Can't Quit

I Hate You, Right?

'' Five, six, seven, eight.'' Music blasted through the speakers as the sound of squeaks came from her sneakers. 

She had been practicing since 9AM this morning and hadn't stopped in two hours. 

'' Xiao.'' 


''GOD DAMN IT, XIAO!!'' her bestfriend, Yuuki called from the door. She looked quite aggravated to have to repeat ''Xiao'' just to get the girl's attention away from practice.

'' Geez, Kiki, you don't have to yell so loud.'' Xiao dug through her ear with her finger as if to say ''you broke my ear drum'' 

'' I HAVE to, you're just so into dancing that sometimes, you mute everything around you.'' Yuuki passed her the water bottle.

Xiao rolled her eyes. " Well, when you love it as much as I do, it happens." The two girls giggled. Yuuki always wondered what drew her friend to sing, dance, and rap. Her response was the surprising part of it....


" The reason I sing and all that , is because I not only like it, But its an outlet for me. I can let my feelings out without any judement from others. It actually gets them to like me. Love me, even! And it just...I don't know how to describe it...Feels right. Like...That's what I'm here for, you know. Once you get that feeling, you can't stop. You continue untill you don't get it anymore, which is going to be a very long wait..Hehe..And..That is all I can say about really."


Yuuki smiled, knowing that her friend may be hurt, but it always turns out for the better. She can tell. She was always able to tell. She just hoped her friend wouldn't get broken again. She couldn'y stand seeing the ounger of the two in pain. It made the normally peaceful girl want to commit homocide ( MURDER ), but decided against it since that would make her stoop to a low level.

"What you smiling about, Jie-jie? Huh? Tell me! Tell me!"

They both laughed at Xiao's choding antics. Xiao was especially snorting like a pig while laughung.

Oh, Xiao.....What are we gonna do with you? XD

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Im dissapointed in myself for my horrible writing *SIGH*


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The random stuffs on the foreword. HAHAHAHA. I like that blonde/red haird thingy~~ XDDD
pinkytoe220 #2