Choi Minho

Illusions and Memories
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AN: I suggest you guys listen to this song while reading this chapter.  Choi Minho


Why does AH1N1 have to affect South Korea? Ugh... I'm so groggy. I walk along the corridor lots of people were walking. I could feel my eye lids slowly falling down and my breathing cycle is slow. It’s just eight in the morning, yet I'm so tired like a horse.

I've been awake for sixteen hours straight and I'm working for thirteen hours. I'm absolutely sure that I'm not lifting my feet anymore; instead I'm just sliding them.

Why did I choose this profession anyway? I yawned and stretched. Any minute now, I might faint.


“Seonsaengnim, are you okay?” Someone asked me, it was a nurse. I nodded with a smile. Immediately, I frown again.

“I'm so tired... I want to go home.” I said leaning against the wall.

She laughed. “I'm sure, the director would understand you ma'am.”

“I hope so.” I reluctantly stood up, before I fell asleep at the lobby. “One hour to go... one hour.” I said to her, she smiled at me again. Then I dragged my feet closer to the vending machine, I badly need a coffee right now.


“OH MY GOD! Did you see them?”

“Yeah! Kyaa~!”

“I'm going to check his temperature!”

“No! I'll do it!”

I could feel my forehead throbbing, and then it made worst when I passed by the front desk, these nurses started to squeal in delight. They were hugging each other and positively they are acting like high school students.

Thank heavens I'm off now. I could take my break.

“Check his room!”

“It's on 1302”

“Oh my god! I'm going to pass that floor every day.”

“Me too!!! Add to that, Key-oppa is also there.”


This is bull.


Ten hours of sleep. Could I say it’s perfect? Probably not but most definitely.

I started rotating my head as I walk through the entrance door.

“Su Jeong-nim, good morning.”

They bow in front of me; I did the same and greeted them. “Morning.”
I accidentally passed by his office. The door was wide open.

I passed.

It means I'm no longer standing at his door. I took a step backward and grinned like a kid. I stared at him for about seconds; he was still busy scanning with the papers. Surely, he didn’t notice my presence. I frowned. Nothing changes for the last 10 years. I stood firmly and fixed my uniform.

Then I knocked. He looked upward, and then our gazes met. I smiled at him.

“Appa,good morning.”

He smiled at me, it made my day. “Su Jeong, good morning.”   “By any chance, have you eaten already?”   “Yes. How about you, Su Jeong?”

“Yes sir, before I left my place.” I salute at him.

I heard him chuckle and say, “good.”

I smiled, “I guess I better start going, talk to you later dad... oops, I mean director.”

I heard his silent chortle once more, “Sure thing.”

Meet my dad. He's the medical director of this hospital. The only family I had, the only person who stand beside me, the only person who held my hand all throughout the years.

I wonder what could happen if things start to fall out from its pieces?


I rotate my right shoulders as I walk on the nurse station. Then I placed my arms and buried my face over the counter.

“Aww... poor Su Jeong-nim, I guess you’re must be really tired.” I nodded.

“Excuse me Su Jeong-nim, but would you mind checking these patients? Doctor Jang is not around.”

I raised my head with creased forehead, “oh, darn that Jang Mo.” I gritted my teeth and hastily snatch the record from the nurse and read it. “Room, 1302... Another case of AH1N1. Who wants to assist me?”

Suddenly the hush sound of the hallway that I'm used to when I'm around these people, abruptly changed, all of them raised their hands and say 'pick me' or 'choose me', I sighed. What the hell is happening here? This is the first time they showed passion towards their work.

“What's with the room 1302? And all of you are itching to enter that?”

They started to squeal. Eyes getting squinted. One of the nurses answered my question in a low voice. “Seonsaengnim— that is the room of Choi Minho-ssi and Kim Ki Bum-ssi."

I stare blankly at them; their 10 fingers were clasped together. “Who are they?”

One of them gaped at me oddly. Then she asked, “Su Jeong-nim, where were you hiding all this time?”

I got perplexed by her question, I answered, “At my office?”

They all laughed and sigh wearily. “Come on seonsaengnim, we got to save them.” They started to push my back; inevitably I have to drag my feet.


I knocked on the door and opened it. A smirked etched on my lips. I was hoping to see two grownups resting quietly, instead I saw them howling at each other over their gadget, “Is this room 1302?”

“Can't you read?” The guy with velvet black and semi-perm hair answered my question. I inhale and exhale quietly to ease my anger. The nurses laughed and so do the guy beside him. “Wait a minute... I think I've seen you before.”

“Of course I'm a doctor here.” This time, I answered him frankly.

His eyes became squinted. He was gazing at me steadily. Shivers went down my spine. This guy is so eccentric.

“Yah, Minho-ah, you’re scaring her.”

“Shut up Ki Bum.” Oh... So this arrogant man must be Choi Minho and the guy with brown hair must be Kim Ki Bum. I distracted myself and sat beside him. I asked the other nurse to check temperature and blood pressure of Ki Bum-ssi. I raised his right hand and wrap the cuff above his elbow. I place the stethoscope on my ears and started pumping the bulb. I look closely to the mini monitor as his BP starts to get higher. He was still staring at me with a smile. I felt awkward. “You're Byun Su Jeong right?”

My heart leaps a beat. I suddenly forgot to breathe. “Do you know me? How did you know my name?”

“You're miss popular way back in high school. You became the vice president of the student council when we're on our junior year; became the president during our senior year at GunDae BuSok. You've passed the exam at the Seoul National University instead you decided to pursue your medicine course at Konkuk. Am I right?"

My jaw dropped. I could not even count how many times I have blinked my eyes. I stood up like a soldier, and removed the stethoscope on my ears. I bow in front of him and walk steadfast. I immediately went to the rooftop.   The rooftop is my place. My favorite place and my comfort place.

If this is a comfort food, this is a chocolate.

'What’s with that man?! Is he a stalker?! How did know my name and background?! Oh my god, he's so FREAKY!'


I pulled one nurse and interrogate her. “Who's Choi Minho?”

“SEONSAENGNIM!” She squealed. “He's an idol! They're popular here at South Korea!”

I was shocked, but I didn’t show it. “Oh... Really? So does his friend, named Key?”

She nodded. Then she started telling stories about them and his band mates. They pass through my right ear then emerge on my left ear.


As a daily routine, I stopped by the lobby and drink my orange juice.

I would just sit here and watch people passing by. For me, I find this relaxing. For the reason that I could study their nature, I know I’m not a psychologist; however I'm fond of doing this.

“Su Jeong...”

I glanced upward. Damn, it's the stalker slash patient. I hastily stood up and bow in front of him. I did not glance back and started walking towards my office.

“BYUN SU JEONG!” I halted. He jogged in front of me. “I just want to apologize about yesterday; I think I've scared you.”

“No... Not at all...” I lied.

“That's good... I haven’t formally introduced myself to you. My name is Choi Minho.” He raised his hand in front of me wanted me to shake it. I stare on it and smiled.

“I got to go. I have some papers to finish.” I lied again then turn around, I walk much faster.

“Wait a minute!” What now!? I turn around and smiled at him or more of grinning, I hope this grin could sent him the hint that I don’t want to talk to him. “Don’t you want to know, why I know some information about you?”

It makes sense. “Yes. I want to know.”

“We’re classmates, since our first year.”

My eyes wanted to fell out. Shock, yes. Embarrassed, likewise. “Ah... Ah... Really?” He groaned in agreement. “Sorry... I didn’t take time to notice you and your presence.”

“It’s okay... As for Konkuk University, we're on the same room when we took the exam.” He confessed. God, this is really embarrassing. “And I always see you around.”

“How come I never notice you before?” I scratched my head.

“It’s because you’re not observant!”

Does he have to shout on my face?


“Seonsaengnim, the patient on 1302 is looking for you.”

“Is the patient on 1302, mine? I cannot remember.”

“No... They are patients of Doctor Jang."   “He's off duty, yesterday he's here.”

“Tell Jang Mo, not to take his break.” I rolled my eyes. Even when I'm off duty, all I could think is work, and then, someone would tell me, he's enjoying his break?! Tss. “Can I read their profile?”

My eyes budge out when I find out that it was Choi Minho's room. Oh please. Can somebody take charge of them?

“What do they want from me?”

“Pardon, seonsaengnim?”

“What does Choi Minho wants from me now?”

“I don’t know ma'am.”


I stood outside his door, should I knock or not? Those questions were battling inside my brain.

“Minho! You're doctor is here.” Someone said. I shook my head. I didn’t notice, someone had opened the door for me. I've been standing there like an idiot. Poor me. I didn’t lift my face. All this time I've been looking at the floor.

I heave a sigh as I stood up in front of his bed. “What do you want?”

“Nothing... I just want to introduce you to my friends.” He said happily, as always. I bow in front of them, not even looking at their faces. “This is Jonghyun-hyung, Onew-hyung, and Lee Taemin.” They started to give me their hi, hello's.

I looked up and greeted them, “good evening.”

“Su Jeong... Are you okay?” Choi Minho asks.

“Yeah... I'm fine... I guess I'm just tired.” The truth is, I just want to go out from this room.

“Guys... can you drive her home?”

I gave him a half smile and shook my hand in front of him. “Ah, no, I can go home by myself, excuse me.”

I smiled at him and to his friends, and then I walked out.


“Su Jeong-nim! There’s an emergency at room 1302!!” Not again. I hate going to that room.

“Where's Dr. jang? Isn’t he the doctor assigned to that brat patient?”

Nobody answered my question. I clenched my fist. I'm going to kill Jang Mo, once we saw each other again.


I knock at the door, nobody answered. By the time I opened it. I got startled that I had to close it again. Somebody used the party popper, I was surprised. I went inside again. There was lots of confetti scattered on the floor. All of them we're wearing a party hat. On the middle, I saw him holding a cake.

I covered my mouth in awe. How stupid of me to forget my own birthday.

“saeng il chuk ha ham ni da saeng il chuk ha ham ni da sarang ha neun Su Jeong-ssi saeng il chuk ha ham ni da”

“Yey! Saengil chukha hamnida!”

“Su Jeong-nim, blow the candles!”


I started to get emotional. Out of nowhere, I walked closer to him and hugged him tight. “Kamsahamnida.”

“Hey~ No hugging! I don’t want to be on the front page of the tabloid.” He said laughing. I took a step backward and wipe the edge of my eye and chuckle lightly.

He lean closer to me, then I felt his lips touched my forehead. My heart started to pound very fast. The moment was almost perfect, until they started whistling and howling. I got embarrassed, is this a reality show? “Anytime, Su Jeong-ssi."


We went on the rooftop, it was one cozy party, I enjoyed it, and it was fun... and sweet. I never thought of all the people, a guy like him would do that for me.

Under the sunset. The gush of wind started to sway our hair. We stood in front of each other; I cannot clearly see his face, because of the sun.

“How did you know today is my birthday?”

“It's a secret.” He smiled.

“Oh... come on. Tell me.”

“I forced the nurse to tell me.”

It fell awkward when it spill out from his mouth. I don’t know if I find it sweet or creepy. Why does he have to do these things? What is his intention? I pursed my lips. The chirps of the bird take over the muteness.

He broke the silence, “Su Jeong... would you like to go out with me?” He asked straightforward. My eyes open wide.

Is he playing tricks with me? I cleared my dry throat and smiled. “Sorry... I don’t go out with my patients.”

“Then... if I get discarded at this hospital would you like to go out with me?”

“Let's see...”

He grinned. “Promise?” He lift his pinky finger. I let out a light chuckle.

“Promise.”  I entwined my pinky finger to his.


“I never thought you'd come.” I pursed my lips and smiled at my dad. I invited him on a dinner date in this fancy restaurant.

A restaurant full of memories.

“How would I forget this fateful day? This is day when God sent us a precious and priceless gift.” I sniffed. I'm getting emotional again. “Happy birthday.” He handed me a small box wrapped in a beautiful ribbon.

“Thanks dad... Can I open it now?” He let out a light chortle.


I was astounded when I opened it. It's a white gold butterfly ring. “It's so beautiful.”

“Just like your mom.”


“I gave her that ring when I proposed to her 23 years ago, exactly here at this restaurant... Now, I shall give it you.”


“Happy Birthday again sweetheart.”


“So how was your day?” dad ask before he took a bit of the steak on his fork.

“It was great!” I said as I remember the surprise party that Choi Minho gave me.

“I heard, one of the patients surprised you.”


“Is he your boyfriend?”

“No.” I shook my head with narrowed eyebrow.

“Your friend?”

“A colleague is much better.”

“How did you meet?”

“Well... Believe it or not, we're classmates at GunDae BuSok.”

“So... what's his name?”

“Choi Minho.” I answered. I don’t know if I said it aloud and proudly.

“How come you never spoke his name before? I cannot remember you had a friend with that name.”

“That’s because, I just recently acquired that information that we're schoolmates before.”

“Ah... I see.”

“He went to Konkuk University as well.”

“Really?” I nodded. He looked impressed. “I want to meet him.”

“EH?” I laughed. “Appa, there's nothing going on between us.”

“So, what’s his profession?”

“He's an idol. Korean idol.”

“Korean idol? What's that?”

I laughed. “Appa, it means he's an artist.”

“Ah~ I get it now. It's not my fault that I couldn’t sit in front of the television.” I chuckled. ________________________________________________________________________________

My eyelids were throbbing. I groaned. Someone's at the door. Should I get it? Or not?



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gorgeousayee #1
Chapter 7: You know what? When i read the first chapter, my reaction is like "um.. okay" next chapter i started to angry, the next chapter i feel a knife was stabbing my throat.. and the rest chapter was making my lungs ache. Congratulation authornim.. you had success controlling my emotion :''''
I used to read this way back before I was a member of AFF. Around mid-2011, I think? And it's such a shame that I haven't subscribed to one of the first few fics I've read. I really searched for this, I even scanned my history one by one tbh. ; ;
Chapter 7: I can't believe this. I have conflicting emotions right now. This is wonderful--the best SHINee story I've ever read.
Chapter 6: I am crying so hard
Chapter 4: I'm crying legit tears. Why..?! T.T
justmebeingme #7
Chapter 4: .....and I thought this one was going to have a happy ending....guess not . ><
Chapter 11: God bless random story button!!! <3
Chapter 11: *Sniff* *Sniff* This is a real tear jerker .....TT_TT But I love this fic :) ..... & I can totally relate to the Taemin story ...Anyways Keep up the good work unnie Kase ang galing galing mong mag Write TT_TT V
blackprince #10
Why have i not seen this fic before? ;; Where was i then? This was a.m.a.z.i.n.g! I cried, and i never knew i would actually cry by just reading a story. Well, er....I LOVE THIS!~ =)) ;;