued to eat the sandwiches prepared by Ryeowook. Hyukjae sat in front of him.

“To be honest, don’t you think he’s cheating on you? He’s been away for too long and when that happens, sometimes a man – even if he is as religious as Siwon – can get lonely. Awfully lonely that even the sight of women will make them-“

“Hyung I’m eating!” Kyuhyun snapped. “And Siwon’s just busy. He can’t cheat on me. He won’t.”

“I know! I was just playing with you because you’re eating everything that Ryeowook has been cooking! Can you leave at least one for me?” Hyukjae chuckled as he begged the maknae for the sandwiches.

But, surprisingly, the thought of Siwon cheating on him haunted him. He felt restless and worried. True, the man was away for too long and now the frequent absences, the unanswered phone calls, the lack of skinship and …

Hyukjae grabbed the remaining food without Kyuhyun objecting. It must have been obvious what the maknae was thinking as Hyukjae asked if he was alright. “I’ll just eat these sandwiches then we could make Ryeowook cook something else if that’s why you’re sulking.”

Kyuhyun shook his head and hesitated for a bit before speaking up.  “H-hyung… will Siwon cheat on me? I mean, do you think he’s..  c-cheating on me? Right now?”

Hyukjae almost spat the sandwich he was eating when he realized the maknae was quite serious. He quickly drank a glass of water while Kyuhyun patiently waited for an answer. He cleared his throat and faced Kyuhyun with an awkward worried look.

“S-Siwon is.. uh how do I start this?” Hyukjae paused. “Ah! Siwon is a good friend. He’s like a big brother to everyone. When he hugs me I feel warm and protected… Hae feels like that, too.  He’s like that big man that everyone can depend on.” Hyukjae explained. Kyuhyun’s brows furrowed. “You know what I mean, Kyuhyun. When he’s around, how do you feel? We feel like that too..”

“Oh my god!” Kyuhyun exclaimed. Hyukjae, proud of successfully explaining how good a person Siwon is, nodded.

“Siwon is a good-“

“Siwon’s cheating on me!”

“-man. What?!”

“I get it now, hyung! You said he’s that man that everyone can lean to! He is a man who can make everyone feel comfortable and will not get any trouble finding some women to satisfy him!”

“Huh? When did I say that! Kyuhyun no! You misunderstood everything I just said!”

Hyukjae’s words fell into deaf ears. Kyuhyun was thanking him for the talk they just had. Everything felt clear to him. Siwon is cheating on him. That should be the reason for the strange way the man has been acting the past few days.

“Kyuhyun! Stop!” Hyukjae yelled as he shoved a piece of bread into Kyuhyun’s mouth. “Shut up and listen to your hyung once in a while.”

Kyuhyun stared at him with disgust as he ate the bread.

“I was just telling you how a nice person Siwon is! Too nice to even think of cheating on you - especially you!”

“But you said earlier that he’s also a man that can get lonely!”

Hyukjae sighed. He regretted saying those words. “Kyuhyun.. you are the smartest person I know. Do you think that Siwon is really capable of cheating on you?”

Kyuhyun was speechless at the question.

“Oh come on. You know how much he loves you. And in my opinion, he’s not interested in with just anybody. Remember that one time I – accidentally – saw you guys in your car making out? Siwon’s supposed to be in Taiwan that time right?”

“I can’t believe I’m hearing this from you..” Kyuhyun said.

Hyukjae immediately racked his brain of how he could explain further that there was no way that his friend will cheat on Kyuhyun. If the topic goes on a different direction then there’s a probability that the couple might fall out.

“I get it. What you’re trying to say.. I get it now.”

Hyukjae almost got a shock since it was unusual for the maknae to be shy in front of him. “Ah!” Hyukjae screamed as he clenched his head. “Is this for real?! The maknae has listened to me? Ah! I can’t take this! Too many emotions! My brain doesn’t know what to think!”

“Tch.” Kyuhyun smirked. “It’s your fault! You say those kinds of things. You started all this drama and we’re not even drinking.”

The atmosphere seemed to be much lighter, much happier than before their talk. They were able to joke around again. For the sake of showing Kyuhyun that Siwon wasn’t capable of cheating him, Hyukjae just had a brilliant idea.

“Hey.. would you like me to take you to Siwon right now?”

It was Kyuhyun’s turn to be surprised.

“Because I’m a good friend and I want you guys to be happy blah blah.. what the hell I’m taking you to Siwon right now!” Hyukjae’s grin was wider than before. He got his phone and dialled Siwon’s number to make sure the man was at his apartment. Kyuhyun just stared at him like he was watching an awkward magic show.

“There! He’s home right now! Let’s go!”

“No! I.. I don’t want to!” Kyuhyun blushed.

Hyukjae stood up and walked a few paces towards the door. “You really don’t want to?”

Kyuhyun hesitated and thought about what to do. It felt rather awkward for him to be chaperoned to Siwon by Hyukjae. Only girls are chaperoned, he thought. Also, he was afraid that Siwon wouldn’t like his surprise visit because he’s too busy the past days.

“Are we going?” Hyukjae impatiently asked.

“Wait! I’m still thinking!” Kyuhyun snapped. “Alright I’m coming! But if he doesn’t like this surprise visit I blame you.”

Hyukjae got the keys to his car and passed Kyuhyun a coat. “Tch. Siwon? Not liking a surprise visit from his Kiyu~? That’s very hard to believe.”

Kyuhyun hit the back of hyukjae’s lightly. “Hey! Only Siwon can call me Kiyu.”




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Troubled Prince [update] edit: Chapters are now the same with the chapters on my LJ :)


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Chapter 4: Aww roller coaster of emotion in just 4 chapters. Omgg you are a golddd
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 4: please make a sequel
Merettevan #3
Chapter 4: OMG this story is so great, I loved it so much, the characterization, their relationship, the other members appearing especially Leeteuk and Eunhae (lol Leeteuk trying to comfort Kyu while showing off his muscles and Eunhae deciding if they could forgive or not Siwon). The dialogues between Siwon and Kyu were awesome, even if at times I was sniffing (like when they had the big fight). The last chapter was so sweet, with their reconciliation and the story with the boy and the prince, the cooling patch, Kyu kicking at Siwon and calling him drama king and their sweetest kiss when they made up.
Thanks so much, it's nice when I find a story I enjoyed as much as I enjoyed this! ((sobs happily))
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 4: Glad to find Wonkyu stories like this. Final melt hearts. Tks.
Ow.... Cute story line... And evil Kyu as always~ Love the prank~
Aw, cutest story ever <3 Good job <3
lonelyfairy88 #7
Yayyyy! Finally happy ending!
Thank you for making this wonderful wonkyu story, i'll wait for another fic from you ^^
My WonKyu are happy again! aaaaaw this so sweet!I love the ending!
& That story is my favourite so far :D
Great job author-ssi <3
oh you dorks :')
I'm glad everything went well between these two :)
freakadellic #10
a taekwondo black belt holder being kicked down by a baby kitten. me likey.... lol...