First Present

5 Presents

We finally got home after a long day of practicing for our upcoming concert. It’s going to be our second concert and we’re all working very hard to make everything perfect for our Shawols. We danced and sang over and over again. We also participated in making the song list and we had to come up with our solo performances. It was hard work but we all enjoyed it in our own ways.

“Gosh, I’m so tired, hyungs…” Taemin whined and flopped down on the couch, taking all the space. Jonghyun came up to him and shoved Taemin’s feet off of the couch so he could sit. I just chuckled as Taemin started glaring at him. Key ran straight to the bathroom like he usually does and Minho went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

“We’re all tired, Tae.” Jonghyun said and sighed. They both looked like they just melted into the couch. I sat down on the recliner and felt the exhaustion sank in. We just sat there doing nothing, listening to the faint sound of water in the shower. Taemin’s eyes were closed and Jonghyun was starting to slowly nod his head, falling asleep with each passing second.

“Jonghyun!” Jonghyun snapped his head up once Key shouted his name from the bathroom. Taemin also woke up. He almost jumped up from the couch, even.

“What’s up, yeobo?” Jonghyun mumbled sleepily. Key came into the living room already in his pajamas. Key usually took a long bath but he was probably too tired so he just took a quick shower.

“Hurry up and shower then come to bed.” Key walked up to Jonghyun and pulled him. Jonghyun just grunted and made his way to the bathroom. They soon disappeared from my sight.

“Hyung, I’m going to bed. I already showered back at SM.” Minho came out from the kitchen while rubbing his eyes.

“Yeah, you go to bed, Minho. You need lots of rest. Goodnight.” He nodded and mumbled a barely coherent ‘goodnight’.

I glanced back at Taemin and he had his eyes closed. Poor maknae must’ve been so tired. He kept dancing his heart out and it really made me proud to see him so hardworking like that. He shifted a bit and a tiny snore was heard. I moved to sit on the couch and gently patted his thigh.

“Taemin.” He let out a groan but no sign of waking up.

“Taemin, baby. Don’t fall asleep yet. You still have to shower.” Taemin swatted Jinki’s hand away and let out a whine. He turned to his side and turned away from me. He’s so cute at times like this, but so very hard to wake up.

“Hey, how about you wake up and I’ll give you a pre-birthday gift?” I waited a while for Taemin’s reaction. Then he turned around and eyed me with droopy eyes.

“Gift?” I grinned and nodded. He got up and rubbed his eyes just in time Jonghyun shouted.

“Bathroom’s free, guys! Good night!” The door of the room they shared clicked shut and we were left with silence.

“Can I have my gift now, hyung?” Taemin grinned.

“Go to the bathroom and run the bath. I’ll be back with the gift.” He nodded and dragged himself to the bathroom.

I went to my room and rummaged through my closet and fished out a bag of bath bombs and a bottle of soap. I visited the mall a few days ago and found this new toiletries shop. It has lots of interesting stuff in it. I know toiletries sound girly but this place was just awesome, really. I bought some stuff for Taemin since they had lots of fun stuffs so yeah. After I bought some bath bombs in that shop I just got the idea to buy more and went hunting for them. I went back to the bathroom and Taemin was already in the shower.

“Hey hyung, I got the warm bath ready. What do you have there?” He peeked his head out of the shower stall and his eyes widened.

“Woah! That’s a lot of bath bombs, hyung! How many do you have there?” He turned off the shower and grabbed the towel to wrap around his waist. Not that I haven’t seen all of Taemin anyways…

“Uhh… I don’t know… About 10 or more, I guess?” Taemin grabbed the bag and inspected them. I also handed him the bottle of soap and he grinned as he read the label.

“Banana milk scented soap, hyung?” He raised his eyebrow. I just grinned and shrugged.

“You do like banana milk.” He chuckled and continued looking at the bath bombs.

“You sure bought a lot though. But this is really cute! You got blueberry cheesecake scent, pumpkin pie, chocolate fudge, banana cream pie… Oh this one is shaped like a cupcake! And this one is like a gift box!” He excitedly rummaged through the bag and smiled happily.

“You like it? I hope it’s not too girly…” I was hoping he liked it.

“Nah, I think these are just perfect after a long day of practicing, hyung. Thank you. Now hurry up and go shower so we can try it out! I want to use this purple one. It says that it will help you relax and stuff… It smells flowery…” Taemin sat on the side of the tub and kept looking at his new gifts. I quickly shed my clothes and went into the shower, feeling the nice jet of warm water on my skin.

“Woah, Jinki hyung. It has something in it! Gosh, hurry up and get out of there.” He sounded excited. I finished up as quickly as I could. When I got out Taemin was holding the purple sphere near his ears and shook it. I could hear something inside the bath bomb. I walked up to him and grabbed the bag to put it away.

“Put it in the tub, Tae.” He just nodded and put it right in. The purple sphere started fizzing and tinted the water purple.

“Hyung, look at that! That’s so cool…” The water soon turned a bit purple. But then a tint of blue and pink started to fizz out of the bath bomb. It was a nice thing to look at. It kept fizzing and dissolving away, then suddenly a bunch of tiny hearts and stars started coming out.

“Oh that’s the thing that made the noises.” I pointed it out to Taemin as he was observing it very closely. If someone came in that moment, they would probably laugh at us since we were really concentrated on that bath bomb. After a while the bath bomb finally dissolved thoroughly.

“Time to get in, hyung.” He motioned me to get in first and so I did. The smell was really good. Lavender, I guess? It was really relaxing and not overwhelming at all. Then Taemin got into the tub as well, his back to my chest as he sat in between my legs. It wasn’t ual at all, really. It was just me and Taemin enjoying a bath while I wrap my arms around him.

“This is really great…” I hummed as a reply. He leaned his head on my shoulder and I kissed his damp hair. He splashed the water around a little bit and played with the tiny stars and hearts that were floating around.

“You did really great during practice today, Taemin.” I complimented him as I planted a kiss on his shoulder.

“Thanks hyung. You did great too.” Taemin rubbed my arm. We didn’t say a word and just enjoyed the calming scent and each other’s presence. Taemin started playing with my fingers.

"This could be so much more romantic if I had time to set up some candles..." I sighed. But what could I do? Taemin kind of needed this.

"It's totally fine, hyung. It's as romantic as it could be just by the fact that I'm in your arms." I smiled at his statement and calmed down.

“Lee Jinki.” Taemin suddenly said my name. I just waited for him to continue his words.

“I’m really glad I’m with you. You’re an awesome person to be with, hyung. As a leader, as a friend, a brother, a lover. I’m glad I met you.” He said calmly. I hugged him tighter and couldn’t help but to peck his cheek.

“Hey, you’re the one who’s having a birthday soon. I’m the one who’s supposed to shower you with loving words.” Taemin only chuckled at my reply and turned his face around to look at me in the eyes.

“You got me a total of 17 bath bombs, hyung. Saying what’s on my mind is the least I can do.” He gave me a sweet kiss and pulled away with a smile.

“The same goes to you, though. I’m glad I met you, Taemin.” He hummed happily and leaned back on my chest.

“We should do this more often, hyung. I want the bubbly one next time.” I just nodded and hugged him tighter. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. I hummed a soft melody as he relaxed into my arms. We just stayed there, not moving an inch. And it felt amazing just to have him in my arms.

“About time we go out, I’m guessing? The water’s getting cold.” He nodded and got out, drying himself with a towel. I unplugged the bath plug and let the water drain in. I hurriedly dry myself as it was getting cold. We got dressed into our pajamas, brushed our teeth and headed to the room we share.

Taemin slipped into bed and motioned me to lie down beside him. I turned off the lights and the little night lamp. Our room was dimly lit with a beautiful blue-ish light. I slipped under the cover beside Taemin and he immediately hugged me. I hugged him back and inhaled the Lavender that still lingered on our skin.

“Get some sleep, baby.” Taemin nodded and yawned.

“Love you, Jinki hyung…”

“I love you too.” I whispered to him as he drifted off to dreamland.

A/N : There's just something I love about baths so much. It's just romantic and calming and it's so, so good. I don't know why it's special to me but it is. And It fits Ontae a lot so double win!

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By the way, the song mentioned is "Honesty" by SHINee


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Chapter 5: NO, YES. NO. I MEAN YES! YES! YES! YES I LOVE YOU AUTHOR-NIM........................ UGHH! </3
/and the honesty song tho~ <3/
Chapter 3: AAAAHHH Key ships ontae >.>
LeeSuni #3
Chapter 5: I couldn't wait for tomorrow, so I read all your fanfic this day.
It was so sweet!!! I love cute things, and I just love sweet fanfictions!
Well, I don't know what I'm saying, because I don't understand English very much, but I thought that you write really well, because I could understand your fic easily.
So, your story became one of my favourite OnTae fics.
LeeSuni #4
Chapter 3: Well, I'm not from US so my English isn't that good, but, anyway, let's start with my comment.
I've just read chapter 1 and 2... I've just loved your fanfiction, it's so cute!!! OnTae is cute and the way you write is cute, I loved it!
Tomorrow I'll read the next chapters ^^
Chapter 5: Asdfghjkl
I finally finished reading this, after like god knows when I read Chap 1 (I read this before it was completed, and just recently came back to pick it up) @n@
GAAAHHH fluffiness!1 @_@ <3 ontae for sure :P
another super cute ontae from u!! U never disappoint :)
aaaagggghhhh I love love love it, amazing job, so fluffy and cute and sweet and adorable and perfect, daebak; ONTAE FOREVER. ;-P <3 <3
Aww so much fluff so good ^^ My feels can not fully express how happy they are <3 Thank you for this short story its just to perfect ^^