The Troubled Prince

The Troubled Prince

“He’s here.” The manager informed Kyuhyun after checking his text messages. The maknae then swiftly packed his things and hurried to the parking lot, followed by his manager. Making sure that the information passed to him was true he dials his phone and waits for an answer.

‘Oh hey! Listen I-‘

“Hyung are you really here?”

‘If you mean South Korea then yes, I’m here and I’m-‘

“Great! I have to drop by at the dorm first so see you at home in an hour?”

‘Wait! Kyu! Why are you-‘

Kyuhyun hung up even before hearing what the other man had to say. A smile appeared on his face as he couldn’t hide his excitement any longer. It has been too long a wait for Siwon and now the man has finally come home. Funny though, normally if he is too excited either he would be talking incessantly about anything he could think of to anyone he was with or he would be cleaning the dorms - none of which has he done so far that day. This did not go unnoticed by his manager.

“You’re a bit strange today, Kyuhyun.”  His manager said as their car stopped at a red light. Confused, Kyuhyun asked what the manager meant by strange to which the manager replied with a soft sigh. The kind of sigh Kyuhyun classifies as a mother’s sigh. The manager glanced at the rear view mirror so he could look at the maknae. “I mean you’re not your usual giddy, hyper, excited self and I’m worried. Are you still with Siwon? Did something happen? You know Kyuhyun, Siwon has to work away because he needs to and not because he wanted to. I know you could work things out-” 

“Hyung, it’s green.”

“What? Green?! No, Kyuhyun. This is serious talk. Nothing’s green.”

"The light’s green!”

Kyuhyun was already laughing as his surprised manager stepped onto the gas and drove, shyly apologizing for what he had said. Kyuhyun snorted and patted his manager’s shoulder. “It’s alright hyung. Thank you for worrying, but you didn’t have to since Siwon hyung and I are still together.” He slumped back in his seat and started fiddling with his phone.

“It’s just.. I think, we’ve been together for years and..” He noticed his manager was listening very well to what he was going to say next and tried not to laugh as his manager’s expression was too comical. “Hyung, I think I’m used to it by now. I am excited to see him but I don’t want it to show too much. And please focus more on driving and not on other people’s love life.”

Once more, his manager apologized but then defended that he was a manager and that he – as a manager – needs to know everything happening to him. Kyuhyun laughed the matter off. The sun has already set and they were almost at the dorm.

“Oh right!” Kyuhyun snapped his fingers and quickly dialled the same number as before.


‘Kyu are you mad at me? Why are you-‘

“I’m hungry! Can you buy food?”

‘What? You just called just to order me around? Hey Cho Kyuhyun! Shouldn’t you be saying other things besides “I’m hungry”?

“But I’m hungry! Really hungry! Please Si-won-ni hyung~” This was it, Siwon’s weakness – Kyuhyun’s calculated aegyo attack. It has always been effective and Kyuhyun knows when to use it. A short sigh from the other line and he knew Siwon has already given in.

Kyuhyun blurted a quick ‘thank you’ and was about to end the call when Siwon started complaining. He asked why the maknae wouldn’t talk to him properly earlier and why Kyuhyun wouldn’t reply to his text messages and why there was no Kyuhyun to welcome him at the airport. The complaints seemed never ending but in spite of that, Kyuhyun can’t help but smile. Siwon was complaining alright, but the older man was just being a worried boyfriend.


‘What now?’

“Siwon hyung!”


Kyuhyun took a quick glance to check if the manager was looking at him and seeing the manager was too busy driving, he lowered his head a bit and covers his mouth with one hand.

‘What did you say? I can’t hear you. Speak up!’

“You’re just 27 years old and I know you can hear me well!”

‘I could hear you if you weren’t mumbling!’

“I wasn’t mumbling!”

‘Yeah you were! You were like this..’ Siwon whispered and mumbled gibberish that did not make any sense at all. Pointing out that this was how he had heard Kyuhyun speak.

“That’s horse talk! I didn’t say anything like that! I said -” Kyuhyun paused. Siwon laughed.

‘You said what then?’

Kyuhyun stuttered, thinking if he will repeat what he had said earlier. His relationship with Siwon has been known to the managers for quite some time now but he still gets embarrassed whenever other people, especially the managers, catch him acting cute and sweet with Siwon.

He cleared his throat and calmly said. “I said you should hurry up and go home because want to see you already.”

His face went red and his heartbeat turned up a notch. He knew what Siwon was going to ask next and he was already regretting what he had said earlier.

‘Ohhh that, I think I’ve heard that earlier. The next part was what I didn’t hear well. You wanted to see me and then what? You’ve said something different.. something that sounded like it starts with an ‘s’…’

Siwon was already laughing and Kyuhyun knew the man was playing him. It was childish but, nevertheless, he wanted to be played by him. “I’m going to get you for this.”

Siwon replied with a chortle, confident to continue the game. ‘I know and I can’t wait for you to punish me! So what did you say next?’ The man kept on demanding for Kyuhyun to repeat what he said earlier. Flustered and confused, Kyuhyun tried to change the topic but Siwon was too insistent.

Their car stopped in front of a building and the manager was about to go down the car when the singer suddenly yelled.

“S-SWEETHEART!! I said sweetheart! I want you to go home because I want to see my sweetheart already alright?! That’s what I said earlier! Satisfied?!”

‘More than satisfied!!’ Siwon happily replied. ‘Alright, so I’ll see you home and I’ll bring food, sweetheart~’

“H-hey! Hyung! Don’t call me like that in front of the other members-“

‘See you later..’

“No! Promise you’re not going to call me that-“


Their phone call ended. The manager got out of the car feeling content and relieved that Kyuhyun was still the same, although he admits the singer has been more cheerful since Siwon became the maknae’s boyfriend.



Except for Kyuhyun’s calls and messages, Siwon ignored everybody else’s. It was a good thing he was without his manager since he knows the manager would not be pleased with what he was doing. Most of the ignored phone calls came from one person. He already knew what that person was going to say and he was not in the mood to talk about such things. All he cared about right now is seeing Kyuhyun. Just one more corner and he’ll reach the dorms. Soon he’ll be hanging out with the other members, eating and chatting. Soon he’ll be able to spend time with Kyuhyun. His phone rang. It was their management company calling.

The rain made the night cold and refreshing. It was a sudden downpour and has caused people to be stranded at bus stops and convenience stores, waiting for the rain to stop. Inside the dorms, four people hungrily lazed in the living room until the door opened.

“Oh! It’s the delivery man!” Donghae happily yelled. Curiously, the other three people stood up and checked to see what was being delivered. Upon reaching the door all of them laughed to see Siwon removing his shoes and Donghae getting the plastic bags from the man’s hands.

Heechul and Hyukjae quickly followed Donghae with the food towards their kitchen after welcoming Siwon from their doorstep. Kyuhyun stayed behind and waited for Siwon to take off his shoes and coat.

“You got wet. You didn’t bring your car?” Kyuhyun shyly said as he took Siwon’s coat and hang it near the shoe closet. Siwon ran a hand through his hair and then planted a kiss on Kyuhyun’s forehead.

“I did bring my car but it started raining when I went out to buy food. It’s just a little rain that’s all.”

Kyuhyun patted Siwon’s damp hair and his eyes noticed the man’s drenched shirt. “You call that little rain? You look like you ran through a flooded street while raining! I’ll go get you something to wear. Go inside and warm up.” He said as he lightly tapped Siwon’s face. “Sorry I had to make you come here. I think they’ve missed you too.”

The older man slightly nodded. “Anything for my sweeth-”

Kyuhyun’s hands quickly found themselves against Siwon’s mouth. Not wanting the other members to hear that word, he mouthed to Siwon not to say it ever again, at least not in front of other people. Once again, Siwon nodded and Kyuhyun released him.

“Are you alright? You are a bit hot..” Kyuhyun raised one hand against Siwon’s forehead to check if the man has fever.

“Well, I am hot, especially now that I’m drenched with the rain.” Siwon smirked and removed the maknae’s hand away from his forehead, pinning him against the wall.

“You’re hopeless.” Kyuhyun replied back and felt his cheeks blush as Siwon cupped his face and slowly closed in the gap between them.

“Mr. delivery man Siwon! Kyu! Sorry to bother you but are you guys going to eat or not?” Donghae peeked from the corridor. Siwon stopped and hung his head over Kyuhyun’s shoulders with a sigh of disappointment while the latter shooed Donghae away. “You need to eat first to have energy for later!” Donghae said as he walked away giggling at what he had just interrupted.

“You really got tanned while you’re overseas, didn’t you?” Hyukjae asked. His and everybody else’s eyes were examining Siwon’s toned and tanned chest while the man was changing clothes right in the midst of their dinner.

Siwon reached for the shirt Kyuhyun passed him. “I was filming at the beach these past weeks so it’s unavoidable that I get tanned.”

“But you’re very very tanned. You look like a foreigner!”

“Hey yo! What’s up my man! What’s up yo! My name’s Hee! What's yours man?!”

“Next concert, we’ll have all the lights directed at you so you can be seen in the dark.”

They laughed in unison at their own jokes while Kyuhyun dried Siwon’s hair with a towel. “Hey! At least thank him for your food tonight.” Kyuhyun shot a glare at them and the laughter gradually stopped. “He has bought it for us so we should thank him while the lights are still on.”

Laughter once again echoed throughout the room and jokes were made again with regards to Siwon’s tan. At first, Siwon laughed it off but they made fun of him until dinner was finished. He volunteered to wash the dishes as to keep away from hearing what other jokes they have in store for him. But alas, the kitchen was just a few steps away from the living room where his fellow members decided to stay and lounge for a bit.

“Ah I think I can now beat Siwon as the most handsome member of Super Junior.” Hyukjae sighed and rested his head on Donghae’s lap. Heechul protested saying that he’s the most handsome in the team. Donghae laughed along with them but later told them to stop with the teasing.

Kyuhyun carefully made his way behind Siwon and hugged him from behind. He thought about how he had missed Siwon’s warmth. “You alright?” He softly mumbled from behind.

“You know it wasn’t my fault that I got tanned like this.” Siwon said as he washed the last of their plates. He was tired and was not in the mood for the childish jokes. All he wanted to do was cuddle in bed with the maknae.

“Sorry..” Kyuhyun weakly said. “Sorry I made you come here. But we could go to your apartment right now if you want to.”

Siwon shook his head. “I.. I need to be alone for a while. I just got back and I am tired. I need to rest. I’m sorry Kyu.” He gently pushed his self away from the maknae but Kyuhyun won’t let him.

“You can sleep in my room tonight, Sungmin hyung is staying at his parent’s house.” It was obvious to Kyuhyun that Siwon was looking agitated ever since he came to the dorms. The others teasing him just added to his lover’s uneasiness.

Please stay?”

The couple walked hand in hand past the three people lounging on the couch towards Kyuhyun’s room just across the living room. And as they did, Hyukjae and Heechul can’t help but smirk and wolf whistle at them.

Kyuhyun, just as he was about to close the door, turned around and called out to the others. “Just so you know my room’s not soundproof and we just drank coffee.”

“What are you –“

“I’m not saying we’re going to be up all night but uh.. yeah, I just needed to warn you just in case.”

Donghae giggled excitedly while the other two gaped, speechless with what they just heard. The fact that Kyuhyun was announcing that he and Siwon are going to have all night – bluntly to them – was rare. Very rare.

“Oh and I think Siwon and I are going to be late for tomorrow’s press conference! You guys can go ahead. Goodnight!”

The door to the maknae’s room closed and the locks clicked. An awkward silence surrounded the three people remaining outside. Donghae was the first to speak. “Should we wait for them?”

“Hell no! I.. I miss Hangeng. I’m going up to my room.”

“Then I’m going with you. Goodnight Hyukkie!”

“Hae! I’m going with you!”

Siwon lazily stretched in Kyuhyun’s bed while the latter changed into his pyjamas. He turned his head and quietly apologized to Kyuhyun. “I’m really sorry for tonight Kyu..” He winced as he realized how his head was painfully throbbed.

“Here, let me take care of that.” He said as he lifted Siwon’s head into his lap, massaging the temples with much affection and not minding that tonight would be a night without much of their usual lovemaking.

“It’s fine.” Kyuhyun said. “I know you’re tired. I just wanted to get back at them because they teased you too much earlier. I like your tan by the way.”

Siwon smiled and took one of the hands massaging him and kissed it. He stayed silent as he let his lover pet him on the head.

“Is there something wrong?” Kyuhyun asked. Siwon sat up and faced him. The maknae’s face showed how much he worries for Siwon.

“There’s nothing wrong babe. Don’t worry too much, it doesn’t suit your pretty face.” Siwon smiled as he rubbed Kyuhyun’s cheeks. “Can we sleep now? I'll make up for this tomorrow.”

Kyuhyun agreed to the suggestion and laid next to Siwon, letting the man cuddle him in the process. He thought that Siwon must have been really tired since the man fell asleep within minutes.

“Liar.” Kyuhyun whispered as he realized that Siwon was bad at making lies. His hand softly caressed Siwon’s sleeping face. Soon he fell asleep.





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Troubled Prince [update] edit: Chapters are now the same with the chapters on my LJ :)


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Chapter 4: Aww roller coaster of emotion in just 4 chapters. Omgg you are a golddd
kyuwon1013 #2
Chapter 4: please make a sequel
Merettevan #3
Chapter 4: OMG this story is so great, I loved it so much, the characterization, their relationship, the other members appearing especially Leeteuk and Eunhae (lol Leeteuk trying to comfort Kyu while showing off his muscles and Eunhae deciding if they could forgive or not Siwon). The dialogues between Siwon and Kyu were awesome, even if at times I was sniffing (like when they had the big fight). The last chapter was so sweet, with their reconciliation and the story with the boy and the prince, the cooling patch, Kyu kicking at Siwon and calling him drama king and their sweetest kiss when they made up.
Thanks so much, it's nice when I find a story I enjoyed as much as I enjoyed this! ((sobs happily))
Luhma1817 #4
Chapter 4: Glad to find Wonkyu stories like this. Final melt hearts. Tks.
Ow.... Cute story line... And evil Kyu as always~ Love the prank~
Aw, cutest story ever <3 Good job <3
lonelyfairy88 #7
Yayyyy! Finally happy ending!
Thank you for making this wonderful wonkyu story, i'll wait for another fic from you ^^
My WonKyu are happy again! aaaaaw this so sweet!I love the ending!
& That story is my favourite so far :D
Great job author-ssi <3
oh you dorks :')
I'm glad everything went well between these two :)
freakadellic #10
a taekwondo black belt holder being kicked down by a baby kitten. me likey.... lol...