Fourth Present

5 Presents

I asked manager hyung, begged actually, to clear out this evening’s schedule along with all the schedules on Taemin’s birthday just so we could celebrate. I had to reason with manager hyung for hours just to get the permission. Well it was a rough discussion but I got it in the end so it was not a big deal on how I got hyung’s permission.

“You got hyung to give us a break for the rest of the evening?” Taemin as he dabbed his face with his towel.

“Yeah, along with tomorrow too actually.” The others started grinning. They would jump around and scream if they weren’t too tired from practice. Trainer hyung kind of pushed us to the limit today as a compensation for tomorrow. Well, it would be worth it though.

“That’s why hyung was forcing us so hard… It’s all your fault, hyung!” Jonghyun pointed his finger at me. I scowled at him.

“Should I go to manager hyung and tell him that you want to train alone tomorrow, Kim Jonghyun?” He squeaked and ran to hide behind Key.

“Just shut up and be grateful, Jjong. And we’re going out tonight so don’t act up!” Key nagged the puppy and he just nodded silently.

“You guys are going out? Where to? Can I come?” Taemin perked up. Key looked at me and I sent him a death glare.

“Uhm, sorry Tae… It’s just me and Jonghyun tonight… Next time, okay? We’ll take you out somewhere nice.” Key smiled apologetically and Taemin started pouting. Key and Jonghyun went away first and dragged Minho along with them.

“I’ll spend time with you in the dorm, okay? Don’t look so sad, baby. We can have our own fun in the dorm.” I grabbed our bangs and slung them on my shoulder. He was smirking at me and raising his eyebrow. Aish, this kid…

“Not that kind of fun. But still fun.” He laughed and opened the door for me. We went out and headed to the van. The others were already there and right before we went in it seemed that they were making quite a ruckus.

“A-ah, you guys! Finally! Now we can go home. I want to get ready for my dinner with Jjong.” Key said. I glanced at Minho who was sulking and obviously upset about something.

“Hyung, it’s only 3PM now.” Taemin looked at his watch and informed Key.

“I need to look my best, Tae.” Taemin nodded and shrugged it off. I have to thank Key for this one.

When we arrived at the dorm, Key and Jonghyun practically sprinted to their room while Minho just dragged himself in. I understood why Key and Jonghyun were so happy but I had no idea why Minho was so upset.

“Key hyung, are you going to use the bathroom? I wanna take a shower and nap!” Taemin shouted. Luck was surely on my side.

“No, you can use it first! I’ll shower later!” Key answered from his room. Taemin went into the bathroom and not long after the sound of running water could be heard. I looked at Minho who suddenly appeared from his bedroom with a sports bag in hand.

“I’m sorry I kind of forced you to go with Jonghyun and Key, Minho. I really appreciate it though.” I smiled at Minho and patted his shoulder. Minho only sighed.

“I don’t think I’ll be with them, hyung. You know how bad they can get, right? But I’ll manage somehow…” He sat down on the sofa and flipped through the channels.

“Thanks a lot, Minho.” I joined him and watched some reality show with him.

“Jinki hyung I’m going to take a nap! I suggest you not to wake me up unless you want me to bite you, okay?” Ah, it’s just perfect.

“Okay, Taemin. Have a nice sleep.” I looked over to Taemin and gave him a wink. He blushed lightly and went into our room.

“Good luck with everything, hyung. I know you’ll pull it off somehow.” Minho said. I grinned and nodded. We continued watching TV as I waited for Taemin to be completely asleep and for Jonghyun and Key to come out from their room. Not long after the pair came out with sport bags on their hands as well.

“I think it’s a perfect time to go so you can start preparing, don’t you think, hyung?” Key patted my shoulders and I looked up at him. He had a big smile on his face and I knew he was more than excited. Not for me, but for himself, Jonghyun and what’s more to come.

“Thanks again you guys. I owe you.” Jonghyun shook his head as he slipped his arms around Key’s waist.

“Nah, hyung. We owe you. I’m sure you paid a lot for the hotel room. You even got us suites, hyung. That’s just awesome.” Jonghyun pecked Key’s cheeks and the younger just giggled.

“You better make it worth our sacrifice, hyung. Now let’s go and let me get this over with.” Minho grabbed his bag and made his way to the door.

“He’s such a party pooper.” Key scoffed. I kind of understand Minho’s feelings now, though.

“Don’t be too harsh on him, Key. Take care, don’t get caught and I’ll see you guys tomorrow, okay?” They nodded and made their way out too. I got up and stretched. I took a quick shower and made my way to the kitchen after that.

Time to prepare dinner for Taemin.


Everything went rather smoothly, I guess. I practiced a lot before I actually did this so nothing majorly bad happened. Steak was almost ready, mashed potato done, gravy smelled delicious and bubbling away in the pot. Salad was also done, just needed to be tossed with the dressing right before serving and calamari was already on the plate. Strawberry trifle was in the fridge, ready to be served and finally the banana lassi was ready in glasses. I had more lassi in the fridge though, just in case he wanted some more.

I took a step back and looked at everything. I was proud of myself, really. I worked my off for this. I tried to cook when the others are sleeping for the last 2 days and I managed to learn bit by bit just for tonight. I wanted it to be perfect. I really hoped it was perfect though. All I had to do was wake Taemin up and hoped that he was starving.

I checked the nicely set table one more time as I made my way to our room. I opened it slowly to see Taemin still sleeping on the bed. I walked up to him and patted him gently.

“Taemin. Taemin, baby, wake up. Dinner’s ready.” I whispered in his ear. He shifted and groaned for a bit and focused his eyes on me.

“Hmh. Yeah, good. I’m hungry.” He got up and I rubbed his eyes.

“I’ll wait in the dining room, okay?” He nodded sleepily and I went out to finish up preparing everything. I set out the plates, the food, the cutleries, the glasses, water, flowers, lit the candle, checked the food one more time…

“Hyung? What’s all this?” Taemin walked into the room and stared at the food on the table.

“Hey, sleepy head.” I smiled and took his hand. I lead him to the table and he sat down, still with a confused look in his eyes.

“You made all of this, hyung?” He looked up at me. I nervously nodded.

“Do you like it?” He just stared at me and the food back and forth.

“Yes. Yes, Jinki hyung, I love it.” He broke into a wide grin and I could feel all the weight on my shoulders vanished into thin air.

“Thank goodness… I was afraid you wouldn’t like it. I know it’s not as fancy as I wanted nor as delicious as the French food I promised you, but I hope this can make up for the failed dinner.” I sat down across Taemin and he just flashed his beautiful smile at me.

“This is much better, hyung. I’m serious. Any kind of food you make will be better than the food a five star chef would ever make because I know you’ll cook it filled with love only for me.” We shared a moment right there. I felt just how much he appreciated all the effort I did for him and it was more than rewarding for me. I only wanted to make my baby happy.


We finished all the food but we took the trifle and lassi to the living room so we could watch a movie and cuddle while enjoying the sweet treats. Taemin was really happy about the food and he genuinely think they were delicious. I was really glad to hear that because the last thing I want was Taemin faking his comments about my food and trying his best not to puke. That would ruin the whole night.

“By the way, when are the others coming back?” I was lying down on the couch with Taemin’s head on my chest.

“Hmm… They’re not coming back tonight.” He propped his head up and looked at me.

“What do you mean?” He asked, puzzled.

“I chased them away, made them stay in a hotel. I wanted it just to be the two of us tonight.” He nodded and rested his head on my chest again.

“And you made Minho stay with them? Jonghyun and Key will probably get it on tonight, you know.” He chuckled. I his hair and played with it.

“Well… It’s their problem. I don’t want to sound mean but let’s not think about them tonight, okay?” Taemin nodded and I felt him playing with the collar of my t-shirt. We just stayed there with the TV on, but we weren’t really watching. We were just laying there, listening mostly to each other’s breaths and feeling each other’s warmth. The night couldn’t get any better.

At some point of the night, Taemin fell asleep again. I just let him sleep while I look at him and just burn the image of his beautiful features in my brain. Taemin is beautiful, he’s special in his own way. He’s special in my heart, the sunshine of my life. I love him so very much. He was softly breathing and his hand clutching my t-shirt. I wrapped my arms tighter around him and kissed his hair.

Hours passed and I noticed the clock struck 12. I was excited as I squirmed so I could sit up a bit better and planted a kiss on his lips. He started shifting a bit so I kissed him again, showering kisses to his forehead, cheeks, nose and lips over and over again.

“Jinki hyung… Stop it, it tickles…” He tried to push me away but I held his hand and kissed him fully on the lips. He moaned a bit and returned the kiss. But before it could get any further than that I pulled away. He groaned in disappointment as my eyes met his.

“Lee Taemin, my baby, my angel, the love of my life. Happy birthday.” I stared lovingly into his glassy eyes and he threw his arms around me.

“Thank you, hyung. Thank you so much.” I got up and carried him to bed. He giggled as I tickled his sides. I put him on the bed and slipped in beside him. We automatically latched our arms around each other and snuggled.

“I love you, Taemin.” I kissed him good night.

“I love you too, Jinki hyung. Very, very much.”

And I knew right there that I’m doing something right in my life.

Happy 20th Birthday Lee Taemin!

We SHAWOLS wish you all the best in the world. We hope that you will grow up to be an even better man who will always be the pride and glory of your family and friends, SHINee and of course SHAWOLS and Taemints.

We love you, Lee Taemin

And please. Hurry up and get married to Jinki. You know you want to, Taemin. We know you want to, too.

p.s : Look forward to the last chapter of this fic tomorrow with the grand finale of super adorable fluffiness that will make you want to hug a cloud and make Ontae get married and have lots of kids.

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By the way, the song mentioned is "Honesty" by SHINee


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Chapter 5: NO, YES. NO. I MEAN YES! YES! YES! YES I LOVE YOU AUTHOR-NIM........................ UGHH! </3
/and the honesty song tho~ <3/
Chapter 3: AAAAHHH Key ships ontae >.>
LeeSuni #3
Chapter 5: I couldn't wait for tomorrow, so I read all your fanfic this day.
It was so sweet!!! I love cute things, and I just love sweet fanfictions!
Well, I don't know what I'm saying, because I don't understand English very much, but I thought that you write really well, because I could understand your fic easily.
So, your story became one of my favourite OnTae fics.
LeeSuni #4
Chapter 3: Well, I'm not from US so my English isn't that good, but, anyway, let's start with my comment.
I've just read chapter 1 and 2... I've just loved your fanfiction, it's so cute!!! OnTae is cute and the way you write is cute, I loved it!
Tomorrow I'll read the next chapters ^^
Chapter 5: Asdfghjkl
I finally finished reading this, after like god knows when I read Chap 1 (I read this before it was completed, and just recently came back to pick it up) @n@
GAAAHHH fluffiness!1 @_@ <3 ontae for sure :P
another super cute ontae from u!! U never disappoint :)
aaaagggghhhh I love love love it, amazing job, so fluffy and cute and sweet and adorable and perfect, daebak; ONTAE FOREVER. ;-P <3 <3
Aww so much fluff so good ^^ My feels can not fully express how happy they are <3 Thank you for this short story its just to perfect ^^