


He stared at the computer screen with furrowed eyebrows as he scrolled through the pictures. What the hell is this?







There were so many emotions going through him as he continued exploring the page. This was worse than any anti-fans hate. He felt betrayed.

Why would she do something like this?

He was the visual of B.A.P!

The face!

“YAH!” he exclaimed angrily, about to throw the laptop out the window any second now if this situation was not explained to him.

At his angry call, a girl walked out of the shower, rubbing her wet hair with the towel around her neck, looking far too innocent for HimChan’s taste. She flinched at the stare he threw at her. His eyes were bugging out and his eyebrows furrowed.

“…what?” she questioned warily, eyes shifting back and forth in worry. He took a deep breath to keep his temper down (which took a lot of self control, he was quite proud of that accomplishment) and calmly (she could hear the rage in his voice, stop trying to hide it, HimChan, you’re way too obvious) asked her to explain herself.

“Baby~ please tell me why THIS exists?!” he yelled, pointing at her laptop. She looked over his shoulder and laughed.

“Oh yeah, it’s my tumblr blog. What’s wrong with it?” she questioned curiously with a pout.

“WHY IS IT FULL OF PICTURES OF ME…WITH…THOSE KINDS OF FACES?!” ­­the princess HimChan demanded, his eyes going wild in fury. She had to stifle her laugh, doing her best to pay attention to her boyfriend, but was getting distracted by the strikingly similar face he was making to the images on her laptop behind him. “YAH!”

“Oh, calm down, Channie~ it’s all just for fun~ don’t take it too seriously~” she whimsically answered, far too happy about this whole thing for his liking.

“Do you see this face?!” HimChan scowled, pointing at his face. “People get plastic surgery for this face! You do not dishonor the face of the group! Can’t you at least put ONE picture of me that doesn’t look…so…frightening?!”

She grumbled, “But my followers like your stupid face.”

“Did you just call my face stupid?!”

“HimChannie~” she whined, using aeygo on him to pacify him. “I mean that with love~ your stupid face is wonderful!”

He nearly knocked her laptop on the floor (which she dashed forward to catch before it fell off the table) and proceeded to lie on her bed with his back facing her, sulking hard. She sighed in relief, glad that her laptop was safe before turning to HimChan.

“Hey~ HimChan~ Kim HimChan~”

“Leave me alone. I’m mad at you,” he grumbled, folding his arms childishly while shuffling closer to the wall.

“Naw~ sweetie~ don’t be like this~ you know how much I love you~” she cooed, sitting on the bed and touched his shoulder, only for him to shrug it off. “Mr. Fussy~ stop that~”

“Don’t think I didn’t see those other NICE pictures that you posted of DaeHyun! What? Do you like his face better? Huh? Why does he get nice pictures of him and I get me looking like ?!” he hissed when he sat up and turned to her with a glare.

“Aigo, are you still being hard on DaeHyunnie for stealing your visual position?” she giggled, teasing him, but he didn’t find it funny.

“Shut up! He did not steal it! …he’s just…borrowing it…”

She smiled, putting her arms around his waist and resting her head against his back.

“Can you calm down enough for you to listen to me without throwing a tantrum?”

He was silent for once.

“You’re Kim HimChan! Face of B.A.P! King of fanservice! Everyone knows that, but the world also needs to know how amazing HimChannie is from all perspective!” she explained with a giggle. He raised an eyebrow, turning around with a suspicious look.

“And pray tell, dear, what perspective is this?”

“Your wonderful personality!”


“Kim HimChan! You’re such a passionate and fun person! You don’t let anything stop you and sure as hell don’t let anyone tell you how you should act! And only when you put so much emotion in your acting do you get such wonderful pictures! And besides, if you’re TOO perfect, your fans will feel like there’s a huge distance between you and them. This shows how personable you are!” she told him with a bright smile.

“…really?” he asked back in uncertainty.

“Of course!”

He stared at her for the longest time before smiling back.

“I still look amazing though, right?” he giggled. She laughed with him and nodded enthusiastically back. “You know, now that I look at it, this is really funny. Wow, a lot of people put a bunch of stuff on. I’m the most popular, right?”

She continued nodding to everything he said with her bright innocent smile.


“And look at this one! Ah! I remember doing that!” HimChan fangirled over himself. YongGook groaned, glaring at him.

“Kim HimChan. You’ve been at this for like an hour already. How much longer are you gonna stare at videos and pictures of yourself looking possessed?” The leader was in awe. Their visual had officially cracked and he was mere seconds away from smacking him out of his crazed (and annoying) state.

“Just let it go, Hyung…really, now that he’s found a new thing to obsess about himself, we’ll never hear the end of it…” YoungJae sighed, shaking his head as HimChan let out a high-pitched girlish squeal, basically stalking his girlfriend’s blog about himself.

“I just hope he doesn’t mention it in interviews…” DaeHyun mumbled to himself, but HimChan, with his bat-like ears when it comes to people talking about him, heard it and his face perked up.

“You’re right! I should bring this to all the BABYs attention! Then maybe there will be more of these!” HimChan laughed, patting DaeHyun on the back before going back to his laptop.

DaeHyun froze, feeling holes being burned into his back. He turned to find YongGook and YoungJae glaring and shaking their heads at him.



She giggled, seeing HimChan’s secret tumblr account liking every single post she put up.

“You adorable pabo~” she said to her screen before going back to find more screencaps she could take of her boyfriend’s…beautiful face.






…I really don’t hate HimChan, I swear. XDDD

But come on, who can see this totally happening?

I'm pretty sure you all know what inspired this. XD Do you need pictures? :P

~Kira :3

P.S. Dedicated to DorkusMaximus because she wanted DerpChan. :P





PaigeLaRynn: =D Thank you for reading my crazy nonsense! ^ ^ I try my best so I’m glad you think they’re cute. *does a little happy dance*

Cheoneunnie: I agree. I hope the boys get some rest soon. =/ I was really worried when I saw those pictures of DaeHyun…I really hope that’s just his skin reacting badly to the make-up and not due to stress…

hiikyoung: Magnae has pretty skin because he is a beautiful baby boy. :) I dunno what possessed me to do that hickey. O.o I’m gonna go with the fact that I was trying to please Corny. XDD *nods* Yes, I shall stick with that excuse. Yes~ DaeHyunnie deserves a cute caring girlfriend that is just as squishy and adorable as he is.
…yes? =D

Yixicorn: Just for you. ^ ^~ Hehehe~ I give you permission to love me forever. :3 *bounces around* I even added some HimChan corniness for you. What more do you want? XDDD And please don’t buy Zelo a steak…it’s breakfast…steak is not breakfast. XD


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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
oh my glob come back ;___;
Chapter 8: awwww~ ain't that cute~ totally reminds me of my past. *sigh* the good old days~ good times. goood times.
Chapter 8: I'm crying buckets right no, Kira. I JUST CAN'T WITH ALL OF THESE.;AAAAAAAA;
KKkkkk #5
Chapter 8: yaaaahhh!! I love Just love reading all your updates ! Hehehehe it makes me giggle like a fangirl hehhee Plss do update soon !! Muah !
Chapter 8: ...

My inner girly girl romantic squee-ed so much reading this. Its so cute. ^///^ I definitely, from what I know about you, saw a lot of you in this. I also can relate since I don't always come off as the most feminine thing. Aigooo. My feeeeeels.

I hope you continue with the other girls as well. I'd liek to see it. ^^
ilikefish #7
Chapter 8: This strangely reminds me of a certain roommate I have... and this is why you should ask for help when moving a damn table.
Also I feel so bad for whatever guy dumb enough to date you... I'd love to see it though. The majority of your anger won't be directed at me anymore!