She left

Don't leave me alone

JUNG YONG HWA  beacause i miss you listen to it while reading if you want to .

Luna POV

"Luna wake up it's morning and remember today were going to move ". Luna said " WHAT !! " . Luna got ready fast and ran down stairs. then she put on her high tops and ran outside. Her mom said " lily were did Luna went ". Lily answer " I don't know she went to go get ready fast and ran outside ".  Her mom said " well when she gets back tell her to put all of her stuff into those boxes at the corner ok " Lily said " ok ". Luna ran and suddenly she saw Onew sitting on the bench .  Luna went up to him then Onew got up . Luna said " uhm Onew I have something to say ".  Onew said " What is it ".  Luna said " uhm ......  i'm going to .....  move to Ameriaca today ".  Then Onew drop the flowers behind his back and he huged Luna tight and suddenly tears started to fall down . Onew hold Luna's hand and said " I will miss you ". Luna started to cry and said " I will miss you too ". Then Luna walked slowly away and their hands drifded apart.Then Onew yelled " Luna !! " Then Luna turn around and Onew said " I ...... love you ". Luna started to walk back with tears in her eyes . And she got home . 


Onew open the door and Taemin and Minho was playing video games . Then Taemin yelled " oh oh" as he tried to beat Minho in race car. Then Taemin said Onew's back ". Minho said " So how did it go with Luna ". Onew walked toward Taemin and Minho while his face was fron . Then Taemin said " What happened did she broke up with you or what ". Onew said " even worst  Luna moved to ameriaca ". Jonghyun and key walked to sit down on the courch and Jonghyun said So what happened ".  Taemin said " Luna moved that's why ". Jonghyun said " What awww that . I miss when she always come over ".  Then Onew went to his room . He went to go grabbed a picture of him and Luna tumblr_m4f991qr5b1r8fs1io1_500-jpg.2330

and then he went to sleep with the picture holding it . Luna finish putting her stuff away into the boxes so she put them in the car then her mom and dad also her little sister Lily got into the car and left to america and suddenly Onew woke up and relize that she just let now .  


Sorry for making it short <3333 



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