



The rest of B.A.P were startled awake by one of their lead vocalist’s extremely manly scream. …my gosh, that might have been the highest note they have ever heard their vocalist hit. And how JongUp was able to sleep through all the ruckus the boy was making was beyond them.

“Ahhh…DaeHyunnie…what are you doing so early in the morning…it’s like…not even…bright…morning…mmm…” HimChan muttered incoherently, covering his head back up with his blanket to try and drown out the frantic child, who was making laps around their shared sleeping arrangement.

“Oh, no, no, no…why now? Why today?! HimChannie-hyung, pleaaaaaase tell me you have foundation…BB cream…something, anything?! Argh! Why did I leave my bag at the studio? I’m such a retard!” DaeHyun ranted as he flew back and forth madly.

“DaeHyunnie…it’s like…6 in the morning on one of the only mornings we get off, why the hell are you awake?” YongGook groaned in an even huskier than normal voice, glaring at the younger male with half open eyes from his bed.

“I…I know…that’s why I…promised my girlfriend I would go see her for once before our schedule in the afternoon…but, look at this!” DaeHyun cried out, pointing at his face, which proved to be quite the useless action since the rest of s were still half asleep, attempting to figure out who they were.

Luckily for DaeHyun, YoungJae had finally sat up to see what all the commotion was for.

“So your face is breaking out. …shocker, DaeHyunnie. Considering how much make-up we put on…well…considering how much make-up YOU put on…what did you expect? It’s not like this is the first time this has happened. Can we go back to bed now?” YoungJae indifferently commented before yawning and curling back up under his sheet.

“I can’t help that my skin is dark!”

“I have good skin so I don’t have that problem~” Zelo mumbled all too honestly from sleep-talking.

DaeHyun glared daggers into the top of their magnae’s head, sticking out from the top bunk.

“HIIMCHANNIE-HYUUUUNG~!” DaeHyun cried out, furrowing his eyebrows, begging his poor, tired hyung to get up.

“Aish! You children!” HimChan grumbled, getting up and pulling out his emergency make-up kit for DaeHyun. “Go, take it. Use it all, I don’t care. Just let me SLEEP!”

With a wide smile, he thanked his hyung and ran into the bathroom. After getting a better look at his face though, his heart sank, feeling that even with all the make-up he wouldn’t be able to cover it. Sighing deeply, he did his best before covering his face with a mask and hat. As he walked out, a sleepy Zelo walked toward him to go the bathroom.

“Hyung~ where are you going?” he muttered still half awake (as he had apparently missed the first half of their conversation from earlier). The magnae towered over him and rubbed his eyes drowsily. Yes, their magnae was the tallest. Yes, their magnae was adorable. But there was currently one trait about that magnae that was getting on DaeHyun’s nerves. He stared at his milky white and smooth skin, completely pristine despite having just woken up and not washing his face.

DaeHyun grumbled out, “Girlfriend,” shortly before leaving, jealously oozing from every single part of his body for the younger boy at the moment.

“Can you bring back some steak?” Zelo requested unreasonably. “I’m hungry…”

DaeHyun rolled his eyes before grabbing his backpack and leaving out the door. As he ran out the door, he made sure to keep an eye out for fans. Since they were a rookie group, he was thankful he was still able to do this since they weren’t stalked 24/7 yet. Cautiously, he sneaked his way over to their rendezvous point at a small, obscure coffee shop.

Quietly, he infiltrated the building through the back door. From afar, this “idol” looked like a burglar considering his outfit and stance. Without saying a word, he moved into the employees only changing room to find the person he was looking for, facing the other direction as she tied her apron on.

“Shall I get that for you?”

With a loud yelp, her first reaction was to hit the person that snuck up on her, but DaeHyun caught her hand before she could strike. Her eyes widened at his appearance, but she finally relaxed when she recognized his mischievous eye smile beaming through his disguise.

“Oh my gosh, you scared me, DaeHyun!” she gasped a sigh of relief as he returned his hand to her. “I thought you were a thief! Do you want something to drink?”

“Hmm…how about some caramel milk tea?” he requested.

“Coming right up! Stay here and I’ll be right back, okay?” she informed, as she went to the front to make his drink. Though only gone for a few minutes, DaeHyun got bored easily and examined her changing locker. He opened it to find all sorts of cute little trinkets hanging from it. There was one Polaroid of the last time they went on a date. He smiled warmly putting it back and closing the door just in time for her to come back.

She raised an eyebrow in confusion, “You haven’t taken off your mask?”

DaeHyun stiffened, laughing nervously, “I think I’ll just keep it on…”

Blinking, she stared down at the cup of tea and then back at him.

“…then how are you going to drink the tea?”

He could only stare blankly at her. Clearly, that didn’t go as well as he had planned in his head.

“Umm…well…” he stared down at the ground. She cocked her head in confusion, placing the cup of tea on the table to the side before, walking over to take off DaeHyun’s mask. He flinched, jumping back a step and covering his face.

“Wha-DaeHyun! What are you doing?” she questioned, taken aback by his strange behavior.

“Can I just keep the mask on?”

She looked a bit hurt, causing DaeHyun to feel guilty.

“Why? DaeHyun…I haven’t seen you in ages…I want to be able to see your face…” she pouted at him.

Her guilt trip was a success. DaeHyun finally conceded, pulling his mask off, albeit reluctantly. He lowered his eyes, waiting for her to gasp in shock, which she did, but not for the reason he thought she would.

“Oh, baby! Has work been that hard on you recently? You look so pale…” she asked, worry filling her voice immediately. She cupped his face, running her fingers along his face to find his face coated in make-up to whiten his face. With a confused look, she stared into his eyes. “Why are you wearing so much make-up?”

“…because…the…my skin…it’s dark…and I’m breaking out everywhere…and I just…I was excited to see you but…I look horrible…so I tried to cover it with make-up…but that didn’t cover it all…and then…you…don’t think I look horrible?” he stuttered in embarrassment.

She gaped in shock, “DaeHyun…when have I ever said you looked horrible? And it’s because of all that make-up that you keep breaking out! Aigo…why are you so worried about how you look all of sudden? You’re B.A.P’s Busan WonBin!”

He cringed at the nickname, shaking his head, “I’m not…and I’m really dark…JunHongie sure is lucky…”

At their magnae’s name, she smiled, finally understanding why he became so self-conscious in front of her all of a sudden. She grabbed a towel, dabbing it with water, gently rubbed the make-up off his face.

“You shouldn’t have to wear make-up the days you don’t need to. Your poor skin has enough abuse as it is…” she chuckled. When she finished, she kissed him on the cheek. “There! All better.”

He looked down at her warm, smiling face, not the least bit disgusted by his face that currently resembled that of a pre-pubescent boy with acne problems. He leaned down and gave her a grateful kiss. His plump lips covered his thin ones effortlessly as he dominated the gentle kiss. He wasn’t interested on prolonging it since she did still have work, so he pulled back all too quickly in her opinion.

“What was that for?” she pouted, though unclear whether she was asking about the initiation or the termination of the kiss.

“For being there for me, no matter what? What would I do without my baby supporting me?” he smiled brightly. “You’re like my angel sent from above to protect me from my fears~”

She giggled, faking a look of repulsion, scrunching her face up, wondering, “Have you been hanging around HimChan too much? You sounded like him for a second there.”

“­Ah, no way. HimChannie-hyung is waaaay more experienced with girls…I envy that about him…”

Gasping out, she held her chest as if she had been shot, “DaeHyunnie…are you…are you saying…you want to learn how to pick up girls? Am I not enough for you?”

His eyes widened at her misunderstanding, immediately shaking his head, holding her tightly against him.

“No, no…I just mean…I wish I knew how to treat girls…YOU…nicely the way they deserve…” he defended. She giggled at how cute he looked flustered, pecking him once more and giving him a reassuring hug.

“I was just messing with you. You’re amazing, DaeHyunnie~ whether you have dark skin or have the moon’s surface on your face.”


“You always look amazing in my eyes~”

He smiled once more.

“If only I could love you more than I already do~” he chuckled, kissing her once more before looking at the clock. “Your shift’s about to start. I better go, don’t want to distract you.”

“Araso~” she agreed but pouted right after, “I miss you already and you haven’t even left yet.”

She didn’t miss that playful sparkle in his eye as he darted forward. Her eyes flew open in shock when she felt his lips on her neck. She stood there stunned, letting out a short whimper, as he made quick work on her soft skin. As he pulled away, she could have sworn she felt him slip something into her pocket, but she was preoccupied by his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered.

“Now you can think of me whenever you see that in the mirror.”

He did not.

She yanked her locker door open for the hanging mirror she had in there to find that he left an extremely noticeable hickey on her neck.

“J-J-Jung DaeHyun!” she screamed, but he was nowhere to be found already. Frustrated that he didn’t even bother to say goodbye before leaving, she stomped her way to the counter with a depressed sigh.

There weren’t any customers yet, so she decided to check on the inventory.

She was surprised to find a whole cake missing from their display. It was there when she came in this morning…

“You’ve got a text! You’ve got a text!”

Her eyes never left the mysteriously empty spot as she took out her cell phone. She had forgotten to put it on silent. When she finally looked at her phone, it took her a few seconds to process before her other hand checked her pocket to find money in it.

She laughed, holding her phone up to mouth before putting it back into her pocket and greeting the first customer that came through the door.

[It’s not fair that I left you a present but you didn’t give one to me! So I took one of your delicious cheesecake~ Merong~ Money for it is in your pocket! I’ll think of you when I eat it~ ^3^ I love you~!]



In case you guys didn't know, DaeHyun is very sensitive about his skin. XD He got pissed off at Zelo for it based on this fanaccount.

Inspired by this: 



Naw~ look at the puppy~ :3 Effortless adorableness.

Silly DaeHyun is silly…though I do hope he takes better care of himself...and preferably less make-up...:( I think they look amazing without make-up. /wants to see more of their fresh faces/

Err…I dunno…I’m not satisfied…but mer…*shrugs* I hope you enjoyed it! ^ ^

This is for Yixicorn and LillyRiot since you both wanted DaeHyun. XD

Who shall be next~

~Kira :3



JoJoSHINee: Hahaha, thank yooooou~ it was kinda…a spur of the moment WANT TO RELEASE ALL MY YOUNGJAE FEELS one-shot. XDDD I’m glad you enjoyed it! :D I hope you are satisfied with this one too~

ELFyourface: I larve YoungJae pabo’s belly fat. :3 It makes me happy. XDDD I finished one! But I might do another 4 of them…hmm…idea, idea, idea…

LillyRiot: DaeHyun! Now be nice and share. XDDD

hiikyoung: I SORRY ABOUT YOUR COMMENT. *revives it for you* WHAT. FANTASY?! I would never. *shifty eyes* I like his tummy. :3 It deserves larve. :3 …but I’m not obsessed, I swear. XD JongUp just a big mixed package of confusion. I want to beat him for being an underaged tease, but at the same time, he’s just so cute, I can’t. XD

Yixicorn: I did DaeHyun for you. :D APPRECIATE ME.

I generally don’t write like…you/OC stories…but I figured I would just leave the name out. *shrugs* Saves me trouble for having to come up with one. XD But it’s unrealistic to have a “you” story since CLEARLY the character described is not gonna be you…since that character has a set personality…and if it doesn’t, then it’s not a very good story. XD You two, stop calling it my fantasy~! It’s noooot~ *lying straight through her teeth* HimChan is a greaseball. I enjoy picking on him. :) Dun be hatin’ I figured you would find it there. The effort to send it twice~ MWAHAHAHAHAHA. Dude, I don’t even like the song. It’s stuck in my head. EVERYONE WILL SUFFER WITH ME. He is perfect~ :) And he should appreciate that wonderful thing he has that I want to squish and poke and sleep on~ The fluffiness! CAN YOU DEAL WITH IT?! Because I can’t. My god. And I dunno…if it helped or just made it worse…=.=

DorkusMaximus: I LARVE HIS BELLY! EVERYONE! LOVE YOUNGJAE’S BELLY! IT IS A WONDERFUL THING! …/don’t judge me/… Disapproving mothers…are one of the best bystanders. XD They’re just so disgusted, it’s great~ I kinda wanted to add more…but I dunno…the ending made me lolz so I just stopped it there. XD Didn’t want to go too overboard! I like ice cream. :3 Yay! I’m funny! :D I’m glad you got a kick out of it. XDDD And HimChan…is totally a diva. XD Let’s not even argue that, guys. Please. XDDD

ShadowYin: I FINISHED THAT FOR YOOOOOOU. BECAUSE YOU BE POOFING AND WON’T SEE THIS MESSAGE FOR AWHILE PROBABLY. XDDDD Yes, you must be exhausted, sorry for keeping you up. XD I shall do my best…but I’m starting to get busy…D:


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Love your story <3 author-nim fighting ^.^
oh my glob come back ;___;
Chapter 8: awwww~ ain't that cute~ totally reminds me of my past. *sigh* the good old days~ good times. goood times.
Chapter 8: I'm crying buckets right no, Kira. I JUST CAN'T WITH ALL OF THESE.;AAAAAAAA;
KKkkkk #5
Chapter 8: yaaaahhh!! I love Just love reading all your updates ! Hehehehe it makes me giggle like a fangirl hehhee Plss do update soon !! Muah !
Chapter 8: ...

My inner girly girl romantic squee-ed so much reading this. Its so cute. ^///^ I definitely, from what I know about you, saw a lot of you in this. I also can relate since I don't always come off as the most feminine thing. Aigooo. My feeeeeels.

I hope you continue with the other girls as well. I'd liek to see it. ^^
ilikefish #7
Chapter 8: This strangely reminds me of a certain roommate I have... and this is why you should ask for help when moving a damn table.
Also I feel so bad for whatever guy dumb enough to date you... I'd love to see it though. The majority of your anger won't be directed at me anymore!