Her Plan?

You Interest Me

Kris was just walking down the hallway when he walks by Tao’s class and saw the man himself standing in front of the class with an angry look on his face mixed with a sad dejected puppy/panda look which is a very odd combination.

He sighed, but still made his way to his didi, “Didi, what happened?”

Oh how he regretted ever asking that. His didi immediately launched into a nagging, cursing mode talking around the range of how no one came to fetch him and no one loved him anymore.

When he entered the room, he was greeted by the sight of his friends, with an additional brown eyes.

The girl with the smile, his mind instantly told him.

Did she forget him? His question was answered immediately when she asked a stupid question out loud.

So she did remember him after all. The thought itself makes the corners of his lips pull themselves into a smirk.

But he did have to question why she’s here. And from the looks of it, it’s Xiu Min. He is the only one except the girl with a nervous look on his face.

The girl seems to apologize a lot. He’s only been here for what 1 minute? And she’s already apologizing to him.

It’s not like he’s angry at her, he didn’t even raise his voice or anything. He was merely asking. Why should she apologize? He raised his eyebrow, amused.

And why did Chanyeol act all close friends like to her?

Everyone might misunderstood that one little phrase but not Kris.

She knew him. Although everyone in the school should know him already, but the mere thought of her recognizing him is making him feel proud. Upon realizing his own train of thoughts though, a frown immediately set itself in place. His infamous face took over. Why is he happy? It’s not like she’s anyone important.

He took a seat in the sofa, more like throw himself on it while Tao took the seat beside him still grumbling unhappily. Kris hopes sincerely that he will stop it soon or that Xiu Min or someone, anyone to do something fast, his hangover from last night hasn’t worn off yet and Tao’s continuous rambling definitely didn’t help. His stone face is getting harder to keep up by every ticking second.

Thankfully, Xiu Min quickly went over gushing over the sulking panda, in the end it was settled with a pinky promise. Tao loves those kinds of things, Kris considered them disgusting. Yet he couldn’t say no if Tao ever asked him to, because of his damn aegyo, the boy knows it and is using it to his full advantage.

Kris is sitting with his scorching coffee which upon first sip of it, he almost spat it out instantly if not for his image. Frowning he glares at the inanimate object. The person who made this is going to hell.

He might seem uninterested by the aspect that a girl is here in their private lounge but his eyes are trained on her, scrutinizing, studying her.

When she asked Luhan about his class, Kris smirks from his hot coffee cup. She is in for a shock; Luhan despite how young he looks is actually the same age as him and no, Kris does not look old. It’s that boy who’s abnormal not Kris.

“So you’re saying that I look old?” Kris didn’t mean to say it but it slipped, especially since it’s not like him to be this cheeky with a stranger, moreover a girl. He’s more like the cold type, the cool whatever type.

But the look on her face triggered the motion, and it’s worth it. Seeing her flushed look as she desperately and panickedly tries to explain herself emits a chuckle from his throat.

She ducks her head in vain attempt to cover her heated cheek as she kept on shoving foods in .

Kris notices the look Kai kept on giving her, the meaning behind it however he couldn’t understand but it bothers him to some extent. Why, he also doesn’t know.

It was intense, piercing. From the long years that they have been friends, he had never seen Kai look at someone like that. For the time being, he convinced himself that the reason he felt bothered was because of curiosity.

He watches the two of them interact, Kai seems to be a little preoccupied than usual, while her, she is nervous.

A girl not knowing about them in this school is unbelievable. Is she just faking it? Is she trying to get their attention by doing so? If so, then it is interesting. Just how far is she capable of doing?

But when Kai told her that he sat behind her, her expression did not look like someone faking. She is surprised, more like she didn’t even know that he is in the same class as her. But is that even possible? Someone as famous as Kai does not go anywhere unnoticed; popularity aside, his looks is also an important aspect to consider and the girls’ can’t possible stay quiet after setting eyes on him that alone is a dead giveaway.

He is over thinking, Kris decides, there might be a slight possibility. She might be new, that’s why.

When she blurts out something about Kai, Kris is more than intrigued. So that means something actually did happen, maybe he really isn’t over thinking it at all, maybe she really is faking it.

When his friends throw wild guesses around, Kris sits in silence watching everything unfold. If the girl is only seeking attention then it is very interesting, he is intrigued as to how far she can go before cracking that naïve, innocent façade. But if she isn’t, then it is even more intriguing. The girl herself has a pull to her, a magnetic force. Kris can't seem to draw his eyes away from her.

Something about her is different.






I'm so sorry for the wait! But here it is. In Kris' point of view. Sorry if it or if it feels rushed. It is kinds rushed by the way, I just got into college and was busy for the rigorous re-registration, god damn all those public universities.

But complaints aside, have you guys seen B.A.P's No Mercy? God, that makes my B.A.P feels go rampaging for days! I can barely find my EXO feels in time.

That hip-ing and crotch-grabbing makes me asdfghjkl, I'm nuts now.

Until last night! When I found out that SM has confirmed SM Town in Jakarta! Yay! I need, for the sake of my sanity, to see Kris in real life. Problem is I already started university on 22nd of September and I have a mid-term test on the end of October. I insist on going though. Fingers crossed!


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Chapter 5: pls update soon! its been months!
Please please please update! :) I think this fanfic is really good!
ThisShipHathSailed #3
Chapter 5: THIS. Oh My GOD. I don't know who to root for - Kris or Kai? Both are good for me. :) PLease update soon!
omyleejieun #4
agfsafdgafdgashf please please please update soon!!
abcdex #5
omg omg omg omg omgggg i really really love this story!!! kris and hyorin asdhgashdjgashdgashjd please update soon^^
Lmao no need, make chanyeol as her senior is more fun :p
Btw omg I can imagine kris's crazy drive jhahhahahaha must be fun!
Nice chapter btw! Really like this story!
Kris and Hyorin! asdfghjkl! Please update soon (^U^)
_Sammy #8
I love the way you've written this story~~ Update sooon!!! :D
madamechoi #9
thank you for the kind comments everyone! Teehee :b
@aozora : noo, they're not in the same class unfortunately. Chanyeol just happened to be walking beside Kai by the time. Sorry if it got you confused. Should I make them be in the same class though? Will be fun probably :b
platypusgirl14 #10
It would defiantly be fun to watch Kai get frustrated watching kris and hyorin get closer. Nothing can beat a good love tringle in romantic fiction. But, as for who she ends up with I'm not sure. All I know is it will be nice to watch her develope in to a more open, confident, and aware person. Hope you have fun writing!!!!! <3