

“Are we seriously doing this?”

“What? Why not? They're gonna be so surprised!”

“Yeah…surprised is definitely the word I would use…”

“Unnie! Unnie! I lost my-”

“It's right here, magnae.”

“These are so cute! So cute~ so cute~”

“Ugh, I'm never gonna hear the end of this from that squish…”

“Oh! I think they're back! Quick, go hide!”

The door clicked open as a chorus of groans echoed through the “empty” dorm.

“I'm gonna go take a shower right now,” grumbled YongGook as he flipped on the light.


“AH! Aish, you surprised m-”

Their second oldest stopped mid-sentence as his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. The other boys filed in and mirrored HimChan's reaction at the sight of their 6 girlfriends…dressed up as their respective matoki.



“WAAAAH! MY BABY! YOU'RE SO CUTE!” squealed HimChan as he was the first to snap out of his stupor, rushing over and hugging his girlfriend tightly.

She giggled, “They're cute, right? We made it ourselves! It was my idea. You like them?”

“Wow! These must have been hard to make!” HimChan smiled as he ran his finger along the very detailed mask she was wearing before kissing her on the cheek repeatedly, which caused her to burst into a fit of giggles.

YoungJae burst out laughing, the second to react, causing his girl to glare viciously at him (not that he could tell because she was wearing a white mask over her face).

“Are you wearing a dress?!” he questioned with a smirk.

“It's a long shirt, you jackass!” she defended, stomping her foot. He chuckled at how sensitive she was being because she was embarrassed.

“Did you make the masks?” he wondered, gently pulling her yellow mask down and removing her white face mask, so he could see her face.

She blushed, avoiding his eyes, but nodded her head.

“I guess you can be cute sometimes,” he smiled, kissing her forehead reassuringly.

JongUp jumped in surprise when his girlfriend bounded over like a bunny in excitement.

“JongUppie!” she cheered. “I drew the bunnies! Are they cute? Are they cute?”

“N-n-neh?” he stuttered, trying to bring himself back to reality when he realized she was talking to him.

She pouted, “…is it not cute…”

“Ah, no, no, it's…very cute…cute…” he smiled brightly.

“Yay!” she cheered, jumping into JongUp's arms.

Zelo smiled with his mouth wide open as he played with his girlfriend's bunny ears.

“They're so soft~” he giggled. “Oh, you even have a tail!”

“JunHong…stop that, this is embarrassing enough as is…” she mumbled, turning around and hiding her tail with her hands.

“Noona is the cutest~” he cooed, hugging her and nuzzling his cheek against her, making her smile. As long as he was happy, she disregarded her embarrassment and allowed him to play with the ears he seemed so intrigued with.

DaeHyun had just been staring the whole time, finally snapped out of his daze  when she clearly . She looked down at the ground with a blush.

“Is it…weird?” she inquired coyly, only able to glance up every now and then, unable to keep eye contact.

“No, no! It's not weird…it's…very cute…” he smiled widely, revealing his eye smile, relieving her fears. “I like the…little heart on the mask…and the shirt is cute…oh, you have both versions on Keke on it…”

She nodded. “Our magnae is very talented at drawing, neh?”

He nodded back, pulling her mask and lightly grazing her lips with his own.

YongGook watched as his girl walked towards him, a smile slowly forming on his face.

“Aren't the dongsaengs talented?” she praised as she twirled to show off the whole costume.

He chuckled, his low voice resonating through her eyes, “What is all this for?”

She gasped, folding her arms and frowning, “It's for your 200 days, of course! Did you really think we wouldn't do anything for such an important day?”

“Araso, araso,” he agreed to pacify her. “Thank you…your present is perfect.”

“It better be! We spent a lot of effort into making this happen.”

He shook his head, kissing her on the nose, before lowering to her eye level and smiling.

“The 6 of you being here is the best present we could ask for.”

She smiled, kissing him back on the lips.

“Ah, we also made a cake for you guys!” she informed YongGook, who was interrupted by an eavesdropping DaeHyun.

“Cake?!” YongGook chuckled at the younger member’s expecting exclamation.

“Your favorite cheese~cake-y~” sang his girlfriend, who received a full on kiss of approval before demanding where the cake was.

“My gosh, DaeHyun, you’re such a fatty. You keep eating nonstop and we’re gonna have to roll you to the next venue,” cackled YoungJae.

“Hey! At least my belly fat isn’t as bad as yours!” DaeHyun retaliated.

“You keep eating like that and all you’re gonna be IS a belly!” retorted YoungJae’s girlfriend, defending YoungJae, as the two shared a high-five and a victorious laugh. DaeHyun backed off with a pout, hiding behind his girlfriend, knowing very well that he didn’t have a chance of winning when the two were tag-team insulting him.

She chuckled, hugging DaeHyun back, “Okay, that’s enough. Stop picking on my adorable fatty~”

He gaped at her incredulously, “Jagiya! Not you too!”

She pecked him on the lips. “I love you, too, Dae~”

“Cheesecake, cheesecake, cheesecake!” the magnae line, JongUp, Zelo and JongUp’s girlfriend, chanted impatiently.

“Children, behave,” Zelo’s girlfriend playfully scolded, but it effectively silenced the three children.

“Let’s have some cake!” HimChan cheered, running off into the kitchen.

“Ah, oppa! Wait for me! I want to cut the cake!” his girlfriend whined.

YongGook exchanged a look with his girlfriend.

“We better make sure no one hurts themselves,” she chuckled, holding his hand as the two of them made their way over to the kitchen as well to control their children.

8/13/12 – Happy 200 Days, B.A.P!



No, guys…they weren’t wearing playboy bunny outfits. XD COMPLETELY INNOCENT, OKAY?! Get your minds out of the gutter. :P

I also…drew a picture…(a really crappy one mind you on notebook paper at work XD)…but I don’t have a scanner on me any time soon…maybe I’ll put it up later…

Oh, and this is a basic ranking of the girlfriends by age:

JongUp’s < Zelo’s < DaeHyun’s < YoungJae’s < HimChan’s < YongGook’s

I’m not actually gonna specify age just so it’s left a bit ambiguous.

~Kira :3

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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
oh my glob come back ;___;
Chapter 8: awwww~ ain't that cute~ totally reminds me of my past. *sigh* the good old days~ good times. goood times.
Chapter 8: I'm crying buckets right no, Kira. I JUST CAN'T WITH ALL OF THESE.;AAAAAAAA;
KKkkkk #5
Chapter 8: yaaaahhh!! I love Just love reading all your updates ! Hehehehe it makes me giggle like a fangirl hehhee Plss do update soon !! Muah !
Chapter 8: ...

My inner girly girl romantic squee-ed so much reading this. Its so cute. ^///^ I definitely, from what I know about you, saw a lot of you in this. I also can relate since I don't always come off as the most feminine thing. Aigooo. My feeeeeels.

I hope you continue with the other girls as well. I'd liek to see it. ^^
ilikefish #7
Chapter 8: This strangely reminds me of a certain roommate I have... and this is why you should ask for help when moving a damn table.
Also I feel so bad for whatever guy dumb enough to date you... I'd love to see it though. The majority of your anger won't be directed at me anymore!