



“Hmm? What’s wrong?” JongUp asked, looking over his girlfriend’s shoulder as she rolled on their dance floor infuriated.

“I…hate…PHYSICS! This doesn’t make any sense! Why is it so complicated? JongUppie~ I don’t wanna do this~! When is this ever gonna apply to my life?” she cried, throwing her head forward on the floor. He quickly placed his hand under her head to cushion her head from banging against the floor.

“Can I see? Maybe I can help?” JongUp offered, trying anything to just stop her from abusing herself. She perked up with a smile and nodded, handing him the paper. The moment he stared at the paper, he cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, getting dizzy just looking at all the formulas.


She sighed, “It’s okay, JongUppie…I feel the same way…I don’t blame you…”

He shot her an apologetic smile. She shook her head with a grin, reassuring him with a kiss on the cheek that there was nothing he had to apologize for. JongUp pouted as he helplessly watched her struggle with her homework.

As she mashed buttons on her calculator trying to make numbers work, the rest of B.A.P came streaming in to practice their group choreography. JongUp always came in earlier to work on improving his own steps before their scheduled practice. Every once and awhile when his girlfriend had time, she would drop by and watch him while doing homework.

“Hey, squirt, how’s it going?” DaeHyun greeted casually, ruffling her head. She pouted at him sadly.

“Not good, DaeHyun-oppa…none of this makes any sense! I’m so confused!” she complained, showing him her homework. As if afraid he would get infected, DaeHyun backed away immediately with a groan.

“Eh…here, YoungJae, you help. You’re good at…that…stuff…I see too many numbers,” DaeHyun recommended, pulling YoungJae over and shoving him in her direction. The younger male sneered at DaeHyun for pushing him before taking a look at the problem.

“…really? Circuits? This stuff is so easy. What do you not understand?” YoungJae laughed, receiving a hit on the arm for being arrogant.

“Don’t make fun of me! It confuses me! No matter what I do, my answer isn’t matching up with the solution…” she pouted. Her pout reminded him of a fish, so instead of agreeing to help, he just continued laughing. She glared at him, the pout never leaving her face.

“If you just keep laughing at me rather than help me, I’ll tell Unnie on you.”

At her threat, YoungJae flinched while groaning, just imagining the pain his girlfriend would cause him for picking on the younger girl.

“Alright, fine, come here. See these two resistors? They’re in parallel so the resistance equivalence here is the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocal of these two resistors before you can add it together with the one in series over here,” he explained meticulously as he traced the circuit with his finger.

She blinked a few times before staring up at him, shaking her head.

“…does…any of this ring a bell?”

She shook her head vigorously.

He sighed in exasperation, “Okay…”

And so he went on explaining it as simply as he could to help her understand the problem, breaking it down part by part so it was easier to comprehend.

She gasped when she reached an epiphany through YoungJae’s explanation, grasping the Brain of B.A.P and shaking him with joy.

“OH MY GOSH, THIS ALL MAKES SENSE! THIS IS A MIRACLE, YOUNGJAE-OPPA! I ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!” she squealed, crushing him in a bear hug before going back to doing her homework. YoungJae collapsed in pain, crying why all the women in his life have to abuse him, as DaeHyun shook his head, dragging him away.

JongUp looked over at YoungJae massaging his shoulder, complaining to DaeHyun, and then back at his girlfriend, happily finishing her homework. He sighed silently to himself, grabbing his towel to clean himself up a bit, as he sat on the side.

“Hey, JongUp-ah, get up, it’s time to practice!” HimChan called out.

“Neh,” he responded in monotone while picking himself up back off the floor.

Halfway through the practice, she sighed in relief at finally finishing her homework that she thought would take her all night. With a smile, she looked up to see how the boys were doing with practice. But she quickly lost her smile, seeing JongUp having more trouble than usual with the choreography. YongGook stopped the music and the other members stared at their main dancer in question. His eyes darted back and forth through all the members before looking down.

“I’m sorry…” he mumbled, feeling ashamed for letting his feelings get in the way of their practice.

“Shall we take a break?” Zelo offered, he grabbed a water bottle and handed it to JongUp. JongUp could only nod, thankfully taking the bottle from Zelo. He wiped the sweat from his brow, surprised by the soft feeling of his towel dabbing his forehead. JongUp looked to his side to see that she was drying his sweat for him with a loving smile. He shot her a wry smile.

“What’s the matter, JongUppie?” she whispered quietly because she knew he wasn’t the type of person that liked to share all his feelings so openly in a large group of people even if it is B.A.P since he can still be a bit shy at times.

“It’s…nothing…I’m just being stupid…” he mumbled, looking down like a puppy that had been kicked. She pouted, wrapping her arms around his waist and nuzzling up under his chin affectionately.

“Oppa~ tell me~” she whined cutely. JongUp couldn’t help but smile at her attempt to cheer him up.

“See? JongUppie-oppa looks the best smiling!” she cheered, seeing him smile, which caused him to laugh. She smiled back, loving the adorable way his eyes disappeared when he laughed. “So what’s wrong?”

He blushed, avoiding her eyes.


She waited patiently.

“I’m…kind of…maybe…”

Nodding, she indicated for him to continue.

“Umm…well…it’s just that…I…wanted to be the one you happily hugged for…helping you with your homework…” he mumbled, looking down while playing with his fingers bashfully. “You looked so happy when you finally figured it out…I was…jealous of YoungJae-hyung…for solving it for you…while I can barely recite my times table…I’m so stupid…”

She gasped, smacking him on the shoulder, which he clenched in surprise more than pain.

“Moon JongUp! It is inappropriate to call yourself stupid! You are not stupid! You are a very bright and witty boy! Just because you don’t know how to do physics or…your times table at times doesn’t mean you’re stupid,” she huffed. “We can’t even begin to follow how your brain works! It’s a mystery of life! The unexplainable wonder of this world that should not be questioned!”

JongUp laughed and smiled his signature bright expression.

“Besides, JongUppie is the best no matter what~” she cooed, hugging him just as tightly, if not tighter, as YoungJae earlier. But rather than collapsing, he just smiled and hugged her back gently.

“Thank you…” he murmured gratefully, kissing her on the forehead. She giggled, resting her head against his chest happily before looking up at him with a serious expression.

“…but seriously, JongUppie…are you sure you’re not an alien? Because I’m starting to be suspicious with how good you are at speaking Mato…”

He laughed again at how silly his girlfriend was, leaving her a sweet kiss on the lips before going back to practice with a relieved heart.




Inspired by this:

I always wondered if maybe JongUp really wants to be smart because of things like this. :P

~Kira :3



crestrisen: Thank you for the JaeJae macro! :D It’s so shiny that I had to steal it for the title. :3 Glad you like all of them so far! /does a victory dance/

hiikyoung: Dude, HimChan sends his BABYs out to find his derp for him. He gave us the mission. We will not let our princess down. XDD Because really, we all know HimChan has a childish temper. XDDD His girlfriend has to deal with it. :P

Yixicorn: Yay~ :D /happy happy/ HimChan…easy to angry…easy to please. XDDD Stalk all the BABYs that dedicate blogs to him. XD

DorkusMaximus: I feel bad for DaeHyun’s skin! D: It looks like it goes through a lot of abuse. >: Hahahahaha, yes, yes, we know you love the HimGrease…we know. :P

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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
oh my glob come back ;___;
Chapter 8: awwww~ ain't that cute~ totally reminds me of my past. *sigh* the good old days~ good times. goood times.
Chapter 8: I'm crying buckets right no, Kira. I JUST CAN'T WITH ALL OF THESE.;AAAAAAAA;
KKkkkk #5
Chapter 8: yaaaahhh!! I love Just love reading all your updates ! Hehehehe it makes me giggle like a fangirl hehhee Plss do update soon !! Muah !
Chapter 8: ...

My inner girly girl romantic squee-ed so much reading this. Its so cute. ^///^ I definitely, from what I know about you, saw a lot of you in this. I also can relate since I don't always come off as the most feminine thing. Aigooo. My feeeeeels.

I hope you continue with the other girls as well. I'd liek to see it. ^^
ilikefish #7
Chapter 8: This strangely reminds me of a certain roommate I have... and this is why you should ask for help when moving a damn table.
Also I feel so bad for whatever guy dumb enough to date you... I'd love to see it though. The majority of your anger won't be directed at me anymore!