First Meeting

You Interest Me

Hyorin has finally grown accustomed to the searing gazes during classes in the past week; it didn’t bother her as much as the beginning. But it is still annoying. Her footsteps light as feather as she holds on to her lunchbox, walking calmly to her usual spot.

When suddenly she hit an unexpected, usually-never-there wall.

“Ouch.” She mumbled softly. She looks to her left and saw that her lunchbox is scattered on the ground.

“I’m sorry!” A voice called from above. It seems like she’s the only one sprawling shamefully.

The wall moves, it crouches down and helps her gather her lunchbox.

“There.” It’s a he actually, says softly.

“Thanks.” She rubs her nose absentmindedly.

“I can’t do anything for the food though. Sorry.” He rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

The man, on first sight immediately reminded her of steamed buns. His soft flawless cheeks glistened on the lamplight. Cute.

“It’s okay. Not your fault.” She gives him a reassuring smile. Although quite bummed that she will not get to replenish her energy for the day, it’s not really his fault, she wasn’t watching as well.

“Oh! You can come with us. Come on! We’re going to eat lunch too!”

“No, thanks.” Even though she refuses, he just drags her with him anyway. To the opposite direction of where they’re going earlier.

“I said it’s okay.” Trying to pull her arm out of his grasp, failing.

He seems to have his own opinion as he ignored her. Are his chubby cheeks blocking the way of her voice to his ears?

Sighing in defeat, she just let the stranger drag her while crossing her fingers and praying to god that he wasn’t some kind of psychopath.

Reaching the canteen, it was crowded. It seems like there is no free place to seat anymore but this man just seemingly knows where he’s going. He pulls her to a certain place at the back, a lounge. A lot of eyes are on them, she tries to duck, to avoid the gazes of unwanted attentions.

She was greeted with the sight of a group of people lounging comfortably. All male actually.

“Yah Hyung, you’re not supposed to bring girls here.” The tallest one of them, sitting sprawled on the sofa with his long limbs dangling and in her opinion, a weird hairstyle calls out.

“I know. But I dropped her lunch so I have to pay her back. It’s just one time thing, okay?” He grins cutely and the others really didn’t seem to care or respond so he just do what he wants.

 “Here, sit here.” He puts his hand on both her shoulders and pushes her to sitting position.

“You really don’t have to do this.” Quietly, she murmurs.

“It’s okay! What do you want to eat? I’ll order for you.”

At this point, she really wants to pinch his cheeks. Just wanting to cope a feel you know, to see if it’s really as soft as it looks.

He is a bundle of joy. Always happy it seems, she almost envies him for that. But, perfect life was something she has given up on since a long time ago.

“Anything really. I don’t mind.” Wanting to get out as fast as possible, she just let him decide.

After ordering, he came back. She expects him to sit with his friends leaving her alone to fend for herself but he seems pretty content in sitting in front of her.

Still with that cheerful grin on his face, he is making her unsure of what to say, how to respond and what expression to put on.

“Xiu Min-ah, you’re not going to introduce us?” A baby faced boy calls out from the group, taking a seat beside the steam bun guy easily.

“Ah, I forgot.” He replies. “This is—wait, what’s your name?”

The baby faced boy beside him and possibly the others too, rolled their eyes and groaned. It seems like it is usual for him to be as blank as this.

“Kim Hyorin.” She told him in a voice loud enough for the others to hear too.

“Nice meeting you! I’m Xiu Min.” Grinning cheekily, he extends his hand to her which she shook unsurely.

“Wait, I thought you’re Korean.”

“Half half.”

“Well, this is Luhan.” He points to the smiling boy sitting beside him whom she nods politely to.

“Baekhyun.” He points to the guy sitting by the red sofa with doe eyes and cute look. Wait; is that eye makeup he’s wearing?

“Chanyeol.” The guy who calls out earlier.

“Suho.” The responsible looking guy who raised his glass and smiles kindly at her.

“Wait, she doesn’t know our names? Shouldn’t everyone in this school know already?” A guy, Chanyeol, if she’s not wrong, asks.

She just tilts her head in a cutely confused manner.

“Should I?” Was what she uttered, unsure of how to respond, “Sorry then.”

“This is new.” Luhan smiles, interested.

Xiu Min shrugs and just kept on telling her names by names. On the last name however, when she looks into the guy’s eyes, she felt awfully familiar with the feeling his intense stare gave her.

Kai, she recalls his name, definitely on her being alone no-no –list, noting to herself resentfully.

Just then, the door opened again. The creak resounded on the spacious room. And in, two tall gorgeous men.

One was a black haired boy with a scary look on his face. Sharp eyes with black shadows under them, he scans the room until his eyes fell on her figure, tilting his head. He severely reminds her of a panda, a very tall scary panda.

The other, was the man she met eyes with earlier this week. He didn’t seem like he recognize her though. But then, a thought struck her, if he’s here then …

“You—You’re EXO?” Her voice was the first to pierce the silence, but then another awkward silence ensues.

“You mean you don’t know?” Chanyeol yelled, he’s definitely talkative, she remarks inertly.

She shakes her head slowly, “I heard about you guys, I just don’t pay attention.” Shrugging, she adds.

Then mostly everyone laughed. What’s so funny, she couldn’t understand.

“Daebak.” Was repeated quite the number of time.

Not being paid attention to was just something that has never ever happened to them before, it’s just something not even remotely possible, the sentence that wouldn’t exist in their dictionaries.

After their laughing subsided, Xiu Min proceeds to name the remaining two.

“This is Tao.” He points to the scary, intimidating one. She nods slowly, feeling a little freaked out by his piercing stare.

“This is duizhang, Kris. Duizhang means leader.”

 I know, she replies in her mind only—or so she thought, actually she let that one slip out. The girl in front of her definitely burned the name on her mind already, too bad such handsome face and cool name has to be repeated over and over again in her mind with such bad audio.

“You know?” Luhan’s voice brings her back from her daze; mutely she looks up at him confusion flashing on her features. Don’t tell me … She wasn’t sure on how to explain to them about her little slip-up just now.

“You understand Chinese?” He seems to be very happy, and so she nodded. She herself is grateful enough that they actually misunderstood that one little phrase.

“A little bit.” She said in Chinese, not wanting him to get his hopes up. And for once, she was glad she took Mandarin classes seriously.

“This is really good!” He and Xiu Min look genuinely happy.  The two of them look so cute together, they would make quite the pair, she remarks silently.

“Xiu Min-ah.” A deep voice called out. Kris.

“You know you’re not supposed to bring girls over.” Not a question, a statement. A demand, he wants Xiu Min to explain. And suddenly, she felt really bad. Xiu Min looks like he’s in for some big trouble.

“I’m sorry.” It was purely reflexive. The mad look on Kris’ face triggered her sub-consciousness making her apologize instantly.

The only response she got however is only a raise of eyebrow making her even tenser.

“Relax, Hyorin-ah. We won’t eat you or anything, you’re here for only ten minutes and you’ve apologized for so many times already.” Chanyeol, the talkative one seemingly one of the friendliest moves from his seat and plops down beside her.

She was actually too nervous to catch Chanyeol’s dismissal of formalities and use of informal language.

“Xiu Min dropped her lunch so he took her here to repay her.” Luhan explained for Xiu Min since his friend looks too fidgety under the duizhang’s stare.

Kris nods his head once and went to his seat without a word. Tao on the other hand, look grudgingly on their way, to who Hyorin can only wonder.

“So that’s why you guys don’t come for me! I waited for so long you know.” Tao starts rambling angrily.

“Good thing Kris-gege passed my class. If not, how long am I gonna be waiting?” Pouting, he sits by his gege.

“Blame it on Xiu Min hyung.” Kai, suddenly started speaking, he was situated to her side so she looks to him. Weird is that even though he wasn’t directly looking at her, she still feels his gaze. Dismissing it as paranoia, she looks forward once more.

Xiu Min then starts apologizing to Tao who just nodded solemnly, pouting and made Xiu Min do a pinky promise to never do that again which the other gladly accepted.

The sight was so cute; she couldn’t help but let a little chuckle out.

“So, Hyorin-ssi, what class are you from?” Luhan starts asking in the middle of their eating.

“I’m from 1-1.” She replies then asks Luhan back, she actually expects him to answer somewhere ranging between 1-2 or something like that. But he surprised her by answering, “3-1.”

“Really?” She couldn’t help but asks, a little bit too loud for her. Wincing immediately because right now everyone is watching her and being the centre of attention is not what she is accustomed to.

“I’m so—.” Chanyeol stops her by putting his hand over her lips.

“Yah, no more apologizing.” Still not releasing her, he continues without missing a beat. “I’m tired of your I’m sorry-s.”

“Yah, Chanyeol-ah, since when are you that close with her?” Baekhyun, she assumes questioned irritatedly to which Chanyeol just shrugs nonchalantly in response.

“Yeah, me, Xiu Min and Kris are of the same age.” Luhan replies calmly.

“Whoa, I thought you two are in the same grade as me.” She bristled, an awed smile on her lips.

“So you’re saying I look old?” A voice so playful it shocked her. Because it was coming from Kris himself, the one who looked like he could eat people alive just a few moments ago.

“Ah, no no. I mean—uhh.” Her obviously failing attempt in explaining was saved by a small chuckle from Kris. It sounds nice, she thought, she likes it. Then upon realizing her own thoughts, an appalled expression slipped from her face, she then shakes her head clearing any stray thoughts.

“If you’re 1-1 then you’re in the same class with Kai here.” Xiu Min pointed out.

“Oh, really?” She didn’t even realize, how could she not know a member of EXO was in her own class? I mean the female species must be going crazy already.





When Xiu Min hyung unexpectedly bumps into a girl, Kai was bored out of his wits. As usual, this girl will either do something really stupid or really annoying and both are not really welcomed because it is time consuming.

But never did her expect to see the Kim girl who depletes his confidence crouching down with his hyung, picking up her lunchbox.

He was so stunned, no words can come out. He was just standing shell-shocked and even so when he followed them blindly to the EXO lounge.

And she didn’t even notice that he’s here. Aish, this girl.

For the first time, he heard her voice, her laughs. She intrigues him in a way he had never known existed, by ignoring him completely.

He was vain, he knew he looks good. He could even categorize himself as one of the best looking in EXO, but this stupid girl over here just never sees him.

“Kai.” He heard his name and just then, for the first time ever, she looked at him. Straight in the eyes.

He was staring; he didn’t notice how intense his gaze was, he kept his eyes on her even when she tore hers away from his.

He didn’t even know Kris and Tao hyung were coming in, he only looks at her. Only when his hyung’s deep voice was heard did he snap out of his reverie.

“You—you’re EXO?” He heard her ask.

He couldn’t help the frown setting itself firmly on his face, his source of distaste? The fact that she has only known that they are EXO from just one look at Kris or Tao hyung, the sad fact that she actually notices them and not him.

Everyone laughs, but not Kai. His gaze still on her even when Xiu Min hyung introduces his hyungs, until that one phrase that slips out of . I know—the one phrase that he knew she didn’t mean to let out, how? He was staring remember? Her startled look when the phrase slipped out says it all.

Luhan and the others mistook it as her acknowledging knowing Chinese but yet even as she says something in Chinese that he didn’t understand to further prove the point, he still firmly believes that it is not what she meant. Whatever the actual meaning is, he had already decided that he didn’t like it and it is better unknown despite his own curiosity.

He chose to talk, to see if she will look at him. And she did, he likes it, he likes her attention on him even for such brief seconds.

He also heard her chuckle. Soft as it was, he still hears it louder than any sound in the room. He likes it; his mind planted it deep inside.

What makes her laugh; he didn’t care because it’s not him. Never him.

He also finds out that although she looks very cute when she’s flustered, he didn’t like how Kris hyung is being goofy with her. He usually isn’t like that—mind you, especially to a stranger.

And not to mention, Chanyeol, that brat—who is older than him but did not act his age acting all close to her. And she didn’t seem to mind! He speaks informal language to her, and they just met today!

Upon the topic of classes, Kai was once again brought in the conversation.

Turns out, she never did know he was in the same class with her. And it’s already been a week. Is she an airhead? His mind briefly wondered.

“Nice to meet you then.” His thoughts however were once again broken, this time by a soft melody-like voice. He saw her turn to him, offering a small smile and a polite nod.

Isn’t it a little late? Was the second thought that flashed, the first one being happy, just happy.

“My seat is right behind yours.” He couldn’t find the thing that made him tell her that. If he did, he’ll kill it. No, torture first then kill.

It makes him looks like he’s sulking, and he’s Kai, he did not do sulking.

Her eyes widened as her face takes a surprised form. “Oh, so you’re—”She stops herself mid-sentence, it seems like, similar to himself, she also did not wish to say that.

But now that half of it is out, he couldn’t help but wonder at the continuation. So she did notice him after all, just the thought made a smirk pulls on the sides of his lips.

And he’s not the only one, the other boys seemed to be quite intrigued by her unfinished sentence.

“He did what?” Chanyeol, the noisy and nosy one was the first to talk. No wonder there.

She shakes her head trying to indicate that it was nothing, not working. It makes everyone seemed even more interested.

“Come on, spill it. We’ll punish him if he did something bad to you.” Chanyeol continues to persuade.

“Did he harass you?” “Did he grab your ?” “Did he bully you?” Numerous wild guesses were spewed across the room.

And no, he is proud to say that he did not do any of that.

“Did he pull your hair?” The outrageous guess was thrown out of Baekhyun’s little mouth. Kai choked on his drink, almost, he thought to himself. He was glad he had enough self-preservation to prevent his own building frustration from making her do something as moronic as that.

“Yah, what did you think I am?” A little offended, he yells at his friend who just shrugged in response as if saying ‘who knows’

“No, nothing.” She murmured, he likes to see this side of her, flustered, caught red-handed, not knowing what to do.

“Aw, come on.” Xiu Min pouted, he pouts often but she seems to find it cute when he did that because her eyes soften and a small smile crept to her lips. Yet another to add to Kai’s list of dislikes.

“Yeah, come on Kin Hyorin-ssi, what did I ever do to you?” A smug smirk fell on his lips as he , trying to get it out.

Her ears seemed to catch in fire as he said that and so did her face. She did not like her smug tone.

Then, she turns to him, looking him solid in the eye, “If—if you can, please cease the staring a little bit. It’s uncomfortable, makes me hard to focus.” She was shy at first but grew bolder upon seeing his smug face transformed into a shock.

Oh no she didn’t.

They want to laugh but they couldn’t, Kai’s expression is just priceless. His pouty lips looks like they almost fell off, the sight immediately arouses an intent to cup a hand over his slack jaws preventing his lips from spilling to the floor. Hilarious as it is, the atmosphere between the two didn’t make it more appropriate to laugh so everyone was left fending with awkward silence.

Kai was sure he could hear almost everyone’s thoughts. And he was more than sure to have a questioning session right after she left.




So this is it. She finally met EXO! Teehee :)

I personally feel that this chapter kinda , so please bear with it a little.

I frankly had no idea on how the story will progress because this is based from a dream I had.

Oh and any suggestion on pairings? At first I was adamant to pair her with Kris (because he's my bias) but as I wrote the story, I feel that she and Kai might be possible as well.

I got the idea to make the female lead ignore Kai because Kai is always the centre of attention so yeah! Lol.

I'll update soon. Kekekeke~

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Chapter 5: pls update soon! its been months!
Please please please update! :) I think this fanfic is really good!
ThisShipHathSailed #3
Chapter 5: THIS. Oh My GOD. I don't know who to root for - Kris or Kai? Both are good for me. :) PLease update soon!
omyleejieun #4
agfsafdgafdgashf please please please update soon!!
abcdex #5
omg omg omg omg omgggg i really really love this story!!! kris and hyorin asdhgashdjgashdgashjd please update soon^^
Lmao no need, make chanyeol as her senior is more fun :p
Btw omg I can imagine kris's crazy drive jhahhahahaha must be fun!
Nice chapter btw! Really like this story!
Kris and Hyorin! asdfghjkl! Please update soon (^U^)
_Sammy #8
I love the way you've written this story~~ Update sooon!!! :D
madamechoi #9
thank you for the kind comments everyone! Teehee :b
@aozora : noo, they're not in the same class unfortunately. Chanyeol just happened to be walking beside Kai by the time. Sorry if it got you confused. Should I make them be in the same class though? Will be fun probably :b
platypusgirl14 #10
It would defiantly be fun to watch Kai get frustrated watching kris and hyorin get closer. Nothing can beat a good love tringle in romantic fiction. But, as for who she ends up with I'm not sure. All I know is it will be nice to watch her develope in to a more open, confident, and aware person. Hope you have fun writing!!!!! <3