You and Me ( I came up with the poem on the spot. GO ME!!!)

I Hate You, Right?

'' That's enough, Xiao. You can take a break now.'' That is what the choreographer said to me.

I walked and took a sip of water. I talked to the background  dancers. After ten minutes it was time to practice for my debut tomorrow.


Whispering secrets while looking at a watch

My heart’s desperate story

It’s okay to harm my form

The more you demand I like it

Say my name


I’m scared that my heart would be revealed through the gaps between my fingers

It’s too much for my heart I’m sad

Wait a little longer and wait for me

You and I, it can’t be yet

I want to pester the watch more but

In the future in which you are present

Say my name


The times that I peeked at first

You and I were together

You played with me, I liked you

When I ask, you liked me as well

What is my name


I’m scared that my heart would be revealed through the gaps between my fingers

It’s too much for my heart I’m sad

Wait a little longer and wait for me

You and I, it can’t be yet

I want to pester the watch more but

In the future in which you are present

Say my name


I’ll be an adult in a blink of an eye

You’ll probably recognize me, you’ll probably remember me

Right, that peculiar child

I liked your figure as it shone through the gaps of my fingers


As I twist it with my fingertips, I say “hey, watch hands, run”

Fly a little faster

I close my eyes and cast a spell

You and I, we still have a little left

I don’t know what day or what time

Just in case, in the future in which you are present

If I’m lost

To help me recognize you,

Say my name


I wrote the song myself, based on what happened with him....

What he didn't know was how broken I was. How dead I felt inside. y heart, my soul was never settled, until recently.

Ugh... All of this thinking isn't doing good for me. I need something to take my mind off of this...What to do...What to do.....OH!!! A poem! That always helps!


In my world

Where day is night and night is all the same

A crash is heard

A shatter

That has become me

A shattered soul

A crushed heart

But everything fixes itself eventually

And I shall rise again

As sobs turn into a melody

Of a voice

Sung by a special angel

And the shaking soldiers turn in to a ballerina

As graceful as the gods in the sky

As stong could be

Because of what you have done

I have become a better me

I will not well in sorrows

But pick myself up and continue

For the past was then

And the present is now

The future is ahead

But there is always doubt

As there are some that never see it

Because they were ended in the past

By staying

Never wanting to leave

And theere was always that chance

That that could happen to me

But going into the future

By taking the road that is called the present

I am now all I can be

But remember

There is no longer you and me


It felt good to let that out.... Hey! this can be a good song! And it goes with my debut song You and I!!

I smile.. It might have hurt.. But there was always those good times.  And to think, I still love him......

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Im dissapointed in myself for my horrible writing *SIGH*


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The random stuffs on the foreword. HAHAHAHA. I like that blonde/red haird thingy~~ XDDD
pinkytoe220 #2