

“Oppa! Can you please show me some aegyo?”

“Just once, can you show use aegyo, Oppa?”

YongGook smiled shyly and bowed apologetically, hoping the fans would understand that aegyo is not easy for him to do. He couldn’t help but feel horrible about the disappointed look on the fans’ faces that he turned down, but he was just really uncomfortable with the whole act.

“Please be understanding~ YongGookie has an image he has to hold as the leader of the powerful B.A.P, right?” HimChan helped out every single time as the fan moved down the row of the fansigning event. When the fans pouted at him sadly, he would start making faces and bunny ears at them to cheer them up. At his fanservice, all the fans would suddenly start squealing, quickly forgetting about being rejected by YongGook. The leader smiled gratefully at HimChan, who patted him on the back in understanding.

As the fansigning event came to a close, all the members sighed in relief, stretching out their cramped hands and laughing at all the memorable incidents that had occurred. They each were given a bottle of water by the staff, which they thanked for their hard work to make all their events possible, as Manager Kang led them to the van so they could turn in for the night.

“Hey, can you drop me off at TS? I feel like working on something,” YongGook suddenly requested when they all got into the car.

The rest of the member turned to him in concern.

“Hyung…it’s going to be close to midnight by the time we get home and we have an early morn-”

“I know, JongUp!” snapped YongGook.

“…hey…YongGookie…there’s no need to snap at JongUppie like that…” HimChan gently told him, clearly sensing that their leader was on edge for some reason. YongGook sighed and patted JongUp on the back.

“Sorry, JongUppie…I didn’t mean to yell at you…there’s just something on my mind…” he mumbled. JongUp offered a bright smile and nodded before turning to Zelo to chat away with him. HimChan shot YongGook a few worried glances, but they went unnoticed since the leader spent the rest of the car ride staring out the window.

“Yah, YoungJae,” HimChan whispered to the boy currently immersed in a game on his iPad.

“Yeah, yeah, I know. Just give me a second, I’m trying to finish this lev-hey! Hyung~! I was almost at the end,” whined YoungJae, who got his iPad taken away by HimChan.

“Now, YoungJae.”

YoungJae sighed, “Fine, fine.”

Reluctantly, the lead vocalist took out their shared cell phone that he had used earlier to talk to his mother and texted one particular individual that would probably help YongGook get some sleep tonight.

As YongGook turned around curious at what was going on in the back, HimChan quickly gave YoungJae’s iPad to DaeHyun. The two of them got the message and immediately started fighting.

“Yah! Jung DaeHyun! Give me back my iPad!”

“I just want to see one of the pictures you have on here!”

“You can see it after I finish playing my game! Now give it back!”

“Hey! You two! DaeHyun, give YoungJae back his iPad and stop arguing!” YongGook scolded, rubbing his forehead.

“Neh~” they chimed as DaeHyun gave YoungJae back his iPad with a shrug. The two shared a knowing glance with HimChan, who smirked back at the two for distracting YongGook perfectly from their plan.

As the van made it back to their dorm first, YongGook stared blankly forward as the rest of the members piled out one by one.

“Oh! Noona! Hello!” Zelo, the first one out, greeted politely, bowing at the girl standing right outside their dorm.

“Hi, JunHongie~” she greeted back with a smile, walking over to the boys as they came out.

At her voice, YongGook whipped his head to the encounter in shock.

“Wow, what’s a pretty girl like you doing out here in the middle of the night?” HimChan gasped in fake surprise. “It’s dangerous out here.”

She laughed, playing along with HimChan, knowing very well he was probably the one that told YoungJae to contact her, “A little birdie told me that you guys were finishing your schedule soon, so I made some kimchijeon* since I figured you guys might be hungry.”

“You still want to go back to TS?” the manager asked with a laugh, knowing very well what the answer is. YongGook quickly said no and exited the van to greet his girlfriend, who was quickly striking up a conversation with the rest of the members.

“YongGookie~!” she greeted brightly, smiling widely at him, throwing her arms around his waist. “How was your day, Bbang?”

 He gave her a short kiss on the forehead, wrapping his arms around her, as she spoke up to him before answering, “It was busy as always but not bad. What are you doing here?”

“Kimchijeon!” she cheered. “I made plenty for everyone~”

“Yay~!” cheered the magnae line as they chanted, “Kimchijeon!” all the way up to the dorm. YongGook smiled brightly as he held his girlfriend’s hand the whole way, courteously holding her bag for her.

After laying out the kimchijeon for the rest of the members, she grabbed YongGook, who had just grabbed a piece and shoved it in his mouth, and led him into the bedroom while the others were busy with food. He quickly finished up the food in his mouth before shooting her a look of confusion.

“What’s the matter?” she asked, concern written all over her face. He blinked a few times, trying to process what she meant. She chuckled at his look before taking out her cell phone. Clearing for dramatic effect, she read the text she received, “And I quote, ‘S.O.S. Noona, the gorilla has gone bananas. I’m also hungry. Back at midnight, see you soon~’ – YoungJae.”

“Yoo YoungJae…” YongGook growled under his breath. She chuckled, patting YongGook on the head.

“You’re an adorable gorilla~ Now tell me what’s wrong?” she suggested, cocking her head cutely to the side.

He sighed, “I just…is aegyo really necessary to be an idol? I mean…I’m not even really interested in being an idol…I just want to be able to create music and yet fans keep…I…don’t know how to…get personal…with people very easily…and it just…fans…I feel bad for them when they ask me something so simple yet…god damn it, Kim HimChan!”

She blinked, trying her best to decipher what was the problem through his rambling rant. To an untrained ear, it may seem random and jumbled up. But soon after, she laughed, understanding what had been eating him up this whole time.

“Are you worried you seem cold to the fans because you aren’t as friendly as HimChannie is with the fans?” she wondered, holding his hands. When she felt him stiffen under her touch, she knew she hit the bull’s eye.

“Aigo, Bbang can be so silly sometimes~” she cooed, pinching his cheek affectionately, causing him to stare at her with wide, surprised eyes.

“Just because you don’t shower your fans with greasy, over the top aegyo doesn’t mean your fans think you’re cold,” she chuckled at the thought of a cold YongGook and wasn’t able to picture it. “YongGookie is YongGookie and HimChannie is HimChannie. How weird would it be if YongGookie suddenly became HimChannie?”

For a moment, YongGook shuttered at the thought.

“Exactly~ so don’t think silly things like that again. You may not be as friendly but you love your fans all the same. You are willing to do plenty for them and not being able to do something like aegyo is just out of your comfort zone. True fans will recognize that and they’ll respect you for it. I know how much you care for your fans and I’m sure they know too. It shows in the care and detail you put into each and every single one of your songs, performances, whatever you do,” she assured with a smile.

“And we all know HimChan is not the best when it comes to thinking ahead,” she laughed, knowing how reckless the second oldest of the group can be sometimes. “You’re on a team now, YongGookie. It’s okay to not be perfect in every single aspect. That’s what teammates are for, right?”

He smiled at her encouraging words, leaning down and kissing her passionately on the lips. She smiled into the kiss, feeling all his gratuity in the simple action. She knew he wasn’t the best with words. He stumbled a lot, spoke slowly, and sometimes it was hard to follow what he was saying. But his actions and intentions were clearer than any words could be.

There were no words exchanged as he pulled away because he knew she understood him.


Awkward silence.

“Since I’m feeling generous, I’m giving you guys five more seconds than usual to run away,” YongGook glared at the pile of B.A.P boys sprawled out on the floor after accidentally opening the door.

“What?! That’s only five seconds!” complained HimChan.

“And your five seconds is up.”

“RUN FOR IT!” YoungJae yelled as the five other boys scrambled to their feet and flew off in all directions away from their pissed off leader.

She giggled as she watched YongGook try to grab YoungJae first, not forgetting the gorilla comment he made, but the younger boy was slippery, pushing JongUp toward YongGook when the leader tried to grab him.

Meddlesome s.

“Yah! Bang YongGook! Put that bat down!”



Inspired by this:

I’ve also noticed whenever YongGook needs to do aeygo, HimChan sort of comes to the rescue like this:

I’m very YongGook/JiEun bias, but I kept the girl…ambiguous so you can throw yourself into YongGook’s strong muscular arms. XD

Gahhhh. One mooooooooooar~ Baby Zelo~ :3 Can you guess what his insecurity is going to be?

Dedicated to hiikyoung~ ^ ^

~Kira :3

P.S. Why, yes, it is aegyo and not aeygo. My gosh, I’m dyslexic. =.= Aeygo…sounds like something Zelo might say when he’s charging forward, “Ay go!” /stoned for spelling mistake and retarded joke/ Thanks crestrisen for catching that for me. ^ ^ /gives cookie/



KKkkkk: Yeah~! Welcome new BABY~! :D /moar love for the derpy, talented boys!/ Thank you so much for liking all of them! >.< I am forever grateful for your appreciation of my work! ^ ^ Here’s Bbang for you~ :3

Imarazhane: /gasp/ Omona, bestabsoluteperfect? O.O Wow, wow, wow. I never would even dream of calling them the best. /overly excited like YoungJae/

:3 Thank yoooooou~! ^ ^

crestrisen: We all know YoungJae is a troll. :P Adorable, adorable troll. But a troll nonetheless. XD Kekekeke~ I just want to squish JongUp for being a lost puppy.

And thank you for loving these little drabbles of mine~ :D

Yixicorn: She is a puppy! >:D Puppy couple~ Oh my gosh, how adorable would that be? JongUp needs a puppy girlfriend STAT. It’s a legit threat. :P She’s a frightening one, she is. 

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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
oh my glob come back ;___;
Chapter 8: awwww~ ain't that cute~ totally reminds me of my past. *sigh* the good old days~ good times. goood times.
Chapter 8: I'm crying buckets right no, Kira. I JUST CAN'T WITH ALL OF THESE.;AAAAAAAA;
KKkkkk #5
Chapter 8: yaaaahhh!! I love Just love reading all your updates ! Hehehehe it makes me giggle like a fangirl hehhee Plss do update soon !! Muah !
Chapter 8: ...

My inner girly girl romantic squee-ed so much reading this. Its so cute. ^///^ I definitely, from what I know about you, saw a lot of you in this. I also can relate since I don't always come off as the most feminine thing. Aigooo. My feeeeeels.

I hope you continue with the other girls as well. I'd liek to see it. ^^
ilikefish #7
Chapter 8: This strangely reminds me of a certain roommate I have... and this is why you should ask for help when moving a damn table.
Also I feel so bad for whatever guy dumb enough to date you... I'd love to see it though. The majority of your anger won't be directed at me anymore!