Third Present

5 Presents

It’s getting really boring to begin and end every single day with practice but that’s all we did. Our lives nowadays revolve around it. It to be spending the few days before Taemin’s birthday in the SM building doing nothing but dance and sing.

It was already about 3PM and we just finished our group practice. Minho had to leave earlier for his own drama schedule. And since Minho was away, we were told to practice for our own solo performances with our own trainers and choreographers for the last 2 hours.

“Taemin, what did you decide to do for your solo performance?” Jonghyun asked while we were walking to the lobby during our break.

“I decided on doing a solo dance performance, hyung.” We all muttered ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’. It’s not like we shocked or anything, it’s just that we were impressed. As usual, of course.

“Who’s doing the choreography? Is it going to be someone famous or maybe SM’s choreographer?” Key asked while he inspected his nails.

“I am.” We all looked up to Taemin who was grinning proudly.

“You’re choreographing the dance?” Key said again. Taemin nodded.

“That’s amazing, Tae! We can’t wait to see it! Jonghyun and I will be going out together for our break so we’ll see you guys later, okay?” And so with that happy note Jonghyun and Key left the building.

“So, how far are you done with it?” I asked Taemin.

“Why don’t I show you instead?” He happily dragged me to the practice room.

“But aren’t you tired? We still have another group practice after the break.” He just shook his head and his brown locks bounced around.

“No, it’s fine. I want to show you, hyung. It’s not perfect just yet but I really want to know what you think about it.” He shut the door to the room and motioned me to sit down in the middle of the room. He walked over to the CD player and the music.

Taemin is the dancing machine of our group. His moves are fluid yet powerful. It’s intoxicating and it draws you in. It’s hard to tear your gaze away from him once he started moving to the beat of the music. And this time it wasn’t any different. He started showing off his moves and it was really impressing. And to know that he choreographed it himself just added to the list of wondrous talents he has.

My eyes followed his movements as he danced, making movements that just seemed so Taemin. As a hyung I was proud of him. To dance has always been his dreams and now he’s able to do it. As a leader I was so glad to have him under my wings and see him able to grow every day. He improved so much since the day we debuted. As a lover I couldn’t be any happier for him and I swell with pride just by knowing that Taemin is mine.

As I was enchanted by his dance, suddenly something wrong happened. It seemed like he accidentally pulled a muscle on his shoulder and stopped altogether. He winced in pain. I ran to him and held his arm.

“Are you okay?” He tried moving his arm and hissed again.

“I’m okay. I’ll just let it be for a while and it’ll get better soon. Ugh, I should’ve been more careful. This is ridiculous!” He grumbled. I pulled him in my arms and he hugged me back with one arm.

“Sit down and I’ll get you some analgesic balm so it won’t be so painful.” I went over to the first aid kit at the corner of the room and grabbed some balm. I walked back to a pouting Taemin who was sitting on the bench. I wiped his shoulder with my towel to get rid of his sweat and applied some of the balm. I massaged it a little as he groaned.

“It’s better now, hyung. Thank you. Don’t tell anyone about this okay? I don’t want to cause any troubles.” I just nodded. Just in time I finished up, Jonghyun opened the door and told us that break’s over and we needed to do some more practice.

“But hyung, how was the dance?” Taemin looked at me with huge expectation in his eyes.

“It was perfect.” He smiled and gave me a peck on the cheek.


I kept an eye on Taemin during practice and it seemed like the pain somewhat subsided and didn’t bother him that much. But every once in a while I asked for a break, saying I wanted to take a toilet break or I need to drink and other excuses. I could see the trainer getting pissed but I had to do it. I didn’t want to push Taemin too hard.

“Hyung, I don’t want to be rude but stop making us take breaks too often… It’s going to make trainer-hyung mad and you’ll be in trouble.” Taemin said. I only smiled at him.

“I don’t want you to get hurt again, Taemin.”

“I’m fine, really. Don’t worry about me, okay? I’ll ask for a break if I need it.” I nodded and he smiled back

We were in the middle of Lucifer when suddenly Taemin had an uncomfortable expression in his eyes. I had to stop it.

“Hyung, can we stop for a bit?” I said for the umpteenth time that day. The trainer hyung turned to me with a furious glare.

“Onew, what is wrong with you? You’ve been asking to stop for so many times! We don’t have time to mess around, okay? We need you to do the performances perfectly for the concert. We need to get serious.” Everybody was looking at me and I could only bow to hyung.

“I’m sorry, hyung. I will take care of myself better.” I could feel everybody’s stare at me but I didn’t care. I heard hyung sighed.

“Let’s just stop for the day. I expect you to be in your tip-top condition tomorrow, Onew. You can go home now.” I didn’t dare lift my gaze up until I heard him walking away and closing the door. I straightened myself and I saw Taemin who looked furious.

“Wow, hyung. Thanks a lot.” Taemin grabbed his stuff and rushed outside. He slammed the door and I just sighed.

“Hyung, are you okay? What happened to you?” Key said and grabbed my shoulder.

“More like what happened to Taemin? Why did he blow up like that?” Jonghyun raised his eyebrow and pointed at the door.

“I’m fine. I kept stopping the practice for Taemin. He accidentally pulled his muscle when he showed me his choreography. I didn’t want him to push himself and hurt himself again.” I smiled at them and grabbed my bag.

“Just don’t tell him I told you guys about it, okay?” They nodded and we walked to our van. When we got there Taemin was already sleeping, or at least pretending to be sleeping on the backseat. I decided to leave him be and took the front seat.


“Why did you even do that, hyung?! I didn’t need breaks! I was doing just fine!” Taemin shouted and closed the door to our dorm. Jonghyun and Key stayed silent.

“Taemin, you can’t push yourself too hard.” I said calmly. I didn’t exactly know why he was so mad about it but I had to keep calm.

“I was not, hyung! I told you I was fine! I said I’ll ask to stop if I do but I didn’t!” He threw his bag to the couch and turned around to face me.

“Taemin, I was just worried about you.” He sneered at me and I was really hurt by then.

“I don’t need you to. I never asked you to worry about me.” He ran to the bedroom and slammed the door shut.

“Hyung…” Key finally spoke after a few minutes of silence. I tried my best to smile at him and patted his shoulder.

“I’ll be fine. Go take a shower while I talk to him.” Key nodded and went to the bathroom while Jonghyun went over to the couch and the TV. I grabbed a plastic bag I kept hidden from everybody and peeked at the contents.

I walked to our bedroom and knocked the door. Taemin didn’t answer, like I expected. But I opened it anyway. Taemin was sitting on the bed, sulking and mad. I hid the bag behind me and walked up to him.

“I’m mad at you, hyung.” He said. I nodded softly and sat on the other side of the bed.

“I know. Mind to tell me why?” He took his time to answer and I just waited.

“I didn’t want you to do that for me because I knew he would be mad.” I quickly caught up that he was talking about trainer-hyung.

“I knew that he would scold you and I don’t like it, hyung. And besides that I felt like you were babying me. I know what I’m doing and I know my limits. I know you were watching me the whole time and I know you probably noticed that I experienced pain during Lucifer but it was just a slight pang and it wasn’t anything big.” He stopped and looked at me.

“I was just worried about you, Taemin. I didn’t want you to get hurt. It was my responsibility to take care of you. Not only you but also the other members. If something similar happened to Key, Jonghyun or Minho, I would do the same. It’s not about babying you, it’s just that I felt the need to take care of you.” I turned around and took the content of the plastic bag.

“Jinki hyung is sorry, Taeminnie.” I held out the white teddy bear in front of my face. Taemin gasped upon seeing the stuffed bear.

“Jinki hyung only wanted the best for you but Jinki hyung was being insensitive.” I grabbed the soft teddy bear’s hand and hit my head with it. Taemin chuckled and crawled up to me. He grabbed the teddy bear and put it aside. I felt his hands wrapped around my torso and his face nuzzled the crook of my neck.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you, hyung… I got too emotional.” I hugged him back and kissed his forehead.

“It’s fine. I deserved it.” He shook his head slightly.

“No you didn’t. I was the one being insensitive… Thank you so much for taking care of me.” He pulled away and grabbed the teddy bear. He put covered his face with it and moved the teddy bear around.

“Taeminnie is sorry, Jinki hyung. Taeminnie loves you.” I smiled and gently shove the teddy bear aside.

“I love you too, Taemin.” I kissed his nose.


Since we had extra time, we gathered up and watched a movie together in the living room. Taemin kept bringing the teddy bear around, resulting in Jonghyun and Key teasing me about getting him yet another teddy bear. Jonghyun and Key were snuggling on the floor with lots of pillows and blanket on them while Taemin and I took the couch.

“You got Roseberry, the small pink teddy bear, what will you name this one then?” Jonghyun asked in the middle of the movie.

“I’d name him something like… Snowfluff since it’s white.” Key said. Taemin shook his head and nuzzled the bear.

“Nah, I’ll name him Powderpuff. Since it’s white, fluffy, soft and somewhat reminds me of a powder puff.” I put my hands around Taemin.

“It’s perfect. Just like you.” Taemin chuckled and snuggled closer.

“Oh the fluffy OnTae feeling…” Key mumbled. Taemin playfully kicked him and we all laughed.

A/N : Key ships Ontae! Hahaha~ Wow guys. I wanted it to be shorter than this but it ended up to be so long xD I can't even! By the way, my school starts tomorrow.. The first day of senior year *crieees*

A small mention of Roseberry the teddy bear! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME AND TEDDY BEARS? But yeah, I got Powderpuff just a few weeks back. He's soft. Like a powder puff. Hahahah~

Anyways, comments, please? Make my day great, please? I have school tomorrow so please make me happy.


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By the way, the song mentioned is "Honesty" by SHINee


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Chapter 5: NO, YES. NO. I MEAN YES! YES! YES! YES I LOVE YOU AUTHOR-NIM........................ UGHH! </3
/and the honesty song tho~ <3/
Chapter 3: AAAAHHH Key ships ontae >.>
LeeSuni #3
Chapter 5: I couldn't wait for tomorrow, so I read all your fanfic this day.
It was so sweet!!! I love cute things, and I just love sweet fanfictions!
Well, I don't know what I'm saying, because I don't understand English very much, but I thought that you write really well, because I could understand your fic easily.
So, your story became one of my favourite OnTae fics.
LeeSuni #4
Chapter 3: Well, I'm not from US so my English isn't that good, but, anyway, let's start with my comment.
I've just read chapter 1 and 2... I've just loved your fanfiction, it's so cute!!! OnTae is cute and the way you write is cute, I loved it!
Tomorrow I'll read the next chapters ^^
Chapter 5: Asdfghjkl
I finally finished reading this, after like god knows when I read Chap 1 (I read this before it was completed, and just recently came back to pick it up) @n@
GAAAHHH fluffiness!1 @_@ <3 ontae for sure :P
another super cute ontae from u!! U never disappoint :)
aaaagggghhhh I love love love it, amazing job, so fluffy and cute and sweet and adorable and perfect, daebak; ONTAE FOREVER. ;-P <3 <3
Aww so much fluff so good ^^ My feels can not fully express how happy they are <3 Thank you for this short story its just to perfect ^^