






“JunHong! What do you want?” questioned an exasperated DaeHyun, really not interested in hearing anymore of Zelo’s hyung song. The magnae pouted at being unable to finish his song, but continued with his train of thought.

“Can I borrow this shirt? I like the design on it,” Zelo asked, holding up one of JongUp’s sleeveless track shirts. The older one nodded in agreement.

“JunHongie, are you going somewhere?” HimChan wondered in curiosity. Zelo shook his head.

“Nope~ noona’s coming over,” Zelo hummed happily as he tried to find a pair of pants to match with his top.

“Ah, really?” JongUp said in his soft yet surprised tone. The happy magnae nodded as he found a pair of matching shorts, skipping around the apartment getting ready for his girlfriend to come over. The other members smiled as they watched their ecstatic magnae bounce all around the apartment.

Ding dong.

When DaeHyun walked over to open the door, Zelo raced to the door and jumped over DaeHyun, pushing the poor guy down and using his back like leapfrog. He hopped right in front of his girlfriend and smiled brightly.

“Noona, welcome!” Zelo greeted happily while DaeHyun grumbled, rubbing his back. He would have told the magnae up but seeing him so cheerful, he didn’t have the heart to get mad at the magnae (spoiled brat, gets away with everything because he’s so cute…). With a sigh, he went back to finishing his 3rd snack of the day.

She chuckled at how adorably excited he was, “Nice to see you too, JunHongie.”

Because he was so tall, she had to stand on the tip of her toes to kiss him on the cheek before ruffling his hair. He smiled bashfully at the gesture before following her like a puppy to the kitchen.

“Noona, noona, what are you gonna make? Are you gonna make bibimbap? Ddeokbokki? Jajangmyeon?” Zelo endlessly asked, trying to look over her shoulder to see what she brought (which wasn’t very difficult since she was much shorter than him). He pouted when she covered it with her body, tutting him with her finger.

“Be patient, JunHongie!” she scolded playfully before pushing him out of the kitchen as he whined. “Now go watch some T.V. while I make lunch, okay?”

“B-But, b-but!”


He pouted one last time before conceding, “…fine…”

She chuckled, ruffling his hair affectionately, “Aigo~ did I upset my baby Zelo~”

She quickly pecked him on the cheek again before shooing him off.

“And don’t you dare come in here or I’ll be mad at you!”

He threw her a sad backwards glance, but she wasn’t at all fazed. Zelo had no choice but to sit on the couch and watch some random channel on the television while she cooked. Every now and then, he would glance over at the kitchen to watch her back as she cooked. Blinking for a bit, he stared aimlessly at the T.V. before smiling brightly and running into their bedroom. He searched through his drawers before finally finding what he was looking for.


His eyes widened at the sound of her scream.

“NOONA!” he called out, running out at her distressed call. He stared at the scene before him silently. His whole body froze.

YongGook sighed in relief as he looked down at the small girl in his arms. She looked back with a sheepish smile when he threw her a disapproving look. Zelo looked over at the open cabinet and then down at the stool that had fallen over.

“Yah, you little brat. That was dangerous. What would you have done if I didn’t just come home?” YongGook glared, helping her up. She shrugged.

“Well, worst case scenario, I would have a minor concussion. It’s not like I would have died or anything,” she reasoned and pointed up at the top shelf. “Besides, why would you guys put spices on the top shelf of this thing?”

“Because we rarely have time to cook anything decent to need those spices,” YongGook reasoned before smirking, “And because none of us are midgets.”

She glared at him, “I am not a midget, Bang YongGook!”

“Yah, yah, address me properly, Midget. I’m older than you by a lot,” he shot back.

She rolled her eyes and responded with a voice dripping in sarcasm, “Whatever you say, YongGook-oppa~”

The leader shook his head as she went right back to cooking. He let the sarcasm slide since the stubborn female was making their lunch for them. The two of them parted ways as Zelo ran back into the bedroom before the two of them could hear him.

After that incident, she finished cooking the meal for everyone without a hitch. As she placed the dishes on the table, she hummed in pride before calling for the members to come eat. DaeHyun and YoungJae were the first to arrive to the table. She kept hitting DaeHyun’s hand away from eating before everyone got to the table, causing YoungJae to point and laugh at him. As YongGook and HimChan came to the table right after, JongUp peeked out of the bedroom and frowned.

“Noona…JunHongie says he’s not hungry…” he whispered. She stared in confusion, walking over to JongUp, assuring the younger boy that she’ll take care of it and to enjoy the meal. He looked back up at JunHongie one last time before leaving to eat his lunch (not forgetting his manner and thanking her for making lunch for them). With a sigh, she climbed up the ladder onto the adjacent bunk bed and shook Zelo by his shoulder, who was curled up, facing the wall.

“Baby? What’s the matter?” she softly asked.

“Nothing…” he muttered, curling up even tighter.

“Come on~ tell me what’s bothering you, Sweetie?” she urged, shaking him a little harder. He turned his head back for a little bit before sitting up, crouching down a little because he was a bit too tall for the ceiling.

“I was wondering…can…you call me o-oppa, too?” Zelo asked shyly, stuttering a little, eyes plastered on the object he had in his hand that he was playing with.

“…neh?” she questioned in confusion, forcing him to elaborate.

“Well…it’s just…Noona…calls everyone else oppa-”

“Except JongUp,” she interrupted briefly.

“…except JongUppie-hyung…but you treat them differently than you treat me! It’s like…you treat me more like a child…and you treat…YongGookie-hyung like…a friend…” Zelo ranted in a soft voice, slowly getting quieter and harder to hear. “…makes me wonder if Noona even thinks of me as her boyfriend…”

She laughed, “Aigo…really, JunHongie? Is that why you refuse to eat the lunch I prepared just for you?”

He looked down guiltily at the object at hand. She giggled, crawled up into his lap and hugged him tightly.

“It’s because you’re my boyfriend that I treat you differently, not the other way around, Silly! And don’t compare yourself to YongGook. He’s a jerk! My JunHongie is 100 times better than that long neck gummy smile idiot! You would never call me a midget! How could he call me a midget?!” she growled bitterly.

Zelo chuckled, cuddling her small stature with a bright smile, “Noona isn’t a midget! She’s super cute!”

“See? And that’s why you’re my baby and why I treat you differently,” she reasoned after proving her point. She kissed him on the cheek. “You may be young, JunHongie. But that doesn’t mean I see you as a child. You’re very mature for your age even if you can be mischievous at times.”

Zelo pursed his lips and thought for a bit.

“But what about that time that you gave me that baby bottle candy?”


Zelo blinked innocently down at her, who avoided his eyes.


“Okay, fine, I ADMIT…that sometimes I can’t help but treat you like a baby because you’re just so cute!” she squealed, wiggling back and forth in his lap, just thinking about the image of him with the adorable little baby bottle in his mouth. But she briskly stopped and faced him with a dead serious face instantly. “But I still think of you as my boyfriend and not a baby.”

“Araso, Noona~”

She smiled, holding his hand and kissing him on the cheek one last time.

“Come on or your food’s going to get cold.”

“Wah~! I’m so hungry! I can’t wait to eat your delicious food!” Zelo cheered, hopping off the bed before helping her off the bed.

As the two entered the kitchen, DaeHyun froze with the last cherry tomato between his chopstiks.

“AH! DaeHyunnie-hyung! You ate all my cherry tomatoes?!” Zelo cried out in anguish. Their food monster laughed nervously, putting the last one down for Zelo to eat.

“Greedy bastard,” YoungJae scoffed in fake disgust.

Zelo pouted sadly as he put the last cherry tomato in his mouth.


He looked over at the direction of her singing voice as he chewed on the last cherry tomato before gasping, eyes shimmering happily at the sight of a whole box of cherry tomatoes untouched.

“I had a feeling the Fatty was gonna eat all your tomatoes so I bought extra~”

“I’m not a fatty!” DaeHyun whined.

“But Hyung…you ate every single-”



“Guys…can we have just one meal without fighting?” YongGook groaned with a shake of his head.

“Ah! Kimchi fried rice! And steak!” Zelo exclaimed, looking at the table full of food (surprisingly considering DaeHyun had a whole five minutes ahead of Zelo to eat). “Noona is the best!”

She smiled proudly, “I know~”



Gasp! The last one! Is it over?

Maaaaaybe~ :3

I am considering a sequel where the boys comfort the girls in their insecurities but that won’t be for awhile because I have exams coming up! X__________x And I’m so ing screeeeeeeeeeeewed. But yes, HAPPY 200 DAYS, B.A.P, YOU BUNCH OF LIFE RUINING BASTARDS!

~Kira :3



Reply later~ Thank you all new and old readers! :)

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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
oh my glob come back ;___;
Chapter 8: awwww~ ain't that cute~ totally reminds me of my past. *sigh* the good old days~ good times. goood times.
Chapter 8: I'm crying buckets right no, Kira. I JUST CAN'T WITH ALL OF THESE.;AAAAAAAA;
KKkkkk #5
Chapter 8: yaaaahhh!! I love Just love reading all your updates ! Hehehehe it makes me giggle like a fangirl hehhee Plss do update soon !! Muah !
Chapter 8: ...

My inner girly girl romantic squee-ed so much reading this. Its so cute. ^///^ I definitely, from what I know about you, saw a lot of you in this. I also can relate since I don't always come off as the most feminine thing. Aigooo. My feeeeeels.

I hope you continue with the other girls as well. I'd liek to see it. ^^
ilikefish #7
Chapter 8: This strangely reminds me of a certain roommate I have... and this is why you should ask for help when moving a damn table.
Also I feel so bad for whatever guy dumb enough to date you... I'd love to see it though. The majority of your anger won't be directed at me anymore!